My google sheets function does the job when run from editor but gives different outcome when trigered by Form submit - forms

I have a google form and a sheet that collects the responses which of course always appear at the bottom. I have been using the following script to copy the last response (which is always on the last row) from the Response sheet (Form Responses 2) to row two of another sheet (All Responses). When run by a trigger on Form Submit the script inserts a blank row into All Responses, then the copied values into another row above the blank row. Please can you help and tell me why and how I might change the script so the blank row is not added:
function CopyLastrowformresponse () {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var AR = ss.getSheetByName("All Responses");
var FR = ss.getSheetByName("Form responses 2");
var FRlastrow = FR.getLastRow();
FR.getRange(FRlastrow, 1, FRlastrow, 22).copyTo(AR.getRange("A2"), SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES, false);

A few things could be going on here.
You're getting a number of rows equal to FRlastrow, when I think you only want to be getting 1 row.
Apps Script has buggy behavior with onFormSubmit() triggers, so you may to check duplicate triggers (see this answer).
The script isn't fully exploiting the event object provided by onFormSubmit(). Specifically, rather than getting the last row from one sheet, you could use e.values, which is the same data.
I would change the script to be something like this:
function CopyLastrowformresponse (e) {
if (e.values && e.values[1] != "") { // assuming e.values[1] (the first question) is required
.getSheetByName("All Responses")
.getRange(2, 1, 1, e.values.length)
But, ultimately, if all you want to do is simply reverse the order of the results, then I'd ditch Apps Script altogether and just use the =SORT() function.
=SORT('Form responses 2'!A:V, 'Form responses 2'!A:A, FALSE)


How to convert Date and Time with mailmerge google slides from sheets as it is in cell

I have created a table with which I can record our check in times of our employees with the help of a generated Qr code in each line.The data in the table is generated as slides and converted into pdf. For this I use a script that I got to work with your help and it works. Here I would like to thank you especially #tanaike.
My problem is that the date and time are not copied to the slides to be generated as indicated in the cell but completely with Central European time and I added in the script to look in column if its empty to generate the slide. If it's not empty don't do anything. As I said everything is working except this two things.
I must confess I did not try to correct it somehow because I had already shot the script and I made some here despair. It would be really great if you write me the solutions and I can take them over. I will share the spreadsheet with you and the screenshot with ae and time. Thanks for your time and effort to help people like us; we are really trying.
As another approach, when I saw your question, I thought that if your Spreadsheet has the correct date values you expect, and in your script, you are retrieving the values using getValues, getValues is replaced with getDisplayValues(), it might be your expected result.
When I saw your provided sample Spreadsheet, I found your current script, when your script is modified, how about the following modification?
var sheetContents = dataRange.getValues();
sheetContents = dataRange.getDisplayValues();
When I saw your sample Spreadsheet, it seems that the column of the date has mixed values of both the string value and the date object. So, if you want to use the values as the date object using getValues, please be careful about this.
About your 2nd question of I mean that when a slide has been generated, the script saves the link from the slide in column D if the word YES is in column L. How do I make the script create the slide if there is JA in the column L and there is no link in column D. is a link in column D, the script should not generate a slide again. Thus, the script should only generate a slide if column D is empty and at the same time the word JA is in column L., when I proposed to modify from if (row[2] === "" && row[11] === "JA") { to if (row[3] == "" && ["JA", "YES"].includes(row[11])) {, you say as follows.
If ichanged as you descripted if (row[3] == "" && ["JA", "YES"].includes(row[11])) { i got this error. Syntax error: Unexpected token 'else' Line: 21 File:
In this case, I'm worried that you might correctly reflect my proposed script. Because when I tested it, no error occurs. So, just in case, I add the modified script from your provided Spreadsheet as follows. Please test this.
Modified script:
function mailMergeSlidesFromSheets() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
sheetContents = dataRange.getDisplayValues(); // Modified
var updatedContents = [];
var check = 0;
sheetContents.forEach(function (row) {
if (row[3] == "" && ["JA", "YES"].includes(row[11])) { // Modified
var slides = createSlidesFromRow(row);
var slidesId = slides.getId();
var slidesUrl = `${slidesId}/edit`;
var pdf = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${slidesId}`, { headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() } }).getBlob().setName(slides.getName() + ".pdf");
// Or DriveApp.getFolderById("###folderId###").createFile(pdf);
} else {
if (check == 0) return;
sheet.getRange(2, 4, updatedContents.length).setValues(updatedContents);
function todaysDateAndTime() {
const dt = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),Session.getScriptTimeZone(),"MM:dd:yyyy");
const tm = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),Session.getScriptTimeZone(),"HH:mm:ss");

Unable to set a javascript date object to a cell hidden by filter

I have a script which checks certain conditions to send reminders emails or sms to my clients. the only issues I'm finding is that if I try to write a cell that is hidden by a filter, the script executes but the data is not changed in any way.
I'll write a short version of the whole script:
function test(){
var nowTime = new Date();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var lastrow =sheet.getLastRow();
var lastcol =sheet.getLastColumn();
var fullData =cell.offset(0, 0,lastrow-
var cell = sheet.getRange("A2");
var i=0;
while (i<fullData.length){
var reminderType =0;
var row = fullData[i];
if (row[0] == 1) {sendreminder();cell.offset(i, 2).setValue(new Date());}
if for example the first column has hidden all the rows with 1 the script executes and sends all the reminders but ignore the setvalue(), if the rows are visible it works perfectly.
One solution can de to remove the filter but would be very annoying since we use the filter a lot and the script is triggered by time every 10 minutes so I would be working on the sheet and suddenly the filter get removed to run the script.
I have tried with cell.offset, getrange etc.. without any success ... Ideas?
EDIT: The problem seems to be only if I try to write a date if (row[0] == 1) {cell.offset(i, 1).setValue(new Date());}
For instance I'm writing another information (a number) in a different column and that cell gets updated.
The rest remain the same
here is a test sheet I created:
For now I added this code to save the state of the filter and reestablish it at the end. It's not really elegant and still add a lot of chances of something being messed up or the script failing but it's the less invasive solution I came out with. Does someone has a better one?
// at the beginning
if (sheet1.getFilter()){
var filterRange= sheet1.getFilter().getRange();
var filterSetting = [];
var i=0;
while (i<filterRange.getNumColumns()-1) {filterSetting[i]= sheet1.getFilter().getColumnFilterCriteria(i+1);sheet1.getFilter().removeColumnFilterCriteria(i+1);i++; }
// At the end
if (sheet1.getFilter()){
var i=0;
while (i<filterRange.getNumColumns()-1) {if (filterSetting[i]) sheet1.getFilter().setColumnFilterCriteria(i+1, filterSetting[i]);i++; }
Given the fact the problem is not writing in the hidden row as it was pointed out, the solution is to use the formatdate to format the value before writing it in the cell.
Not ideal either since regional formattings might prevent the script from working on different accounts but sure better solution than disabling the filters.
here is the code i needed to add:
var nowTime = new Date();
var timeZone = Session.getScriptTimeZone();
var nowTimeFormatted = Utilities.formatDate(nowTime, timeZone, 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss');
any idea on how to improve this script or to solve the original problem without workarounds is appreciated :)

Alternative to arrayToDataTable for date column

I'm new to stackexchange so my apologies if this question is too extensive or already answered somewhere I couldn't find. You can find the spreadsheet here, the script here and the dashboard (dev version) here.
I have been banging my head on handling dates in the google app script visualization for days.
My ultimate goal is to make a dashboard that includes an annotated timeline as well as other charts based on a data set in a spreadsheet. I have started this process using Mogsdad tutorial on creating a 3-tier google visualization dashboard, where the data is pulled from external spreadsheet and then pulled into the DataTable using arrayToDataTable. Everything worked great out of the box. However, my data contains dates, so I added a date column to the original data, but alas arrayToDataTable doesn't accept date type per this post. So when a Date column is added i get the following result:
ScriptError: The script completed but the returned value is not a
supported return type.
I have tried multiple approaches to ensure even date formatting: options includes putting the values in the date column through new Date(dateColumn[i]), dateColumn[i].toJSON() (renders the dash board, but dates aren't able to be processed), forced date formats in the spreadsheet (yyyy-MM-dd), using the DataView outlined in the post above (dashboards don't get past 'Loading'), and such.
So my question is what is the alternatives to arrayToDataTable that will accept date columns in this 3-tier approach? Or alternatively, what are the errors in the below methods?
For all the cases when I have attempted to add columns I have changed the code from var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(response,false) to var data = google.visualization.DataTable()
I have tried the following:
Manually adding columns and manually adding data (not working)
//Add Columns
data.addColumn('number','Donuts eaten');
data.addColumn('date','Last Donut Eaten');
//Add Rows
['Miranda','Female', 22,6,6],
Automatically adding the rows without dates (The rows are added, but it only works if there are no date columns)
//Add Rows
for (var i=1; i<response.length; i++) {
Manually adding columns and automatically adding rows (not working, combination of 1 and 2)
Automatically adding the columns with loops (not working, neither if dates or not)
for (var i=0; i<response[0].length; i++) {
if (response[1][i] instanceof Date) { //Checks if first value is Date
else if (response[1][i] instanceof Number) //Checks if first value is Number
else data.addColumn('string',response[0][i]; //Otherwise assume string
Thank you so much for your help!
you can use the Query (google.visualization.Query) class to pull the data from the spreadsheet,
this will convert the date column properly...
google.charts.load('current', {
}).then(function () {
var queryURL = '';
var query = new google.visualization.Query(queryURL).send(function (response) {
var data = response.getDataTable();
// show column types
for (var i = 0; i < data.getNumberOfColumns(); i++) {
console.log(data.getColumnLabel(i), '=', data.getColumnType(i));
// draw table chart
var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('chart-table'));
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart-table"></div>
note: the example uses jsapi to load the library,
this library should no longer be used.
according to the release notes...
The version of Google Charts that remains available via the jsapi loader is no longer being updated consistently. Please use the new gstatic loader.js from now on.
this will only change the load statement, see above snippet...

Reverse display order in UITableView of Childs retrieved from Firebase Database [duplicate]

I'm trying to test out Firebase to allow users to post comments using push. I want to display the data I retrieve with the following;
fbl.child('sell').limit(20).on("value", function(fbdata) {
// handle data display here
The problem is the data is returned in order of oldest to newest - I want it in reversed order. Can Firebase do this?
Since this answer was written, Firebase has added a feature that allows ordering by any child or by value. So there are now four ways to order data: by key, by value, by priority, or by the value of any named child. See this blog post that introduces the new ordering capabilities.
The basic approaches remain the same though:
1. Add a child property with the inverted timestamp and then order on that.
2. Read the children in ascending order and then invert them on the client.
Firebase supports retrieving child nodes of a collection in two ways:
by name
by priority
What you're getting now is by name, which happens to be chronological. That's no coincidence btw: when you push an item into a collection, the name is generated to ensure the children are ordered in this way. To quote the Firebase documentation for push:
The unique name generated by push() is prefixed with a client-generated timestamp so that the resulting list will be chronologically-sorted.
The Firebase guide on ordered data has this to say on the topic:
How Data is Ordered
By default, children at a Firebase node are sorted lexicographically by name. Using push() can generate child names that naturally sort chronologically, but many applications require their data to be sorted in other ways. Firebase lets developers specify the ordering of items in a list by specifying a custom priority for each item.
The simplest way to get the behavior you want is to also specify an always-decreasing priority when you add the item:
var ref = new Firebase('');
var item = ref.push();
item.setWithPriority(yourObject, 0 -;
You'll also have to retrieve the children differently:
fbl.child('sell').startAt().limitToLast(20).on('child_added', function(fbdata) {
In my test using on('child_added' ensures that the last few children added are returned in reverse chronological order. Using on('value' on the other hand, returns them in the order of their name.
Be sure to read the section "Reading ordered data", which explains the usage of the child_* events to retrieve (ordered) children.
A bin to demonstrate this:,console
Since firebase 2.0.x you can use limitLast() to achieve that:
fbl.child('sell').orderByValue().limitLast(20).on("value", function(fbdataSnapshot) {
// fbdataSnapshot is returned in the ascending order
// you will still need to order these 20 items in
// in a descending order
Here's a link to the announcement: More querying capabilities in Firebase
To augment Frank's answer, it's also possible to grab the most recent records--even if you haven't bothered to order them using priorities--by simply using endAt().limit(x) like this demo:
var fb = new Firebase(URL);
// listen for all changes and update
fb.endAt().limit(100).on('value', update);
// print the output of our array
function update(snap) {
var list = [];
snap.forEach(function(ss) {
var data = ss.val();
data['.priority'] = ss.getPriority();
data['.name'] =;
// print/process the results...
Note that this is quite performant even up to perhaps a thousand records (assuming the payloads are small). For more robust usages, Frank's answer is authoritative and much more scalable.
This brute force can also be optimized to work with bigger data or more records by doing things like monitoring child_added/child_removed/child_moved events in lieu of value, and using a debounce to apply DOM updates in bulk instead of individually.
DOM updates, naturally, are a stinker regardless of the approach, once you get into the hundreds of elements, so the debounce approach (or a React.js solution, which is essentially an uber debounce) is a great tool to have.
There is really no way but seems we have the recyclerview we can have this
// Initialize Views
mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) view.findViewById(;
mManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getContext());
// mManager.setReverseLayout(false);
I have a date variable (long) and wanted to keep the newest items on top of the list. So what I did was:
Add a new long field 'dateInverse'
Add a new method called 'getDateInverse', which just returns: Long.MAX_VALUE - date;
Create my query with: .orderByChild("dateInverse")
Presto! :p
You are searching limitTolast(Int x) .This will give you the last "x" higher elements of your database (they are in ascending order) but they are the "x" higher elements
if you got in your database {10,300,150,240,2,24,220}
this method:
will retrive you : {150,220,240,300}
In Android there is a way to actually reverse the data in an Arraylist of objects through the Adapter. In my case I could not use the LayoutManager to reverse the results in descending order since I was using a horizontal Recyclerview to display the data. Setting the following parameters to the recyclerview messed up my UI experience:
The only working way I found around this was through the BindViewHolder method of the RecyclerView adapter:
public void onBindViewHolder(final RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
final SuperPost superPost = superList.get(getItemCount() - position - 1);
Hope this answer will help all the devs out there who are struggling with this issue in Firebase.
Firebase: How to display a thread of items in reverse order with a limit for each request and an indicator for a "load more" button.
This will get the last 10 items of the list
.limitToLast(loadMoreLimit) // loadMoreLimit = 10 for example
This will get the last 10 items. Grab the id of the last record in the list and save for the load more functionality. Next, convert the collection of objects into and an array and do a list.reverse().
LOAD MORE Functionality: The next call will do two things, it will get the next sequence of list items based on the reference id from the first request and give you an indicator if you need to display the "load more" button.
.endAt(null, lastThreadId) // Get this from the previous step
You will need to strip the first and last item of this object collection. The first item is the reference to get this list. The last item is an indicator for the show more button.
I have a bunch of other logic that will keep everything clean. You will need to add this code only for the load more functionality.
list = snapObjectAsArray; // The list is an array from snapObject
lastItemId = key; // get the first key of the list
if (list.length < loadMoreLimit+1) {
lastItemId = false;
if (list.length > loadMoreLimit+1) {
if (list.length > loadMoreLimit) {
// Return the list.reverse() and lastItemId
// If lastItemId is an ID, it will be used for the next reference and a flag to show the "load more" button.
I'm using ReactFire for easy Firebase integration.
Basically, it helps me storing the datas into the component state, as an array. Then, all I have to use is the reverse() function (read more)
Here is how I achieve this :
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import ReactMixin from 'react-mixin';
import ReactFireMixin from 'reactfire';
import Firebase from '../../../utils/firebaseUtils'; // Firebase.initializeApp(config);
export default class Add extends Component {
constructor(args) {
this.state = {
articles: []
componentWillMount() {
let ref = Firebase.database().ref('articles').orderByChild('insertDate').limitToLast(10);
this.bindAsArray(ref, 'articles'); // bind retrieved data to this.state.articles
render() {
return (
this.state.articles.reverse().map(function(article) {
return <div>{article.title}</div>
There is a better way. You should order by negative server timestamp. How to get negative server timestamp even offline? There is an hidden field which helps. Related snippet from documentation:
var offsetRef = new Firebase("https://<YOUR-FIREBASE-APP>");
offsetRef.on("value", function(snap) {
var offset = snap.val();
var estimatedServerTimeMs = new Date().getTime() + offset;
To add to Dave Vávra's answer, I use a negative timestamp as my sort_key like so
const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
const data = {
name: 'John Doe',
city: 'New York',
sort_key: timestamp * -1 // Gets the negative value of the timestamp
const ref = firebase.database().ref('business-images').child(id);
const query = ref.orderByChild('sort_key');
return $firebaseArray(query); // AngularFire function
This fetches all objects from newest to oldest. You can also $indexOn the sortKey to make it run even faster
I had this problem too, I found a very simple solution to this that doesn't involved manipulating the data in anyway. If you are rending the result to the DOM, in a list of some sort. You can use flexbox and setup a class to reverse the elements in their container.
.reverse {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column-reverse;
myarray.reverse(); or this.myitems = => item).reverse();
I did this by prepend.
query.orderByChild('sell').limitToLast(4).on("value", function(snapshot){
snapshot.forEach(function (childSnapshot) {
Someone has pointed out that there are 2 ways to do this:
Manipulate the data client-side
Make a query that will order the data
The easiest way that I have found to do this is to use option 1, but through a LinkedList. I just append each of the objects to the front of the stack. It is flexible enough to still allow the list to be used in a ListView or RecyclerView. This way even though they come in order oldest to newest, you can still view, or retrieve, newest to oldest.
You can add a column named orderColumn where you save time as
Long refrenceTime = "large future time";
Long currentTime = "currentTime";
Long order = refrenceTime - currentTime;
now save Long order in column named orderColumn and when you retrieve data
as orderBy(orderColumn) you will get what you need.
just use reverse() on the array , suppose if you are storing the values to an array items[] then do a this.items.reverse()
ref.subscribe(snapshots => {
this.items = [];
snapshots.forEach(snapshot => {
For me it was limitToLast that worked. I also found out that limitLast is NOT a function:)
const query = messagesRef.orderBy('createdAt', 'asc').limitToLast(25);
The above is what worked for me.
PRINT in reverse order
Let's think outside the box... If your information will be printed directly into user's screen (without any content that needs to be modified in a consecutive order, like a sum or something), simply print from bottom to top.
So, instead of inserting each new block of content to the end of the print space (A += B), add that block to the beginning (A = B+A).
If you'll include the elements as a consecutive ordered list, the DOM can put the numbers for you if you insert each element as a List Item (<li>) inside an Ordered Lists (<ol>).
This way you save space from your database, avoiding unnecesary reversed data.

How to trigger an email notification when cell value is modified by function

I would like to create a Google Sheets with event triggers. I'm using Google Apps Script.
I succeeded, thanks to Stack Overflow, to create a Google Sheets with an automatic mail notification when a cell is modified by a user.
Now I would like to know if this is possible when cell is modified by a function (not user's modification), such as :
if (today() >= B3 ; "late" ; "not late")
The function checks date, and give result "late" or "not late".
When deadlines are reached, the function would return "late" and a mail would be sent to warn me. The body mail would have the value of the cell in the B, D and E column and in the same row of the cell modified (I know how to do this using e.source, getRange and getRow)
So far, i've tried this, but it's not working
function sendNotification(e) {
if("F" == e.range.getA1Notation().charAt(0)) {
if(e.value == "Late") {
//Define Notification Details
var recipients = "";
var subject = "Deadlines" ;
var body = "deadline reached";
//Send the Email
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
How can I set up mail notifications when cells in F column have the "late" value (with "late" being the result of a function) ?
You can use a simple script that runs on a timer trigger and checks for any modification in a specific column in your sheet.
I use script like that for a lot of tasks, including calendar and sheets monitoring.
Below is a test code that works on column F, you have to run it once manually to create the scriptProperties value that I use to detect changes.
Then create a time trigger to run it every hour or any other timer value you find useful.
The only issue would be if you have a very long sheet, you could reach the length limit of the properties... (right now I don't remember the max length, will have to check ;-)
Code :
function checkColumnF() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var values = sh.getRange('F1:F').getValues().join('-');
if(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getKeys().length==0){ // first time you run the script
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('oldValues', values);
var oldValues = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('oldValues').split('-');
var valuesArray = values.split('-');
while (valuesArray.length>oldValues.length){
oldValues.push('x'); // if you append some rows since last exec
Logger.log('oldValues = '+oldValues)
Logger.log('current values = '+valuesArray)
for(var n=0;n<valuesArray.length;n++){
if(oldValues[n] != valuesArray[n]){ // check for any difference
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('oldValues', values);
function sendMail(row,val){
Logger.log('value changed on row '+row+' value = '+val+' , mail sent');
// uncomment below when you are sure everything runs fine to avoid sending dozens of emails while you test !
//MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(),'value changed in your sheet','Row '+row+' is now '+val);