OpenTok Audio to primary audio source in Android Ionic - ionic-framework

I am creating an application using OpenTok on Ionic for Android and IOS devices.
When I am running the application on Android/IOS devices the device speaker is used as a default audio. I am struggling to use the primary audio source which we normally use when we do a phone call or whatsapp call.

TokBox Developer Evangelist here.
You would need to write a custom audio driver to be able to route the audio to the desired route. Here are some links to the sample implementations:
iOS - Objective-C
Android - Java
If you're using Ionic, you would need to write a bridge via Cordova to be able to expose this functionality because it's not available through the Cordova-Plugin-OpenTok.


is it possible to make an application for video calls in Ionic?

I need to write an application with video chats (1:1), and i know Angular. There are tons of SDKs for Angular(or web) to handle video calls(like e.g., But my client need mobile app. It's possible to write native app in Ionic with video calls support? However, do I have to use something more professional like flutter to achieve this?
Is there any ready SDK to handle this in Ionic?
I am looking, I am looking for and I cannot find anything. And I have to make quick decisions in part.
Please help me :)
You can use the camera and the microphone with Ionic (in native or pwa mode).
Ionic fully supports Angular and Angular components.
I recommend you the use of notifications like Google FCM to notify the caller.
You can trigger an action directly from the notification (app in background or in app which is not the same).

How to get available WiFi list in IOS in ionic?

I am creating a hybrid application where I'm scanning available WI-fi list and trying to connect it via app. To achieve it in android native I'm using hotspot plugin which is working perfectly fine but it is not available for IOS. Can any one suggest me any cordova plugin which I can use to get WI-fi List and to connect via SSID and password in Ios? I will be grateful if any one will provide some sample codes.
iOS has limited functionality as Apple's WifiManager equivalent is only available as a private API. Any app that used these features would not be allowed on the app store.
Connect/Disconnect only works for iOS11+

Is there way to use smartphone camera in PhoneJS?

I am trying to build test app with PhoneJS for Android. But I can not find a way how to use a camera.
Is it possible at all? Or better switch to PhoneGap?
From the Welcome to PhoneJS! article:
With Apache Cordova (or Adobe PhoneGap) you have the capability to compile those apps to real mobile apps that can access the native platform (the camera, accelerometer, GPS, etc)
PhoneJS does not have its own interface to the device hardware, but encourages the developer to use Cordova API. So the answer is: use PhoneGap to access the Camera.

Google TV on Android device

We have developed a new OTT Streaming STB build on an Android platform. How do I get it to operate the Google TV system so that the Apps built for GTV will load and run correctly?
Please note: I am NOT looking for advice on how to get an app onto the GTV platform - what I need is to get the Google TV platform on my STB.
Google TV is not open source. It is built in a different way to core Android, you can't just add it to your build. Nearly anything built for Google TV will work on other Android devices such as yours. The Google Play device filtering is your real problem.

Questions on Cross platform mobile app development

I have the following queries on using phonegap / Titanium appcelarator for our cross platform mobile development
Currently we want to develop iPhone compatible and android compatible app with single source code using the cross platform mobile SDKs
Can this phoneGap or Titanium appcelarator works with single source code on both the iPhone and Android platforms?
also is there any other platform works as such?
And how these application will be relased with Appstore / Android market place since they have single code base ( source code ).
Any helps would be greatly appreciated.
I have tried out Sencha Touch with PhoneGap and also Titanium.
Sencha touch is pretty easy as it is based on javascript and can be used with android and iphone. The app created with Sencha touch can later be wrapped inside phone gap and submitted to the appstore.
Titanium again uses javascript but they do some processing on it. So the app is native.
They do have some common api's that can be used for both iphone and android. But for some advanced features they have 2 seperate sets of api's for both android and iphone.
So both have some differences. And they are both acceptable in Appstore and android market place.
I have not tried Titanium, but one of my friends is using Corona. He said its support Android and iPhone, and easily port over. You will need at least, adjust the image size, AFAIK, the image size for iphone and androids(various size) are different.
Corona: Write once, build to both iOS and Android.
corona concentrates on games. it uses lua. if you want to build a cross platform application you should first design your application cross platform. android and ios are different os with different style guides.
i have experiences with titanium and it worked fine. but i experienced that a cross platform design is important since the most time of building the app was used for programming the user interface. so invest time in building a good mvc design and ui. after that it worked out easily.
Find answers for you question below.
Can this phoneGap or Titanium appcelarator works with single source code on both the iPhone and Android platforms?
Yes It can definitely work with single code base. in addition to this you can develop universal App that can run in tablet and handheld from single code base
(NOTE: however on some point you have to differentiate between iOS and Android as some of the functionalities are specific to iOS or Android System. Titanium provide constants to check between iOS and android. It also provides constants to differentiate between Tablet and Handheld devices)
also is there any other platform works as such?
Other than Android and iOS titanium provides support for blackberry and mobile web platforms also.
And how these application will be relased with Appstore / Android market place since they have single code base ( source code ).
You can build App for required platform from titanium it self.