How to take screenshots in AWS Device farm for a run using appium python? - appium-android

Even after a successful execution of my tests in DeviceFarm, I get an empty screenshots report. I have kept my code as simple as below -
from appium import webdriver
import time
import unittest
import os
class MyAndroidTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
caps = {}
self.driver = webdriver.Remote("", caps)
def test1(self):
screenshot_folder = os.getenv('SCREENSHOT_PATH', '/tmp')
self.driver.save_screenshot(screenshot_folder + 'screen1.png')
def tearDown(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(MyAndroidTest)
I tested on a single device pool -
How can I make this work ?

Missing a slash (/) before the filename (i.e., screen1.png). Line 15 should be as below -
self.driver.save_screenshot(screenshot_folder + '/screen1.png')

Though I'm not sure exactly how to write this to a file in Device Farm here are the appium docs for the screenshot endpoint and a python example.
It gets a base 64 encoded string which then we would just need to save it somewhere like the appium screenshot dir the other answers mentioned. Otherwise we could also save it in the /tmp dir and then export it using the custom artifacts feature.
Let me know if that link helps.


Is there a way to start mitmproxy v.7.0.2 programmatically in the background?

Is there a way to start mitmproxy v.7.0.2 programmatically in the background?
ProxyConfig and ProxyServer have been removed since version 7.0.0, and the code below isn't working.
from mitmproxy.options import Options
from mitmproxy.proxy.config import ProxyConfig
from mitmproxy.proxy.server import ProxyServer
from import DumpMaster
import threading
import asyncio
import time
class Addon(object):
def __init__(self):
self.num = 1
def request(self, flow):
flow.request.headers["count"] = str(self.num)
def response(self, flow):
self.num = self.num + 1
flow.response.headers["count"] = str(self.num)
# see source mitmproxy/ for details
def loop_in_thread(loop, m):
asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # This is the key.
if __name__ == "__main__":
options = Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080, http2=True)
m = DumpMaster(options, with_termlog=False, with_dumper=False)
config = ProxyConfig(options)
m.server = ProxyServer(config)
# run mitmproxy in backgroud, especially integrated with other server
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
t = threading.Thread( target=loop_in_thread, args=(loop,m) )
# Other servers, such as a web server, might be started then.
print('going to shutdown mitmproxy')
from BigSully's gist
You can put your Addon class into and then run mitmdump -s mitmdump comes without the console interface and can run in the background.
We (mitmproxy devs) officially don't support manual instantiation from Python anymore because that creates a massive amount of support burden for us. If you have some Python experience you can probably find your way around.
What if my addon has additional dependencies?
Approach 1: pip install mitmproxy is still perfectly supported and gets you the same functionality as the standalone binaries. Bonus tip: You can run venv/bin/mitmproxy or venv/Scripts/mitmproxy.exe to invoke mitmproxy in your virtualenv without having your virtualenv activated.
Approach 2: You can install mitmproxy with pipx and then run pipx inject mitmproxy <your dependency name>. See for details.
How can I debug mitmproxy itself?
If you are debugging from the command line (be it print statements or pdb), the easiest approach is to run mitmdump instead of mitmproxy, which provides the same functionality minus the console interface. Alternatively, you can use PyCharm's remote debug functionality, which also works while the console interface is active (
This example below should work fine with mitmproxy v7
from import main
from import DumpMaster
options = main.options.Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080)
m = DumpMaster(options=options)
# the rest is same in the previous versions
from mitmproxy.addons.proxyserver import Proxyserver
from mitmproxy.options import Options
from import DumpMaster
options = Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080, http2=True)
m = DumpMaster(options, with_termlog=True, with_dumper=False)
m.server = Proxyserver()
// addons here
Hi, I think that should do it

Getting 'ImportError: No module named appium'

I am using following piece of code in python:
from appium import webdriver
from os import path
CUR_DIR = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
APP = path.join(CUR_DIR, '')
APPIUM = 'http://localhost:4723'
CAPS = {
'platformName': 'iOS',
'platformVersion': '14.0',
'deviceName': 'iPhone 12 mini',
'automationName': 'XCUITest',
'app': APP,
driver = webdriver.Remote(APPIUM, CAPS)
I was able to start a session directly from the Appium desktop app using this same desired capabilities, but when I try to run this script to start the session from there, I get this error:
from appium import webdriver
ImportError: No module named appium
Advice please, it's my first time dealing with these technologies. Thank you!
The problem I had was I was trying to run the file using python; I solved it when I changed to python3 because it is the version of Appium that I have installed.

FFmpeg transcoding on Lambda results in unusable (static) audio

I'd like to move towards serverless for audio transcoding routines in AWS. I've been trying to setup a Lambda function to do just that; execute a static FFmpeg binary and re-upload the resulting audio file. The static binary I'm using is here.
The Lambda function I'm using in Python looks like this:
import boto3
s3client = boto3.client('s3')
s3resource = boto3.client('s3')
import json
import subprocess
from io import BytesIO
import os
os.system("cp -ra ./bin/ffmpeg /tmp/")
os.system("chmod -R 775 /tmp")
def lambda_handler(event, context):
bucketname = event["Records"][0]["s3"]["bucket"]["name"]
filename = event["Records"][0]["s3"]["object"]["key"]
audioData = grabFromS3(bucketname, filename)
with open('/tmp/' + filename, 'wb') as f:
process = subprocess.check_output(['./ffmpeg -i /tmp/joe_and_bill.wav /tmp/joe_and_bill.aac'], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
pushToS3(bucketname, filename)
return process.decode('utf-8')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return e.output.decode('utf-8'), os.listdir()
def grabFromS3(bucket, file):
obj = s3client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=file)
data = BytesIO(obj['Body'].read())
def pushToS3(bucket, file):
s3client.upload_file('/tmp/' + file[:-4] + '.aac', bucket, file[:-4] + '.aac')
You can listen to the output of this here. WARNING: Turn your volume down or your ears will bleed.
The original file can be heard here.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing the encoding errors? It doesn't seem to be an issue with the file upload, since the md5 on the Lambda fs matches the MD5 of the uploaded file.
I've also tried building the static binary on an Amazon Linux instance in EC2, then zipping and porting it into the Lambda project, but the same issue persists.
I'm stumped! :(
Alright this is a fun one.
So it turns out the Python subprocess inherits stdin from some Lambda processes going on in the background. I was watching this AWS re:Invent keynote and he was describing some issues they were having w.r.t. this issue.
I added stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL to the subprocess call and the audio is now fixed.
Very interesting bug if you ask me.

pytest implementing a logfile per test method

I would like to create a separate log file for each test method. And i would like to do this in the file and pass the logfile instance to the test method. This way, whenever i log something in a test method it would log to a separate log file and will be very easy to analyse.
I tried the following.
Inside file i added this:
logs_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("test_results", "logs")
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
test_method_name =
testpath ='.py')
path = '%s/%s' % (logs_dir, testpath)
if not os.path.exists(path):
log = logger.make_logger(test_method_name, path) # Make logger takes care of creating the logfile and returns the python logging object.
The problem here is that pytest_runtest_setup does not have the ability to return anything to the test method. Atleast, i am not aware of it.
So, i thought of creating a fixture method inside the file with scope="function" and call this fixture from the test methods. But, the fixture method does not know about the the Pytest.Item object. In case of pytest_runtest_setup method, it receives the item parameter and using that we are able to find out the test method name and test method path.
Please help!
I found this solution by researching further upon webh's answer. I tried to use pytest-logger but their file structure is very rigid and it was not really useful for me. I found this code working without any plugin. It is based on set_log_path, which is an experimental feature.
Pytest 6.1.1 and Python 3.8.4
# Required modules
import pytest
from pathlib import Path
# Configure logging
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
Notice that the use of Path can be substituted by os.path.join. Moreover, different tests can be set up in different folders and keep a record of all tests done historically by using a timestamp on the filename. One could use the following filename for example:
# Required modules
import pytest
import datetime
from pathlib import Path
# Configure logging
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
Additionally, if one would like to modify the log format, one can change it in pytest configuration file as described in the documentation.
# pytest.ini
log_file_level = INFO
log_file_format = %(name)s [%(levelname)s]: %(message)
My first stackoverflow answer!
I found the answer i was looking for.
I was able to achieve it using the function scoped fixture like this:
def log(request):
test_path =".py")
test_name =
node_id = request.node.nodeid
log_file_path = '%s/%s' % (logs_dir, test_path)
if not os.path.exists(log_file_path):
logger_obj = logger.make_logger(test_name, log_file_path, node_id)
yield logger_obj
handlers = logger_obj.handlers
for handler in handlers:
In newer pytest version this can be achieved with set_log_path.
def manage_logs(request, autouse=True):
"""Set log file name same as test name"""
.set_log_path(os.path.join('log', + '.log'))

IPython Failing to Run Code

I was trying out this Python code from a training website in IPython:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
url = raw_input("")
r = requests.get("http://" +url)
data = r.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for link in soup.find_all('a'):
and found that it ran fine on the first try. I've now tried simply restarting the kernel, opening a new notebook, and generally returning the settings to how they were when I first ran the program with no luck. Why might IPython be failing to run the code and giving no response at all (as though I haven't clicked anything)?
Seems like raw_input is not supported by IPython. So it's probably just hanging there. If you change:
url = raw_input("")
url = ""
it should work.