Reuse Storyboard ViewController - Parent / Child Viewcontroller - swift

I want to make a ViewController base-class which I can reuse throughout the project.
I want to create a pop-up ViewController which I can adjust with multiple sub-classes which all share the same basic layout (inherited from the base-class). I would like the layout of the base class to be defined in a storyboard scene in an attempt to follow apple's guidelines (not using xib's). This also includes setting up all constraints in interface builder, and not in code.
All I want to do is the right thing :)
My problem is that if I start to subclass my ParentViewController (which has an associated scene in a Storyboard), the app won't let me show the ViewController. If I instantiate through the Storyboard ID, I can't cast it to my subclass. If I instantiate by creating an instance of the subclass-ViewController, it won't show, as the UI in the storyboard file is "locked" to the ParentViewController.
How do I make a base-ViewController with an associated scene in a storyboard file, which I can use various sub-classes (or the like).
To be concrete: I want to make a pop-up, which can vary slightly depending on the usage. I don't want to make init-methods for each variation, as that would defeat the purpose of attempting to split code.
Thanks for any help or comment!

object_setClass(Sets the class of an object.) will override instance of AViewController with BViewController Class. So on top of AViewController you can add some more methods.
when you have similar viewcontroller with small changes. you have to create different viewcontrollers. using this method you can create on basic viewcontroller with storyboard and reuse that viewcontroller .
class BViewController{
static func vcInstanceFromStoryboard() ->BViewController? {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "AViewController"), bundle: UIBundle.main)
let instance = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as? AViewController
object_setClass(instance, BViewController.self) //
return (instance as? BViewController)!
This is an example of how do we use it:
let vc = BViewController.vcInstanceFromStoryboard()
self.present(vc , animation : true)


Call function in another ViewController (macOS)

How can I communicate with another View Controller on Xcode Storyboards in any possible way?
Given the principle of encapsulation, the preferred way seems to be to call a function in the other ViewController.
(failed) ideas:
Using self.storyboard to instantiate a Controller with the specified Identifier, casting it to the correct View Controller subclass
instantiating the view controller with let c = specialViewController() [doesn't work because the instance's views haven't loaded]
connecting an IBOutlet to another NSViewController subclass [this one should work but doesn't]
Note: iOS solutions often are not the same as MacOS solutions
First failed idea code:
let spec_ref = self.storyboard!.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "specialSettings") as! SpecialSettings
The spec_ref still cannot access IBOutlets in the other ViewController on the Storyboard, so it must not be the correct instance.

Black screen with viewDidLoad after if else statement

I want my app to check at start conditionaly if a variable is correct or not. Based on that it should either go to an intro screen (where he can select a variable in my case select a team) or it should start the main view. After searching i found this code and edited it. But there still seems to be problems. First of all I dont have two identifier. The Intro has one but not the main view. My main View is called WeatherViewController and the Intro screen is called FirstScreenViewController. I also added a picture of my Main.storyboard.
I also googled a lot about conditional UINavigationController but I can only understand with a video and did not found a video about it.
I tried to use the code from here.
var id = hello ? "goToIntro" : "???"
self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
let mainStoryboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let WeatherViewController: UIViewController = mainStoryboard.FirstScreenViewController(withIdentifier: WVC has no identifier??) as UIViewController
self.window?.rootViewController = WeatherViewController
if hello {
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "goToIntro", sender: self)
} else {
/here nothing should happen. It should open the Main View
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "???", sender: self)
Note: This answer was referring to the original question (before any edits) that was attempting a segue inside loadView().
You're supposed to manually create your controller's view in loadView. You're currently doing nothing, hence the black screen. Furthermore, if you are using a Storyboard or a xib for managing this controller you shouldn't be overriding loadView at all.
Having said that it might be a better idea to move this branching logic a step back, to "something" (a container controller like a UINavigationController or a custom one, or even directly setting the root controller of your window if it makes sense) that will present (or set) A or B based on some condition and thus avoid to load this controller altogether (have in mind that in your code, the controller is initialized, it will be part of the hierarchy and all the lifecycle methods will be called even if you segued directly to another one)
Finally, if you decide for some reason to override loadView you don't have to call viewDidLoad yourself, the system will call this method.

Implement TouchBar functionality in Xcode Playgrounds

How can I implement a NSTouchBar in using only Xcode Playgrounds? I realize that NSTouchBar, and its accompanying methods including makeTouchBar() are contained within the NSResponder class, which is the superclass of NSView, NSViewController, NSWindow, and SKView (a subclass of NSView.)
It is for this reason that I'm a little unsure how to approach access the TouchBar. There are so many subclasses of NSResponder I'm unsure as to which one is the correct one. And to my knowledge I cannot even access all of them, including the NSWindow for the Playground, which I suspect may be the one I need to access.
My current setup is:
let containerView = SKView()
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = containerView
let containterScene = SKScene()
And in checking the responder chain, for the SKView I get:
<SKScene> name:'(null)' frame:{{-250, -250}, {500, 500}} anchor:{0.5, 0.5}
And for the SKScene:
<SKView: 0x7fba36037a00>
<NSView: 0x7fba32d6fe80>
<PlaygroundViewBridgeService: 0x7fba32d569e0>
<NSNextStepFrame: 0x7fba32d76e20>
<NSWindow: 0x7fba32e177e0>
For some reason, the SKScene and SKView are not within the same chain, and I can't seem to access any responder higher than the SKView. Is there a way to extend the functionality of the already existing NSWindow?
Another problem is that many tutorials on using the TouchBar require access to the AppDelegate, which I don't think I have in Xcode Storyboards.
Any help implementing the TouchBar in Storyboards would be greatly appreciated.
The solution is actually quite simple. Create a custom subclass of NSViewController and implement the TouchBar override functions within it.
Then implement the above code:
let containerView = CustomSKView()
let containterScene = CustomSKScene()
With the following additions.
let containerViewController = CustomNSViewController()
containerViewController.view = containerView
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = containerViewController.view
This sets your custom NSViewController within the responder chain, allowing it to take care of the Touch Bar. There is also no need to worry about the App Delegate.

Subclass of UIViewController initialising itself from a .xib can't use UINavigationItem?

I've finally had to give up the relentless search for an answer to this question, as I just can't find anyone that's asked it before! So hope someone can provide some insight. I'll start by explaining what I can do, then compare that with what I can't figure out how to do.
Suppose I have a custom VC called RootViewController. It contains an outlet of type MyViewController. My RootViewController has an .xib which contains a generic VC object dragged out of IB's palette which is given the class type of MyViewController, I set the right bar button item to a UIBarButtonItem called 'Cancel'. The RootViewController unarchives it's .xib, hooks up the outlet to the MyViewController object, I push said object on to the navigation stack which displays as expected, I have a view and a button on the navigation bar that says 'Cancel'.
The problem I have with this approach is that I want MyViewController to be re-usable across any object that might want to create a MyViewController. This therefore means that the "File's Owner" could be any object. Previously it was RootViewController, but what if another object wanted to instantiate a MyViewController? The Files Owner will be different every time. I also want it to be able to completely initialise itself from a nicely self-contained .xib. Basically, I want to do this:
MyViewController *myVC = [[MyViewController alloc] init];
And in the implementation of MyViewController, I write this:
- (id)init
if ( self = [super initWithNibName:#"MyViewController" bundle:nil] )
// Initialisation
This neatly hides the name of the .xib used to intialise the VC, uses all the goodness IB gives me in configuring the controller and view, and with MyViewController always being the owner, it means I solve the File's Owner problem too - it will work for any type of class that creates it.
So, in order to achieve this, I create a .xib, set the File's Owner to be of type MyViewController, drop in a UINavigationItem and add the UIBarButtonItem. I now have a .xib structurally the same as before, except it does not use IB's generic VC object as separate top level object, the .xib is the VC definition, rather than something that contains a VC definition.
So, given that File's Owner is a MyViewController and as such a subclass of UIViewController (supposedly inheriting everything you get by using a UIViewController from IB's palette), then I should inherit all the functionality of it's superclass... Except it doesn't.
When the .xib in unarchived, it does not hook up the UINavigationItem. Therefore, when it's pushed on to the navigation stack, none of the bar button items are displayed.
UIViewControllers navigationItem property is read-only, creating an outlet for it in iPhone OS 3.0 is therefore deprecated.
So, at the end of all this, how on earth does the nib loading code manage to connect IB's version of the VC object to the navigation item? And why, even though my object is a UIViewController through inheritance, will it not do it for my object? I am completely at a loss to fathom this out...
Thanks for reading this far! Hope to hear from you guru's
Only a UINavigationController sets UIViewController's navigationItem property. Do something like this:
MyViewController *viewController = [[MyViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
[viewController release];
Assuming you are in a view controller that already has a navigation controller. After you have pushed it, you will be able to access navigationItem from inside MyViewController.
Right, I think I get it now. I thought I'd post an answer to my own question as I've seen at least one other person ask a similar question, and both seem to point to the same conclusion, so I hope this will be of help to others.
Essentially (and this will sound obvious) a UIViewController is not a Proxy Object! It's not instantly obvious as we're all used to the idea that if any two objects inherit from the same base class, then their implementations are the same and they will behave in exactly the same way (assuming no customisation in the inheriting class). But an IB object's type is distinct from the class attribute you can assign to these objects.
They are not both UIViewController objects because their class attribute it set in such a way.
Simply setting the class attribute of these objects in IB does not mean that these objects are now UIViewController objects. A View Controller object remains a View Controler object, and a Proxy Object remains a Proxy Object. As far as IB is concerned, they are both very different beasts, they just happen to have the same class attribute.
Just take a look in to the .xib and you'll find your IB View Controller objects have been archived like this:
<object class="IBUIViewController" id="...">
And the Proxy Object (that is set to a subclass of a UIViewController) is archived like this:
<object class="IBProxyObject" id="...">
As you can see they are both very different types, one is a IBUIViewController and the other is a IBProxyObject - and then it starts to makes sense - you can't impose VC controller attributes on an object of type IBProxyObject.
It is also interesting to note the class type is an IBUIViewController object and not just a UIViewController object. Whether this is just a naming convention or not I don't know, but it could also imply that IB's view controller objects wrap the instantiated VC object, or is a factory object for it. For example, you can set a "Resize View From NIB" attribute in IB's view controller object - but I can find no equivalent property or methods in the UIViewController reference docs.
So in conclusion, if you're trying to instantiate an object programatically instead of using outlets to an IB object, be prepared to implement some of the initialisation that the IB version would otherwise provide for you...

How to use generic (NSObject) controller with subviews of a UIViewController?

I have a UIViewController that is loading several subviews at different times based on user interaction. I originally built all of these subviews in code, with no nib files. Now I am moving to nib files with custom UIView subclasses.
Some of these subviews display static data, and I am using loadNibNamed:owner:options: to load them into the view controller. Others contain controls that I need to access.
I (sort of) understand the reasons Apple says to use one view controller per screen of content, using generic controller objects (NSObjects) to manage subsections of a screen.
So I need a view controller, a generic controller, a view class and a nib. How do I put this all together?
My working assumptions and subsequent questions:
I will associate the view class with
the nib in the 'class identity' drop
down in IB.
The view controller will coordinate
overall screen interactions. When
necessary, it will create an instance
of the generic controller.
Does the generic controller load the
nib? How?
Do I define the outlets and actions
in that view class, or should they be
in the generic controller?
How do I pass messages between the
view controller and the generic
If anyone can point me to some sample code using a controller in this way, it will go a long way to helping me understand. None of the books or stackoverflow posts I've read have quite hit the spot yet.
Okay, I think I figured it out:
Extend NSObject to make your CustomController
Define your outlets & actons in CustomController.h, including a reference to the UIView in your nib
Set the File's Owner of your nib to CustomController
Hook up all your outlets & actions as usual, including the UIView outlet
In your CustomController.m init, load the nib
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
[self loadNib];
return self;
- (BOOL)loadNib {
NSArray *topLevelObjs = nil;
topLevelObjs = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"CustomView" owner:self options:nil];
if (topLevelObjs == nil) {
NSLog(#"Error! Could not load nib file.\n");
return NO;
return YES;
The new NSObject based controller will work very much like a view controller.
It sounds like what you want is what I've coined "reusable UIView widgets" -- reusable widgets that do something / present a display that you can incorporate in your app screens wherever and how many times as you want -- you can create them purely in code or instantiate them by placing their frame in another xib file (but you don't get to change the widgets' internal parameters in the xib file, that would require an IB plugin).
This is an organization that I've never seen discussed anywhere. Part of my frustration early on with iOS programming is wanting something like this but not seeing any way to express it in any example.
See my answer in this question to see how it can be structured:
UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?
I recommend placing all widget-internal handling of direct/low-level events in the uiview widget subclass, and implememnt a delegate protocol for a highler level interaction with the widget client (i.e., "loginRequested:userName:passWord" instead of manually accessing button and textfields internal to the widget).
The (optional but recommended) xib file for the widget has an owner of the widget, and the init code in the widget owns the duty of loading the xib file. The customer of the widget simply instantiates the widget and implements whicever widget delegate functions makes sense for it.