Why Grafana is not available for 32 bit windows machine - grafana

I couldn't find grafana for 32 bit windows machine in official website. please advice how can I install grafana

Here is the link which guides Building Grafana from source since there is no exe file as such for 32 bit windows machines.


How can i see grafana in Windows web browser

I have a VMware Workstation pro v. 15.5.0, in it i installed Ubuntu 19.10, gnome 3.34.2 64bit
And in ubuntu installed influxDb v.1.7.10 with grafana
Host where the vmware is:Windows 10.0.14393 64-bit.
I change the telegraf config in my vm, in : etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf in the line service_address ="tcp://localhost:3000" change localhost by my ip:
After that restart the service with
systemctl restart telegraf
In vmware i can see grafana and data in my db.
prprIoblem: I tried to see in my host, Windows, in the web browser chrome grafana, but all the time saids that i do not have Internet conection. I put the ip:port in local pages in chrome configuration in proxy settings. I reboot VMware, my computer, see in other browser(ie, firefox) and put the same message.it is no Internet conection
Thanks in advance. Please, edit my question because i am in my movil and i cannot give it code structure.
After an intense search in google i stop with a blog to install grafana, and ,in its content put that we have to add port 3000(grafana default) to firewall entry rules. This is something that is not in all articles about grafana install.
I hope this is helpful.

Secure Dual-Boot Walkthrough

I have been looking at dual-booting Ubuntu x64 over an existing UEFI Installation of Windows x64 on an ASUS laptop.
I can't find any decent walkthroughs on how to dual-boot with UEFI without disabling it. I understand I will have to Shrink Volume on Windows etc. but where do I go from there? Is it a special image or will the Ubuntu x64 Rolling-release work?
Any guidance is appreciated, but I can't find a solid walk-through on this. Many thanks!

KMC doesn't load after kaltura installation on centos

I installed kaltura CE5 on centos 6.4 64 bit version. I followed instructions from http://www.sparksupport.com/blog/how-to-install-kaltura-in-centos. The installation is successfull but I am not able to launch KMC. The KAC works fine. I tried logging in from KAC too. I have tried it on 32 bit too. Pls advise.
Kaltura CE5 is an outdated system.
You should install the new Kaltura CE9X
Use CentOS 6.5 64 bit (32 bit systems are not supported) and follow this tutorial (for stand alone system):
if the installation is ok with the command localhost.localdomain/start the starting page will open. (replace with the localhost and localdomain you have chosen like kaltura.yourdomain.com)
To open the kmc use the url localhost.localdomain/kmc on the web browser.

How to host the OpenStreetMap Locally

I want to host the OSM (OpenStreetMap) locally. I need the basic idea what are required for hosting the OSM and how the task can be done in a step wise manner. I have to host it in Windows7 environment.
Any kind of help will be useful.
switch2osm contains detailed instructions and requirements for setting up a OSM server. If you have a Windows system then better set up a Linux VM inside it.
A bit too old but I will just put it here for someone who is searching for the same thing.
An exact instance of OpenStreetMap can be hosted locally by following the installation guide of OpenStreetMap.
Quoting from the Link:
"These instructions are designed for setting up The Rails Port for development and testing. If you want to deploy the software for your own project, then see the notes at the end.
You can install the software directly on your machine, which is the traditional and probably best-supported approach. However, there is an alternative which may be easier: Vagrant. This installs the software into a virtual machine, which makes it easier to get a consistent development environment and may avoid installation difficulties. For Vagrant instructions, see VAGRANT.md.
These instructions are based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, which is the platform used by the OSMF servers. The instructions also work, with only minor amendments, for all other current Ubuntu releases, Fedora and MacOSX
We don't recommend attempting to develop or deploy this software on Windows. If you need to use Windows, then try developing this software using Ubuntu in a virtual machine, or use Vagrant."

Does Apache Tuscany SCA come in a 64 bit version?

Is there a 64 bit version of Apache Tuscany SCA?
From https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tuscany/sca-cpp/trunk/INSTALL
Tuscany provides two automated install scripts for Ubuntu. You can start with
a fresh Ubuntu Server 10.10 64-bit system and these scripts will take care of
all the download, build and installation steps for you.