Reasons for & against a Database - rdbms

i had a discussion with a coworker about the architecture of a program i'm writing and i'd like some more opinions.
The Situation:
The Program should update at near-realtime (+/- 1 Minute).
It involves the movement of objects on a coordinate system.
There are some events that occur at regular intervals (i.e. creation of the objects).
Movements can change at any time through user input.
My solution was:
Build a server that runs continously and stores the data internally.
The server dumps a state-of-the-program at regular intervals to protect against powerfailures and/or crashes.
He argued that the program requires a Database and i should use cronjobs to update the data. I can store movement information by storing startpoint, endpoint and speed and update the position in the cronjob (and calculate collisions with other objects there) by calculating direction and speed.
His reasons:
Requires more CPU & Memory because it runs constantly.
Powerfailures/Crashes might destroy data.
Databases are faster.
My reasons against this are mostly:
Not very precise as events can only occur at full minutes (wouldn't be that bad though).
Requires (possibly costly) transformation of data on every run from relational data to objects.
RDBMS are a general solution for a specialized problem so a specialized solution should be more efficient.
Powerfailures (or other crashes) can leave the Data in an undefined state with only partially updated data unless (possibly costly) precautions (like transactions) are taken.
What are your opinions about that?
Which arguments can you add for any side?

Databases are not faster. How silly... How can a database be faster than writing a custom data structure and storing it in memory ?? Databases are Generalized tools to persist data to disk for you so you don't have to write all the code to do that yourself. Because they have to address the needs of numerous disparate (and sometimes inconsistent) business functions (Persistency (Durability), Transactional integrity, caching, relational integrity, atomicity, etc. etc. ) and do it in a way that protects the application developer from having to worry about it so much, by definition it is going to be slower. That doesn't necessarilly mean his conclusion is wrong however.
Each of his other objections can be addressed by writing the code to address that issue yourself... But you see where that is going... At some point, the development efforts of writing the custom code to address the issues that are important for your application outweigh the performance hit of just using a database - which already does all that stuff out of the box... How many of these issues are important ? and do you know how to write the code necessary to address them ?

From what you've described here, I'd say your solution does seem to be the better option. You say it runs once a minute, but how long does it take to run? If only a few seconds, then the transformation to relational data would likely be inconsequential, as would any other overhead. most of this would take likely 30 seconds. This is assuming, again, that the program is quite small.
However, if it is larger, and assuming that it will get larger, doing a straight dump is a better method. You might not want to do a full dump every run, but that's up to you, just remember that it could wind up taking a lot of space (same goes if you're using a database).
If you're going to dump the state, you would need to have some sort of a redundancy system in place, along with quasi-transactions. You would want to store several copies, in case something happens to the newest version. Say, the power goes out while you're storing, and you have no backups beyond this half-written one. Transactions, you would need something to tell that the file has been fully written, so if something does go wrong, you can always tell what the most recent successful save was.
Oh, and for his argument of it running constantly: if you have it set to a cronjob, or even a self-enclosed sleep statement or similar, it doesn't use any CPU time when it's not running, the same amount that it would if you're using an RDBMS.
If you're writing straight to disk, then this will be the faster method over a database, and faster retrieval, since, as you pointed out, there is no overhead.
Summary: A database is a good idea if you have a lot of idle processor time or historical records, but if resources are a legitimate concern, then it can become too much overhead and a dump with precautions taken is better.

mySQL can now model spatial data.
You could use the database to keep track of world locations, user locations, items locations ect.


When's the time to create dedicated collections in MongoDB to avoid difficult queries?

I am asking a question that I assume does not have a simple black and white question but the principal of which I'm asking is clear.
Sample situation:
Lets say I have a collection of 1 million books, and I consistently want to always pull the top 100 rated.
Let's assume that I need to perform an aggregate function every time I perform this query which makes it a little expensive.
It is reasonable, that instead of running the query for every request (100-1000 a second), I would create a dedicated collection that only stores the top 100 books that gets updated every minute or so, thus instead of running a difficult query a 100 times every second, I only run it once a minute, and instead pull from a small collection of books that only holds the 100 books and that requires no query (just get everything).
That is the principal I am questioning.
Should I create a dedicated collection for EVERY query that is often
Should I do it only for complicated ones?
How do I gauge which is complicated enough and which is simple enough
to leave as is?
Is there any guidelines for best practice in those types of
Is there a point where if a query runs so often and the data doesn't
change very often that I should keep the data in the server's memory
for direct access? Even if it's a lot of data? How much is too much?
Is there a way in MongoDB to cache results?
If so, how can I tell it to fetch the cached result, and when to regenerate the cache?
Thank you all.
Before getting to collection specifics, one does have to differentiate between "real-time data" vis-a-vis data which does not require immediate and real-time presenting of information. The rules for "real-time" systems are obviously much different.
Now to your example starting from the end. The cache of query results. The answer is not only for MongoDB. Data architects often use Redis, or memcached (or other cache systems) to hold all types of information. This though, obviously, is a function of how much memory is available to your system and the DB. You do not want to cripple the DB by giving your cache too much of available memory, and you do not want your cache to be useless by giving it too little.
In the book case, of 100 top ones, since it is certainly not a real time endeavor, it would make sense to cache the query and feed that cache out to requests. You could update the cache based upon a cron job or based upon an update flag (which you create to inform your program that the 100 have been updated) and then the system will run an $aggregate in the background.
Now to the first few points:
Should I create a dedicated collection for EVERY query that is often used?
Yes and no. It depends on the amount of data which has to be searched to $aggregate your response. And again, it also depends upon your memory limitations and btw let me add the whole server setup in terms of speed, cores and memory. MHO - cache is much better, as it avoids reading from the data all the time.
Should I do it only for complicated ones?
How do I gauge which is complicated enough and which is simple enough to leave as is?
I dont think anyone can really black and white answer to that question for your system. Is a complicated query just an $aggregate? Or is it $unwind and then a whole slew of $group etc. options following? this is really up to the dataset and how much information must actually be read and sifted and manipulated. It will effect your IO and, yes, again, the memory.
Is there a point where if a query runs so often and the data doesn't change very often that I should keep the data in the server's memory for direct access? Even if it's a lot of data? How much is too much?
See answers above this is directly connected to your other questions.
Is there any guidelines for best practice in those types of situations?
The best you can do here is to time the procedures in your code, monitor memory usage and limits, look at the IO, study actual reads and writes on the collections.
Hope this helps.
Use a cache to store objects. For example in Redis use Redis Lists
Redis Lists are simply lists of strings, sorted by insertion order
Then set expiry to either a timeout or a specific time
Now whenever you have a miss in Redis, run the query in MongoDB and re-populate your cache. Also since cache resids in memory therefore your fetches will be extremely fast as compared to dedicated collections in MongoDB.
In addition to that, you don't have to keep have a dedicated machine, just deploy it within your application machine.

Key Value storage without a file system?

I am working on an application, where we are writing lots and lots of key value pairs. On production the database size will run into hundreds of Terabytes, even multiple Petabytes. The keys are 20 bytes and the value is maximum 128 KB, and very rarely smaller than 4 KB. Right now we are using MongoDB. The performance is not very good, because obviously there is a lot of overhead going on here. MongoDB writes to the file system, which writes to the LVM, which further writes to a RAID 6 array.
Since our requirement is very basic, I think using a general purpose database system is hitting the performance. I was thinking of implementing a simple database system, where we could put the documents (or 'values') directly to the raw drive (actually the RAID array), and store the keys (and a pointer to where the value lives on the raw drive) in a fast in-memory database backed by an SSD. This will also speed-up the reads, as all there would not be no fragmentation (as opposed to using a filesystem.)
Although a document is rarely deleted, we would still have to maintain a pool of free space available on the device (something that the filesystem would have provided).
My question is, will this really provide any significant improvements? Also, are there any document storage systems that do something like this? Or anything similar, that we can use as a starting poing?
Apache Cassandra jumps to mind. It's the current elect NoSQL solution where massive scaling is concerned. It sees production usage at several large companies with massive scaling requirements. Having worked a little with it, I can say that it requires a little bit of time to rethink your data model to fit how it arranges its storage engine. The famously citied article "WTF is a supercolumn" gives a sound introduction to this. Caveat: Cassandra really only makes sense when you plan on storing huge datasets and distribution with no single point of failure is a mission critical requirement. With the way you've explained your data, it sounds like a fit.
Also, have you looked into redis at all, at least for saving key references? Your memory requirements far outstrip what a single instance would be able to handle but Redis can also be configured to shard. It isn't its primary use case but it sees production use at both Craigslist and Groupon
Also, have you done everything possible to optimize mongo, especially investigating how you could improve indexing? Mongo does save out to disk, but should be relatively performant when optimized to keep the hottest portion of the set in memory if able.
Is it possible to cache this data if its not too transient?
I would totally caution you against rolling your own with this. Just a fair warning. That's not a knock at you or anyone else, its just that I've personally had to maintain custom "data indexes" written by in house developers who got in way over their heads before. At my job we have a massive on disk key-value store that is a major performance bottleneck in our system that was written by a developer who has since separated from the company. It's frustrating to be stuck such a solution among the exciting NoSQL opportunities of today. Projects like the ones I cited above take advantage of the whole strength of the open source community to proof and optimize their use. That isn't something you will be able to attain working on your own solution unless you make a massive investment of time, effort and promotion. At the very least I'd encourage you to look at all your nosql options and maybe find a project you can contribute to rather than rolling your own. Writing a database server itself is definitely a nontrivial task that needs a huge team, especially with the requirements you've given (but should you end up doing so, I wish you luck! =) )
Late answer, but for future reference I think Spider does this

PostgreSQL temporary table cache in memory?

I want to store some temporary results in some temporary tables. These tables may be reused in several queries that may occur close in time, but at some point the evolutionary algorithm I'm using may not need some old tables any more and keep generating new tables. There will be several queries, possibly concurrently, using those tables. Only one user doing all those queries. I don't know if that clarifies everything about sessions and so on, I'm still uncertain about how that works.
What I would like to do is to create temporary tables (if they don't exist already), store them on memory as far as that is possible and if at some point there is not enough memory, delete those that would be committed to the HDD (I guess those will be the least recently used).
The client will be doing queries for EMAs with different parameters and an aggregation of them with different coefficients, each individual may vary in terms of the coefficients used and so the parameters for the EMAs may repeat as they are still in the gene pool, and may not be needed after a while. There will be similar queries with more parameters and the genetic algorithm will find the right values for the parameters.
Is that what "on commit drop" means? I've seen descriptions about
sessions and transactions but I don't really understand those
concepts. Sorry if the question is stupid.
If it is not, do you know about any simple way to get Postgres to do
In the worst case I should be able to make a guesstimation about how many tables I can keep on memory and try to implement the LRU by myself, but it's never going to be as good as what Postgres could do.
Thank you very much.
This is a complicated topic and probably one to discuss in some depth. I think it is worth both explaining why PostgreSQL doesn't support this and also what you can do instead with recent versions to approach what you are trying to do.
PostgreSQL has a pretty good approach to caching diverse data sets across multiple users. In general you don't want to allow a programmer to specify that a temporary table must be kept in memory if it becomes very large. Temporary tables however are managed quite differently from normal tables in that they are:
Buffered by the individual back-end, not the shared buffers
Locally visible only, and
What this means is that typically you aren't generating a lot of disk I/O for temporary tables. The tables do not normally flush WAL segments, and they are managed by the local back-end so they don't affect shared buffer usage. This means that only occasionally is data going to be written to disk and only when necessary to free memory for other (usually more frequent) tasks. You certainly aren't forcing disk writes and only need disk reads when something else has used up memory.
The end result is that you don't really need to worry about this. PostgreSQL already tries, to a certain extent, to do what you are asking it to do, and temporary tables have much lower disk I/O requirements than standard tables do. It does not force the tables to stay in memory though and if they become large enough, the pages may expire into the OS disk cache, and eventually on to disk. This is an important feature because it ensures that performance gracefully degrades when many people create many large temporary tables.

One big call vs. multiple smaller TSQL calls

I have a ADO.NET/TSQL performance question. We have two options in our application:
1) One big database call with multiple result sets, then in code step through each result set and populate my objects. This results in one round trip to the database.
2) Multiple small database calls.
There is much more code reuse with Option 2 which is an advantage of that option. But I would like to get some input on what the performance cost is. Are two small round trips twice as slow as one big round trip to the database, or is it just a small, say 10% performance loss? We are using C# 3.5 and Sql Server 2008 with stored procedures and ADO.NET.
I would think it in part would depend on when you need the data. For instance if you return ten datasets in one large process, and see all ten on the screen at once, then go for it. But if you return ten datasets and the user may only click through the pages to see three of them then sending the others was a waste of server and network resources. If you return ten datasets but the user really needs to see sets seven and eight only after making changes to sets 5 and 6, then the user would see the wrong info if you returned it too soon.
If you use separate stored procs for each data set called in one master stored proc, there is no reason at all why you can't reuse the code elsewhere, so code reuse is not really an issue in my mind.
It sounds a wee bit obvious, but only send what you need in one call.
For example, we have a "getStuff" stored proc for presentation. The "updateStuff" proc calls "getStuff" proc and the client wrapper method for "updateStuff" expects type "Thing". So one round trip.
Chatty servers are one thing you prevent up front with minimal effort. Then, you can tune the DB or client code as needed... but it's hard to factor out the roundtrips later no matter how fast your code runs. In the extreme, what if your web server is in a different country to your DB server...?
Edit: it's interesting to note the SQL guys (HLGEM, astander, me) saying "one trip" and the client guys saying "multiple, code reuse"...
I am struggling with this problem myself. And I don't have an answer yet, but I do have some thoughts.
Having reviewed the answers given by others to this point, there is still a third option.
In my appllication, around ten or twelve calls are made to the server to get the data I need. Some of the datafields are varchar max and varbinary max fields (pictures, large documents, videos and sound files). All of my calls are synchronous - i.e., while the data is being requested, the user (and the client side program) has no choice but to wait. He may only want to read or view the data which only makes total sense when it is ALL there, not just partially there. The process, I believe, is slower this way and I am in the process of developing an alternative approach which is based on asynchronous calls to the server from a DLL libaray which raises events to the client to announce the progress to the client. The client is programmed to handle the DLL events and set a variable on the client side indicating chich calls have been completed. The client program can then do what it must do to prepare the data received in call #1 while the DLL is proceeding asynchronously to get the data of call #2. When the client is ready to process the data of call #2, it must check the status and wait to proceed if necessary (I am hoping this will be a short or no wait at all). In this manner, both server and client side software are getting the job done in a more efficient manner.
If you're that concerned with performance, try a test of both and see which performs better.
Personally, I prefer the second method. It makes life easier for the developers, makes code more re-usable, and modularizes things so changes down the road are easier.
I personally like option two for the reason you stated: code reuse
But consider this: for small requests the latency might be longer than what you do with the request. You have to find that right balance.
As the ADO.Net developer, your job is to make the code as correct, clear, and maintainable as possible. This means that you must separate your concerns.
It's the job of the SQL Server connection technology to make it fast.
If you implement a correct, clear, maintainable application that solves the business problems, and it turns out that the database access is the major bottleneck that prevents the system from operating within acceptable limits, then, and only then, should you start persuing ways to fix the problem. This may or may not include consolidating database queries.
Don't optimize for performance until a need arisess to do so. This means that you should analyze your anticipated use patterns and determine what the typical frequency of use for this process will be, and what user interface latency will result from the present design. If the user will receive feedback from the app is less than a few (2-3) seconds, and the application load from this process is not an inordinate load on server capacity, then don't worry about it. If otoh the user is waiting an unacceptable amount of time for a response (subjectve but definitiely measurable) or if the server is being overloaded, then it's time to begin optimization. And then, which optimization techniques will make the most sense, or be the most cost effective, depend on what your analysis of the issue tells you.
So, in the meantime, focus on maintainability. That means, in your case, code reuse
Personally I would go with 1 larger round trip.
This will definately be influenced by the exact reusability of the calling code, and how it might be refactored.
But as mentioned, this will depend on your exact situation, where maintainability vs performance could be a factor.

Main Memory DB vs Object DB

I'm currently trying to pick a database vendor.
I'm just seeking some personal opinions from fellow database developers out there.
My question is especially targeted towards people who:
1) have used Main Memory DB (MMDB) that supports replicating to disk (hybrid) before (i.e. ExtremeDB)
2) have used Versant Object Database and/or Objectivity Database and/or Progress ObjectStore
and the question is really: if you could recommend a database vendor, based on your experience, that would suit my application.
My application is a commercial real-time (read: high-performance) object-oriented C++ GIS kind of app, where we need to do a lot of lat/lon search (i.e. given an area, find all matching targets within the area...R-Tree index).
The types of data that I would like to store into the database are all modeled as objects and they make use of std::list and std::vector, so naturally, Object Database seems to make sense. I have read through enough articles to convince myself that a traditional RDBMS probably isnt what I'm really looking for in terms of
performance (joins or multiple
tables for dynamic-length data like
ease of programming
(impedance mismatch)
However, in terms of performance,
Input data is being fed into the system at about 40 MB/s.
Hence, the system will also be doing insert into the database at the rate of roughly 350 inserts per second (where each object varies from 64KB to 128KB),
Database will consistently be searched and updated via multiple threads.
From my understanding, all of the Object DBs I have listed here use cache for storing database objects. ExtremeDB claims that since it's designed especially for memory, it can avoid overhead of caching logic, etc. See more by googling: Main Memory vs. RAM-Disk Databases: A Linux-based Benchmark
So..I'm just a bit confused. Can Object DBs be used in real-time system? Is it as "fast" as MMDB?
Fundamentally, I difference between a MMDB and a OODB is that the MMDB has the expectation that all of its data is based in RAM, but persisted to disk at some point. Whereas an OODB is more conventional in that there's no expectation of the entire DB fitting in to RAM.
The MMDB can leverage this by giving up on the concept that the persisted data doesn't necessarily have to "match" the in RAM data.
The way anything with persistence is going to work, is that it has to write the data to disk on update in some fashion.
Almost all DBs use some kind of log for this. These logs are basically "raw" pages of data, or perhaps individual transactions, appended to a file. When the file gets "too big", a new file is started.
Once the logs are properly consolidated in to the main store, the logs are discarded (or reused).
Now, a crude, in RAM DB can exist simply by appending transactions to a log file, and when it's restarted, it just loads the log in to RAM. So, in essence, the log file IS the database.
The downside of this technique is the longer and more transactions you have, the bigger your log/DB is, and thus the longer the DB startup time. But, ideally, you can also "snapshot" the current state, which eliminates all of the logs up to date, and effectively compresses them.
In this manner, all the routine operations of the DB have to manage is appending pages to logs, rather than updating other disk pages, index pages, etc. Since, ideally, most systems don't need to "Start up" that often, perhaps start up time is less of an issue.
So, in this way, a MMDB can be faster than an OODB who has a different contract with the disk, maintaining logs and disk pages. In this way, an OODB can be slower even if the entire DB fits in to RAM and is properly cached, simply because you incur disk operations outside of the log operations during normal operations, vs a MMDB where these operations happen as a "maintenance" task, which can be scheduled during down time and/or quiet time.
As to whether either of these systems can meet you actual performance needs, I can't say.
The back ends of databases (reader and writer processes, caching, lock managing, txn log files, ACID semantics) are the same, so RDBs and OODB are actually very similar here. The difference is the interface to the application programmer. Is your data model complicated, consists of lots of classes with real inheritance relationships? Then OO is good. Is it relatively flat and simple? Then go RDB. What is the nature of the relationships? Is it pointer-like and set like? Then go RDB. Is is more complicated, like (ordered) list, array, map? Then you should go OO. Also, do you have a stand-alone application with no need to integrate with other apps? Then OO is ok. Do you have to share data with other apps (i.e. several apps access the same database)? Then that's a deal-breaker for OO, and you should stick with RDB. Is the schema of your database stable or do you expect it to evolve frequently? OODBs are bad ad schema evolution, so if you expect frequent changes, stick with RDBs.