I'm creating EKS cluster and VPC via cloudformation. My VPC have four subnets and from that, I am giving two subnets to EKS cluster. But after giving two subnets It is giving error Subnets specified must be in at least two different AZs (Service: AmazonEKS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterException where I already have given two subnets. When I give three subnets it creates EKS successfully.
I EKS cluster is of 3 node. I tried to create of 2 node also but it not worked.
My VPC info.
As per docs, you must select different subnets which belong to different AZs. So you need to update your VPC configuration.
When you create an Amazon EKS cluster, you specify the Amazon VPC subnets for your cluster to use. Amazon EKS requires subnets in at least two Availability Zones
When you select subnets for EKS, in the options, next to the subnets you see letters- a,b,c etc. Choose unique letters of the same subnet and you should be good to go.
Currently, Openshift 4 is deployed in AWS, and my pod is deployed in one of the worker nodes and this is one security group.
Redis cluster is installed in another security group, and I need to access this cluster private IP's inside my container
Please share any references, how we can achieve this.
openshift cluster and redis cluster were in different VPC, VPC peering was required to communicate with the private IP and we need to update the route tables.
When I try to install metrics server on EKS Fargate cluster, it is throwing error:
0/4 nodes are available: 4 Insufficient pods.
Following instructions from here to install metrics server: http://arun-gupta.github.io/hpa-app-metrics/
Can someone tell me why this error is throwing up?
when i make additional deployment, it is allocating new pods and working fine. but it is showing this error when metrics are installed by following instructions in the above link
From the AWS Fargate docs here
Fargate profiles support specifying subnets from VPC secondary CIDR blocks. You may want to specify a secondary CIDR block because there are a limited number of IP addresses available in a subnet. As a result, there are a limited number of pods that can be created in the cluster. Using different subnets for pods allows you to increase the number of available IP addresses. For more information, see Adding IPv4 CIDR blocks to a VPC.
I have my Redshift cluster deployed in a VPC inside private subnets . I need to allow an IP address to access the cluster from outside the VPC . To add that IP as a whitelist and access the cluster I tried the below .
Created an inbound rule in the security group which is attached to the redshift cluster . Added the ip-address/32 as source , port 5439 , protocol tcp , type redshift.
Added the redshift cluster in the public subnet .
I did check in https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=134301 . He faced the same issue too .
The steps I tried didn't work . Appreciate any suggestion which can make that IP address to access the cluster.
Thanks in advance.
As the second step you did, I assume you've already put the Redshift cluster to public subnet in your VPC, then make sure your networkACL allows ingress port 5439 and egress ephemeral ports.
I think you need to make your redshift cluster "publicly accessible".
After that, just modify your associated VPC security group to allow access from specific IP addresses, and you should be able to connect to the cluster from outside the VP.
AWS forum
AWS documentation
If the IP address which is outside the VPC of Redshift is in your AWS account, or in an other account; the VPC peering between two VPC can be an option.
If you peer two VPCs; one with Redshift and the other is the VPC of the other IP address, then it is possible two enable network traffic between two
You should enable traffic by routing tables entries for new IP ranges too.
And the security group entries should be added into Redshift's Inbound rules
I am having a situation where my MongoDB in running on a separate ec2 instance and my app is running inside a kubernetes cluster created by kops. Now I want to access the DB from the app running inside k8s.
For this, I tried VPC peering between k8s VPC and ec2 instance' VPC. I tried setting requester VPC as k8s VPC and acceptor VPC as instance' VPC. After that, I've also added an ingress rule in ec2 instance' security group for allowing access from k8s cluster's security group on port 27017.
But, when I ssh'd into the k8s node and tried with telnet, the connection failed.
Is there anything incorrect in the procedure? Is there any better way to handle this?
CIDR blocks:
MongoDB VPC -
What are the CIDR blocks of the two VPCs? They mustn't overlap. In addition, you need to make sure that communication is allowed to travel both ways when modifying the security groups. That is, in addition to modifying your MongoDB VPC to allow inbound traffic from the K8s VPC, you need to make sure the K8s VPC allows inbound traffic from the MongDB VPC.
First , this does not seems to be kubernetes issue.
Make sure you have the proper route from kubernetes to mongodb node and vice versa
Make sure the required ports are open in security groups of VPCs
Allow inbound traffic from kubernetes vpc to monogdb vpc
Allow inbound traffic from mongodb vpc to kubernetes vpc
Make sure the namespace security allows the inbound and bound traffic
I am trying to further understand what exactly is happening when I provision a private cluster in Google's Kubernetes Engine.
Google provides this example here of provisioning a private cluster where the control plane services (e.g. Kubernetes API) live on the subnet.
gcloud beta container clusters create pr-clust-1 \
--private-cluster \
--master-ipv4-cidr \
--enable-ip-alias \
--create-subnetwork ""
When I run this command, I see that:
I now have a few gke subnets in my VPC belong to the cluster subnets for nodes and services. These are in the 10.x.x.x/8 range.
I don't have any subnets in the 172.16/16 address space.
I do have some new pairing rules and routes that seem to be related. For example, there is a new route peering-route-a08d11779e9a3276 with a destination address range of and next hop gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-3230-peer. This peering role then points to gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net
gcloud compute networks subnets list | grep us-west1
default us-west1 default
gke-insti3-subnet-62d565a0 us-west1 default
gcloud compute networks peerings list
gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-3230-peer default gke-prod-us-west1-a-4180 gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net True ACTIVE [2018-08-23T16:42:31.351-07:00]: Connected.
Is gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net a peered VPC in which the Kubernetes management endpoints live (the control plane stuff in the 172.16/16 range) that Google is managing for the GKE service?
Further - how are my requests making it to the Kubernetes API server?
The Private Cluster feature of GKE depends on the Alias IP Ranges feature of VPC networking, so there are multiple things happening when you create a private cluster:
The --enable-ip-alias flag tells GKE to use a subnetwork that has two secondary IP ranges: one for pods and one for services. This allows the VPC network to understand all the IP addresses in your cluster and route traffic appropriately.
The --create-subnetwork flag tells GKE to create a new subnetwork (gke-insti3-subnet-62d565a0 in your case) and choose its primary and secondary ranges automatically. Note that you could instead choose the secondary ranges yourself with --cluster-ipv4-cidr and --services-ipv4-cidr. Or you could even create the subnetwork yourself and tell GKE to use it with the flags --subnetwork, --cluster-secondary-range-name, and --services-secondary-range-name.
The --private-cluster flag tells GKE to create a new VPC network (gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net in your case) in a Google-owned project and connect it to your VPC network using VPC Network Peering. The Kubernetes management endpoints live in the range you specify with --master-ipv4-cidr ( in your case). An Internal Load Balancer is also created in the Google-owned project and this is what your worker nodes communicate with. This ILB allows traffic to be load-balanced across multiple VMs in the case of a Regional Cluster. You can find this internal IP address as the privateEndpoint field in the output of gcloud beta container clusters describe. The important thing to understand is that all communication between master VMs and worker node VMs happens over internal IP addresses, thanks to the VPC peering between the two networks.
Your private cluster also has an external IP address, which you can find as the endpoint field in the output of gcloud beta container clusters describe. This is not used by the worker nodes, but is typically used by customers to manage their cluster remotely, e.g., using kubectl.
You can use the Master Authorized Networks feature to restrict which IP ranges (both internal and external) have access to the management endpoints. This feature is strongly recommended for private clusters, and is enabled by default when you create the cluster using the gcloud CLI.
Hope this helps!