Scala: For loop on dataframe, create new column from existing by index - scala

I have a dataframe with two columns:
id (string), date (timestamp)
I would like to loop through the dataframe, and add a new column with an url, which includes the id. The algorithm should look something like this:
add one new column with the following value:
for each id
"some url" + the value of the dataframe's id column
I tried to make this work in Scala, but I have problems with getting the specific id on the index of "a"
val k = df2.count().asInstanceOf[Int]
// for loop execution with a range
for( a <- 1 to k){
// println( "Value of a: " + a );
val dfWithFileURL = dataframe.withColumn("fileUrl", "https://someURL/" + dataframe("id")[a])
But this
is not working with Scala. I could not find solution yet, so every kind of suggestions are welcome!

You can simply use the withColumn function in Scala, something like this:
val df = Seq(
( 1, "1 Jan 2000" ),
( 2, "2 Feb 2014" ),
( 3, "3 Apr 2017" )
.toDF("id", "date" )
// Add the fileUrl column
val dfNew = df
.withColumn("fileUrl", concat(lit("https://someURL/"), $"id"))
My results:

Not sure if this is what you require but you can use zipWithIndex for indexing.
| Id| Url|
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
.map{case (r, i) => Row.fromSeq(r.toSeq:+(s"""${r.getString(1)}${i+1}"""))},
StructType(data.schema.fields :+ StructField("fileUrl", StringType, false))
|Id |Url |fileUrl |


split an apache-spark dataframe string column into multiple columns by slicing/splitting on field width values stored in a list

I have a dataframe that looks like this
| unparsed_data|
I need to get it split it up into something like this
|fips | Name | Id ...
|02020 | sometext | 5002...
|02020 | sometext | 6682...
I have a list like this
val fields = List(
("fips", 5),
(“Name”, 8),
(“Id”, 27)
....more fields
I need the spit to take the first 5 characters in unparsed_data and map it to fips, take the next 8 characters in unparsed_data and map it to Name, then the next 27 characters and map them to Id and so on. I need the split to use/reference the filed lengths supplied in the list to do the splitting/slicing as there are allot of fields and the unparsed_data field is very long.
My scala is still pretty week and I assume the answer would look something like this
df.withColumn("temp_field", split("unparsed_data", //some regex created from the list values?)).map(i => //some mapping to the field names in the list)
any suggestions/ideas much appreciated
You can use foldLeft to traverse your fields list to iteratively create columns from the original DataFrame using
substring. It applies regardless of the size of the fields list:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(
val fields = List(
("fips", 5),
("name", 8),
("id", 4)
val resultDF = fields.foldLeft( (df, 1) ){ (acc, field) =>
val newDF = acc._1.withColumn(
field._1, substring($"unparsed_data", acc._2, field._2)
(newDF, acc._2 + field._2)
// +-----+--------+----+
// | fips| name| id|
// +-----+--------+----+
// |02020|sometext|5002|
// |03030|othrtext|6003|
// |04040|moretext|7004|
// +-----+--------+----+
Note that a Tuple2[DataFrame, Int] is used as the accumulator for foldLeft to carry both the iteratively transformed DataFrame and next offset position for substring.
This can get you going. Depending on your needs it can get more and more complicated with variable lengths etc. which you do not state. But you can I think use column list.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(
val df2 = df.selectExpr("substring(X, 0, 5)", "substring(X, 6,8)", "substring(X, 14,3)")
Gives in this case (you can rename cols again):
|substring(X, 0, 5)|substring(X, 6, 8)|substring(X, 14, 3)|
| 12334| sometext| 999|

Joining two dataframes without a common column

I have two dataframes which has different types of columns. I need to join those two different dataframe. Please refer the below example
val df1 has
val df2 has
These two dataframe doesn't have any common column. Number of rows and Number of columns in the two dataframes also differs. I tried to insert a new dummy column to increase the row_index value as below
val dfr=df1.withColumn("row_index",monotonically_increasing_id()).
But as i am using Spark 2, monotonically_increasing_id method is not supported. Is there any way to join two dataframe, so that I can create the value of two dataframe in a single sheet of excel file.
For example
val df1:
Customer_name Customer_phone Customer_age
karti 9685684551 24
raja 8595456552 22
val df2:
Order_name Order_ID
watch 1
cattoy 2
My final excel sheet should be like this:
Customer_name Customer_phone Customer_age Order_name Order_ID
karti 9685684551 24 watch 1
raja 8595456552 22 cattoy 2
add an index column to both dataframe using the below code
then join both the dataframes using the below code and drop the index column
monotonically_increasing_id() is increasing and unique but not consecutive.
You can use zipWithIndex by converting to rdd and reconstructing Dataframe with the same schema for both dataframe.
import spark.implicits._
val df1 = Seq(
("karti", "9685684551", 24),
("raja", "8595456552", 22)
).toDF("Customer_name", "Customer_phone", "Customer_age")
val df2 = Seq(
("watch", 1),
("cattoy", 2)
).toDF("Order_name", "Order_ID")
val df11 = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame( {
case (row, index) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ index)
// Create schema for index column
StructType(df1.schema.fields :+ StructField("index", LongType, false))
val df22 = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame( {
case (row, index) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ index)
// Create schema for index column
StructType(df2.schema.fields :+ StructField("index", LongType, false))
Now join the final dataframes
df11.join(df22, Seq("index")).drop("index")
|karti |9685684551 |24 |watch |1 |
|raja |8595456552 |22 |cattoy |2 |

Scala: How to add a column with the value of a changed field that was changed between two tables

I have two tables with the same schema (A and B) where every unique ID in table A also exists in table B in a 1 to 1 way. I want to add a column to table B with the name of the column whose value is different between the tables for each row. There is only one difference per row.
For example:
Table A:
{ "id1": 1,"id2": "a","name": "bob","state": "nj"}
{"id1": 2,"id2": "b","name": "sue","state": "ma"}
Table B:
{"id1": 1,"id2": "a","name": "bob","state": "fl"}
{"id1": 2,"id2": "b","name": "susan","state": "ma"}
After comparing them, I want Table B to look like this:
{"id1": 1,"id2": "a","name": "bob","state": "fl", "changed_field": "state"}
{"id1": 2,"id2": "b","name": "susan","state": "ma", "changed_field": "name"}
I can't find any functions that do this in Spark Scala's data frames. Is there something that I missed?
EDIT: I am working with hundreds to thousands of columns
Here's a way to achieve this without having to "spell-out" the columns, and without a UDF (only using built-in functions):
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
// list of columns to compare
val comparableColumns = A.columns.tail // without id
// create Column that would result in the name of the first differing column:
val changedFieldCol: Column = comparableColumns.foldLeft(lit("")) {
case (result, col) => when(
result === "", when($"A.$col" =!= $"B.$col", lit(col)).otherwise(lit(""))
// join by id1, add changedFieldCol, and then select only B's columns:
val result ="A").join("B"), "id1")
.withColumn("changed_field", changedFieldCol)
.select("id1", => s"B.$c") :+ "changed_field": _*)
// +---+---+-----+-----+-------------+
// |id1|id2|name |state|changed_field|
// +---+---+-----+-----+-------------+
// |1 |a |bob |fl |state |
// |2 |b |susan|ma |name |
// +---+---+-----+-----+-------------+
You can compare the fields in an UDF which generates the appropriate string:
import spark.implicits._
val df_a = Seq(
(1, "a", "bob", "nj"),
(2, "b", "sue", "ma")
).toDF("id1", "id2", "name", "state")
val df_b = Seq(
(1, "a", "bob", "fl"),
(2, "b", "susane", "ma")
).toDF("id1", "id2", "name", "state")
val compareFields = udf((aName:String,aState:String,bName:String,bState:String) => {
val changedState = if (aState != bState) Some("state") else None
val changedName = if (aName != bName) Some("name") else None
Seq(changedName, changedState).flatten.mkString(",")
.join("a"), Seq("id1", "id2")
|id1|id2| name|state|changed_fields|
| 1| a| bob| fl| state|
| 2| b|susane| ma| name|
Here a more generic version which compares all fields at once:
val compareFields = udf((a:Row,b:Row) => {
.map(i => if(a.get(i)!=b.get(i)) Some(a.schema(i).name) else None)
.join("a"), $"a.id1" === $"b.id1" and $"a.id2" === $"b.id2")

How to set ignoreNulls flag for first function in agg with map of columns and aggregate functions?

I have around 20-25 list of columns from conf file and have to aggregate first Notnull value. I tried the function to pass the column list and agg expr from reading the conf file.
I was able to get first function but couldn't find how to specify first with ignoreNull value as true.
The code that I tried is
def groupAndAggregate(df: DataFrame, cols: List[String] , aggregateFun: Map[String, String]): DataFrame = {
df.groupBy(cols.head, cols.tail: _*).agg(aggregateFun)
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(0, null, "1"),
(1, "2", "2"),
(0, "3", "3"),
(0, "4", "4"),
(1, "5", "5"),
(1, "6", "6"),
(1, "7", "7")
)).toDF("grp", "col1", "col2")
groupAndAggregate(df, List("grp"), Map("col1"-> "first", "col2"-> "COUNT") ).show()
| 1| 2| 4|
| 0| | 3|
I need to get 3 as a result in place of null.
I am using Spark 2.1.0 and Scala 2.11
Edit 1:
If I use the following function
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{first,count}
df.groupBy("grp").agg(first(df("col1"), ignoreNulls = true), count("col2")).show()
I get my desired result. Can we pass the ignoreNulls true for first function in Map?
I have been able to achieve this by creating a list of Columns and passing it to agg function of groupBy. The earlier approach had an issue where i was not able to name the columns as the agg function was not returning me the order of columns in the output DF, i have renamed the columns in the list itself.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def groupAndAggregate(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
val list: ListBuffer[Column] = new ListBuffer[Column]()
try {
val columnFound = getAggColumns(df) // function to return a Map[String, String]
val agg_func = columnFound.entrySet().toList.
foreach(field =>
list += first(df(columnFound.getOrDefault(field.getKey, "")),ignoreNulls = true).as(field.getKey)
list += sum(df("col1")).as("watch_time")
list += count("*").as("frequency")
val groupColumns = getGroupColumns(df) // function to return a List[String]
val output = df.groupBy(groupColumns.head, groupColumns.tail: _*).agg(
list.head, list.tail: _*
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
I think you should use na operator and drop all the nulls before you do aggregation.
na: DataFrameNaFunctions Returns a DataFrameNaFunctions for working with missing data.
drop(cols: Array[String]): DataFrame Returns a new DataFrame that drops rows containing any null or NaN values in the specified columns.
The code would then look as follows:"col1").groupBy(...).agg(first("col1"))
That will impact count so you'd have to do count separately.

scala spark - matching dataframes based on variable dates

I'm trying to match two dataframes based on a variable date window. I am not simply trying to get an exact match, which my code achieves but to get all likely candidates within a variable day window.
I was able to get exact matches on dates with my code.
But I want to find out if the records are still viable to match since they could be a few days off either side but would still be reasonable enough to join on.
I've tried looking for something similar to python's pd.to_timedelta('1 day') in spark to add to the filter but alas have struck no luck.
Here is my current code which matches the dataframe on the ID column and then runs a filter to ensure that the from_date in the second dataframe is between the start_date and the end_date of the first dataframe.
What I need is not the exact date match but be able to match records if they fall between a day or two (either side) of the actual dates.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
val df1 ="header","true")
val df2 ="header","true")
val df = df2.join(df1,
(df1("ID") === df2("ID")) &&
(df2("from_date") >= df1("start_date")) &&
(df2("from_date") <= df1("end_date")),"left")
.select(df1("ID"), df1("start_date"), df1("end_date"),
$"from_date", $"to_date")
.option("header", "true").save("../mydata.csv")
Essentially I want to be able to edit this date window to increase or decrease the data actually matching.
Would really appreciate your input. I'm new to spark/scala but gotta say I'm loving it so far ... soo much faster (and cleaner) than python!
You can apply date_add and date_sub to start_date/end_date in your join condition, as shown below:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import java.sql.Date
val df1 = Seq(
(1, Date.valueOf("2018-12-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-12-05")),
(2, Date.valueOf("2018-12-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-12-06")),
(3, Date.valueOf("2018-12-01"), Date.valueOf("2018-12-07"))
).toDF("ID", "start_date", "end_date")
val df2 = Seq(
(1, Date.valueOf("2018-11-30")),
(2, Date.valueOf("2018-12-08")),
(3, Date.valueOf("2018-12-08"))
).toDF("ID", "from_date")
val deltaDays = 1
df2.join( df1,
df1("ID") === df2("ID") &&
df2("from_date") >= date_sub(df1("start_date"), deltaDays) &&
df2("from_date") <= date_add(df1("end_date"), deltaDays),
// +---+----------+----+----------+----------+
// | ID| from_date| ID|start_date| end_date|
// +---+----------+----+----------+----------+
// | 1|2018-11-30| 1|2018-12-01|2018-12-05|
// | 2|2018-12-08|null| null| null|
// | 3|2018-12-08| 3|2018-12-01|2018-12-07|
// +---+----------+----+----------+----------+
You can get the same results using datediff() function also. Check this out:
scala> val df1 = Seq((1, "2018-12-01", "2018-12-05"),(2, "2018-12-01", "2018-12-06"),(3, "2018-12-01", "2018-12-07")).toDF("ID", "start_date", "end_date").withColumn("start_date",'start_date.cast("date")).withColumn("end_date",'end_date.cast("date"))
df1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, start_date: date ... 1 more field]
scala> val df2 = Seq((1, "2018-11-30"), (2, "2018-12-08"),(3, "2018-12-08")).toDF("ID", "from_date").withColumn("from_date",'from_date.cast("date"))
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, from_date: date]
scala> val delta = 1;
delta: Int = 1
scala> df2.join(df1,df1("ID") === df2("ID") && datediff('from_date,'start_date) >= -delta && datediff('from_date,'end_date)<=delta, "leftOuter").show(false)
|ID |from_date |ID |start_date|end_date |
|1 |2018-11-30|1 |2018-12-01|2018-12-05|
|2 |2018-12-08|null|null |null |
|3 |2018-12-08|3 |2018-12-01|2018-12-07|