What impact does increasing the number of days historical events are stored have on overall Tableau Server performance - tableau-api

I'm looking at increasing the number of days historical events that are stored in the Tableau Server database from the default 183 to +365 days and I'm trying to understand what the performance impact to Tableau Server itself would be since the database and backup sizes also start increasing. Would it cause the overall Tableau Server running 2019.1.1 over time to slow to a crawl or begin to have a noticeable impact with respect to performance?

I think the answer here depends on some unknowns and makes it pretty subjective:
How much empty space is on your PostGres node.
How many events typically occur on your server in a 6-12 month period.
Maybe more importantly than a yes or a no (which should be taken with a grain of salt) would be things to consider prior to making the change.
Have you found value in the 183 default days? Is it worth the risk adding 365? It sounds like you might be doing some high level auditing, and a longer period is becoming a requirement. If that's the case, the answer is that you have no choice but to go ahead with the change. See steps below.
Make sure that the change is made in a Non-prod environment first. Ideally one with high traffic. Even though you will not get an exact replica - it would certainly be worth the practice in switching it over. Also you want to make sure that Non-prod and prod environments match exactly.
Make sure the change is very well documented. For example, if you were to change departments without anyone having knowledge of a non-standard config setting, it might make for a difficult situation if ever Support is needed or if there is a question as to what might be causing slow behavior.
Things to consider after a change:
Monitor the size of backups.
Monitor the size of the historical table(s) (See Data-Dictionary for table names if not already known.)
Be ready to roll back the config change if the above starts to inflate.
I have not personally seen much troubleshooting value from these tables being over a certain number of days (ie: if there is trouble on the server it is usually investigated immediately and not referenced to 365+ days ago.) Perhaps the value for you lies in determining the amount of usage/expansion on Tableau Server.
I have not seen this table get so large that it brings down a server or slows it down. Especially if the server is sized appropriately.
If you're regularly/heavily working with and examining PostGres data, it may be wise to extract at a low traffic time of the day. This will prevent excess usage from outside sources during peak times. Remember that adhoc querying of PostGres is Technically unsupported. This leads to awkward situations if things go awry.


storing huge amounts of data in mongo

I am working on a front end system for a radius server.
The radius server will pass updates to the system every 180 seconds. Which means if I have about 15,000 clients that would be around 7,200,000 entries per day...Which is a lot.
I am trying to understand what the best possible way to store and retrieve this data will be. Obviously as time goes on, this will become substantial. Will MongoDB handle this? Typical document is not much, something this
id: 1
radiusId: uniqueId
start: 2017-01-01 14:23:23
upload: 102323
download: 1231556
However, there will be MANY of these records. I guess this is something similar to the way that SNMP NMS servers handle data which as far as I know they use RRD to do this.
Currently in my testing I just push every document into a single collection. So I am asking,
A) Is Mongo the right tool for the job and
B) Is there a better/more preferred/more optimal way to store the data
OK, so just incase someone comes across this and needs some help.
I ran it for a while in mongo, I was really not satisfied with performance. We can chalk this up to the hardware I was running on, perhaps my level of knowledge or the framework I was using. However I found a solution that works very well for me. InfluxDB pretty much handles all of this right out of the box, its a time series database which is effectively the data I am trying to store (https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb). Performance for me has been like night & day. Again, could all be my fault, just updating this.
So after a while I think I figured out why I never got the performance I was after with Mongo. I am using sailsjs as framework and it was searching by id using regex, which obviously has a huge performance hit. I will eventually try migrate back to Mongo instead of influx and see if its better.
15,000 clients updating every 180 seconds = ~83 insertions / sec. That's not a huge load even for a moderately sized DB server, especially given the very small size of the records you're inserting.
I think MongoDB will do fine with that load (also, to be honest, almost any modern SQL DB would probably be able to keep up as well). IMHO, the key points to consider are these:
Hardware: make sure you have enough RAM. This will primarily depend on how many indexes you define, and how many queries you're doing. If this is primarily a log that will rarely be read, then you won't need much RAM for your working set (although you'll need enough for your indexes). But if you're also running queries then you'll need much more resources
If you are running extensive queries, consider setting up a replica set. That way, your master server can be reserved for writing data, ensuring reliability, while your slaves can be configured to serve your queries without affecting the write reliability.
Regarding the data structure, I think that's fine, but it'll really depend on what type of queries you wish to run against it. For example, if most queries use the radiusId to reference another table and pull in a bunch of data for each record, then you might want to consider denormalizing some of that data. But again, that really depends on the queries you run.
If you're really concerned about managing the write load reliably, consider using the Mongo front-end only to manage the writes, and then dumping the data to a data warehouse backend to run queries on. You can partially do this by running a replica set like I mentioned above, but the disadvantage of a replica set is that you can't restructure the data. The data in each member of the replica set is exactly the same (hence the name, replica set :-) Oftentimes, the best structure for writing data (normalized, small records) isn't the best structure for reading data (denormalized, large records with all the info and joins you need already done). If you're running a bunch of complex queries referencing a bunch of other tables, using a true data warehouse for the querying part might be better.
As your write load increases, you may consider sharding. I'm assuming the RadiusId points to each specific server among a pool of Radius servers. You could potentially shard on that key, which would split the writes based on which server is sending the data. Thus, as you increase your radius servers, you can increase your mongo servers proportionally to maintain write reliability. However, I don't think you need to do this right away as I bet one reasonably provisioned server should be able to manage the load you've specified.
Anyway, those are my preliminary suggestions.

Database for long running transactions with huge updates

I build a tool for data extraction and transformation. Typical use case - transactionally processing lots of data.
Numbers are - about 10sec - 5min duration, 200-10000 row updated (long duration caused not by the database itself but by outside services that used during transaction).
There are two types of agents that access database - multiple read agents, and only one write agent (so, there are never multiple concurrent write).
During the transaction:
Read agents should be able to read database and see it in the current state.
Write agent should be able to read database (it does both - read and write during transaction) and see it in the new (not yet committed) state.
Is PostgreSQL a good choice for that type of load? I know it uses MVCC - so it should be ok in general, but is it ok to use long and big transactions extensively?
What other open-source transactional databases may be a good choice (I am not limited to SQL)?
I do not know if the sharding may affect the performance. The database will be sharded. For every shard there will be multiple readers and only one writer, but multiple different shards can be written to at the same time.
I know that it's better not to use outside services during transaction, but in that case - it's the goal. The database used as a reliable and consistent index for some heavy, huge, slow and eventually-consistent data processing tool.
Huge disclaimer: as always, only real life test can tell you the truth.
But, I think PostgreSQL will not let you down, if you use most recent version (at least 9.1, better 9.2) and tune it properly.
I have somewhat similar load in my server, but with slightly worse R/W ratio: about 10:1. Transactions range from few milliseconds up to 1 hour (and sometimes even more), and one transaction can insert or update up to 100k rows. Total number of concurrent writers with long transactions can reach 10 and more.
So far so good - I don't really have any serious issues, performance is great (certainly not worse than I expected).
What really helps is that my hot working data set almost fits into available memory.
So, give it a try, it should work great for your load.
Have a look at this link. Maximum transaction size in PostgreSQL
Basically there can be some technical limits on the software side to how large your transaction can be.

Extremely high QPS - DynamoDB vs MongoDB vs other noSQL?

We are building a system that will need to serve loads of small requests from day one. By "loads" I mean ~5,000 queries per second. For each query we need to retrieve ~20 records from noSQL database. There will be two batch reads - 3-4 records at first and then 16-17 reads instantly after that (based on the result of first read). That would be ~100,000 objects to read per second.
Until now we were thinking about using DynamoDB for this as it's really easy to start with.
Storage is not something I would be worried about as the objects will be really tiny.
What I am worried about is cost of reads. DynamoDB costs $0.0113 per hour per 100 eventually consistent (which is fine for us) reads per second. That is $11,3 per hour for us provided that all objects are up to 1KB in size. And that would be $5424 per month based on 16 hours/day average usage.
So... $5424 per month.
I would consider other options but I am worried about maintenance issues, costs etc. I have never worked with such setups before so your advice would be really valuable.
What would be the most cost-effective (yet still hassle-free) solution for such read/write intensive application?
From your description above, I'm assuming that your 5,000 queries per second are entirely read operations. This is essentially what we'd call a data warehouse use case. What are your availability requirements? Does it have to be hosted on AWS and friends, or can you buy your own hardware to run in-house? What does your data look like? What does the logic which consumes this data look like?
You might get the sense that there really isn't enough information here to answer the question definitively, but I can at least offer some advice.
First, if your data is relatively small and your queries are simple, save yourself some hassle and make sure you're querying from RAM instead of disk. Any modern RDBMS with support for in-memory caching/tablespaces will do the trick. Postgres and MySQL both have features for this. In the case of Postgres make sure you've tuned the memory parameters appropriately as the out-of-the-box configuration is designed to run on pretty meager hardware. If you must use a NoSQL option, depending on the structure of your data Redis is probably a good choice (it's also primarily in-memory). However in order to say which flavor of NoSQL might be the best fit we'd need to know more about the structure of the data that you're querying, and what queries you're running.
If the queries boil down to SELECT * FROM table WHERE primary_key = {CONSTANT} - don't bother messing with NoSQL - just use an RDBMS and learn how to tune the dang thing. This is doubly true if you can run it on your own hardware. If the connection count is high, use read slaves to balance the load.
Long-after-the-fact Edit (5/7/2013):
Something I should've mentioned before: EC2 is a really really crappy place to measure performance of self-managed database nodes. Unless you're paying out the nose, your I/O perf will be terrible. Your choices are to either pay big money for provisioned IOPS, RAID together a bunch of EBS volumes, or rely on ephemeral storage whilst syncing a WAL off to S3 or similar. All of these options are expensive and difficult to maintain. All of these options have varying degrees of performance.
I discovered this for a recent project, so I switched to Rackspace. The performance increased tremendously there, but I noticed that I was paying a lot for CPU and RAM resources when really I just need fast I/O. Now I host with Digital Ocean. All of DO's storage is SSD. Their CPU performance is kind of crappy in comparison to other offerings, but I'm incredibly I/O bound so I Just Don't Care. After dropping Postgres' random_page_cost to 2, I'm humming along quite nicely.
Moral of the story: profile, tune, repeat. Ask yourself what-if questions and constantly validate your assumptions.
Another long-after-the-fact-edit (11/23/2013): As an example of what I'm describing here, check out the following article for an example of using MySQL 5.7 with the InnoDB memcached plugin to achieve 1M QPS: http://dimitrik.free.fr/blog/archives/11-01-2013_11-30-2013.html#2013-11-22
By "loads" I mean ~5,000 queries per second.
Ah that's not so much, even SQL can handle that. So you are already easily within the limits of what most modern DBs can handle. However they can only handle this with the right:
Server Hardware
Splitting of large data (you might require a large amount of shards with relatively low data each, dependant here so I said "might")
That would be ~100,000 objects to read per second.
Now that's more of a high load scenario. Must you read these in such a fragmented manner? If so then (as I said) you may require to look into spreading the load across replicated shards.
Storage is not something I would be worried about as the objects will be really tiny.
Mongo is aggresive with disk allocation so even with small objects it will still pre-allocate a lot of space, this is something to bare in mind.
So... $5424 per month.
Oh yea the billing thrills of Amazon :\.
I would consider other options but I am worried about maintenance issues, costs etc. I have never worked with such setups before so your advice would be really valuable.
Now you hit the snag of it all. You can setup your own cluster but then you might end up paying that much in money and time (or way more) for the servers, people, admins and your own mantenance time. This is one reason why DynamoDB really shines here. For large setups who are looking to take the load and pain and stress of server management (trust me it is really painful, if your a Dev you might as well change your job title to server admin from now on) off of the company.
Considering to setup this yourself you would need:
A considerable amount of EC instances (dependant upon data and index size but I would say close to maybe 30?)
A server admin (maybe 2, maybe freelance?)
Both of which could set you back 100's of thousands of pounds a year, I would personally bet for the managed approach if it fits your needs and budget. When your need grows beyond what managed Amazon DB can give you then move to your infrastructure.
I should amend that the cost effectiveness was done with quite a few black holes for example:
I am unsure of the amount of data you have
I am unsure of writes
Both of these contribute me to place a scenario of:
Massive writes (about as much as your reading)
Massive data (lots)
Here is what I recommend in sequence.
Identify your use case and choose the correct db. We test MySQL and MongoDb regularly for all kinds of workloads (OLTP, Analytics, etc). In all cases we have tested with, MySQL outperforms MongoDb and is cheaper ($/TPS) compared to MongoDb. MongoDb has other advantages but that is another story ... since we are talking about performance here.
Try to cache your queries in RAM (by provisioning adequate RAM).
If you are bottle necked on RAM, then you can try a SSD caching solution which takes advantage of ephemeral SSD. This works if your workload is cache friendly. You can save loads of money as ephemeral SSD is typically not charged by the cloud provider.
Try PIOPS/RAID or a combination to create adequate IOPS for your application.

Eventual consistency in plain English

I often hear about eventual consistency in different speeches about NoSQL, data grids etc.
It seems that definition of eventual consistency varies in many sources (and maybe even depends on a concrete data storage).
Can anyone give a simple explanation what Eventual Consistency is in general terms, not related to any concrete data storage?
Eventual consistency:
I watch the weather report and learn that it's going to rain tomorrow.
I tell you that it's going to rain tomorrow.
Your neighbor tells his wife that it's going to be sunny tomorrow.
You tell your neighbor that it is going to rain tomorrow.
Eventually, all of the servers (you, me, your neighbor) know the truth (that it's going to rain tomorrow), but in the meantime the client (his wife) came away thinking it is going to be sunny, even though she asked after one or more of the servers (you and me) had a more up-to-date value.
As opposed to Strict Consistency / ACID compliance:
Your bank balance is $50.
You deposit $100.
Your bank balance, queried from any ATM anywhere, is $150.
Your daughter withdraws $40 with your ATM card.
Your bank balance, queried from any ATM anywhere, is $110.
At no time can your balance reflect anything other than the actual sum of all of the transactions made on your account to that exact moment.
The reason why so many NoSQL systems have eventual consistency is that virtually all of them are designed to be distributed, and with fully distributed systems there is super-linear overhead to maintaining strict consistency (meaning you can only scale so far before things start to slow down, and when they do you need to throw exponentially more hardware at the problem to keep scaling).
Eventual consistency:
Your data is replicated on multiple servers
Your clients can access any of the servers to retrieve the data
Someone writes a piece of data to one of the servers, but it wasn't yet copied to the rest
A client accesses the server with the data, and gets the most up-to-date copy
A different client (or even the same client) accesses a different server (one which didn't get the new copy yet), and gets the old copy
Basically, because it takes time to replicate the data across multiple servers, requests to read the data might go to a server with a new copy, and then go to a server with an old copy. The term "eventual" means that eventually the data will be replicated to all the servers, and thus they will all have the up-to-date copy.
Eventual consistency is a must if you want low latency reads, since the responding server must return its own copy of the data, and doesn't have time to consult other servers and reach a mutual agreement on the content of the data. I wrote a blog post explaining this in more detail.
Think you have an application and its replica. Then you have to add new data item to the application.
Then application synchronises the data to other replica show in below
Meanwhile new client going to get data from one replica that not update yet. In that case he cant get correct up date data. Because synchronisation get some time. In that case it haven't eventually consistency
Problem is how can we eventually consistency?
For that we use mediator application to update / create / delete data and use direct querying to read data. that help to make eventually consistency
When an application makes a change to a data item on one machine, that change has to be propagated to the other replicas. Since the change propagation is not instantaneous, there’s an interval of time during which some of the copies will have the most recent change, but others won’t. In other words, the copies will be mutually inconsistent. However, the change will eventually be propagated to all the copies, and hence the term “eventual consistency”. The term eventual consistency is simply an acknowledgement that there is an unbounded delay in propagating a change made on one machine to all the other copies. Eventual consistency is not meaningful or relevant in centralized (single copy) systems since there’s no need for propagation.
source: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/products/nosqldb/documentation/consistency-explained-1659908.pdf
Eventual consistency means changes take time to propagate and the data might not be in the same state after every action, even for identical actions or transformations of the data. This can cause very bad things to happen when people don’t know what they are doing when interacting with such a system.
Please don’t implement business critical document data stores until you understand this concept well. Screwing up a document data store implementation is much harder to fix than a relational model because the fundamental things that are going to be screwed up simply cannot be fixed as the things that are required to fix it are just not present in the ecosystem. Refactoring the data of an inflight store is also much harder than the simple ETL transformations of a RDBMS.
Not all document stores are created equal. Some these days (MongoDB) do support transactions of a sort, but migrating datastores is likely comparable to the expense of re-implementation.
WARNING: Developers and even architects who do not know or understand the technology of a document data store and are afraid to admit that for fear of losing their jobs but have been classically trained in RDBMS and who only know ACID systems (how different can it be?) and who don’t know the technology or take the time to learn it, will miss design a document data store. They may also try and use it as a RDBMS or for things like caching. They will break down what should be atomic transactions which should operate on an entire document into “relational” pieces forgetting that replication and latency are things, or worse yet, dragging third party systems into a “transaction”. They’ll do this so their RDBMS can mirror their data lake, without regard to if it will work or not, and with no testing, because they know what they are doing. Then they will act surprised when complex objects stored in separate documents like “orders” have less “order items” than expected, or maybe none at all. But it won’t happen often, or often enough so they’ll just march forward. They may not even hit the problem in development. Then, rather than redesign things, they will throw “delays” and “retries” and “checks” in to fake a relational data model, which won’t work, but will add additional complexity for no benefit. But its too late now - the thing has been deployed and now the business is running on it. Eventually, the entire system will be thrown out and the department will be outsourced and someone else will maintain it. It still won’t work correctly, but they can fail less expensively than the current failure.
In simple English, we can say: Although your system may be in inconsistent states, the aim is always to reach consistency at some point for each piece of data.
Eventual consistency is more like a spectrum. On one end you have strong consistency and on other you have eventual consistency. In between there are levels like Snapshot, read my writes, bounded staleness. Doug Terry has a beautiful explanation in his paper on eventual consistency thru baseball
As per me eventual consistency is basically toleration to random data in random order every time you read from a data store. Anything better than that is a stronger consistency model. For example, a snapshot has stale data but will return same data if read again so it is predictable. Sometimes application can tolerate data which is stale for a given amount of time beyond which it demands consistent data.
If you look at meaning of consistency it relates more to uniformity or lack of deviation. So in non computer system terms it could mean toleration for unexpected variations. It could be very well explained thru ATM. An ATM could be offline hence divergent from account balance from core systems. However there is a toleration for showing different balances for a window of time. Once the ATM comes online, it can sync with core systems and reflect same balance. So an ATM could be said to be eventually consistent.
Eventual consistency guarantees consistency throughout the system, but not at all times. There is an inconsistency window, where a node might not have the latest value, but will still return a valid response when queried, even if that response will not be accurate. Cassandra has a ring system where your data is split up into different nodes:
Any of those nodes can act as the primary interface point for your application. So there is no single point of failure because any of those nodes can serve as your primary API point. But there is a trade-off here. Because any node can be primary, that data needs to be replicated amongst all of these nodes in order to stay up to date. So all of the other nodes needs to know what is where at all times and that means that as a trade-off for this architecture, we have eventual consistency. Because it takes time for that data to propagate throughout the ring, through every node in your system. So, as the data is written, it might be a little bit of time before you can actually read that data back you just wrote. Maybe data is written to one node, but you are reading it from a different node and that written data have not made it to that other node yet.
Let's say you back up your photos on your phone to the cloud every Sunday. If you check your photos on Friday on your cloud, you are not going to see the photos that were taken between Monday-Friday. You are still getting a response but not an updated response but if you check your cloud on Sunday night you will see all of your photos. So your data across phone and cloud services eventually reach consistency.

Reasons for & against a Database

i had a discussion with a coworker about the architecture of a program i'm writing and i'd like some more opinions.
The Situation:
The Program should update at near-realtime (+/- 1 Minute).
It involves the movement of objects on a coordinate system.
There are some events that occur at regular intervals (i.e. creation of the objects).
Movements can change at any time through user input.
My solution was:
Build a server that runs continously and stores the data internally.
The server dumps a state-of-the-program at regular intervals to protect against powerfailures and/or crashes.
He argued that the program requires a Database and i should use cronjobs to update the data. I can store movement information by storing startpoint, endpoint and speed and update the position in the cronjob (and calculate collisions with other objects there) by calculating direction and speed.
His reasons:
Requires more CPU & Memory because it runs constantly.
Powerfailures/Crashes might destroy data.
Databases are faster.
My reasons against this are mostly:
Not very precise as events can only occur at full minutes (wouldn't be that bad though).
Requires (possibly costly) transformation of data on every run from relational data to objects.
RDBMS are a general solution for a specialized problem so a specialized solution should be more efficient.
Powerfailures (or other crashes) can leave the Data in an undefined state with only partially updated data unless (possibly costly) precautions (like transactions) are taken.
What are your opinions about that?
Which arguments can you add for any side?
Databases are not faster. How silly... How can a database be faster than writing a custom data structure and storing it in memory ?? Databases are Generalized tools to persist data to disk for you so you don't have to write all the code to do that yourself. Because they have to address the needs of numerous disparate (and sometimes inconsistent) business functions (Persistency (Durability), Transactional integrity, caching, relational integrity, atomicity, etc. etc. ) and do it in a way that protects the application developer from having to worry about it so much, by definition it is going to be slower. That doesn't necessarilly mean his conclusion is wrong however.
Each of his other objections can be addressed by writing the code to address that issue yourself... But you see where that is going... At some point, the development efforts of writing the custom code to address the issues that are important for your application outweigh the performance hit of just using a database - which already does all that stuff out of the box... How many of these issues are important ? and do you know how to write the code necessary to address them ?
From what you've described here, I'd say your solution does seem to be the better option. You say it runs once a minute, but how long does it take to run? If only a few seconds, then the transformation to relational data would likely be inconsequential, as would any other overhead. most of this would take likely 30 seconds. This is assuming, again, that the program is quite small.
However, if it is larger, and assuming that it will get larger, doing a straight dump is a better method. You might not want to do a full dump every run, but that's up to you, just remember that it could wind up taking a lot of space (same goes if you're using a database).
If you're going to dump the state, you would need to have some sort of a redundancy system in place, along with quasi-transactions. You would want to store several copies, in case something happens to the newest version. Say, the power goes out while you're storing, and you have no backups beyond this half-written one. Transactions, you would need something to tell that the file has been fully written, so if something does go wrong, you can always tell what the most recent successful save was.
Oh, and for his argument of it running constantly: if you have it set to a cronjob, or even a self-enclosed sleep statement or similar, it doesn't use any CPU time when it's not running, the same amount that it would if you're using an RDBMS.
If you're writing straight to disk, then this will be the faster method over a database, and faster retrieval, since, as you pointed out, there is no overhead.
Summary: A database is a good idea if you have a lot of idle processor time or historical records, but if resources are a legitimate concern, then it can become too much overhead and a dump with precautions taken is better.
mySQL can now model spatial data.
You could use the database to keep track of world locations, user locations, items locations ect.