Scala Cross Cutting Concerns with mixin composition stacks - scala

I was following along this tutorial by Jonas Bonér on how to achieve AspectJ like aspect oriented programming in Scala. The mixins got me quite confused with the abstract overrides. I eventually got the implementation working by matching parsePointcutExpression. However, The pointcutExpression matching is incorrect:
My Invocation case class:
package aspect2
import java.lang.reflect.Method
object aspect {
case class Invocation(val method: Method, val args: Array[AnyRef], val target: AnyRef) {
def invoke: AnyRef = method.invoke(target, args:_*)
override def toString: String = "Invocation [method: " + method.getName + ", args: " + args + ", target: " + target + "]"
My interceptor and advice methods for matching pointcutExpressions and logging: Note I want to match against "execution(* *.bar(..))".
package aspect2
import aspect2.aspect.Invocation
import{PointcutExpression, PointcutParser}
object InterceptorImpl {
trait Interceptor {
protected val parser = PointcutParser.getPointcutParserSupportingAllPrimitivesAndUsingContextClassloaderForResolution
protected def matches(pointcut: PointcutExpression, invocation: Invocation): Boolean = {
pointcut.matchesMethodExecution(invocation.method).alwaysMatches || ||
def invoke(invocation: Invocation): AnyRef
trait LoggingInterceptor extends Interceptor {
val loggingPointcut = parser.parsePointcutExpression("execution(* *.bar(..))")
abstract override def invoke(invocation: Invocation): AnyRef =
if (matches(loggingPointcut , invocation)) {
println("=====> Enter: " + invocation.method.getName + " # " +
val result = super.invoke(invocation)
println("=====> Exit: " + invocation.method.getName + " # " +
} else super.invoke(invocation)
My factory methods to wire in the interceptors using Java Dynamic Proxy API
package aspect2
import java.lang.reflect.{InvocationHandler, Method, Proxy}
import aspect2.aspect.Invocation
object ManagedComponentFactory {
def createComponent[T](intf: Class[T] forSome {type T}, proxy: ManagedComponentProxy): T =
class ManagedComponentProxy(val target: AnyRef) extends InvocationHandler {
override def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, m: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]): AnyRef = invoke(Invocation(m, args, target))
def invoke(invocation: Invocation): AnyRef = invocation.invoke
My main function to run the demo:
package aspect2
import aspect2.InterceptorImpl.LoggingInterceptor
import aspect2.aspect.Invocation
object aspectDemo extends App{
var foo = ManagedComponentFactory.createComponent[Foo](
new ManagedComponentProxy(new FooImpl)
with LoggingInterceptor{
override def invoke(invocation:Invocation):AnyRef={
Foo and Bar are implemented as follows:
trait Foo {
def foo(msg: String)
def bar(msg: String)
class FooImpl extends Foo {
val bar: Bar = new BarImpl
def foo(msg: String) = println("msg: " + msg)
def bar(msg: String) =
trait Bar {
def bar(msg: String)
class BarImpl extends Bar {
def bar(msg: String) = println("msg: " + msg)
My results show that my pointcut ("execution(* *.bar(..))") gets both"bar") and"foo")

The problem was in the line in the object InterceptorImpl which matches all methods of the class. Since both methods foo and bar belong to trait Foo which is extended by class FooImpl the pointcutExpression matches logging happens for both methods.


Best way to define an implicit class that needs a parameter at runtime

I have an implicit class that needs to use a given parameter at runtime. So I define this implicit in another class that takes this parameter in the constructor. A simplified version of what I am doing is as follows:
case class A(p1: String) {
def foo = println("foo: " + p1)
class B(p2: String) {
implicit class Enhancer(a: A) {
implicit def bar = s"bar: ${a.p1}, $p2"
So when I need to use this class I then do the following:
val a = A("x")
val b = new B("y")
import b._
I am wondering if there is a neater way than the above? Specifically the middle two lines where I define the object and then import from it. For example is there any way I could have a one line call to return the implicit class I need?
Try to add implicit parameter to Enhancer.
case class A(p1: String) {
def foo = println("foo: " + p1)
class B(val p2: String)
implicit class Enhancer(a: A)(implicit b: B) {
implicit def bar = s"bar: ${a.p1}, ${b.p2}"
val a = A("x")
implicit object b extends B("y")
implicit val b = new B("y")
implicit class Enhancer(val a: A) extends AnyVal {
implicit def bar(implicit b: B) = s"bar: ${a.p1}, ${b.p2}"

Methods injected via Scala macros do not show up when compiling

My goal is to have an annotation macro that will inject methods and variables into a trait. While this appears to generate the proper code for the trait, I cannot get the compiler to recognize that the methods now exist. FYI, a real implementation does work when trying to access the value.
I was hoping to use this to clean up some code (and get a better understanding of macros) in cases like this:
I was following the code from a sample project pointed to in the Scala macro documentation.
So, below is the actual code for my macro (being compiled using Scala 2.10.4 with the macro paradise plugin 2.1.0-M5:
import scala.reflect.internal.annotations.compileTimeOnly
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
* Represents a macro that injects appropriate getters and setters into the
* annotated trait such that it can be treated as a dependency.
* #param variableName The name of the variable to provide getter/setter
* #param className The class name of the variable
#compileTimeOnly("Enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations")
class Dependency(
variableName: String,
className: String
) extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Dependency.impl
object Dependency {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
import c.universe._
println("Starting macro")
println("Prefix: " + c.prefix)
val q"new Dependency(..$params)" = c.prefix.tree
println("Params: " + params)
val (variableName: String, className: String) = params match {
case p: List[_] =>
val stringParams ="\"", ""))
(stringParams(0), stringParams(1))
case _ => c.abort(
"Required arguments are (variable name: String) (class name: String)"
println("Variable name: " + variableName)
println("Class name: " + className)
def modifiedTrait(traitDecl: ClassDef) = {
val (name) = try {
val q"trait $name" = traitDecl
} catch {
case _: MatchError => c.abort(
"Annotation is only supported on trait"
println("Trait name: " + name)
val actualVariableName = variableName.toLowerCase
println("Actual variable name: " + actualVariableName)
val actualVariableClass = newTypeName(className)
println("Actual class name: " + actualVariableClass)
val internalVariableName = newTermName("_" + actualVariableName)
println("Internal variable name: " + internalVariableName)
val getterName = newTermName(actualVariableName)
println("Getter name: " + getterName)
val setterName = newTermName(actualVariableName + "_=")
println("Setter name: " + setterName)
val setterVariableName = newTermName("new" + actualVariableName.capitalize)
println("Setter variable name: " + setterVariableName)
val generatedTrait = q"""
trait $name {
private var $internalVariableName: $actualVariableClass = _
def $setterName($setterVariableName: $actualVariableClass) =
$internalVariableName = $setterVariableName
def $getterName: $actualVariableClass = $internalVariableName
println("Generated trait: " + generatedTrait)
} match {
case (traitDecl: ClassDef) :: Nil => modifiedTrait(traitDecl)
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Invalid annottee")
Below is my attempt to use the annotation within ScalaTest:
#Dependency("someFakeField", "Int") trait TestTrait
class A extends TestTrait
val a = new A
// This line fails
//a.someFakeField = 3
Below is the output from running my macro:
Warning:scalac: Starting macro
Warning:scalac: Prefix: Expr[Nothing](new Dependency("someFakeField", "Int"))
Warning:scalac: Params: List("someFakeField", "Int")
Warning:scalac: Variable name: someFakeField
Warning:scalac: Class name: Int
Warning:scalac: Trait name: TestTrait
Warning:scalac: Actual variable name: somefakefield
Warning:scalac: Actual class name: Int
Warning:scalac: Internal variable name: _somefakefield
Warning:scalac: Getter name: somefakefield
Warning:scalac: Setter name: somefakefield_=
Warning:scalac: Setter variable name: newSomefakefield
Warning:scalac: Generated trait: abstract trait TestTrait extends scala.AnyRef {
def $init$() = {
private var _somefakefield: Int = _;
def somefakefield_=(newSomefakefield: Int) = _somefakefield = newSomefakefield;
def somefakefield: Int = _somefakefield
Here is the output from running the reflection to access the methods of the trait and class using the trait (notice the appearance of the methods):
public abstract void$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$TestTrait$1.somefakefield_=(int)
public abstract$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$TestTrait$$ibm$spark$annotations$DependencySpec$$anonfun$$anonfun$TestTrait$$$outer()
public abstract int$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$TestTrait$$ibm$spark$annotations$DependencySpec$$anonfun$$anonfun$TestTrait$$_somefakefield()
public abstract void$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$TestTrait$$ibm$spark$annotations$DependencySpec$$anonfun$$anonfun$TestTrait$$_somefakefield_$eq(int)
public abstract int$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$TestTrait$1.somefakefield()
public void$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$A$1.somefakefield_=(int)
public int$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$A$$ibm$spark$annotations$DependencySpec$$anonfun$$anonfun$TestTrait$$_somefakefield()
public void$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$A$$ibm$spark$annotations$DependencySpec$$anonfun$$anonfun$TestTrait$$_somefakefield_$eq(int)
public int$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1$A$1.somefakefield()
Here is a hand-written trait that does work:
trait IncludeInterpreter {
private var _interpreter: Interpreter = _
def interpreter: Interpreter = _interpreter
def interpreter_=(newInterpreter: Interpreter) =
_interpreter = newInterpreter
Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong? If I cannot do something like this with the macros, then I guess I will need to continue writing by hand. FYI, I have also tried to compile the macro in one module, use the macro to generate the methods for the trait in another module, and actually using the trait in a third module. Not sure what needs to be separate and what does not.
When I have run the macro and then tried to access the methods from another module (not in ScalaTest), I do not even see the methods using reflection (although the output from the macro still appears).

Scala, typeclass and "could not find implicit value"

I am facing some weird problem with typeclass below: for some reason implicit object ContentUploader is not resolved on call to upload method of DemoActor.
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
class DemoActor extends Actor {
import DemoActor.UploaderImpl._
override def receive = {
case (x: DemoActor.Content) =>
object DemoActor {
val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("DemoActor")
sealed trait UploadData {
val data: Array[File]
case class Content(data: Array[File]) extends UploadData
case class UploadResult(url: String, contentType: String, size: Long)
trait S3Uploader[T <: UploadData] {
def uploadToS3(filez: Array[File]): Iterable[UploadResult]
object UploaderImpl {
val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Uploader")
private def contentType(name: String): String = {
private def doUpload(filez: Array[File], bucketName: String) = {
LOG.debug("Uploading: {} to {}", filez, bucketName)
filez.flatMap {
case f =>
try {
val key = f.getName
val mime = contentType(f.getName)
Some(UploadResult("http://" + bucketName + "" + key, mime, f.length()))
} catch {
case e =>
LOG.error("Can not upload", e)
implicit object ContentUploader extends S3Uploader[Content] {
lazy val bucketName = ""
lazy val awsSecret = ""
lazy val awsAccess = ""
override def uploadToS3(filez: Array[File]) = doUpload(filez, bucketName)
def upload[T <: UploadData](src: T)(implicit uploader: S3Uploader[T]) = uploader.uploadToS3(
What have I missed here?
if I move definition of class for DemoActor inside object DemoActor, like
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
object DemoActor {
val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("DemoActor")
sealed trait UploadData {
val data: Array[File]
case class Content(data: Array[File]) extends UploadData
case class UploadResult(url: String, contentType: String, size: Long)
trait S3Uploader[UploadData] {
def uploadToS3(filez: Array[File]): Iterable[UploadResult]
object UploaderImpl {
val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Uploader")
private def contentType(name: String): String = {
private def doUpload(filez: Array[File], bucketName: String) = {
LOG.debug("Uploading: {} to {}", filez, bucketName)
filez.flatMap {
case f =>
try {
val key = f.getName
val mime = contentType(f.getName)
Some(UploadResult("http://" + bucketName + "" + key, mime, f.length()))
} catch {
case e =>
LOG.error("Can not upload", e)
implicit object ContentUploader extends S3Uploader[DemoActor.Content] {
lazy val bucketName = ""
lazy val awsSecret = ""
lazy val awsAccess = ""
override def uploadToS3(filez: Array[File]) = doUpload(filez, bucketName)
def upload[T <: UploadData](src: T)(implicit uploader: S3Uploader[T]) = uploader.uploadToS3(
class DemoActor extends Actor {
import DemoActor.UploaderImpl._
override def receive = {
case (x: DemoActor.Content) =>
then everything works well. Are there some issues with namespacing?
It is not finding it because implicit forward references must be explicitly typed to be considered, and this one isn't.
If this is confusing, maybe two ways of fixing it might make it clear. First, you can declare the type of the implicit. Remove the implicit from the object, and declare a val pointing to it:
implicit val contentUploader: S3Uploader[DemoActor.Content] = ContentUploader
The second way is moving the class DemoActor declaration to the end of the file, so it stays after the the object DemoActor declaration.
The reason it works like this is that the compiler must search for the implicit before the rest of the file is fully typed, so it doesn't know, at that time, that object ContentUploader satisfy the search.

how to copy instance and override value field declared in trait

Suppose I have some abstract value field defined in a trait:
trait Base {
val toBeOverride: String
case class Impl(other:Int) extends Base {
override val toBeOverride = "some value"
How can I write a function that I can easily get a cloned instance only overriding the toBeOverride value, like this:
// copy only available to case class instance
// v does not have method 'copy'
def overrideBaseValue[T <: Base](v: Base) =
v.copy(toBeOverride = "prefix" + v.toBeOverride)
#som-snytt, I don't think this is a duplicate, just like a Trait is not the same as an Abstract Class. And the answers of that question do not satisfy me, see below.
#Blaisorblade, yes, it is a problem. For instances of each sub case class, the toBeOverride field are the same, so it should not appear in the constructor.
For now all the suggestions are to define an customized copy method in each(!) sub case class and that in my opinion is ugly and shows the incapability of the language.
The simplest solution is to just add the method you want to Base:
trait Base {
val toBeOverride: String
def copyBase(newToBeOverridden: String): Base
case class Impl(other:Int, override val toBeOverride: String = "some value") extends Base {
def copyBase(newToBeOverridden: String) = copy(toBeOverride = newToBeOverridden)
This also allows to directly create an instance of Impl while specifying the value of toBeOverride (which wasn't possible). The only disadvantage is that now pattern matches using Impl have to change syntax - please update your question and add a comment if that's a problem.
BTW, if you just want to add a prefix (as in your example), that's no problem:
case class Impl(other:Int, override val toBeOverride: String = "some value") extends Base {
def copyBase(newToBeOverridden: String) = copy(toBeOverride = toBeOverride + newToBeOverridden)
Here are two mechanisms.
Apparently, in the near future you'll be able to write a macro that can emit the anonymous subclass, but until then, I think this typeclass is not arduous.
Just kicking the tires on Dynamic here.
import scala.language.dynamics
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.{ currentMirror => cm }
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
trait Base {
def m: String
case class Impl(p: Int) extends Base {
override val m = "some value"
trait Basic extends Dynamic {
protected def m: String
def selectDynamic(f: String): Any =
if ("m" == f) m else reflecting(this, f)
protected def reflecting(b: Basic, f: String) = {
val im = cm.reflect(b)
val member = im.symbol.typeSignature member newTermName(f)
require(member != NoSymbol, s"No such member $f")
(im reflectMethod member.asMethod)()
case class Implic(p: Int) extends Basic {
override protected val m = "some value"
object Test extends App {
implicit class Copy[A <: Base](val b: A) {
def overriding(overm: String): A = (b match {
case impl: Impl => new Impl(impl.p) { override val m = overm }
case b: Base => new Base { override val m = overm }
implicit class Proxy[A <: Basic : ClassTag](val b: A) {
def proximately(overm: String): Basic = new Basic {
override val m = overm
override def selectDynamic(f: String): Any =
if ("m" == f) overm else reflecting(b, f)
override def toString = b.toString
// asked for this
//def overriding[T <: Base](v: Base) = v.copy(m = "prefix" + v.m)
/* want something like this
def overriding[T <: Base](v: Base) = new Impl(v.p) {
override val m = "some value"
} */
val a = Impl(5)
val b = a overriding "bee good"
Console println s"$a with ${a.m} ~> $b with ${b.m}"
// or
val c = Implic(7)
val d = c proximately "dynomite"
Console println s"$c with ${c.m} ~> $d with ${d.m}"
Since traits don't get copy methods automatically, you can try using a Base case class instead:
case class Base(toBeOverride: String)
case class Impl(other: Int, someVal: String = "some value") extends Base(someVal)
def overrideBaseValue[T <: Base](v: Base) =
v.copy(toBeOverride = "prefix" + v.toBeOverride)
The problem that you're going to run into though, is that copy returns an instance of Base and I don't think that you can convert it back to your original Impl class. For instance, this won't compile:
def overrideBaseValue[T <: Base](v: T): T =
v.copy(toBeOverride = "prefix" + v.toBeOverride)

Behaviour of super in chained Scala traits

Why does x.func below return "B extends B extends B"?
How to arrange this code so that it returns "B extends A extends Base"?
trait Base {
def name = "Base"
def func = name
trait A extends Base {
override def name = "A"
override def func = name + " extends " + super.func
trait B extends Base {
override def name = "B"
override def func = name + " extends " + super.func
val x = new Base with A with B
Update: One arrangement could be as follows. It now has identical definitions of func1 in A and B. It does not work if I try to move it to the Derived class. Any ideas how to remove the repetition of func1?
trait Base {
def name = "Base"
def func1(s: String) = s
trait Derived extends Base {
def func = func1(name)
trait A extends Derived {
override def func1(s: String) = s + " extends " + super.func1(
override def name = "A"
trait B extends Derived {
override def func1(s: String) = s + " extends " + super.func1(
override def name = "B"
val x = new Base with A with B
I think the inheritance order may actually be the one your are seeking. If you replace the " extends " with one that shows which method of which trait is called:
trait Base {
def name = "Base"
def func = "Base." + name
trait A extends Base {
override def name = "A"
override def func = name + " A.extends " + super.func
trait B extends Base {
override def name = "B"
override def func = name + " B.extends " + super.func
val x = new Base with A with B
// B B.extends B A.extends Base.B
It's just that name is always "B". In other words:
trait Base { def func = "Base" }
trait A extends Base { override def func = "A extends " + super.func }
trait B extends Base { override def func = "B extends " + super.func }
val x = new Base with A with B
// B extends A extends Base
which is what you want...
The full linearization of your example is:
Object, B, A, Base, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any
(see for a practical explanation on how to figure out the linearization)
Edit to answer comment: why is the name always returns "B"? That's because the def name method is overridden by the trait B to return "B". That's the whole point of inheritance, to be able to use in superclasses behavior that is refined in subclasses:
trait Legs {
def legs: Int
def printLegs() { println("I have " + legs + " legs") }
class Dog extends Legs { def legs = 4 }
class Chicken extends Legs { def legs = 2 }
new Dog printLegs
// I have 4 legs
new Chicken printLegs
// I have 2 legs
legs in trait Legs is not a separate one than legs in Dog depending on if you refer to it in Legs or Dog... Similarly, your def name will always return "B" if your object is a B.
It looks like you want to use name as a private method:
trait Base {
private def _name() = "Base"
def func = _name
trait A extends Base {
private def _name() = "A"
override def func = _name + " extends " + super.func
trait B extends Base {
private def _name() = "B"
override def func = _name + " extends " + super.func
val x = new Base with A with B
// B extends A extends Base
I find that if there isn't a clear object model, using trait and inheritance quickly gets complicated. I assume you sanitized/simplified the example to use generic names like A, B, Base, func so that you get to the core of the issue, but on the other hand it doesn't give me any insights on what changes you could do to make it work for you. As you asked I've arrange the code so that it prints "B extends A extends Base". I'm sure there are a bunch of other constraints that aren't in the question why it won't work for you.