Kafka Random Access to Logs - apache-kafka

I am trying to implement a way to randomly access messages from Kafka, by using KafkaConsumer.assign(partition), KafkaConsumer.seek(partition, offset).
And then read poll for a single message.
Yet i can't get past 500 messages per second in this case. In comparison if i "subscribe" to the partition i am getting 100,000+ msg/sec. (#1000 bytes msg size)
I've tried:
Broker, Zookeeper, Consumer on the same host and on different hosts. (no replication is used)
1 and 15 partitions
default threads configuration in "server.properties" and increased to 20 (io and network)
Single consumer assigned to a different partition each time and one consumer per partition
Single thread to consume and multiple threads to consume (calling multiple different consumers)
Adding two brokers and a new topic with it's partitions on both brokers
Starting multiple Kafka Consumer Processes
Changing message sizes 5k, 50k, 100k -
In all cases the minimum i get is ~200 msg/sec. And the maximum is 500 if i use 2-3 threads. But going above, makes the ".poll()", call take longer and longer (starting from 3-4 ms on a single thread to 40-50 ms with 10 threads).
My naive kafka understanding is that the consumer opens a connection to the broker and sends a request to retrieve a small portion of it's log. While all of this has some involved latency, and retrieving a batch of messages will be much better - i would imagine that it would scale with the number of receivers involved, with the expense of increased server usage on both the VM running the consumers and the VM running the broker. But both of them are idling.
So apparently there is some synchronization happening on broker side, but i can't figure out if it is due to my usage of Kafka or some inherent limitation of using .seek
I would appreaciate some hints of whether i should try something else, or this is all i can get.

Kafka is a streaming platform by design. It means there are many, many things has been developed for accelerating sequential access. Storing messages in batches is just one thing. When you use poll() you utilize Kafka in such way and Kafka do its best. Random access is something for what Kafka don't designed.
If you want fast random access to distributed big data you would want something else. For example, distributed DB like Cassandra or in-memory system like Hazelcast.
Also you could want to transform Kafka stream to another one which would allow you to use sequential way.


Consuming messages in a Kafka topic ASAP

Imagine a scenario in which a producer is producing 100 messages per second, and we're working on a system that consuming messages ASAP matters a lot, even 5 seconds delay might result in a decision not to take care of that message anymore. also, the order of messages does not matter.
So I don't want to use a basic queue and a single pod listening on a single partition to consume messages, since in order to consume a message, the consumer needs to make multiple remote API calls and this might take time.
In such a scenario, I'm thinking of a single Kafka topic, with 100 partitions. and for each partition, I'm gonna have a separate machine (pod) listening for partitions 0 to 99.
Am I thinking right? this is my first project with Kafka. this seems a little weird to me.
For your use case, think of partitions = max number of instances of the service consuming data. Don't create extra partitions if you'll have 8 instances. This will have a negative impact if consumers need to be rebalanced and probably won't give you any performace improvement. Also 100 messages/s is very, very little, you can make this work with almost any technology.
To get the maximum performance I would suggest:
Use a round robin partitioner
Find a Parallel consumer implementation for your platform (for jvm)
And there a few producer and consumer properties that you'll need to change, but they depend your environment. For example batch.size, linger.ms, etc. I would also check about the need to set acks=all as it might be ok for you to lose data if a broker dies given that old data is of no use.
One warning: In Java, the standard kafka consumer is single threaded. This surprises many people and I'm not sure if the same is true for other platforms. So having 100s of partitions won't give any performance benefit with these consumers, and that's why it's important to use a Parallel Consumer.
One more warning: Kafka is a complex broker. It's trivial to start using it, but it's a very bumpy journey to use it correctly.
And a note: One of the benefits of Kafka is that it keeps the messages rather than delete them once they are consumed. If messages older than 5 seconds are useless for you, Kafka might be the wrong technology and using a more traditional broker might be easier (activeMQ, rabbitMQ or go to blazing fast ones like zeromq)
Your bottleneck is your application processing the event, not Kafka.
when you have ten consumers, there is overhead for connecting each consumer to Kafka so it will lower the performance.
I advise focusing on your application performance rather than message broker.
Kafka p99 Latency is 5 ms with 200 MB/s load.

kafka consume an undefined number of topics

The topics are dynamically created, and there could be thousands of them. I need a way to detect when messages are produced so I can consume them. Moreover, I need to consume each topic independently so that I can then bulk a large number of messages into a database, each topic corresponding to a different table. So let's say I start consuming a topic, I would consume 1000 messages, bulk them in a database in one operation, then commit the reading in kafka. If I have 10 topics, I could use 10 consumers in parallel. The problem is if I end up with a large number of topics, and that most of them are idle (empty), I need a way to be notified that some topics become suddenly active, so that I don't have to launch thousands of idle consumers that do nothing most of the time.
The only solution I thought so far is using a single signal topic in addition to the real topics, in which the producers would produce in addition to the real topic. But I was wondering if there was another solution. Like polling the meta-data in kafka, maybe. But for what I've seen, I would have to iterate through all the topics matching a regex, then check the offsets of the partitions for each. I don't think it's possible to do that efficiently, but maybe I'm wrong.
You could track JMX metrics from the broker for incoming bytes per topic using Prometheus JMX Exporter, for example, then combine that with AlertManager to send some event/webhook upon some threshold of data to a consuming REST service, which would then start some consumers (maybe Kafka Connect tasks for a database?).
Or, like you said, use a signal topic since producer requests can be made to multiple topics at once.
If I have 10 topics, I could use 10 consumers in parallel
You can have more parallel consumers if any of those topics have multiple partitions
could be thousands of them
There's are reasonable limits on the number of topics a Kafka cluster can support, by the way, but it's upwards of hundreds of thousands, as of latest releases. Something to keep in mind, though.
launch thousands of idle consumers that do nothing most of the time.
You could also use solutions like AWS Lambda or Kubernetes KEDA to auto scale up/down based on topic data (lag)

Kafka Should Number of Consumer Threads equal number of Topic Partitions

Pretend you determined that you wanted to use exactly 8 consumer threads for your application.
Would there be any difference in processing if a Kafka topic was set up as having 8 partitions vs 16 partitions?
In the first case, each thread is assigned to a single partition with twice the data, and in the second case each thread is assigned to two partitions with half the data each. It seems to me that there is no difference between these two setups.
I believe that, on the consumer side there could be a difference, if your threads are not CPU-constrained (and network is not at capacity). Assuming infinite data on the Kafka broker, or a lagging consumer, since each thread is consuming from two partitions in your second example, the kafka broker is able to send more data than if each thread had only one partition assigned. Kafka has a limit on the maximum amount of bytes that can be retrieved per fetch (replica.fetch.max.bytes in the config), so if you 2x the partitions, you can increase capacity, assuming the data is available.
When configured properly, and assuming ideal conditions, Kafka will serve data from page cache, so it can blast data down to consumers, and 90% of the time, the bottleneck will be the amount of partitions/available CPU on the consumer side. In general, the more partitions you have, the faster you can consume from Kafka, until you are CPU or bandwidth constrained on the consumer, at which point it won't matter if you have more or less partitions, since you're consuming data as fast as you can anyway.
An additional thing to take into account is that there could be more consumer commits being sent back to the brokers, since there are now more partitions, which means some additional overhead/crosstalk in the cluster. It's probably not 2x the commits, but probably higher than 1x the commits from the first scenario.
An important thing to remember is to, whenever possible, do the actual message processing on your consumer off-thread. That is, do not process the inbound messages on the same thread that is consuming/polling from Kafka. It might work at first, but you're going to start running into issues if your processing takes longer, there's a delay, huge volume increase on the inbound side, etc. Whenever possible, throw the inbound messages on a queue, and let another thread worry about processing/parsing them.
Finally, you don't want to take this to the extreme, and configure 1000 partitions if you don't have to. Each partition requires overhead on commits, zookeeper znodes, consumer rebalancing time, startup time, etc. So, I would suggest benchmarking different scenarios, and seeing what works best for you. In general, anything from 2-4 partitions per consumer thread has worked well for me in the past, even with very high message loads (topics with 50K+ messages per second, each ~1KB).

How does Kafka handle a consumer which is running slower than other consumers?

Let's say I have 20 partitions and five workers. Each partition is assigned a worker. However, one worker is running slower than the other machines. It's still processing (that is, not slow consumer described here), but at 60% rate of the other machines. This could be because the worker is running on a slower VM on AWS EC2, a broken disk or CPU or whatnot. Does Kafka handle rebalancing gracefully somehow to give the slow worker fewer partitions?
Kafka doesn't really concern itself with how fast messages are being consumed. It doesn't even get involved with how many consumers there are or how many times each message is read. Kafka just commits messages to partitions and ages them out at the configured time.
It's the responsibility of the group of consumers to make sure that the messages are being read evenly and in a timely fashion. In your case, you have two problems: The reading of one set of partitions lags and then then processing of the messages from those partitions lags.
For the actual consumption of messages from the topic, you'll have to use the Kafka metadata API's to track the relative loads each consumer faces, whether by skewed partitioning or because the consumers are running at different speeds. You either have to re-allocate partitions to consumers to give the slow consumers less work or randomly re-assign consumers to partitions in the hope of eventually evening out the workload over time.
To better balance the processing of messages, you should factor out the reading of the messages from the processing of the messages - something like the Storm streaming model. You still have to programmatically monitor the backlogs into the processing logic, but you'd have the ability to move work to faster nodes in order to balance the work.

large number of Channels Kafka

I was wondering if Kafka has any limitation or starts slowing down (due to GC or other reasons) if we have large number of channels. We have a heavy volume of data that we will be sending through Kafka (Over 2B data points). We were thinking of having about 1600 channels to start with.
Has anyone come across issues when we have such large number of channels in Kafka? Similarly, do you see issues with local DC replication with these large number of channels and lastly any foreseeable issues if we are using MirrorMaker for cross DC replication with such large number of channels
Any pointers are highly appreciated
I believe there is no hard limit on number of topics in Kafka itself. However, since Kafka stores topic info in Zookeeper (//brokers/topics/), and Zookeeper has a 1MB limitation on max node size, there can be only a finite number of topics. Also, Kafka brokers store data for different topics in /var/kafka/data/. Performance may suffer if there are too many subdirs in /var/kafka/data/.
I haven't tried thousands of topics but Kafka with a few hundred topics works ok for my purposes. The only area where I had problems was dynamic topic creation while using high level consumer. It required client re-connection to pick up the new topics on all consumer boxes. This caused time consuming consumer re-balancing (which sometimes failed, preventing reading from some topics). As a result I had to switch to simple consumer and take care about read coordination in my code.
I'd recommend to create a simple test app that generates some random data for the number of topics you expect going forward and verify that performance is acceptable.