Gradle dependencies to download a single file from github repository - github

Need some help with writing the gradle dependices to download a single file from github repository
We have a scenario where we need to download .yaml file from the github repository so that we can use it further to autogenerarte it . How do I download a single file form github report via gradle

The best option, if you have freedom to change the source project, is for the yaml to be built, versioned and published to a repository. Eg packed inside a zip/jar in nexus. You could then get the zip/jar in Gradle similar to any other dependency then unpack the yaml file.
Failing that there's a couple of options with github
Download via http (see download plugin)
Get using git (see gradle-git plugin)


How to download a published github package on build action

I have a github repository whose build action includes publishing docker image. This docker image needs a jar file from a different repository within the same organization.
I don't need to install this package, instead just download it as part of CI and bundle it as part of my docker image.
I have looked at but that does not seem to work for published packages.
Is there an action or some curl command that I can use to download the published package as part of CI ?

List files of a build artifact

I've seen that in the 5.0 preview of the REST API it seems possible to download a specific file from a build artifact using :
But how to list the files of an artifact ? I don't know what to input for fileId.
My usecase is a folder archived as an artifact during the build. I would like to get download links for each files in the folder.
I found that the API you using is not having complete documentation.
I used below to download specific file from Build artifacts using PowerShell. You could get the container ID from GET build details.

Installing Nuget packages form repository in VSTS

I have certain packages that are not available online. I am maintaining a package folder in my repo that holds all the packages required for the application to successfully build.
I am trying to figure out a way to install packages in VSTS build definition from the packages present in repo.
Thanks in advance.
I recommend that you can store your packages in VSTS package feed. Then restore the packages from your VSTS feed.
Publish your packages to your VSTS package feed. (Refer to Package Management in Team Services and TFS)
Edit your build definition, specify config file for Nuget restore step or put NuGet.config at the solution root, next to the project.json file.
Regarding packages store in the repository scenario, you can clone that repository to the corresponding folder by using Command Line step/task;
Edit your build definition
Select Options
Check Allow Scripts to Access OAuth Token
Add Command Line step (Tool: [git tool path] (you can add nuget.exe to environment (system) variable), Arguments: clone https://:$(System.AccessToken)#[git repo url], Working folder: [folder that packages need to download]
On the other hand, if the project/solution file and package files are in the same repository, you just need to select corresponding repository in Repository tab of build definition.

jenkins with copy artifact plugin without maven from GitHub

I am trying to deploy a war file into WAS8.5 with GitHub. at first I am specifying "EAR Path" with the war file in "Websphere Deployment" option. Then I made some changes in eclipse workspace and pushed into GitHub. Jenkins is checking for latest build but unable to deploy the same in Server. I have used copy artifact plugin, but still nothing happening. I may be wrong in configurations or something. I am getting the following exception:
Copied 0 artifacts from "simplewebapp" build number 20
ERROR: Failed to copy artifacts from simplewebapp with filter: *.war
Archiving artifacts
Finished: FAILURE
and in \jobs\simplewebapp\builds\lastSuccessfulBuild\archive\SimpleWebApp, am unable to see any archive file. How can i achieve it without Maven?
Kindly show me with some examples.
As a final answer, I recommend to host your project code in GitHub, to use Jenkins/Maven to build your project and to publish the EAR/WAR file to WebSphere using this deployer plugin.

Can I download artifacts built by BuildHive?

I have started using the free Jenkins build service on BuildHive for one of my GitHub projects. This is also my first try doing anything with Maven. I have succeeded in building my project using this script on BuildHive:
cd base_dir
mvn package
The build log shows that the resulting JAR has been built. Now I would like to offer the JAR to my project's users as a download artifact because GitHub has discontinued the feature of manually uploading binaries in a separate download section.
Is there any way I can download an artifact, referencing it by a URL? If so, how do I construct the URL, knowing only the artifact's local path from the build log?
Alternatively, is there a way in which I can push the artifact to another place by adding a command to my build shell script after mvn package? I was thinking of something like a curl or ftpput commmand.
The best thing I was able to come up with as a quick workaround was to upload the artifacts in question to my FTP server via curl, as suggested by my original question. It works, but the downside are the FTP credentials in the build public log. I have counterbalanced that by a shell script on my DSL router which checks for FTP storage abuse every few minutes.
As an alternative I found that after creating a free CloudBees account for my little open source project, I got my own Jenkins build configuration as well as my own artifact repository where to deploy my build artifacts. This is much more elegant and does not involve posting any FTP credentials to a public server.
I am still open for BuildHive-only solutions if anyone has a smart idea. :-)