Why does Appium python find_element_by_id fails in AWS device farm but works on local? - aws-device-farm

I am able to run my appium python test script on my local appium server. But when I run it on AWS device farm it fails with following error in the log -
I made sure I provided an empty desired capabilities object to the driver.
Please help me fix this.

Switching from python 3.x to python 2.7.x seems to have resolved this issue.


How to run Swift unit tests on Jenkins deployed on Windows Server

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 where I installed Jenkins.
I want to run some tests that execute Swift code for our iOS app in a Jenkins pipeline.
First of all, is it possible to run such tests, since Jenkins is installed on a Windows server?
Second, is there any Jenkins plugin I can use to perform such task?
Do you know of any documentation or tutorial?
I have not been able to find anything relevant on the Internet.
Thank you very much
It’s possible to run Swift on windows, but to run all your iOS app’s tests (which invariably will depend on iOS specific frameworks like UIKit or SwiftUI) is only possible via the Xcode tool chain on macOS.

Jprofiler and WebSphere 8 Integration Issue

I'm having some issues getting JProfiler connected to a remote WebSphere 8.5.5 instance that is running on Linux. When I start JProfiler on my Windows 10 machine I select the "Profile an application server, locally or remotely" and select the option to integrate with IBM WebSphere 8.x Application Server.
The part I'm having an issue with is the "Specify the remote address" section of setting up the profile. The setup says I need the profiling agent running on target JVM. I download the tar file from the JProfiler website and extract it on Linux machine and run jpenable as it says I should but I get this message.
"No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system. The version of the JVM must be at least 1.6 and at most 11. Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM."
I have made edits to the arguments file that came with the JProfiler in order to remedy this issue but I just can't seem to get JProfiler to see the IBM Java that WebSphere is using on this machine. I have tried using the INSTALL_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE variable in the arguments file by putting the full path to the WebSphere Java install. I have tried using the INSTALL4J_JAVA_PREFIX variable and I have created a INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME variable in the arguments file and put the full path to the WebSphere Java.
Any help would be appreciated greatly appreciated in getting me around this issue. I have verified that WebSphere is using Java version 1.8.0_171.
but I just can't seem to get JProfiler to see the IBM Java that WebSphere is using on this machine.
That's because IBM JVMs are not supported for attach mode.
The setup says I need the profiling agent running on target JVM.
Generally, this is achieved by adding an -agentpath VM parameter to the profiled VM. The remote address that you are asked for in the wizard will be added as an option to that parameter. The wizard will then modify the server config file and add the complete VM parameter, so you don't have to it manually.
More information is available at

jMeter JSON parsing failing on CentOS

I am running jMeter via Taurus (bzt) on CentOS. My first call is a login that needs to get the access tokens from the returned JSON. When I run this test on my Mac everything works as expected. But when I run it on my CentOS server I get the following error every time I try to extract data from a JSON path. I have tried reinstalling the plugin. I have also tried running it directly via jMeter. In both cases I still have the same problem. Any idea what is causing this error?
2016/06/08 14:34:05 WARN - com.atlantbh.jmeter.plugins.jsonutils.jsonpathextractor.JSONPathExtractor: Extract failed com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException: Extracted array is empty
at com.atlantbh.jmeter.plugins.jsonutils.jsonpathextractor.JSONPathExtractor.process(JSONPathExtractor.java:104)
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.runPostProcessors(JMeterThread.java:776)
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.executeSamplePackage(JMeterThread.java:489)
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.processSampler(JMeterThread.java:410)
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.run(JMeterThread.java:241)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
If you use Taurus for quite a while it might be the case it's using previously downloaded JMeter 2.13 which doesn't have JSON Path PostProcessor yet. So the following commands can help:
Upgrade Taurus to the most recent version:
sudo pip instal --upgrade bzt
Remove previous JMeter installation:
rm -rf ~/.bzt/jmeter-taurus
Run your test normally - Taurus should download JMeter 3.0
If you don't have possibility to upgrade JMeter and/or Taurus - use JSON Path Extractor plugin instead
It turns out my problem was a version mismatch. I downloaded the latest greatest (stable) jMeter when I started working with jMeter about a month ago. About a week after I downloaded jMeter they released 3.0. I didn’t start setting up my perf server until over a week later. When I installed jMeter on the sever it got 3.0, but my Mac had 2.13. So I was trying to run jmx files created with 2.13 on my 3.0 server. I never got any version mismatch errors just stuff like I shared above. After I upgraded my Mac and rewrote my jmx files via 3.0 everything worked fine.

unable to start cdap standalone server

I have cdap-sdk-3.0.0. When I try to start cdap server with instructions mentioned at location below:
I am getting below on console-
G:\Bigdata related\cdap-sdk-3.0.0>bin\cdap.bat restart
Stopping Standalone CDAP ...
Access is denied.
Starting Standalone CDAP...
Cdap server is unable to start. I am not getting issue. Required softwares are also installed in my machine like JDK7 and node.js
Any suggestions please..
I would recommend you trying out CDAP standalone VM - http://cask.co/get-started?download=vm&version=3.0.0, this is contains CDAP SDK and all the required pre-requisites installed in an Ubuntu VM. CDAP standalone VM is a controlled environment to try out CDAP. You would just need to install virtual box https://www.virtualbox.org/ to get this going.
We have noticed that CDAP SDK doesn't work in some Windows environment and are working to fix it; CDAP-2504 is the JIRA to track (NOTE: I am unable to post more than two links in my response, hence just the JIRA number) . I would recommend you trying CDAP VM while we fix the windows version of the SDK.
My recommendation would be, try to use docker container for run CDAP. Its easy to manage the services.

Scalable AllegroGraph on Azure

I'm thinking of using AllegroGraph, but there's an issue! Can it be used on Azure? Did anyone already did it? I've got a Linux machine in which I'm thinking of installing AllegroGraph Server. There's already a MongoDB instance there, the idea is to connect them in the future.
If you're just using a Linux VM, I don't what Windows Azure has to do with whether this will work or not. If it runs on whatever Linux distro you're using, it should work.
I've tested it and it works like a charm, simple installation.
Just remind of opening the doors needed to either access the webview or other software like Gruff.