How to execute custom script when installing nuget package? - powershell

I created this project, for working it needs the user to do 2 things : create the appropriate folders and edit the csproj so the file inside those folders are embedded.
Before we could do that automaticly when installing with install.ps1 but this feature has been deprecated. Do you know any way how I could do this ?

install.ps1 isn't exactly deprecated, but it's a feature unique to packages.config. PackageReference has no concept of install as anyone can simply edit the csproj and add a PackageReference. When you restore, NuGet has no way of knowing if this is the first time the package is restored for the project after the reference was added, or if it's just the first time the project was restored with a clean repo (after a "msbuild /t:clean" or "git clone", for example).
I don't know an alternative for creating the folders other than having documentation that says the convention is to use that folder name. But, an alternative to modifying the csproj is to take advantage of the fact that MSBuild is a generic build system and NuGet packages can include MSBuild props and targets file.
In your specific case, I would create a props file that defines a property something like <RemiBouCosmosDBMigrationPath>CosmosDB\Migrations\</RemiBouCosmosDBMigrationPath>, which allows your package users to change the property to a different path be overwriting the property value in their csproj, if they prefer.
Then create a targets file which contains a target something like
<Target name="RemiBouCosmosDBMigrationsEmbedMigrations" BeforeTargets="???">
<EmbeddedResource Include="$(RemiBouCosmosDBMigrationPath)**\*.js" />
You'll need to figure out what the best target name to put in the BeforeTargets attribute, but I hope you understand the idea. A csproj file is nothing more than a MSBuild file with certain conventions. MSBuild files can import other MSBuild files, and MSBuild and NuGet work together to allow MSBuild to import MSBuild files that come from restored packages. Just compose the MSBuild properties and items in a different way, and the end result can still be the same.


What is nuget props file and what is it for?

I have looked around and read a lot but couldn't find a definitive answer that would explain as to what the "nuget.props" file is and what is it used for.
Any explanation and maybe with some example?
Starting with some background information, .NET projects are built with MSBuild. A C# project's .csproj is just a MSBuild project file with a file extension that signals by convention that it's C# and not some other language, but to MSBuild it's just a project file. MSBuild has only a few base types, properties, items, targets and tasks. By convention, properties and items go in files with extension .props, while tasks and targets go in files ending in .targets. That's why if you look at old-style csproj files you'll see <Import Project="path\to\Microsoft.Common.CSharp.props" /> and <Import Project="path\to\Microsoft.Common.CSharp.targets" />. New, SDK style projects is basically syntactic sugar to do exactly the same thing.
Next, the MSBuild and .NET teams made the build system extensible. So, rather than being limited to what Microsoft built into the C# compiler/build system, you can replace parts of the build system, or add additional things into it. Without NuGet, the way to do this is to create your own .props and .targets file somewhere, then edit your .csproj and add <Import ... /> statements. This can work fine if your props and targets are in the same source code repository as what's using it, but editing your csproj and hardcoding the path to the props and targets files doesn't work so well otherwise.
NuGet can help with this. If you create a package with the appropriate conventions, NuGet will make sure the props and targets are discovered and used in the build. With projects using packages.config, NuGet will edit the csproj for you on install/upgrade/uninstall. Projects using PackageReference, NuGet will write a file to the intermediate directory (obj/ folder) named nuget.g.props and nuget.g.targets, which imports all the props and targets files from all the referenced NuGet packages, and the build system uses these files.
The first example I could think of why someone would want to do this is if you want to use a newer version of the .NET compiler than is installed on your system. Simply reference the Microsoft.Net.Compilers package, and the .props and .targets in the package will replace the compile targets/tasks in the system-installed build system, and use the one from the package instead. This allows you to use new language features before the compiler is installed on your system, or if you want to make sure all builds of your code use the same compiler, even if different developers or CI agents have different versions of things installed.
Another example may be pre-compiled scripts. If you have your own scripting language, create build tools that converts them into C# files, then write MSBuild props and targets that will run before the "real build" to convert your custom language into C#, save the generated .cs files into the intermediate folder, add MSBuild Compile items for these generated files, then the C# compiler will compile it with all the other .cs files in the project. You'll need a reasonable amount of knowledge of MSBuild and the .NET build system, but it's possible.

Nesting files in Nuget package without PowerShell

The title says it all. I have files that I want to nest during the installation of a NuGet package but can't use PowerShell scripts since they won't be run any longer (see here).
Are there any other ways to achieve this goal?
UPDATE: By nested I mean like *.resx and *.Designer.cs or *.xaml and code-behind files *.xaml.cs. I know I can achieve that by adding a <DependentUpon> element in the *.csproj file but I don't know how I can add that element without using PowerShell.
UPDATE2: init.ps1 runs the first time a package is installed in a solution. That won't cut it though. I would need the script to run when the package is installed into a project just like install.ps1 was run up to NuGet3.
UPDATE3: What I want to do is to add 3 files into the Properties folder of the target projects (Resources.resx, and Resources.Designer.cs). They are a replacement for the usual resources implementation. These files are installed by the nuget package when it is added to the project.
This is the part of the *.nuspec file that adds them to the Content folder of the package. As only one of them is actually content (the others being an Embedded Resource and Compile respectively) it would be nice to be able to set their build actions accordingly but one step at a time.
<file src="Properties\Resources.resx" target="content\Properties\Resources.resx" />
<file src="Properties\" target="content\Properties\" />
<file src="Properties\Resources.Designer.cs" target="content\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs" />
As these files are added to the projects I want the nesting inside the *.csproj file and not happen via a separate *.props file if that is somehow possible.
Packages can add MSBuild items like this to a project by using a .props file in the package. It would contain the same content that you would put into the .csproj file.
The down side of this is that the content cannot be modified by the user. If you need to modify the user's actual project file and copy content to the project folder you would have to include a .targets file in your package and set BeforeTargets="Build" on your target. This would give you a chance to run before build and make changes as needed.
The build folder works for both packages.config and PackageReference (NETCore SDK) projects. You can find more out about it here:

How to Exclude a T4 Template from a NuGet Package

I'm creating a NuGet package the provides a client for my WebAPI project by reflecting over the ApiControllers and creating classes for each one with methods that correspond to the actions defined on the controller. Unfortunately the .tt file is being included in the content folder when I run nuget.exe pack Client.csproj. I've tried creating a .nuspec file with a <files> directive, but I can't seem to exclude the file by itself. Does anyone know how to force the package to exclude the T4 template?
The project structure is roughly:
namespace Client
class UserService
And I'd like a NuGet package like:
namespace Client
class UserService
But I'm getting something like this:
namespace Client
class UserService
NuGet.exe Pack Client.csproj -Exclude **/*.tt
In my case the problem was inside csproj file, I had to fix
<Content Include="SomeFile.txt" />
<None Include="SomeFile.txt" />
Turns out the easy solution is to use the -Exclude option when creating the package via the command line.
NuGet.exe Pack Client.csproj -Exclude *.tt
The new package will look exactly as specified in the question.
If you are using Azure DevOps, I tried for a long time either trying using a custom nuget pack command with the -exclude, which did not work, or tried adding a .nuspec file and excluding the content from there. However, nothing worked.
How I fixed it in our project is clicking on each .tt file and setting the "Build Action" from "Content" to "None". It didn't seem to have an affect on the project in any way.
Maybe someone has a better solution, but I struggled with it for 1-2 days until I decided to screw it and just change the build action.
To build on #Baur's answer you can set this:
<None Include="" />
From the IDE, by right clicking the files and going to properties.
Click the BuildAction Property
Set it to None

Automated injection of props/targets files not working for native C++ project

I am using automatic package restore in NuGet v2.8.50506.491 with Visual Studio 2013.
I have added a build folder to my package with a {package ID}.props file. However, the file is apparently not being injected into the vcxproj at restore time. The package and all its content are being restored correctly but none of the definitions are visible in vcxproj properties. This may be expected if property injection occurs in memory, but the build fails due to paths that are clearly defined in the props not having been inherited.
If I add an explicit reference to the props file in my local packages repository, the project builds successfully, therefore there is no issue with the paths in props file.
I have also tried adding the props within a "native" subfolder under build, also to no avail.
An extract from the nuspec:
<file src="build\MyPackage.targets" target="build\MyPackage.targets" />
I have also tried a targets file instead of/as well as a props file, but this does not work either.
I should add that I have defined Nuget.config in the sln folder, with an absolute path to my packages repository:
<add key="repositoryPath" value="C:\Packages" />
I was having this problem today, and eventually I realized that the names of my .nuspec and .targets files were different than the id of my package, which is apparently a problem. Renaming the .nuspec and .targets files to match the package id made NuGet start injecting into the vcxproj correctly. I'm not sure which of the two files was the problem, or if it was both, but it's working correctly now that all three names match.
Injection of .targets and .props file references happens only at the time when you install the NuGet package. This is the same as with .NET projects where assembly references are created only at package install time.
Later when you build the project the package restore mechanism merely downloads and extracts the NuGet package so that the previously "dangling" .target / .props / assembly references become valid references.

NuGet Restore Fails when dependency adds a .targets import to the .csproj

I ran into an issue recently with NuGet restore. I added a project dependency (in this case PostSharp) and then enabled restore. I checked in the source, but not the /packages directory (as I shouldn't needed to....right!). When TeamCity or another developer grabs the source and runs MsBuild, they receive the following error:
C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\e374975c0264c72e\ProjectName\ProjectName.csproj(70, 3): error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\e374975c0264c72e\packages\PostSharp.\tools\PostSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
The problem is, NuGet hasn't run yet to restore/download PostSharp or it's .targets file. This feels like a NuGet bug to me, but wanted to see if others have this same issue.
Anybody have this issue or know the resolution. Yes, I could check-in the /packages directory, but then why use NuGet at all?
Another approach is to modify the <Import> element in question, to make it conditional, e.g.:
<Import Project="$(CodeAssassinTargets)" Condition="Exists($(CodeAssassinTargets))" />
This depends on a new property defined in an earlier <PropertyGroup>. I usually add one at the top of csproj file with other "global" flags, e.g.:
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
Then in an appropriate target, like BeforeBuild, give a helpful error message:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Error Text="CodeAssassin.ConfigTransforms target is missing. It needs to exist at $(CodeAssassinTargets) in order to build this project!" Condition="!Exists($(CodeAssassinTargets))" />
With these modifications, the project will load even if the nuget package restore has never been done. If auto package restore is enabled, the first build attempt should clear up the missing target issue, but if it does not, one manual package restore will.
#porterhouse91, have you checked your csproj file to make sure it has been set up with the appropriate build target?
I haven't yet tried the new built-in Package Restore feature, but I'm assuming it works at least somewhat like the previous workflows out there on the interwebs. If that's the case, enabling Package Restore in your solution only affects the projects in your solution at the time you enable it. If you've added a new project (having NuGet dependencies) to the solution since enabling Package Restore, you're gonna need to enable it again.
Another possibility: the previous workflows involved having a .nuget folder that you needed to check in to VCS, so you might need to check that in if it hasn't been checked in yet (if the built-in Package Restore feature does indeed use this approach).
BTW, if this answer is at all helpful, thank Stephen Ritchie -- he asked me to give it a shot for you.
I had a problem like this as well, but I was able to modify the .targets file in the source package to work around it. Basically, RestorePackages is a build target that runs when the project is built. Unfortunately, the package won't even load properly before the imports are satisfied. The only way I know to fix this is to include the .targets file as content and then change the BuildDependsOn property so it restores the packages before it runs your custom tasks.
<BuildDependsOn Condition="$(BuildDependsOn.Contains('RestorePackages'))">
<BuildDependsOn Condition="!$(BuildDependsOn.Contains('RestorePackages'))">
To be clear, this doesn't help with pre-built packages, but if you can build the package again yourself, you can fix it.
I ran into this same issue with Visual Studio 2012 and NuGet packages not checked into source control.
The error:
The imported project "\packages\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.7\tools\Microsoft.Bcl.Build.targets" was not found.
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
I found a msdn writeup on the situation that gave the following workarounds for grabbing a project from source control without the NuGet packages.
Stop using package restore and check-in all package files
Explicitly run package restore before building the project
Check-in the .targets files
I decided to go with option #2, however, NuGet currently (v2.6) does not include a way to install all packges from the packages.config file from within visual studio. Some searching revealed that you need to use the NuGet Command Line to execute the following command before opening Visual Studio (reference).
c:\path\to\nuget.exe install -o packages project-folder\packages.config