Dealing with non-spring data documents in couchbase - spring-data

Is there a recommended way to go about dealing with documents that don't have the _class field with spring-data-couchbase( if there is one)? Trying it simply just throws an exception as expected.
Edit: Apologies if this was a bit too vague, let me add a bit more context.
I want to fetch data from couchbase for some student by name, let's say . The repository looks something like -
public interface StudentRepository extends CouchbaseRepository {
Optional<StudentDocument> findByName(String name);
Now the documents in couchbase don't have the _class field OR say if we are entering a different "key" and "value" for _class field as we don't want to rely on it, so this method fails. I sort of hacked a workaround for this using -
public Student getStudent(String name) {
N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.simple(String.format("select *, META().id AS _ID, META().cas AS _CAS" +
" from student where name = \'%s\';", name));
return Optional.ofNullable(studentRepository.getCouchbaseOperations()
.findByN1QL(query, StudentWrapper.class)
.orElseGet(() -> {
throw new HttpClientErrorException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
I was wondering if there is an alternate way of achieving this

While using Spring spEL, Couchbase will automatically include the _class (or whatever attribute you have defined as your type) for you:
public interface AreaRepository extends CouchbaseRepository<Area, String> {
//The _class/type is automatically included by Couchbase
List<Area> findByBusinessUnityIdAndRemoved(String businessId, boolean removed);
However, if you want to use N1QL, you have to add the #{#n1ql.filter} :
public interface BusinessUnityRepository extends CouchbaseRepository<BusinessUnity, String>{
#Query("#{#n1ql.selectEntity} where #{#n1ql.filter} and companyId = $2 and $1 within #{#n1ql.bucket}")
BusinessUnity findByAreaRefId(String areaRefId, String companyId);
the #{#n1ql.filter} will automatically add the filter by type for you.


JPA Specification Select returns all columns instead of specific

I am using JPA Specification , need to select specific columns only.
This is the code:
Specification<Item> spec = (root, query, builder) -> {"Id"));
Predicate predicate = builder.equal(root.get("Id"), "12345");
return predicate;
In log I see that all columns from Item Entity are selected from database.
Is it a bug?
public interface Repo extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Item,String>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Item> {
repo.findAll(spec );
JpaSpecificationExecutor is specifically defined to return the entity type. I suspect it is ignoring the .select(root.get("Id")).
Normally you would use Specifications if you have an extremely dynamic set of conditions you are querying by. If you have just a few parameters you need to search by, I would use a derived query, or a named query.
public interface Repo extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Item,String>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Item> {
#Query("Select from Item i where name=:name")
Long getIdforName(String name);

ReactiveMongoRepository / MongoRepository does not return _id field

I think this issue probably has to do with my Mongo Document Koltin Data class, but for our business case we need to allow the user to add on any JSON fields to describe their RF data set.
Extending the BasicDBObject was the best way I have found.
The mono being returned when I save a SigMfMetaDocument does not contain the _id field.
I cannot figure out why the save method does not return a Mono wrapping a SigMfDocument with and _id
If there is a better way to create a Type for ReactiveMongoRepository that can dynamically accept any fields I am all ears.
#Document(collection = "sigmfmeta")
class SigMfMetaDocument : BasicDBObject {
val id: String? = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
constructor(map: Map<String, Any>) : super(map)
constructor() : super()
constructor(key: String, value: Object): super()
interface SigMfMetaRepository : ReactiveMongoRepository<SigMfMetaDocument, String>
So I found a way to solve this for my use case. I was originally assuming the description in the documentation for the save method would apply
(Saves a given entity. Use the returned instance for further operations as the save operation might have changed the entity instance completely).
My thought Mongo auto inserting the _id value would apply to this description.
I changed my model to:
#Document(collection = "sigmfmeta")
class SigMfMetaDocument : BasicBSONObject {
constructor(map: Map<String, Any>) : super(map) {
val id = ObjectId()
this.put("_id", id)
constructor() : super()
This way I have the _id value after saving for some business logic. Again I defined my Model this way because the metadata file we are accepting needs to allow a client to add any fields they wish to describe a binary file of RF measurement data.

Eagerly load MongoDB #DBRef in Spring data's RepositoryRestResource

I'm trying to implement a rest api using RepositoryRestResource and RestTemplate
It all works rather well, except for loading #DBRef's
Consider this data model:
public class Order
String id;
Customer customer;
... other stuff
public class Customer
String id;
String name;
And the following repository (similar one for customer)
#RepositoryRestResource(excerptProjection = OrderSummary.class)
public interface OrderRestRepository extends MongoRepositor<Order,String>{}
The rest api returns the following JSON:
"id" : 4,
**other stuff**,
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:12345/api/orders/4"
"customer" : {
"href" : "http://localhost:12345/api/orders/4/customer"
Which if loaded correctly by the resttemplate will create a new Order instance with customer = null
Is it possible to eagerly resolve the customer on the repository end and embed the JSON?
Eagerly resolving dependent entities in this case will raise most probably N+1 database access problem.
I don't think there is a way to do that using default Spring Data REST/Mongo repositories implementation.
Here are some alternatives:
Construct an own custom #RestController method that would access the database and construct desired output
Use Projections to populate fields from related collection, e.g.
#Projection(name = "main", types = Order.class)
public interface OrderProjection {
// either
Customer getCustomer();
// or
Customer getCustomer();
// or
CustomerProjection getCustomer();
#Projection(name = "main", types = Customer.class)
public interface CustomerProjection {
The customerService.getById can employ caching (e.g. using Spring #Cachable annotation) to mitigate the performance penalty of accessing the database additionally for each result set record.
Add redundancy to your data model and store copies of the Customer object fields in the Order collection on creation/update.
This kind of problem arises, in my opinion, because MongoDB doesn't support joining different document collections very well (its "$lookup" operator has significant limitations in comparison to the common SQL JOINs).
MongoDB docs also do not recommend using #DBRef fields unless joining collections hosted in distinct servers:
Unless you have a compelling reason to use DBRefs, use manual references instead.
Here's also a similar question.

Get Discriminator in Linq Select results

I'm trying to make a SQL Query with LinqToEntities which will be as efficient as possible so I would like to avoid iterating after every record I get in results to get a new corrected collection. I'm trying to create a ready collection to send as a result in API just with this one query.
I'm trying to get a discriminator value though with inherited models.
My models are somewhat like these:
public abstract class DbEntity
public string DiscriminatorValue
return ObjectContext.GetObjectType(GetType()).Name;
public class Foo : DbEntity {
public class Bar: DbEntity {
This model will create a table in database which will have a column called Discriminator. To get the discriminator value I used my custom DiscriminatorValue property but it won't work in queries like this:
var events = context.MyTable.Select(t => new {
Discriminator = t.DiscriminatorValue
This below one will obviously work, but it will be much slower imho:
var events = context.MyTable.ToList().Select(t => new {
Discriminator = t.DiscriminatorValue
Is it possible to get Discriminator value without having to write my custom SQL query myself (like real sql which I know is possible too).

spring data - Mongodb - findBy Method for nested objects

I have two domain objects,
public class PracticeQuestion {
private int userId;
private List<Question> questions;
// Getters and setters
public class Question {
private int questionID;
private String type;
// Getters and setters
My JSON doc is like this,
"_id" : ObjectId("506d9c0ce4b005cb478c2e97"),
"userId" : 1,
"questions" : [
"questionID" : 1,
"type" : "optional"
"questionID" : 3,
"type" : "mandatory"
I have to update the "type" based on userId and questionId, so I have written a findBy query method inside the custom Repository interface,
public interface CustomRepository extends MongoRepository<PracticeQuestion, String> {
List<PracticeQuestion> findByUserIdAndQuestionsQuestionID(int userId,int questionID);
My problem is when I execute this method with userId as 1 and questionID as 3, it returns the entire questions list irrespective of the questionID. Is the query method name valid or how should I write the query for nested objects.
Thanks for any suggestion.
Just use the #Query annotation on that method.
public interface CustomRepository extends MongoRepository<PracticeQuestion, String> {
#Query(value = "{ 'userId' : ?0, 'questions.questionID' : ?1 }", fields = "{ 'questions.questionID' : 1 }")
List<PracticeQuestion> findByUserIdAndQuestionsQuestionID(int userId, int questionID);
By adding the fields part of the #Query annotation, you are telling Mongo to only return that part of the document. Beware though, it still returns the entire document in the same format - just missing everything you did not specify. So your code will still have to return List<PracticeQuestion> and you will have to do:
foreach (PracticeQuestion pq : practiceQuestions) {
Question q = pq.getQuestions().get(0); // This should be your question.
Property expressions
Property expressions can refer only to a direct property of the managed entity, as shown in the preceding example. At query creation time you already make sure that the parsed property is a property of the managed domain class. However, you can also define constraints by traversing nested properties. Assume Persons have Addresses with ZipCodes. In that case a method name of List<Person> findByAddressZipCode(ZipCode zipCode);
creates the property traversal x.address.zipCode. The resolution algorithm starts with interpreting the entire part (AddressZipCode) as the property and checks the domain class for a property with that name (uncapitalized). If the algorithm succeeds it uses that property. If not, the algorithm splits up the source at the camel case parts from the right side into a head and a tail and tries to find the corresponding property, in our example, AddressZip and Code. If the algorithm finds a property with that head it takes the tail and continue building the tree down from there, splitting the tail up in the way just described. If the first split does not match, the algorithm move the split point to the left (Address, ZipCode) and continues.
Although this should work for most cases, it is possible for the algorithm to select the wrong property. Suppose the Person class has an addressZip property as well. The algorithm would match in the first split round already and essentially choose the wrong property and finally fail (as the type of addressZip probably has no code property). To resolve this ambiguity you can use _ inside your method name to manually define traversal points. So our method name would end up like so:
List<UserData> findByAddress_ZipCode(ZipCode zipCode);
UserData findByUserId(String userId);
Profile findByProfileId(String profileId);
UserData userData = userDateRepository.findByUserId(userId);
Profile profile = profileRepository.findByProfileId(userData.getProfileId());
Sample Pojo :
public class UserData {
private String userId;
private String status;
private Address address;
private String profileId;
//New Property
private Profile profile;
//TODO:setter & getter
public class Profile {
private String email;
private String profileId;
For the above Document/POJO in your Repository Class:
UserData findByProfile_Email(String email);
For ref :
You need to use Mongo Aggregation framework :
1) Create custom method for mongo repository : Add custom method to Repository
UnwindOperation unwind = Aggregation.unwind("questions");
MatchOperation match = Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("userId").is(userId).and("questions.questionId").is(questionID));
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(unwind,match);
AggregationResults<PracticeQuestionUnwind> results = mongoOperations.aggregate(aggregation, "PracticeQuestion",
return results.getMappedResults();
2) You need to cretae a class(Because unwind operation has changed the class structure) like below :
public class PracticeQuestionUnwind {
private String userId;
private Question questions;
This will give you only those result which matches the provide userId and questionId
Result for userId: 1 and questionId : 111 :
"userId": "1",
"questions": {
"questionId": "111",
"type": "optional"
i too had similar issue. for that i added $ before the nested class attributes.
try below query
#Query(value = "{ 'userId' : ?0, 'questions.$questionID' : ?1 }") List<PracticeQuestion> findPracticeQuestionByUserIdAndQuestionsQuestionID(int userId, int questionID);