Understanding --master-ipv4-cidr when provisioning private GKE clusters - kubernetes

I am trying to further understand what exactly is happening when I provision a private cluster in Google's Kubernetes Engine.
Google provides this example here of provisioning a private cluster where the control plane services (e.g. Kubernetes API) live on the subnet.
gcloud beta container clusters create pr-clust-1 \
--private-cluster \
--master-ipv4-cidr \
--enable-ip-alias \
--create-subnetwork ""
When I run this command, I see that:
I now have a few gke subnets in my VPC belong to the cluster subnets for nodes and services. These are in the 10.x.x.x/8 range.
I don't have any subnets in the 172.16/16 address space.
I do have some new pairing rules and routes that seem to be related. For example, there is a new route peering-route-a08d11779e9a3276 with a destination address range of and next hop gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-3230-peer. This peering role then points to gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net
gcloud compute networks subnets list | grep us-west1
default us-west1 default
gke-insti3-subnet-62d565a0 us-west1 default
gcloud compute networks peerings list
gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-3230-peer default gke-prod-us-west1-a-4180 gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net True ACTIVE [2018-08-23T16:42:31.351-07:00]: Connected.
Is gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net a peered VPC in which the Kubernetes management endpoints live (the control plane stuff in the 172.16/16 range) that Google is managing for the GKE service?
Further - how are my requests making it to the Kubernetes API server?

The Private Cluster feature of GKE depends on the Alias IP Ranges feature of VPC networking, so there are multiple things happening when you create a private cluster:
The --enable-ip-alias flag tells GKE to use a subnetwork that has two secondary IP ranges: one for pods and one for services. This allows the VPC network to understand all the IP addresses in your cluster and route traffic appropriately.
The --create-subnetwork flag tells GKE to create a new subnetwork (gke-insti3-subnet-62d565a0 in your case) and choose its primary and secondary ranges automatically. Note that you could instead choose the secondary ranges yourself with --cluster-ipv4-cidr and --services-ipv4-cidr. Or you could even create the subnetwork yourself and tell GKE to use it with the flags --subnetwork, --cluster-secondary-range-name, and --services-secondary-range-name.
The --private-cluster flag tells GKE to create a new VPC network (gke-62d565a060f347e0fba7-3094-bb01-net in your case) in a Google-owned project and connect it to your VPC network using VPC Network Peering. The Kubernetes management endpoints live in the range you specify with --master-ipv4-cidr ( in your case). An Internal Load Balancer is also created in the Google-owned project and this is what your worker nodes communicate with. This ILB allows traffic to be load-balanced across multiple VMs in the case of a Regional Cluster. You can find this internal IP address as the privateEndpoint field in the output of gcloud beta container clusters describe. The important thing to understand is that all communication between master VMs and worker node VMs happens over internal IP addresses, thanks to the VPC peering between the two networks.
Your private cluster also has an external IP address, which you can find as the endpoint field in the output of gcloud beta container clusters describe. This is not used by the worker nodes, but is typically used by customers to manage their cluster remotely, e.g., using kubectl.
You can use the Master Authorized Networks feature to restrict which IP ranges (both internal and external) have access to the management endpoints. This feature is strongly recommended for private clusters, and is enabled by default when you create the cluster using the gcloud CLI.
Hope this helps!


Is it insecure to publish GKE node IP addresses to the internet?

I want to publish my node IPs to an open endpoint so my IDS-System can whitelist all cluster node IPs.
I just want to double check if you see any risk in doing so?
I guess the nodes should be safe by design when I use GKE.
Normally there is only one Loadbalancer IP on which the DNS points to.
So with ping command I can only get the Loadbalancer IP.
Is there a way to get the node ips as an attacker anyway?
Do you see a big security issue here?
To prioritize high-value cluster security, it is better to secure node IP addresses from accessing over the internet. You should limit exposure of your cluster control plane and nodes to the internet.
To disable direct internet access to nodes, specify the gcloud tool option --enable-private-nodes at cluster creation.This tells GKE to provision nodes with internal IP addresses, which means the nodes aren't directly reachable over the public internet.
If the endpoint is trusted & secure then we can whitelist.
Until and unless there are no ports to open that endpoint it’s ok to whitelist.
Refer Restrict network access to the control plane and nodes for information.
You can also use Shielded GKE nodes which provides strong, verifiable node identity and integrity to increase the security of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) nodes.
Refer Using Shielded GKE nodes for information.

Access private IP of different security group inside the Openshift cluster

Currently, Openshift 4 is deployed in AWS, and my pod is deployed in one of the worker nodes and this is one security group.
Redis cluster is installed in another security group, and I need to access this cluster private IP's inside my container
Please share any references, how we can achieve this.
openshift cluster and redis cluster were in different VPC, VPC peering was required to communicate with the private IP and we need to update the route tables.

Unable to access Kubernetes service from one cluster to another (over VPC peerng)

I'm wondering if anyone can help with my issue, here's the setup:
We have 2 separate kubernetes clusters in GKE, running on v1.17, and they each sit in a separate project
We have set up VPC peering between the two projects
On cluster 1, we have 'service1' which is exposed by an internal HTTPS load balancer, we don't want this to be public
On cluster 2, we intend on being able to access 'service1' via the internal load balancer, and it should do this over the VPC peering connection between the two projects
Here's the issue:
When I'm connected via SSH on a GKE node on cluster 2, I can successfully run a curl request to access https://service1.domain.com running on cluster 1, and get the expected response, so traffic is definitely routing from cluster 2 > cluster 1. However, when I'm running the same curl command from a POD, running on a GKE node, the same curl request times out.
I have run as much troubleshooting as I can including telnet, traceroute etc and I'm really stuck why this might be. If anyone can shed light on the difference here that would be great.
I did wonder whether pod networking is somehow forwarding traffic over the clusters public IP rather than over the VPC peering connection.
So it seems you're not using a "VPC-native" cluster and what you need is "IP masquerading".
From this document:
"A GKE cluster uses IP masquerading so that destinations outside of the cluster only receive packets from node IP addresses instead of Pod IP addresses. This is useful in environments that expect to only receive packets from node IP addresses."
You can use ip-masq-agent or k8s-custom-iptables. After this, it will work since it will be like you're making a call from node, not inside of pod.
As mentioned in one of the answers IP aliases (VPC-native) should work out of the box. If using a route based GKE cluster rather than VPC-native you would need to use custom routes.
As per this document
By default, VPC Network Peering with GKE is supported when used with
IP aliases. If you don't use IP aliases, you can export custom routes
so that GKE containers are reachable from peered networks.
This is also explained in this document
If you have GKE clusters without VPC native addressing, you might have
multiple static routes to direct traffic to VM instances that are
hosting your containers. You can export these static routes so that
the containers are reachable from peered networks.
The problem your facing seems similar to the one mentioned in this SO question, perhaps your pods are using IPs outside of the VPC range and for that reason cannot access the peered VPC?
UPDATE: In Google cloud, I tried to access the service from another cluster which had VPC native networking enabled, which I believe allows pods to use the VPC routing and possibly the internal IPs.
Problem solved :-)

How to make cluster nodes private on Google Kubernetes Engine?

I noticed every node in a cluster has an external IP assigned to it. That seems to be the default behavior of Google Kubernetes Engine.
I thought the nodes in my cluster should be reachable from the local network only (through its virtual IPs), but I could even connect directly to a mongo server running on a pod from my home computer just by connecting to its hosting node (without using a LoadBalancer).
I tried to make Container Engine not to assign external IPs to newly created nodes by changing the cluster instance template settings (changing property "External IP" from "Ephemeral" to "None"). But after I did that GCE was not able to start any pods (Got "Does not have minimum availability" error). The new instances did not even show in the list of nodes in my cluster.
After switching back to the default instance template with external IP everything went fine again. So it seems for some reason Google Kubernetes Engine requires cluster nodes to be public.
Could you explain why is that and whether there is a way to prevent GKE exposing cluster nodes to the Internet? Should I set up a firewall? What rules should I use (since nodes are dynamically created)?
I think Google not allowing private nodes is kind of a security issue... Suppose someone discovers a security hole on a database management system. We'd feel much more comfortable to work on fixing that (applying patches, upgrading versions) if our database nodes are not exposed to the Internet.
GKE recently added a new feature allowing you to create private clusters, which are clusters where nodes do not have public IP addresses.
This is how GKE is designed and there is no way around it that I am aware of. There is no harm in running kubernetes nodes with public IPs, and if these are the IPs used for communication between nodes you can not avoid it.
As for your security concern, if you run that example DB on kubernetes, even if you go for public IP it would not be accessible, as this would be only on the internal pod-to-pod networking, not the nodes them selves.
As described in this article, you can use network tags to identify which GCE VMs or GKE clusters are subject to certain firewall rules and network routes.
For example, if you've created a firewall rule to allow traffic to port 27017, 27018, 27019, which are the default TCP ports used by MongoDB, give the desired instances a tag and then use that tag to apply the firewall rule that allows those ports access to those instances.
Also, it is possible to create GKE cluster with applying the GCE tags on all nodes in the new node pool, so the tags can be used in firewall rules to allow/deny desired/undesired traffic to the nodes. This is described in this article under --tags flag.
Kubernetes Master is running outside your network and it needs to access your nodes. This could the the reason for having public IPs.
When you create your cluster, there are some firewall rules created automatically. These are required by the cluster, and there's e.g. ingress from master and traffic between the cluster nodes.
Network 'default' in GCP has readymade firewall rules in place. These enable all SSH and RDP traffic from internet and enable pinging of your machines. These you can remove without affecting the cluster and your nodes are not visible anymore.

How to specify region for loadBalancer in GCE Kubernetes

When trying to expose a load balancer using kubectl expose --type="loadBalancer", the IPs are defaulting to the Global region despite specifying the desired region and zone for the GCE cluster (us-central in this case). I am thus running into quota limitations for Global when I have plenty of free IPs in us-central (the IN_USE_ADDRESSES exceeded error)
How can I specify that I want the load balancer to use an IP address in the us-central1 range.
Additionally, I can find no way of listing the currently used Global IP addresses and what services are using them. I can only see that I'm using all available ones in Global.
If you simply expose, you get an ephemeral ip allocated to your forwarding rule, and it shows up in:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
If you want a static ip, you can allocate one in the same region as the cluster:
gcloud compute addresses create test-us-central --region us-central1
And expose the loadbalancer giving it that ip:
kubectl expose $RC-NAME --type=LoadBalancer --load-balancer-ip=$IP
You can't allocate an ip in another region with Services of type=LoadBalancer. Meaning:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create $NAME --address $ADDRESS --target-pool $TARGET-POOL --region $REGION
$REGION needs to match the region where the vms in $TARGET-POOL are, and $ADDRESS must be from that region too.
If you want to use an ip from another region, you need to setup a new cluster in that region, or make use of the multi-region federation cluster (alpha in 1.4). Note that you can federate a multi-zone cluster, and that exists within a single region (http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/federation/).
It looks like load balancers must be global to talk across regions/zones. The issue was it seems when tearing down a cluster, the load balancers are retained in the Networking section of the cloud console. You have to go in and delete those separately to prevent more and more unused load balancers from being created.