PowerShell Modify cmdlet in function - powershell

I want to create a Function to run couple of cmdlets.
For Example:
Test-AcctDBConnection -DBConnection $CTXDBString
Test-AdminDBConnection -DBConnection $CTXDBString
All Commands are basicly the same. Just modified after Test-$someParam
I want to create a simple function like this
function CTX-Check {
Write-Host $Check_Service
try {
Test-$Check_Service -DBConnection $CTXDBString
} catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $_.Exception.Message
Some Ideas to solve this issue? If I do the same with Set-$someParam that works fine.

If all of your commands take the same parameters, you can do something like this:
function Test-Citrix {
foreach ($cmd in (Get-Command -Verb Test | ? Source -like Citrix*)) {
& $cmd.Definition #PSBoundParameters
Note: this will only work with functions, not cmdlets to my knowledge. There are some extra steps involved there.


Passing bool parameters to my script always results in the same output

So I'm working on a script and I would like to add an optional parameter. For some reason it doesn't work the way I thought it should, so clearly I'm not getting something here.
I tried 2 methods:
Method 1
function Thing {
param (
if ($StartThing -eq $true) {
Write-Host "Thing started" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Thing didn't start" -ForegroundColor Red
Then, I'm running: .\test.ps1 -StartThing $true
The output I'm getting is always Thing didn't start. No matter what value I pass in.
Method 2
I tried using switch instead in this form:
function Thing {
param (
[switch] $StartThing
switch ($StartThing) {
$true { Write-Host "Thing started" -ForegroundColor Green }
Default { Write-Host "Thing didn't start" -ForegroundColor Red }
Thing -StartThing
This one doesn't work for me either. When I run .\test.ps1 -StartThing the output is always Thing started. I tried adding $true or $false inputs but the output is the same no matter what.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Any help would be great :)
StartThing is not being passed to your function. You always run is without any params (example from method 1, for method 2 the issue is similar):
If you want to run the file in the form provided, you need to add param block to the script file itself.
NOTE: Only relevant parts of code were added, I haven't changed the working parts. Please see Olaf's helpful answer to improve the script even better:
# Param block for script
param (
function Thing {
param (
if ($StartThing -eq $true) {
Write-Host "Thing started" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Thing didn't start" -ForegroundColor Red
# Function runs with the parameter provided
Thing -StartThing $StartThing
This might clear it up a little:
function Thing {
param (
[switch] $StartThing
if ($StartThing) {
"You provided the parameter 'StartThing'"
else {
"You did not provide the parameter 'StartThing'"
Now you simply run your function with
Thing -StartThing
And the result would be:
You provided the parameter 'StartThing'

How to pass $_ ($PSItem) in a ScriptBlock

I'm basically building my own parallel foreach pipeline function, using runspaces.
My problem is: I call my function like this:
somePipeline | MyNewForeachFunction { scriptBlockHere } | pipelineGoesOn...
How can I pass the $_ parameter correctly into the ScriptBlock? It works when the ScriptBlock contains as first line
But as you might have noticed, the powershell built-in ForEach-Object and Where-Object do not need such a parameter declaration in every ScriptBlock that is passed to them.
Thanks for your answers in advance
The goal is: I want comfort for the users of function MyNewForeachFunction - they shoudln't need to write a line param($_) in their script blocks.
Inside MyNewForeachFunction, The ScriptBlock is currently called via
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddParameter('_', $_)
The point is, how does for example the implementation of the built-in function ForEach-Object achieve that $_ need't be declared as a parameter in its ScriptBlock parameter, and can I use that functionality, too?
(If the answer is, ForEach-Object is a built-in function and uses some magic I can't use, then this would disqualify the language PowerShell as a whole in my opinion)
Thanks to mklement0, I could finally build my general foreach loop. Here's the code:
function ForEachParallel {
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int] $PoolSize = 20,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $PipelineObject
Begin {
$RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $poolSize)
$Runspaces = #()
Process {
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create().
AddCommand('Set-Variable').AddParameter('Name', '_').AddParameter('Value', $PipelineObject).
AddCommand('Set-Variable').AddParameter('Name', 'ErrorActionPreference').AddParameter('Value', 'Stop').
$PSInstance.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$Runspaces += New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Instance = $PSInstance
IAResult = $PSInstance.BeginInvoke()
Argument = $PipelineObject
End {
while($True) {
$completedRunspaces = #($Runspaces | where {$_.IAResult.IsCompleted})
$completedRunspaces | foreach {
Write-Output $_.Instance.EndInvoke($_.IAResult)
if($completedRunspaces.Count -eq $Runspaces.Count) {
$Runspaces = #($Runspaces | where { $completedRunspaces -notcontains $_ })
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
Code partly from MathiasR.Jessen, Why PowerShell workflow is significantly slower than non-workflow script for XML file analysis
The key is to define $_ as a variable that your script block can see, via a call to Set-Variable.
Here's a simple example:
function MyNewForeachFunction {
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
process {
$PSInstance = [powershell]::Create()
# Add a call to define $_ based on the current pipeline input object
$null = $PSInstance.
AddParameter('Name', '_').
AddParameter('Value', $InputObject).
# Invoke with sample values.
1, (Get-Date) | MyNewForeachFunction { "[$_]" }
The above yields something like:
[10/26/2018 00:17:37]
What I think you're looking for (and what I was looking for) is to support a "delay-bind" script block, supported in PowerShell 5.1+. The Microsoft documentation tells a bit about what's required, but doesn't provide any user-script examples (currently).
The gist is that PowerShell will implicitly detect that your function can accept a delay-bind script block if it defines an explicitly typed pipeline parameter (either by Value or by PropertyName), as long as it's not of type [scriptblock] or type [object].
function Test-DelayedBinding {
# this is our typed pipeline parameter
# per doc this cannot be of type [scriptblock] or [object],
# but testing shows that type [object] may be permitted
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)][string]$string,
# this is our scriptblock parameter
Process {
if (&$filter $string) {
Write-Output $string
# sample invocation
>'foo', 'fi', 'foofoo', 'fib' | Test-DelayedBinding { return $_ -match 'foo' }
Note that the delay-bind will only be applied if input is piped into the function, and that the script block must use named parameters (not $args) if additional parameters are desired.
The frustrating part is that there is no way to explicitly specify that delay-bind should be used, and errors resulting from incorrectly structuring your function may be non-obvious.
Maybe this can help.
I'd normally run auto-generated jobs in parallel this way:
Get-Job | Remove-Job
foreach ($param in #(3,4,5)) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {param($lag); sleep $lag; Write-Output "slept for $lag seconds" } -ArgumentList #($param)
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
If I understand you correctly, you are trying to get rid of param() inside the scriptblock. You may try to wrap that SB with another one. Below is the workaround for my sample:
Get-Job | Remove-Job
#scriptblock with no parameter
$job = { sleep $lag; Write-Output "slept for $lag seconds" }
foreach ($param in #(3,4,5)) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {param($param, $job)
$lag = $param
$script = [string]$job
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($script))
} -ArgumentList #($param, $job)
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
# I was looking for an easy way to do this in a scripted function,
# and the below worked for me in PSVersion 5.1.17134.590
function Test-ScriptBlock {
$_ = $Value
& $FilterScript
Test-ScriptBlock -Value 'unimportant/long/path/to/foo.bar' -FilterScript { [Regex]::Replace($_,'unimportant/','') }

How to change output type based on parameter

I have a function (several actually) that write output (using Write-Output). Today, the functions all rely on a having a $logpath defined and they output to a text file. In the fewest lines possible, I would like to configure the option to output to the screen if the user wants to (or if $logpath is not specified).
The code below doesn't work, but is an example of what I have in mind. What's the best way to achieve my goal?
Function Do-Stuff {
Param (
If ($OutputType -eq 'Host') {
$out = 'Write-Host'
Else {
$out = 'Out-File -FilePath C:\test\log.txt -Append'
Write-Output ("You are inside the Do-Stuff function.") | $out
The simplest way to output something to the user and to a file is obviously Tee-Object. However, that will always create output both ways, so it's not really configurable the way you want.
I would argue that the best way to go about this is to replace your $out variable with an actual logging function that reads input from the pipeline.
function Write-Log {
You can control output for instance by checking if a logfile is defined in a (script-)global variable:
if ($script:Logfile) {
$Message | Add-Content $script:Logfile
} else {
Write-Host $Message
or make each output method depend on a different variable:
if ($script:Logfile) {
$Message | Add-Content $script:Logfile
if ($script:WriteToConsole) {
Write-Host $Message
You could also use additional parameters on the function:
function Write-Log {
[string]Logfile = './default.log',
or any combination of the above.
For logging I'd probably prefer global variables, though. That way you can define all your logging settings in one place at the top of your script (even make the values depend on script parameters) and simply use
... | Write-Log
indiscriminately whereever you want something logged in your code.
Also, whenever you need to change something about the way your logging works, you just need to modify the Write-Log function without having to touch the rest of the code.
Function Do-Stuff {
Param (
$message = Write-Output ("The function is doing stuff.")
If ($WriteHost -or ($logPath -eq $null)) {Write-Host $message} Else {$message | Out-File -FilePath $logPath -Append}
A bit of an old question, but I couldn't find an answer I liked. The solution I came up with was to override the Out-File cmdlet with a filter.
function Export-Stuff {
param([string] $FilePath)
if (-not $FilePath) { filter Out-File { $_ } }
#('one','two','three') | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath
PS> Export-Stuff
PS> Export-Stuff -FilePath 'output.txt'
PS> Get-Content 'output.txt'

Recursive -Verbose in Powershell

Is there an easy way to make the -Verbose switch "passthrough" to other function calls in Powershell?
I know I can probably search $PSBoundParameters for the flag and do an if statement:
Function Invoke-CustomCommandA {
Write-Verbose "Invoking Custom Command A..."
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose")) {
Invoke-CustomCommandB -Verbose
} else {
Invoke-CustomCommandA -Verbose
It seems rather messy and redundant to do it this way however... Thoughts?
One way is to use $PSDefaultParameters at the top of your advanced function:
$PSDefaultParameterValues = #{"*:Verbose"=($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')}
Then every command you invoke with a -Verbose parameter will have it set depending on whether or not you used -Verbose when you invoked your advanced function.
If you have just a few commands the do this:
$verbose = [bool]$PSBoundParameters["Verbose"]
Invoke-CustomCommandB -Verbose:$verbose
I began using KeithHill's $PSDefaultParameterValues technique in some powershell modules. I ran into some pretty surprising behavior which I'm pretty sure resulted from the effect of scope and $PSDefaultParameterValues being a sort-of global variable. I ended up writing a cmdlet called Get-CommonParameters (alias gcp) and using splat parameters to achieve explicit and terse cascading of -Verbose (and the other common parameters). Here is an example of how that looks:
function f1 {
$cp = &(gcp)
f2 #cp
# ... some other code ...
f2 #cp
function f2 {
Write-Verbose 'This gets output to the Verbose stream.'
f1 -Verbose
The source for cmdlet Get-CommonParameters (alias gcp) is in this github repository.
How about:
$vb = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')
Invoke-CustomCommandB -Verbose:$vb

How to properly use the -verbose and -debug parameters in a custom cmdlet

By default, any named function that has the [CmdletBinding()] attribute accepts the -debug and -verbose (and a few others) parameters and has the predefined $debug and $verbose variables. I'm trying to figure out how to pass them on to other cmdlet's that get called within the function.
Let's say I have a cmdlet like this:
function DoStuff() {
new-item Test -type Directory
If -debug or -verbose was passed into my function, I want to pass that flag into the new-item cmdlet. What's the right pattern for doing this?
$PSBoundParameters isn't what you're looking for. The use of the [CmdletBinding()] attribute allows the usage of $PSCmdlet within your script, in addition to providing a Verbose flag. It is in fact this same Verbose that you're supposed to use.
Through [CmdletBinding()], you can access the bound parameters through $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters. Here's a function that uses CmdletBinding and simply enters a nested prompt immediately in order examine the variables available inside the function scope.
PS D:\> function hi { [CmdletBinding()]param([string] $Salutation) $host.EnterNestedPrompt() }; hi -Salutation Yo -Verbose
PS D:\>>> $PSBoundParameters
PS D:\>>> $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters
Key Value
--- -----
Salutation Yo
Verbose True
So in your example, you would want the following:
function DoStuff `
param ()
new-item Test -type Directory `
-Verbose:($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent -eq $true)
This covers -Verbose, -Verbose:$false, -Verbose:$true, and the case where the switch is not present at all.
Perhaps it sounds strange, but there isn't any easy way for a cmdlet to know its verbose or debug mode. Take a look at the related question:
How does a cmdlet know when it really should call WriteVerbose()?
One not perfect, but practically reasonable, option is to introduce your own cmdlet parameters (for example, $MyVerbose and $MyDebug) and use them in the code explicitly:
function DoStuff {
# Unfortunately, we cannot use Verbose name with CmdletBinding
process {
if ($MyVerbose) {
# Do verbose stuff
# Pass $MyVerbose in the cmdlet explicitly
New-Item Test -Type Directory -Verbose:$MyVerbose
DoStuff -MyVerbose
When we need only a switch (not, say, a verbosity level value) then the approach with $PSBoundParameters is perhaps better than proposed in the first part of this answer (with extra parameters):
function DoStuff {
process {
if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
# Do verbose stuff
New-Item Test -Type Directory -Verbose:($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true)
DoStuff -Verbose
It's all not perfect anyway. If there are better solutions then I would really like to know them myself.
There is no need. PowerShell already does this as the code below proves.
function f { [cmdletbinding()]Param()
"f is called"
Write-Debug Debug
Write-Verbose Verbose
function g { [cmdletbinding()]Param()
"g is called"
g -Debug -Verbose
The output is
g is called
f is called
DEBUG: Debug
VERBOSE: Verbose
It is not done as direct as passing -Debug to the next cmdlet though. It is done through the $DebugPreference and $VerbrosePreference variables. Write-Debug and Write-Verbose act like you would expect, but if you want to do something different with debug or verbose you can read here how to check for yourself.
Here's my solution:
function DoStuff {
param ()
$CMDOUT = #{
Verbose = If ($PSBoundParameters.Verbose -eq $true) { $true } else { $false };
Debug = If ($PSBoundParameters.Debug -eq $true) { $true } else { $false }
New-Item Example -ItemType Directory #CMDOUT
What this does different from the other examples is that it will repsect "-Verbose:$false" or "-Debug:$false". It will only set -Verbose/-Debug to $true if you use the following:
DoStuff -Verbose
DoStuff -Verbose:$true
DoStuff -Debug
DoStuff -Debug:$true
You could build a new hash table based on the bound debug or verbose parameters and then splat it to the internal command. If you're just specifying switches (and aren't passing a false switch, like $debug:$false) you can just check for the existence of debug or verbose:
function DoStuff() {
new-item Test -type Directory #HT
If you want to pass the parameter value it's more complicated, but can be done with:
function DoStuff {
$v,$d = $null
new-item Test -type Directory #HT
The best way to do it is by setting the $VerbosePreference. This will enable the verbose level for the entire script. Do not forget to disable it by the end of the script.
Function test
if ($psBoundParameters['verbose'])
$VerbosePreference = "Continue"
Write-Verbose " Verbose mode is on"
$VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Write-Verbose " Verbose mode is Off"
# <Your code>
You can set the VerbosePreference as a global variable on starting your script and then check for the global variable in your custom cmdlet.
$global:VerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference
if ($global:VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') {
# verbose code
Checking explicitly for 'Continue' allows the script to be equal to -verbose:$false when you call the CmdLet from a script that doesn't set the global variable (in which case it's $null)
You do not have to do any checks or comparisons. Even though -Verbose (and -Debug) are of type [switch], they seem to understand not just $true and $false but also their preference variable. The preference variable also gets inherited correctly to all child functions that are called. I tried this on Powershell version 7.3.2 and it works as expected.
function Parent {
function Child {
New-Item C:\TEST\SomeDir -Force -ItemType Directory -Verbose:$VerbosePreference -Debug:$DebugPreference
Parent -Verbose
Parent -Debug
I think this is the easiest way:
Function Test {
Param (
Write-Host "This is INFO message"
if ($PSBoundParameters.debug) {
Write-Host -fore cyan "This is DEBUG message"
if ($PSBoundParameters.verbose) {
Write-Host -fore green "This is VERBOSE message"
Test -Verbose -Debug