How can i see grafana in Windows web browser - grafana

I have a VMware Workstation pro v. 15.5.0, in it i installed Ubuntu 19.10, gnome 3.34.2 64bit
And in ubuntu installed influxDb v.1.7.10 with grafana
Host where the vmware is:Windows 10.0.14393 64-bit.
I change the telegraf config in my vm, in : etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf in the line service_address ="tcp://localhost:3000" change localhost by my ip:
After that restart the service with
systemctl restart telegraf
In vmware i can see grafana and data in my db.
prprIoblem: I tried to see in my host, Windows, in the web browser chrome grafana, but all the time saids that i do not have Internet conection. I put the ip:port in local pages in chrome configuration in proxy settings. I reboot VMware, my computer, see in other browser(ie, firefox) and put the same is no Internet conection
Thanks in advance. Please, edit my question because i am in my movil and i cannot give it code structure.

After an intense search in google i stop with a blog to install grafana, and ,in its content put that we have to add port 3000(grafana default) to firewall entry rules. This is something that is not in all articles about grafana install.
I hope this is helpful.


Visual Studio Code remote access to a WSL2:ubuntu on my desktop from my macbook

've looked around and can't seem to find the answer to this - probably because the feature is pretty new.
I tried the remote WSL:ubuntu connection on my windows desktop machine to connect to my WSL2 Ubuntu running on the same machine. This is pretty much perfect as it allows access to my Nvidia GPU under linux
Is there anyway I can do the same trick from my macbook? I can connect to the windows side of the desktop using the new remote tunnel feature but I'm drawing a blank on how to do for the WSL buried in that machine. It looks like it's just using the same remote connection feature so I'm thinking it should be possible but WSL2 network is not exposed the same way you can with a VM or other machine.
The desktop has way more everything than my macbook including a nvidia GPU I want to use for some machine learning.
I can do it from the desktop itself - but it's nice to be able to use that machine from my macbook at certain times of day.
I have recently started using VSCode so I'm on the learning curve with it - it may well be that it's not possible using the new remote tunnels - or requires some messing with adding a new hyper-v bridged adapter to the WSL installation. I'm hoping against hope there's an easy solve that I've somehow missed.
I tried setting up the remote tunnel as per but it seems to setup a server to access windows not the WSL2 service.
Thanks for any help!
I had a similar problem and found this github issue. While the developers are looking into including this feature, you currently will need to install the VSCode CLI directly in WSL. You can find the downloads here
I would recommend the x64 CLI download in the Linux section. It will download a tar.gz file which will have a file named code in it when extracted.
The tunnel will launch from wherever you place that code file, so I put mine in the ~/ (home) directory.
You can then open a tunnel using the command ./code tunnel from that location. You can replace the . with the path to the code file to open the tunnel while in a different directory, i.e. ~/code.
You can still launch a tunnel from Windows with code tunnel. (note that this command does not have ./)

Dell iDRAC: the difference between "Embedded OS deployment tools" and "Remote OS deployment"

I'm considering getting a collection of Dell PowerEdge servers. Dell documentation is pretty poor (no surprise there) and I have trouble figuring out if I can go with iDRAC Basic or if I need iDRAC Express or Enterprise.
My need is to install Ubuntu Server (minimal install with SSH is enough). After install all I need is SSH and possibly a remote "reset" button. I can install the OS before taking the system to server room so I don't really need remote OS deployment tools. However, the server does not have a graphics adapter. Is it possible to install Ubuntu with just iDRAC Basic or do I need additional hardware?
#iwork4dell Remote OS deployment implies Virtual Console (like VNC) and Virtual Media (using a remote ISO like a local DVD). These are Enterprise license features. OS deployment tools are are the driver pack that is stored in flash on the server and made available during OS installation to support new hardware on older OSes.
The iDRAC is an integrated VGA adapter so all the Power Edge servers do have a video adapter in them unless you disable it in BIOS. If your willing to attach a keyboard and monitor to the server basic is all you need. You can also upgrade the iDRAC with a license key after purchase.
IDRAC is possible, just you can open gui of idrac and then launch on the online server. You can add the iso file on virtual server.

Eclipse dev in host or guest os

Hi iam new to ambari/vagrant development , want to contribute towards the same . Iam using vagrant to set up my dev environment . Iam using cent os 6.4 as described here
But iam bit confused as in where will i intall my eclipse and compile the source code in host machine or in vm . If it is in vm , then how can i see the gui to do development . Since i modified the vagrant file to include the following line of code .
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.gui = true
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", 3072] # RAM allocated to each VM
But when i reload the vm and enter the credentials as vagrant/vagrant , i only see the terminal . How can i see a proper gui of the VM ?
The VM that is produced by vagrant isn't intended to develop code on using Eclipse. It's used to test your code or to build from source. This is detailed in the quick start guide. Here are two excerpts from that document stating the same.
Using a vm to build Ambari from source:
Simply edit Vagrantfile to launch a VM with all the tools necessary to build Ambari from source.
The benefit of doing this would be that you could easily provision this VM and build ambari without a lot of overhead.
Using a vm to test Ambari:
This document shows how to quickly set up a cluster using Ambari on your local machine using virtual machines.
The benefit of doing this is you have an isolated environment in which you can test the software you're developing.
The vagrant files that Ambari provides use minimal installs of centos (ie. they dont have GUI software (X) pre-installed.). In order to launch eclipse on those vms you would need to install GUI software or use x-forwarding and ssh to open a view on your host OS. But that would be incredibly slow and not conducive to a good development environment.
If you want to develop using eclipse then you should install it on your host OS along with the other development tools that Ambari requires. There are instructions on how to do that in the link you posted in your original question.

Web and database servers are starting but EasyPHP Dashbord is not recognizing it

In EasyPHP 16.1.1 dashbord when I click on start, Apache and MySQL are starting but the dashbord interface is not recognizing it. The dashboard is still proposing me to launch the servers (but on a different port this time).
I checked and both servers are running, I can access the www folder through localhost.
Nothing special in the log files.
Install : EasyPHP 16.1.1 on a Windows 8.1 x64
If someone has an idea ?
Open the task manager and the processes eds-* if any
Delete the files conf_last_dbserver.php and conf_last_dbserver.php in eds-dashboard
Run run-easyphp-devserver.exe again
Open the Administration
Restart your servers

Not able to access the internet on CentOS 6.2?

I have installed the VMware Player to use the CentOS 6.2 on my machine having Windows XP operating system. When I am using the CentOS , I am not able to access the internet . But the sites hosted by our organization's intranet are accessible.
Also , I am able to access the internet and intranet when I am accessing it in the XP environment.
I have not created any user for the CentOS and it is avaialbe to me when I am selecting any instance of the CentOS through the VMware Player.
Looking for Help!
I had this problem too, and it seems the solution is to modify
So that the line reads
ONBOOT=yes instead of the default ONBOOT=no
Then restart your computer, or run ifup eth0 and you should have internet working. Since the default is to have no network, it can be tricky to find the solution if you haven't got another computer to look it up from!