How to select the dynamic columns during a spark join? - scala

I am trying to join 2 data frame, in the 1st DF i need to pass a dynamic number of column and join that with another DF. The complexity I am facing here i have a case statement with the output of 1st DF. I am able get the desired output by creating the temp view. But not able to achieve the same output through spark.
Below is the snippet, i have tried and works as expected.
// Sample DF1
val studentDF = Seq(
(1, "Peter","M",15,"Tution Received"),
(2, "Merry","F",14,null),
(3, "Sam","M",16,"Tution Received"),
(4, "Kat","O",16,null),
(5, "Keivn","M",18,null)
).toDF("Enrollment", "Name","Gender","Age","Notes")
//Sample DF2
val studentFees = Seq((1,"$500","Deposit"),(2, "$800","Deposit"),(3,"$200","Deposit"),(4,"$100","Deposit")).toDF("Enrollment","Fees","Notes")
val displayColumns = List("Enrollment","Name","Gender").map("a."+_).reduce(_+","+_)
val queryStr = spark.sql(s"select $displayColumns, case when a.Notes is null then b.Notes else a.Notes end as Notes, b.Fees from STUDENT a join FEES b on a.Enrollment=b.Enrollment")
|Enrollment| Name|Gender| Notes|Fees|
| 1|Peter| M|Tution Received|$500|
| 2|Merry| F| Deposit|$800|
| 3| Sam| M|Tution Received|$200|
| 4| Kat| O| Deposit|$100|
// Below is not giving the desired output
val displayColumns = List("Enrollment","Name","Gender","Notes")
val queryStr =, displayColumns.tail: _*).alias("a").join("b"),Seq("Enrollment"),"inner").withColumn("Notes",when($"a.Notes".isNull,$"b.Notes").otherwise($"a.Notes"))
Enrollment| Name|Gender| Notes|Fees| Notes|
| 1|Peter| M|Tution Received|$500|Tution Received|
| 2|Merry| F| Deposit|$800| Deposit|
| 3| Sam| M|Tution Received|$200|Tution Received|
| 4| Kat| O| Deposit|$100| Deposit|
// Expecting the output like below.
|Enrollment| Name|Gender| Notes|Fees|
| 1|Peter| M|Tution Received|$500|
| 2|Merry| F| Deposit|$800|
| 3| Sam| M|Tution Received|$200|
| 4| Kat| O| Deposit|$100|
Is there a better way to handle such scenarios instead of crating temp table/views?

Thank You all whoever read my post!!
I was able to find the solution for my problem.
val displayColumns = List("Enrollment","Name","Gender","Notes")
val queryStr =, displayColumns.tail: _*).alias("a").join("b"),Seq("Enrollment"),"inner").select($"a.*",when($"a.Notes".isNull,$"b.Notes").otherwise($"a.Notes").as("Notes"),$"b.Fees").drop($"a.Notes")


Use PySpark Dataframe column in another spark sql query

I have a situation where I'm trying to query a table and use the result (dataframe) from that query as IN clause of another query.
From the first query I have the dataframe below:
|key |
| 10000000000004|
| 10000000000003|
| 10000000000008|
| 10000000000009|
| 10000000000007|
| 10000000000006|
| 10000000000010|
| 10000000000002|
And now I want to run a query like the one below using the values of that dataframe dynamically instead of hard coding the values:
spark.sql("""select country from table1 where key in (10000000000004, 10000000000003, 10000000000008, 10000000000009, 10000000000007, 10000000000006, 10000000000010, 10000000000002)""").show()
I tried the following, however it didn't work:
df = spark.sql("""select key from table0 """)
a ="key").collect()
spark.sql("""select country from table1 where key in ({0})""".format(a)).show()
Can somebody help me?
You should use an (inner) join between two data frames to get the countries you would like. See my example:
# Create a list of countries with Id's
countries = [('Netherlands', 1), ('France', 2), ('Germany', 3), ('Belgium', 4)]
# Create a list of Ids
numbers = [(1,), (2,)]
# Create two data frames
df_countries = spark.createDataFrame(countries, ['CountryName', 'Id'])
df_numbers = spark.createDataFrame(numbers, ['Id'])
The data frames look like the following:
|CountryName| Id|
|Netherlands| 1|
| France| 2|
| Germany| 3|
| Belgium| 4|
| Id|
| 1|
| 2|
You can join them as follows:
countries.join(numbers, on='Id', how='inner')
Resulting in:
| Id|CountryName|
| 1|Netherlands|
| 2| France|
Hope that clears things up!

create a simple DF after reading a parquet file

I am a new developer on Scala and I met some problems to write a simple code on Spark Scala. I have this DF that I get after reading a parquet file :
ID Timestamp
1 0
1 10
1 11
2 20
3 15
And what I want is to create a DF result from the first DF (if the ID = 2 for example, the timestamp should be multiplied by two). So, I created a new class :
case class OutputData(id: bigint, timestamp:bigint)
And here is my code :
val tmp ="/user/test.parquet").select("id", "timestamp")
val outputData:OutputData = => {
var time_result
if (x.getString("id") == 2) {
time_result = x.getInt(2)* 2
if (x.getString("id") == 1) {
time_result = x.getInt(2) + 10
OutputData2(, time_result)
case class OutputData2(id: bigint, timestamp:bigint)
Can you help me please ?
To make the implementation easier, you can cast your df using a case class, the process that Dataset with object notation instead of access to your row each time that you want the value of some element. Apart of that, based on your input and output will take have same format you can use same case class instead of define 2.
Code looks like:
// Sample intput data
val df = Seq(
(1, 0L),
(1, 10L),
(1, 11L),
(2, 20L),
(3, 15L)
).toDF("ID", "Timestamp")
// Case class as helper
case class OutputData(ID: Integer, Timestamp: Long)
val newDF =[OutputData].map(record=>{
val newTime = if(record.ID == 2) record.Timestamp*2 else record.Timestamp // identify your id and apply logic based on that
OutputData(record.ID, newTime)// return same format with updated values
The output of above code:
// original
| ID|Timestamp|
| 1| 0|
| 1| 10|
| 1| 11|
| 2| 20|
| 3| 15|
// new one
| ID|Timestamp|
| 1| 0|
| 1| 10|
| 1| 11|
| 2| 40|
| 3| 15|

How to pivot dataset?

I use Spark 2.1.
I have some data in a Spark Dataframe, which looks like below:
**ID** **type** **val**
1 t1 v1
1 t11 v11
2 t2 v2
I want to pivot up this data using either spark Scala (preferably) or Spark SQL so that final output should look like below:
**ID** **t1** **t11** **t2**
1 v1 v11
2 v2
You can use groupBy.pivot:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.first
| ID| t1|t11| t2|
| 1| v1|v11| |
| 2| | | v2|
Note: depending on the actual data, i.e. how many values there are for each combination of ID and type, you might choose a different aggregation function.
Here's one way to do it:
val df = Seq(
(1, "T1", "v1"),
(1, "T11", "v11"),
(2, "T2", "v2")
"id", "type", "val"
).as[(Int, String, String)]
val df2 = df.groupBy("id").pivot("type").agg(concat_ws(",", collect_list("val")))
| id| T1|T11| T2|
| 1| v1|v11| |
| 2| | | v2|
Note that if there are different vals associated with a given type, they will be grouped (comma-delimited) under the type in df2.
This one should work
val seq = Seq((123,"2016-01-01","1"),(123,"2016-01-02","2"),(123,"2016-01-03","3"))
val seq = Seq((1,"t1","v1"),(1,"t11","v11"),(2,"t2","v2"))
val df = seq.toDF("id","type","val")
val pivotedDF = df.groupBy("id").pivot("type").agg(first("val"))
| id| t1| t11| t2|
| 1| v1| v11|null|
| 2|null|null| v2|

Randomly join two dataframes

I have two tables, one called Reasons that has 9 records and another containing IDs with 40k records.
| 4569| 1101|
| 63961| 1101|
|140677| 4364|
|127113| 7|
| 96097| 480|
| 8309| 3129|
| 45218| 89|
|147036| 3289|
| 88493| 3669|
| 29973| 3129|
|127444| 3129|
| 36095| 89|
|131001| 1634|
|104731| 781|
| 79219| 244|
| reasons|
| follow up|
| skin chk|
| annual meet|
|review lab result|
| sick visit|
| body pain|
| test|
| other|
I want output like this
|pc_pid|pc_aid| reason
| 4569| 1101| body pain
| 63961| 1101| review lab result
|140677| 4364| body pain
|127113| 7| sick visit
| 96097| 480| test
| 8309| 3129| other
| 45218| 89| follow up
|147036| 3289| annual meet
| 88493| 3669| review lab result
| 29973| 3129| REF BY DR
|127444| 3129| skin chk
| 36095| 89| other
In the reasons I have only 9 records and in the ID dataframe I have 40k records, I want to assign reason randomly to each and every id.
The following solution tries to be more robust to the number of reasons (ie. you can have as many reasons as you can reasonably fit in your cluster). If you just have few reasons (like the OP asks), you can probably broadcast them or embed them in a udf and easily solve this problem.
The general idea is to create an index (sequential) for the reasons and then random values from 0 to N (where N is the number of reasons) on the IDs dataset and then join the two tables using these two new columns. Here is how you can do this:
case class Reasons(s: String)
defined class Reasons
case class Data(id: Long)
defined class Data
Data will hold the IDs (simplified version of the OP) and Reasons will hold some simplified reasons.
val d1 = spark.createDataFrame( Data(1) :: Data(2) :: Data(10) :: Nil)
d1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint]
| id|
| 1|
| 2|
| 10|
val d2 = spark.createDataFrame( Reasons("a") :: Reasons("b") :: Reasons("c") :: Nil)
| s|
| a|
| b|
| c|
We will later need the number of reasons so we calculate that first.
val numerOfReasons = d2.count()
val d2Indexed = spark.createDataFrame(
| _1| _2|
| a| 0|
| b| 1|
| c| 2|
val d1WithRand =$"id", (rand * numerOfReasons).cast("int").as("rnd"))
The last step is to join on the new columns and the remove them.
val res = d1WithRand.join(d2Indexed, d1WithRand("rnd") === d2Indexed("_2")).drop("_2").drop("rnd")
| id| _1|
| 2| a|
| 10| b|
| 1| c|
pyspark random join itself
data_neg = data_pos.sortBy(lambda x: uniform(1, 10000))
data_neg = data_neg.coalesce(1, False).zip(data_pos.coalesce(1, True))
The fastest way to randomly join dataA (huge dataframe) and dataB (smaller dataframe, sorted by any column):
dfB = dataB.withColumn(
"index", F.row_number().over(Window.orderBy("col")) - 1
dfA = dataA.withColumn("index", (F.rand() * dfB.count()).cast("bigint"))
df = dfA.join(dfB, on="index", how="left").drop("index")
Since dataB is already sorted, row numbers can be assigned over sorted window with high degree of parallelism. F.rand() is another highly parallel function, so adding index to dataA will be very fast as well.
If dataB is small enough, you may benefit from broadcasting it.
This method is better than using:
zipWithIndex: Can be very expensive to convert dataframe to rdd, zipWithIndex, and then to df.
monotonically_increasing_id: Need to be used with row_number which will collect all the partitions into a single executor.

PySpark DataFrame Manipulation Efficiency

Suppose I have the following data frame :
| 123| 989| 0.9| 0|
| 123| 990| 0.8| 1|
| 123| 999| 0.7| 0|
| 234| 789| 0.9| 0|
| 234| 777| 0.7| 0|
| 234| 769| 0.6| 1|
| 234| 798| 0.5| 0|
I then perform the following operations to get a final data set (shown below the code) :
# Add a new column with the clicked ad_id if clicked == 1, 0 otherwise
df_adClicked = df.withColumn("ad_id_clicked", when(df.clicked==1, df.ad_id).otherwise(0))
# DF -> RDD with tuple : (display_id, (ad_id, prob), clicked)
df_blah = x : (x[0],(x[1],x[2]),x[4])).toDF(["display_id", "ad_id","clicked_ad_id"])
# Group by display_id and create column with clicked ad_id and list of tuples : (ad_id, prob)
df_blah2 = df_blah.groupby('display_id').agg(F.collect_list('ad_id'), F.max('clicked_ad_id'))
# Define function to sort list of tuples by prob and create list of only ad_ids
def sortByRank(ad_id_list):
sortedVersion = sorted(ad_id_list, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
sortedIds = [i[0] for i in sortedVersion]
# Sort the (ad_id, prob) tuples by using udf/function and create new column ad_id_sorted
sort_ad_id = udf(lambda x : sortByRank(x), ArrayType(IntegerType()))
df_blah3 = df_blah2.withColumn('ad_id_sorted', sort_ad_id('collect_list(ad_id)'))
# Function to change clickedAdId into an array of size 1
def createClickedSet(clickedAdId):
setOfDocs = [clickedAdId]
return setOfDocs
clicked_set = udf(lambda y : createClickedSet(y), ArrayType(IntegerType()))
df_blah4 = df_blah3.withColumn('ad_id_set', clicked_set('max(clicked_ad_id)'))
# Select the necessary columns
finalDF ='display_id', 'ad_id_sorted','ad_id_set')
|display_id|ad_id_sorted |ad_id_set|
|234 |[789, 777, 769, 798]|[769] |
|123 |[989, 990, 999] |[990] |
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? Doing this set of transformations in the way that I am seems to be the bottle neck in my code. I would greatly appreciate any feedback.
I haven't done any timing comparisons, but I would think that by not using any UDFs Spark should be able to optimally optimize itself.
#scala: val dfad = sc.parallelize(Seq((123,989,0.9,0),(123,990,0.8,1),(123,999,0.7,0),(234,789,0.9,0),(234,777,0.7,0),(234,769,0.6,1),(234,798,0.5,0))).toDF("display_id","ad_id","prob","clicked")
#^^^that's^^^ the only difference (besides putting val in front of variables) between this python response and a Scala one
dfad = sc.parallelize(((123,989,0.9,0),(123,990,0.8,1),(123,999,0.7,0),(234,789,0.9,0),(234,777,0.7,0),(234,769,0.6,1),(234,798,0.5,0))).toDF(["display_id","ad_id","prob","clicked"])
df1 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT display_id,collect_list(ad_id) ad_id_sorted FROM (SELECT * FROM df_ad SORT BY display_id,prob DESC) x GROUP BY display_id")
|display_id| ad_id_sorted|
| 234|[789, 777, 769, 798]|
| 123| [989, 990, 999]|
df2 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT display_id, max(ad_id) as ad_id_set from df_ad where clicked=1 group by display_id")
| 234| 769|
| 123| 990|
final_df = df1.join(df2,"display_id")
|display_id| ad_id_sorted|ad_id_set|
| 234|[789, 777, 769, 798]| 769|
| 123| [989, 990, 999]| 990|
I didn't put the ad_id_set into an Array because you were calculating the max and max should only return 1 value. I'm sure if you really need it in an array you can make that happen.
I included the subtle Scala difference if a future someone using Scala has a similar problem.