Is there a way to start mitmproxy v.7.0.2 programmatically in the background? - mitmproxy

Is there a way to start mitmproxy v.7.0.2 programmatically in the background?
ProxyConfig and ProxyServer have been removed since version 7.0.0, and the code below isn't working.
from mitmproxy.options import Options
from mitmproxy.proxy.config import ProxyConfig
from mitmproxy.proxy.server import ProxyServer
from import DumpMaster
import threading
import asyncio
import time
class Addon(object):
def __init__(self):
self.num = 1
def request(self, flow):
flow.request.headers["count"] = str(self.num)
def response(self, flow):
self.num = self.num + 1
flow.response.headers["count"] = str(self.num)
# see source mitmproxy/ for details
def loop_in_thread(loop, m):
asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) # This is the key.
if __name__ == "__main__":
options = Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080, http2=True)
m = DumpMaster(options, with_termlog=False, with_dumper=False)
config = ProxyConfig(options)
m.server = ProxyServer(config)
# run mitmproxy in backgroud, especially integrated with other server
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
t = threading.Thread( target=loop_in_thread, args=(loop,m) )
# Other servers, such as a web server, might be started then.
print('going to shutdown mitmproxy')
from BigSully's gist

You can put your Addon class into and then run mitmdump -s mitmdump comes without the console interface and can run in the background.
We (mitmproxy devs) officially don't support manual instantiation from Python anymore because that creates a massive amount of support burden for us. If you have some Python experience you can probably find your way around.
What if my addon has additional dependencies?
Approach 1: pip install mitmproxy is still perfectly supported and gets you the same functionality as the standalone binaries. Bonus tip: You can run venv/bin/mitmproxy or venv/Scripts/mitmproxy.exe to invoke mitmproxy in your virtualenv without having your virtualenv activated.
Approach 2: You can install mitmproxy with pipx and then run pipx inject mitmproxy <your dependency name>. See for details.
How can I debug mitmproxy itself?
If you are debugging from the command line (be it print statements or pdb), the easiest approach is to run mitmdump instead of mitmproxy, which provides the same functionality minus the console interface. Alternatively, you can use PyCharm's remote debug functionality, which also works while the console interface is active (

This example below should work fine with mitmproxy v7
from import main
from import DumpMaster
options = main.options.Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080)
m = DumpMaster(options=options)
# the rest is same in the previous versions

from mitmproxy.addons.proxyserver import Proxyserver
from mitmproxy.options import Options
from import DumpMaster
options = Options(listen_host='', listen_port=8080, http2=True)
m = DumpMaster(options, with_termlog=True, with_dumper=False)
m.server = Proxyserver()
// addons here
Hi, I think that should do it


How to use Micropython Classes in separate files

Getting started with MicroPython and having problems with classes in separate files:
import clientBase
import time
if __name__ == "__main__":
time.sleep(15) # Delay to open Putty
print("Going to class")
cb = clientBase.ClientBaseClass
class ClientBaseClass:
def __init__(self):
def process(self):
Compiles and copies to Pico without errors but does not run. Putty output: No idea how to run Putty (or other port monitor) without blocking port!
MPY: soft reboot
Traceback (most recent call last):
Python Conslole:
"C:\Users\jluca\OneDrive\Apps\Analytical Engine\Python\Client\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2021.2.4\plugins\python-ce\helpers\pydev\" --mode=client --port=59708
import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform))
sys.path.extend(['C:\Users\jluca\OneDrive\Apps\Analytical Engine\Python\Client', 'C:\Users\jluca\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2021.2\plugins\intellij-micropython\typehints\stdlib', 'C:\Users\jluca\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2021.2\plugins\intellij-micropython\typehints\micropython', 'C:\Users\jluca\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2021.2\plugins\intellij-micropython\typehints\rpi_pico', 'C:/Users/jluca/OneDrive/Apps/Analytical Engine/Python/Client'])
PyDev console: starting.
Python 3.10.3 (tags/v3.10.3:a342a49, Mar 16 2022, 13:07:40) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
The first problem I see here is that you're not properly instantiating the ClientBaseClass object. You're missing parentheses here:
if __name__ == "__main__":
time.sleep(15) # Delay to open Putty
print("Going to class")
cb = clientBase.ClientBaseClass # <-- THIS IS INCORRECT
This is setting the variable cb the class ClientBaseClass, rather than creating a new object of that class.
You need:
if __name__ == "__main__":
time.sleep(15) # Delay to open Putty
print("Going to class")
cb = clientBase.ClientBaseClass()
I don't know if that's your only problem or not; seeing your traceback will shed more details on the problem.
If I fix that one problem, it all seems to work. I'm using ampy to transfer files to my Pico board (I've also repeated the same process using the Thonny edit, which provides a menu-driven interface for working with Micropython boards):
$ ampy -p /dev/usbserial/3/1.4.2 put
$ ampy -p /dev/usbserial/3/1.4.2 put
$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/usbserial/3/1.4.2
I press return to get the Micropython REPL prompt:
And then type CTRL-D to reset the board:
>>> <CTRL-D>
MPY: soft reboot
And then the board comes up, the code executes as expected:
<pause for 15 seconds>
Going to class
MicroPython v1.18 on 2022-01-17; Raspberry Pi Pico with RP2040
Type "help()" for more information.
(note that if you replace MicroPython with CircuitPython,the Pico will show up as a drive and you can just drag-and-drop files on it.)
Tried micropython and circuitpython with Pycharm, Thonny and VisualStudio code. The only thing that reliably works is CircuitPython with Mu editor. I think its all about the way the .py files are copied to the Pico board and life's too short to do more diagnostics. Mu is pretty basic but it works! Thanks for the help.

how to pytest an app that can use ipython embed as arg parameter?

I have a python application that has an option "-y" to end its procedure in a ipython terminal with all objects created ready for an interactive manipulation.
I'm trying to think in how can I design a pytest that could allow me, somehow, to interact with this terminal, to check if objects are there in a python session, exit, and then capture the results for assert (I know how to use capsys for example).
During my attempts (all failed so far) I got a suggestion to use pytest -s option which, obviously, is not my case.
So I have this example:
import argparse
import random
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="start iPython interpreter")
args = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == "__main__":
randomlist = []
for i in range(0, 5):
n = random.randint(1, 30)
if args.ipython:
import IPython
How could I create a test that could assert that randomlist is inside the ipython session?

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gspread' on python anywhere

What I am trying to achieve.
Run a python script saved On pythonanywhere host from google sheets on a button press.
Check the answer by Dustin Michels
Task of Each File? contains code of REST API made using Flask. contains code for that get values from(google sheet cell A1:A2). And sum both values send sum back to A3. contains code for a GET request with an argument as name( may change if the user wants to run another file.
I Made an API by using works online and offline perfectly but still, if you want to recommend anything related to the Review
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from flask_restful import Api, Resource
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
class callApi(Resource):
def get(self, file_name):
my_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
file_path = os.path.join(my_dir, file_name)
file = open(file_path)
getvalues = {}
exec(, getvalues)
return jsonify({'data': getvalues['total']})
api.add_resource(callApi, "/callApi/<string:file_name>")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here is the Code of
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
# use creds to create a client to interact with the Google Drive API
scopes =['',"",""]
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('service_account.json', scopes)
client = gspread.authorize(creds)
# Find a workbook by name and open the first sheet
# Make sure you use the right name here.
sheet ="Demosheet").sheet1
# Extract and print all of the values
list_of_hashes = sheet.get_all_records()
below is the code
import requests
BASE = ''
response = requests.get(BASE)
print(response.json()) output
{'data': 54} code
a = 20
b = 34
total = a+b
if I request at that time I am got this error.
check code above is hosted on
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gspread'
However, I installed gspread on pythonanywhere why using the command. but it's not working.
You either haven't installed the gspread package on your current python environment or it is installed somewhere (e.g. in a diff. virtual env) and your script cant find it.
Try installing the package inside the environment your running your script in using pip3:
pip3 install gspread
You can try something like this on Windows
pip install gspread
or on Mac
pip3 install gspread
If you're running on Docker, or building with a requirements.txt you can try adding this line you your requirements.txt file
Any other instructions for this package can be found here =>
Download gspread here
Download the tar file: gspread-3.7.0.tar.gz from the above link
Extract file and convert folder in zip then upload it back on server
Open bash console and use command as
$ unzip gspread-3.7.0
$ cd gspread-3.7.0
$ python3.7 install --user

How to take screenshots in AWS Device farm for a run using appium python?

Even after a successful execution of my tests in DeviceFarm, I get an empty screenshots report. I have kept my code as simple as below -
from appium import webdriver
import time
import unittest
import os
class MyAndroidTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
caps = {}
self.driver = webdriver.Remote("", caps)
def test1(self):
screenshot_folder = os.getenv('SCREENSHOT_PATH', '/tmp')
self.driver.save_screenshot(screenshot_folder + 'screen1.png')
def tearDown(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(MyAndroidTest)
I tested on a single device pool -
How can I make this work ?
Missing a slash (/) before the filename (i.e., screen1.png). Line 15 should be as below -
self.driver.save_screenshot(screenshot_folder + '/screen1.png')
Though I'm not sure exactly how to write this to a file in Device Farm here are the appium docs for the screenshot endpoint and a python example.
It gets a base 64 encoded string which then we would just need to save it somewhere like the appium screenshot dir the other answers mentioned. Otherwise we could also save it in the /tmp dir and then export it using the custom artifacts feature.
Let me know if that link helps.

Loading JDBC connector in Eclipse Jython plugin

I'm working with an Eclipse-based tool which provides an interactive Jython shell for scripting and data analysis against an internal data model.
I'm trying to write a script which exports results to some form of database, so I'm trying to use the built-in com.ziclix.python.sql package in Jython to provide the interface and the Xerial JDBC connector for SQLite ( to provide the backend.
The script below works perfectly when run outside of the third-party tool using a standard command line Jython interpreter, including relying on the importJar() hack which is commonly used to work around Jython not always using the user CLASSPATH when run using java -jar <blah>:
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
from import URL, URLClassLoader
from java.lang import ClassLoader
from import File
JDBC_URL = "jdbc:sqlite:test.db"
JDBC_DRIVER = "org.sqlite.JDBC"
JDBC_JAR = "E:/sqlite-jdbc-3.21.0.jar"
# Import Jar file into local class path
def importJar(jarFile):
m = URLClassLoader.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", [URL])
m.accessible = 1
m.invoke(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), [File(jarFile).toURL()])
def main():
dbConn = zxJDBC.connect(JDBC_URL, None, None, JDBC_DRIVER)
cursor = dbConn.cursor()
# Do something useful
except zxJDBC.DatabaseError, msg:
print msg
if __name__ == '__main__':
... but fails when run from the plugin inside Eclipse, where the zxJDBC.connect() call errors with:
driver [org.sqlite.JDBC] not found
If I add the Jar file to the JYTHONPATH environment I can do import org.sqlite.JDBC successfully in the Python script, but the connect call still fails in the Java-side of the JDBC driver manager.
For sake of completeness the full path to the Jar file is on the CLASSPATH, PYTHONPATH, and JYTHONPATH environment variables ...
Any ideas?