How many Partitions can we have in Kafka? - apache-kafka

I have a requirement in my IoT project like, a custom java application called "NorthBound" (NB) can manage 3000 devices maximum. Devices send data to SouthBound (SB - Java Application), SB sends data to Kafka and from Kafka, NB consume the messages.
To manage around 100K devices, I am planning to start multiple instances (around 35) of NorthBound, but i want same instance should receive the messages from same devices. e.g. Device1 is sending data to NB_instance1, Device2 is sending data to NB_instance2 etc.
To handle this, i am thinking of creating 35 partitions of same topic (Device-Messages) so that each NB instance can consume one partition and same device's data should go to same NB instance. Is it the right approach? Or is there any better way?
How many partitions can we make in a Kafka cluster? and What is a recommended value considering 3 nodes (Brokers) in a cluster?
Currently, we have only 1 node in Kafka. Can we continue with single node and 35 partitions?
Say on startup I might have only 5-6K devices, then I will have only 2 partitions with 2 NB instances. Gradually when we add more devices, we will keep adding more partitions and NB instances. Can we do it without restarting Kafka? Is it possible to create partitions dynamically?

As you can imagine the number of partitions you can have depends on a number of factors.
Assuming you have recent hardware, since Kafka 1.1, you can have 1000s of partitions per broker. Moreover Kafka has been tested with over 100000 partitions in a cluster. Link 1
As a rule of thumb, it's recommended to over partition a bit in order to allow future growth in traffic/usage. Kafka allows to add partitions at runtime but that will change partitioning of keyed messages which can be an issue depending on your use case.
Finally, it's not recommended to run a single broker for production workloads as if it was to crash or fail, you'd be exposed to an outage and possibly data loss. It's best to at least have 2 of them with a replication factor of 2 even with only 35 partitions.


Are 3k kafka topics decrease performance?

I have a Kafka Cluster (Using Aivan on AWS):
Kafka Hardware
Startup-2 (2 CPU, 2 GB RAM, 90 GB storage, no backups) 3-node high availability set
Ping between my consumers and the Kafka Broker is 0.7ms.
I have a topic such that:
It contains data about 3000 entities.
Entity lifetime is a week.
Each week there will be different 3000 entities (on avg).
Each entity may have between 15k to 50k messages in total.
There can be at most 500 messages per second.
My team built an architecture such that there will be a group of consumers. They will parse this data, perform some transformations (without any filtering!!) and then sends the final messages back to the kafka to topic=<entity-id>.
It means I upload the data back to the kafka to a topic that contains only a data of a specific entity.
At any given time, there can be up to 3-4k topics in kafka (1 topic for each unique entity).
Can my kafka handle it well? If not, what do I need to change?
Do I need to delete a topic or it's fine to have (alot of!!) unused topics over time?
Each consumer which consumes the final messages, will consume 100 topics at the same time. I know kafka clients can consume multiple topics concurrenctly but I'm not sure what is the best practices for that.
Please share your concerns.
Please focus on the potential problems of this architecture and try not to talk about alternative architectures (less topics, more consumers, etc).
The number of topics is not so important in itself, but each Kafka topic is partitioned and the total number of partitions could impact performance.
The general recommendation from the Apache Kafka community is to have no more than 4,000 partitions per broker (this includes replicas). The linked KIP article explains some of the possible issues you may face if the limit is breached, and with 3,000 topics it would be easy to do so unless you choose a low partition count and/or replication factor for each topic.
Choosing a low partition count for a topic is sometimes not a good idea, because it limits the parallelism of reads and writes, leading to performance bottlenecks for your clients.
Choosing a low replication factor for a topic is also sometimes not a good idea, because it increases the chance of data loss upon failure.
Generally it's fine to have unused topics on the cluster but be aware that there is still a performance impact for the cluster to manage the metadata for all these partitions and some operations will still take longer than if the topics were not there at all.
There is also a per-cluster limit but that is much higher (200,000 partitions). So your architecture might be better served simply by increasing the node count of your cluster.

Kafka Random Access to Logs

I am trying to implement a way to randomly access messages from Kafka, by using KafkaConsumer.assign(partition),, offset).
And then read poll for a single message.
Yet i can't get past 500 messages per second in this case. In comparison if i "subscribe" to the partition i am getting 100,000+ msg/sec. (#1000 bytes msg size)
I've tried:
Broker, Zookeeper, Consumer on the same host and on different hosts. (no replication is used)
1 and 15 partitions
default threads configuration in "" and increased to 20 (io and network)
Single consumer assigned to a different partition each time and one consumer per partition
Single thread to consume and multiple threads to consume (calling multiple different consumers)
Adding two brokers and a new topic with it's partitions on both brokers
Starting multiple Kafka Consumer Processes
Changing message sizes 5k, 50k, 100k -
In all cases the minimum i get is ~200 msg/sec. And the maximum is 500 if i use 2-3 threads. But going above, makes the ".poll()", call take longer and longer (starting from 3-4 ms on a single thread to 40-50 ms with 10 threads).
My naive kafka understanding is that the consumer opens a connection to the broker and sends a request to retrieve a small portion of it's log. While all of this has some involved latency, and retrieving a batch of messages will be much better - i would imagine that it would scale with the number of receivers involved, with the expense of increased server usage on both the VM running the consumers and the VM running the broker. But both of them are idling.
So apparently there is some synchronization happening on broker side, but i can't figure out if it is due to my usage of Kafka or some inherent limitation of using .seek
I would appreaciate some hints of whether i should try something else, or this is all i can get.
Kafka is a streaming platform by design. It means there are many, many things has been developed for accelerating sequential access. Storing messages in batches is just one thing. When you use poll() you utilize Kafka in such way and Kafka do its best. Random access is something for what Kafka don't designed.
If you want fast random access to distributed big data you would want something else. For example, distributed DB like Cassandra or in-memory system like Hazelcast.
Also you could want to transform Kafka stream to another one which would allow you to use sequential way.

Apache Flink Kafka Integration Partition Seperation

I need to implement below data flow. I have one kafka topic which has 9 partitions. I can read this topic with 9 parallelism level. I have also 3 node Flink cluster. Each of nodes of this cluster has 24 task slot.
First of all, I want to spread my kafka like, each server has 3 partition like below. Order is not matter, I only transform kafka message and send it DB.
Second thing is, I want to increase my parallelism degree while saving NoSQL DB. If I increase my parallelism 48, since sending DB is IO operation, it does not consume CPU, I want to be sure, When Flink rebalance my message, my message will stay in the same server.
Is there any advice for me?
If you want to spread you Kafka readers across all 3 nodes, I would recommend to start them with 3 slots each and set the parallelism of the Kafka source to 9.
The problem is that at the moment it is not possible to control how tasks are placed if there are more slots available than the required parallelism. This means if you have fewer sources than slots, then it might happen that all sources will be deployed to one machine, leaving the other machines empty (source-wise).
Being able to spread out tasks across all available machines is a feature which the community is currently working on.

Kafka Topology Best Practice

I have 4 machines where a Kafka Cluster is configured with topology that
each machine has one zookeeper and two broker.
With this configuration what do you advice for maximum topic&partition for best performance?
Replication Factor 3:
using kafka 0.10.XX
Each topic is restricted to 100,000 partitions no matter how many nodes (as of July 2017)
As to the number of topics that depends on how large the smallest RAM is across the machines. This is due to Zookeeper keeping everything in memory for quick access (also it doesnt shard the znodes, just replicates across ZK nodes upon write). This effectively means once you exhaust one machines memory that ZK will fail to add more topics. You will most likely run out of file handles before reaching this limit on the Kafka broker nodes.
To quote the KAFKA docs on their site (6.1 Basic Kafka Operations
Each sharded partition log is placed into its own folder under the Kafka log directory. The name of such folders consists of the topic name, appended by a dash (-) and the partition id. Since a typical folder name can not be over 255 characters long, there will be a limitation on the length of topic names. We assume the number of partitions will not ever be above 100,000. Therefore, topic names cannot be longer than 249 characters. This leaves just enough room in the folder name for a dash and a potentially 5 digit long partition id.
To quote the Zookeeper docs (
The replicated database is an in-memory database containing the entire data tree. Updates are logged to disk for recoverability, and writes are serialized to disk before they are applied to the in-memory database.
Depending on your publishing and consumption semantics the topic-partition finity will change. The following are a set of questions you should ask yourself to gain insight into a potential solution (your question is very open ended):
Is the data I am publishing mission critical (i.e. cannot lose it, must be sure I published it, must have exactly once consumption)?
Should I make the producer.send() call as synchronous as possible or continue to use the asynchronous method with batching (do I trade-off publishing guarantees for speed)?
Are the messages I am publishing dependent on one another? Does message A have to be consumed before message B (implies A published before B)?
How do I choose which partition to send my message to?
Should I: assign the message to a partition (extra producer logic), let the cluster decide in a round robin fashion, or assign a key which will hash to one of the partitions for the topic (need to come up with an evenly distributed hash to get good load balancing across partitions)
How many topics should you have? How is this connected to the semantics of your data? Will auto-creating topics for many distinct logical data domains be efficient (think of the effect on Zookeeper and administrative pain to delete stale topics)?
Partitions provide parallelism (more consumers possible) and possibly increased positive load balancing effects (if producer publishes correctly). Would you want to assign parts of your problem domain elements to specific partitions (when publishing send data for client A to partition 1)? What side-effects does this have (think refactorability and maintainability)?
Will you want to make more partitions than you need so you can scale up if needed with more brokers/consumers? How realistic is automatic scaling of a KAFKA cluster given your expertise? Will this be done manually? Is manual scaling viable for your problem domain (are you building KAFKA around a fixed system with well known characteristics or are you required to be able to handle severe spikes in messages)?
How will my consumers subscribe to topics? Will they use pre-configured configurations or use a regex to consume many topics? Are the messages between topics dependent or prioritized (need extra logic on consumer to implement priority)?
Should you use different network interfaces for replication between brokers (i.e. port 9092 for producers/consumers and 9093 for replication traffic)?
Good Links:

Hint about kafka cluster setup

I have the following scenario:
4 wearable sensors attached on individuals.
Potentially infinite individuals.
A Kafka cluster.
I have to perform real-time processing on data streams on a cluster with a running instance of apache flink.
Kafka is the data hub between flink cluster and sensors.
Moreover, subject's streams are totally independent and also different streams belonging to same subject are independent each other.
I imagine this setup in my mind:
I set a specific topic for each subject and each topic is partitioned in 4 partition, each one for each sensor on specific person.
In this way I though to establish a consumer group for every topic.
Actually, my data amount is not so much big but mine interest is to build an easily scalable system. A day maybe I can have hundreds of individuals for instance...
My questions are:
Is this setup good? What do you think about it?
In this way I will have 4 kafka broker and each one handles a partition, right (without consider potential backups)?
Destroy me guys,
and thanks in advance
You can't have an infinite number of topics in a Kafka cluster so if you plan to scale beyond 10,000 or more topics then you should consider another design. Instead of giving each individual a dedicated topic, you can use an individual's ID as a key and publish data as a key/value pair to a smaller number of topics. In Kafka you can have an (almost) infinite number of keys.
Also consider more partitions. Each of your 4 brokers can handle many partitions. If you only have 4 partitions in a topic then you can only have at most 4 consumers working together in parallel in a consumer group (in your case in Flink)