How to run Swift unit tests on Jenkins deployed on Windows Server - swift

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 where I installed Jenkins.
I want to run some tests that execute Swift code for our iOS app in a Jenkins pipeline.
First of all, is it possible to run such tests, since Jenkins is installed on a Windows server?
Second, is there any Jenkins plugin I can use to perform such task?
Do you know of any documentation or tutorial?
I have not been able to find anything relevant on the Internet.
Thank you very much

It’s possible to run Swift on windows, but to run all your iOS app’s tests (which invariably will depend on iOS specific frameworks like UIKit or SwiftUI) is only possible via the Xcode tool chain on macOS.


Why must I run automation test cases on windows?

I have been told that I must run my automation test cases on win10 platform and Chrome.
Our project is based on Chorme Browser.
I am confused ,because we write cases on MacOs,and we could have ran the cases on linux server.
We are using Jenkins+Cypress+Chrome to do automation test.On MacOS,it works well;but when I move the codes to win10,I must modify codes to adapt win10,and I have to solve bugs that never happened on Mac OS.
Are there any different between Linux+Chrome and Windows+Chrome?
Is it necessary for us to run automation test cases on Windows?
Is it necessary for us to run automation test cases on Windows?
No, Cypress can run on several operating systems (including Windows, Linux and MacOS). So there is no need to specifically run the test on a Windows 10 system.
For the browsers you are limited to Chrome and Electron.
Are there any different between Linux+Chrome and Windows+Chrome?
Yes there are differences, for example shortcut key combo's, but there are multiple differences.
I have been told that I must run my automation test cases on win10
platform and Chrome.
Who did tell you that? Without a source or more information about the why we can't help you with that question.

Failing Direct3D test in WACK

I'm building a Windows Store app and I'm failing the App Certification Tool test for the Direct3D feature. This is a general app with no specific calls to any graphics feature.
I've tried running the tests on two different machines so I don't think my problem is hardware specific. More, I've tried testing a very basic app stripped of all UI controls except for a text block and I'm receiving the same error. The machines are running RTM builds of Windows 8 and VS2012.
Essentially, I'm asking, what should I look at next to resolve this issue?
Installing all available Windows Updates and try to run WACK again.
I had luck with this method on more than one machine. Apparently, pending updates cause the issue. install the updates, let the machine restart and finish the updating process. The issue should be gone after that.

OSGi headless deployment on Linux

I've developed a OSGi application on my windows machine that is just lovely. How ever I need it to run on my Linux server and this is where I run into problems.
My application has no GUI. It simple works with a console and is command line driven.
My first attempt at deployment I built a product based on my existing run target. It exported fine to a Windows .exe so I added the required delta packs for Linux. The problem with this is it has only two options Linux (GTK) and Linux (MOTIF). My linux server runs on CentOS with no GUI as it is a hosted machine so when I try and deploy it I get a segmentation fault.
I have been searching around as to what to do but I'm not coming up with any answers.
Any help would be much appreciated. I have been banging my head on this one for over a week
The google keyword you need is 'xvfb' - it acts like an X server, but ignores everything sent to it, so you don't need any graphics hardware. Try firing that up (make sure you set DISPLAY appropriately).
A cleaner solution would be to figure out why the library is demanding an X server if it works without - perhaps you could update the question with more details.

Do I need to sign my ClickOnce app in order to be able to execute it from other PCs?

Do I need to sign my ClickOnce app in order to be able to execute it from other PCs?
I'm trying to execute the app from another PCs and is not possible. I can't do it. Not even on my machine unless I create a test certificate with visual studio.
If it is a VSTO application, yes.
For WinForms/WPF/Console, not necessarily. Are you deploying it to one PC and trying to install it? Where are you deploying it to? A file share or a webserver? What happens when you try to install it on the other machine?
What version of .NET are you targeting? It only works with .NET 3.5 SP-1 and .NET 4.

How do I make a custom .net client profile installer?

For .net 3.5 SP1, Microsoft have the new client profile which installs only a subset of .net 3.5 SP1 on to Windows XP user's machines.
I'm aware of how to make my assemblies client-profile ready. And I've read the articles on how to implement an installer for ClickOnce or MSI.
But I've been using Inno Setup for my project so far and I'd like to continue to use it (as an Express user, I can't easily make MSIs), I need to know how to use the client-profile installer in a custom environment.
There is an article on a Deployment.xml schema, but no indication of how to write one, package it or anything else. Can someone explain this process? Finding the articles I linked to alone was a painful search experience.
Microsoft has now shipped the Client Profile Configuration Designer (Beta).
This designer lets you edit the XML files with some limitations, this isn't a 'Google beta' by any means.
Information and download
Can you clarify: Are you trying to write an installer for your app, which depends on the Client-Profile, or are you trying to write a custom installer for the client-profile?
I haven't used it personally, but if it's anything like the dotnetfx 1 and 2 msi's, you basically have to just invoke it's executable yourself from your own .exe file, or from an Msi BEFORE the InstallExecuteSequence starts up - you can't "embed" those in your own app, MS go out of their way to tell you not to do that due to suckage of MSI.
Client profile works only on clean XP. If your user as .Net 1 or 2 installed, client profile wont install...
You have an offline version (integrating Full .Net3.5 Install in case Client Wont install) 200 to 300Mo don't remember
Online version will get required files.
You can call a silent install from the first steps of your install.