I've been trying to figure this one out all day and have been unsuccessful. What I'm trying to do is retrieve selected values from a multiple selector row. The row so far is fully functioning and I've been able to set it up so that my options are structs.
The problem I'm having is towards the end when I need to retrieve the data from the form. I'm able to use form.values() and know how to work with the dictionary for the most part.
When I call for the values in the multi-row, they come through as 'Sets'. I am still relatively new to Swift so I hadn't dealt with these before, but from what I've read so far they are collection types like Arrays?
this is the part that is giving me issues:
<<< ButtonRow("btnnRow") { row in
row.title = "Confirm selection."
row.onCellSelection({ (cell, row) in
let formValues = self.form.values()
let koko = formValues["multiSelectTest"] as! Set<MultiTestStruct>
switch koko.isEmpty {
case true:
print("Set is empty")
case false:
print("Set is NOT empty!")
This is the latest iteration of what I've attempted. It's able to print 'empty' on first load, but as soon as I select an option and unselect it again, crash!
I think I'm having problems after selection because when I print all values, it's initially "multiSelectTest": nil, but after making a selection in the Multi-row then unselecting it, this is what it turns into: "multiSelectTest": Optional(Set([])).
Apologies if this makes no sense, I'd be happy to explain further if needed, it's currently 2am and my brain is pretty frazzled!
TL:DR - How to get values from a multiple selection row.
Thank you for reading.
Update: error message- Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value - I get this error if I try to get the rows value before selecting and unselecting. Once selection has been toggled, there is no issue.
This is the console output of all values prior to making a selection:
["btnRow": nil, "btnRow2": nil, "multiSelectTest": nil]
This is the console output after selecting an option:
["btnRow": nil, "btnRow2": nil, "multiSelectTest": Optional(Set([theDD_Admin.MultiTestStruct(name: "HELLO!")]))]
And finally, this is after I've cleared the multi-row of all options:
["btnRow": nil, "btnRow2": nil, "multiSelectTest": Optional(Set([]))]
My main plan of action was to call for the multi-row values if multi was nil but as you can see it is only nil whilst untouched. After making an option an even unselecting, it turns into a set and I get lost from there.
From #koropok's comment, this is what I've managed to come up with. In the multi-row, I set the .onChange behaviour -
row.onChange({ (row) in
if row.value?.isEmpty == true {
// if row Set<> is empty then this row will be cleared and set to nil
self.form.setValues(["multiSelectTest" : nil])
I was running into an error when I tried to do row.value = nil and this way is working as intended.
This is what I've come up with and is working well for me so far. For those with more experience than I, is this the correct/best approach? Would like to know if anyone would do anything differently.
Thanks again!
I have a set of four arrays. I also have an option to either enable or disable 3 of the 4 arrays (one is always enabled).
Is there a way to randomly decide which array to pull a value from (of the arrays indicated as enabled)?
I originally was aiming to make a master array and just append the content of the other enabled ones into it, but it proved a little harder than expected. I figured it would be easier to simply randomly select an array to pull the single value from as long as it was "enabled".
I'm currently pulling the value with a simple statement such as
If ????? {
return promptArrayA[desiredIndexA]
} else if { ?????
return promptArrayB[desiredIndexB]
} else if { ?????
return promptArrayC[desiredIndexC]
} else {
return promptArrayD[desiredIndexD]
I'm thinking if I had a "randomizer" that chose one of the enabled arrays, then I can use that as a constraint in an If Statement.
I'm fairly new to Swift so any help is much appreciated. Thank you
You can get the array randomly by doing:
let enabledArrays = [promptArrayA, promptArrayB, promptArrayC, promptArrayD]
let randomIndex = Int.random(in: 0..<enabledArrays.count)
let randomArray = enabledArrays[randomIndex]
return randomArray[desiredIndex]
I have a google form and a sheet that collects the responses which of course always appear at the bottom. I have been using the following script to copy the last response (which is always on the last row) from the Response sheet (Form Responses 2) to row two of another sheet (All Responses). When run by a trigger on Form Submit the script inserts a blank row into All Responses, then the copied values into another row above the blank row. Please can you help and tell me why and how I might change the script so the blank row is not added:
function CopyLastrowformresponse () {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var AR = ss.getSheetByName("All Responses");
var FR = ss.getSheetByName("Form responses 2");
var FRlastrow = FR.getLastRow();
FR.getRange(FRlastrow, 1, FRlastrow, 22).copyTo(AR.getRange("A2"), SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES, false);
A few things could be going on here.
You're getting a number of rows equal to FRlastrow, when I think you only want to be getting 1 row.
Apps Script has buggy behavior with onFormSubmit() triggers, so you may to check duplicate triggers (see this answer).
The script isn't fully exploiting the event object provided by onFormSubmit(). Specifically, rather than getting the last row from one sheet, you could use e.values, which is the same data.
I would change the script to be something like this:
function CopyLastrowformresponse (e) {
if (e.values && e.values[1] != "") { // assuming e.values[1] (the first question) is required
.getSheetByName("All Responses")
.getRange(2, 1, 1, e.values.length)
But, ultimately, if all you want to do is simply reverse the order of the results, then I'd ditch Apps Script altogether and just use the =SORT() function.
=SORT('Form responses 2'!A:V, 'Form responses 2'!A:A, FALSE)
I'm a swift newbie and I'm working on a Swift Mac App as a demo project.The app stores stock symbols in a sqlite table, fetches the stock price, calculates value and then finally displays the results in a table view.
I'm looking for ways to improve execution speed when fetching data to populate my table view. So I used Dispatch Queue as shown below. The problem is that the
Stock Price and Stock Value columns (calculated in the async closure) are always empty. What am i doing wrong? The function getStocksData returns a NSMutableArray which is the datasource for my table view
func getStocksData() -> NSMutableArray {
let resultSet: FMResultSet! = sharedInstance.database!.executeQuery("select stock_id,symbol,company,qty from stocks ", withArgumentsIn: [])
let stocksDBRowsArray : NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
if (resultSet != nil) {
while resultSet.next() {
let stockInfo : StockInfo = StockInfo()
stockInfo.StockID = resultSet.string(forColumn: "stock_id")!
stockInfo.Symbol = resultSet.string(forColumn: "symbol")!
stockInfo.StockCompany = resultSet.string(forColumn: "company")!
stockInfo.Qty = resultSet.string(forColumn: "qty")!
//create queue with unique label to fetch stock price
let queue=DispatchQueue(label:stockInfo.Symbol)
queue.async {
//code to fetch stock price goes here
return stocksDBRowsArray
What am i doing wrong?
When your getStocksData() method returns, the StockInfo values may, or may not yet be filled with fetched values. StockInfo values eventually get filled, at some undefined point in time, in an undefined application thread.
That's what the provided code snippet does. Of course this is not what you want, but what you want is not very clear either.
The documentation for Swift's Dispatch library is very terse, and won't help you much understand what is happening. I instead suggest that you study the documentation for dispatch_async, which is the C equivalent of the Swift DispatchQueue.async. It is documented with much more details, and you'll read this key sentence:
Calls to this function always return immediately after the block has been submitted and never wait for the block to be invoked.
Generally don't hesitate switching to the Objective-C documentation when the Swift documentation is lacking. Mastering some Swift technologies sometimes requires this little inconvenience. You'll learn a great deal of information there.
I have a bare bones struct.
struct Transaction {
var value: String = ""
var date: String = ""
var title: String = ""
In my project, Transaction is used like so...
var transaction:Transaction = Transaction()
//loops 3 times
repeat {
let parsed = stringAndType(from:myParser)//-> (string:String, type:UInt8)
switch parsed.type {
case 1:
print("1 -- \(parsed.string")
transaction.value = parsed.string
case 2:
print("2 -- \(parsed.string)")
transaction.date = parsed.string
case 4:
print("4 -- \(parsed.string)")
transaction.title = parsed.string
default: break
} while myParser.isOk
print("Returning transaction: \(transaction)")
return transaction
In this code, a structure is created. The parser feeds the data to the switch, which assigns the parsed string to the appropriate Transaction variable. When I run the following code, the output indicates that the assignments to transaction.date and transaction.value are not sticking.
2 -- 12/22/2015
1 -- -5.00
Returning transaction: Transaction(value: "", date: "", title: "RECURRING PAYMENT BACKBLAZE")
There is complex buffering behind the scenes in stringAndType(). Looking at this as a C programmer, I really want to think that function might be the problem. However, I was under the impression that Swift strings are structures, and are therefore copy on write, just like an integer or double. Hoping you can provide insight. Thank you for your time.
Update 02/15/17
The logic in this code is functioning as expected. I think the problem here is memory management. To help drive this point, I've...
Removed the print lines from my switch
Added didSet {} to each variable in Transaction
Like so...
struct Transaction {
var value: String = "" {
didSet {
print("The VALUE has changed from \(oldValue) to \(value)")
//this is repeated appropriately for the other two variables
The given output rules out any logical issues. Output:
The DATE has changed from to 12/22/2015
The VALUE has changed from to -5.00
Returning transaction: Transaction(value: "", date: "", title: "RECURRING PAYMENT BACKBLAZE")
stringAndType() does read from an unsafe buffer, but it copies the bytes to a Data structure, and returns a string initialized from the COPIED data. I thought this would insulate me from safety issues...perhaps theres an implementation detail to String I'm missing?
Credit to #unkgd, you were on the right track with your initial answer before you retracted it. There was a logical error between the while parser.isOk loop and the parent loop (omitted to keep the code short) that was wiping Transaction between value and title being set. There was no indication of this happening in the output. The loop posted above was not looping three times, rather, it was looping once, but that single loop was iterated three times by the parent. Therefore, only the most recent parsed value was stored in the structure, in this case, title. Again, full credit to #unkgd (if you repost your answer and I will mark it as correct). Thanks to everyone for their ideas.
I have a usernameField. On initial state, the field is empty. If I log in successfully, and log back out, it remembers my username for me.
Trying to create a test case for iOS (in swift) that will clear out the field (use the clearText button) if the field has content and then enter a desired string. If it's empty, it needs to skip the clearText button action (since it doesn't exist when the field value is nil) and go straight to entering the username.
It always skips the if statement, even when it's true. Looks for the clearText button, and fails. Works if there's a value in the field, though.
Tried lots of different approaches, but here's my best current working code. Open to any suggestions, as I have no one to really help me learn this stuff. I'm sure I'm just missing something fundamental:
let staffusernameloginfield = app.scrollViews.otherElements.textFields["staffUsernameLoginField"]
func checkUsernameFieldContents() {
if staffusernameloginfield == (Content:nil) {
else {
elementsQuery.buttons["Clear text"].tap()
Have also tried:
if staffusernameloginfield == ("") {
else {
elementsQuery.buttons["Clear text"].tap()
I know that I could hack it by having it always enter a value into the field and then clear it out and enter the desired value, but in this test case, I'm not trying to test for that.
I would compare the value (raw attribute of the element). This type can vary so I always do it as a string:
if staffusernameloginfield.value as! String == "" {
else {
elementsQuery.buttons["Clear text"].tap()
Now it should enter 'owner' if it sees there is no value in staffusernameloginfield.
to check if the textfield is empty:
app.textFields["signInEmailAddressTextFieldLabel"].value as? String == ""
if the textfield is empty, then that's true
I usually use an assert to check if the value is empty or not, in this example the value is equal to a variable incorrectPassword:
XCTAssertEqual(app.textFields["\(passwordSecureTextFieldLabel)"].value as? String, incorrectPassword)