How to prevent authenticated user from spoofing restful api calls - rest

So I build a RESTful API. It has an /account/{id} endpoint to return user data. The API is secured via an identity server that issues the requester a JSON Web token (JWT) with access to the /account/{id} endpoint. The user sends a request with username and password and receives a JWT in return on successful authentication. Now the user sends a request for their account information to /account/{id}. The request is sent with a token in the header and returns a 200 response with the user data in the payload.
How would one go about authorizing the {id} in the endpoint? In other words, an authenticated user could just add any {id} in the endpoint and potentially receive another user's data. How is this prevented using the JWT?

You can store data in a web token. If you store the ID of the user, then you can identify them for each request they make. This is safe, because the contents of the token are signed with the private key of the server. Therefore their contents cannot be changed.
After that you can either limit the API so that each user can only query their own record, or you can also implement a complex role system, where each user has a set of roles (e.g. read-only, guest, maintainer, admin, client, etc.) that define which endpoints and how they can use.


Extract roles from REST API in Keycloak

At my company, we need to extract the roles of the logged in user from the REST API that Keycloak provides. We have looked through the Keycloak documentation but can't find the answers we are looking for. Let me explain the flow we want to implement: A user logs in to a client defined in Keycloak and receives a JWT which is stored in the applications web client. The user is not an admin in Keycloak. When the web client makes a request to the backend server, the backend server queries Keycloak for the user's roles. And, this is the point where we have trouble. We can't figure out the correct URL for the REST API or which token to add to the authentication header.
To summarize: we need help with the URL which is needed to query for user roles and what token to send to authorize against the API. I'm aware that the roles can be retrieved from the JWT, but we are afraid that the payload will become to big over time. A user may have multiple roles in different departments.
The roles should be in the JWT payload, this should be configured in the keycloak service. The flow should be something like this:
User is authenticated by the front end and the JWT token returned by keycloak is stored
The front end hits the back end including the token in the request header
The back end takes the token, validates it using the public key (the public key is provided by keycloak), if the token is valid, the roles are taken from the token payload and the authorization process is executed

Authorizing access to resource in a REST API

I am new to building API's and I am having trouble understanding how to perform the following task reasonably.
There is an endpoint:
which retrieves the details of the user.
The frontend code will request this endpoint to get details about the user to display on the dashboard.
I have to protect this endpoint so that a user who doesn't represent this user_id, emulates the request to get information about other users.
Since REST based API's are sessionless, I cannot store session keys. So how do I make sure that the server sends the user information only if the owner of the user id has requested it?
You are right. HTTP is a stateless protocol, therefore REST inherits that quality too.
Here is the deal in simple words.
[REST client] -------> [API endpoint]
You have many REST clients, and you need to make sure that only authorized users will grant the access to your API endpoint. One solution as #James suggested is use a token mechanism such as JWT
If you consider JWT authentication, the process flow will be as follows.
[REST client] -------> [AA service]-------> [API endpoint]
You will need an AA(Authorization, Authentication) service in the middle. For example in a microservices approach, this can be performed from a API gateway which is a gateway to all of your services.
Client will give AA service their username and password. In exchange AA service will give the client a JSON token signed only by the server so that the confidentiality is protected. This token contains 3 things.
Header which specifies the type of token and algorithms used to sign it
Payload which includes claims like to whom the token is issued, when should the token expire, what is issued user's role should be etc. (see
Signature which a product of unsigned token signed by the server key
Then you encode each header, payload, signature with base64 and concatanate with a ".". You now have a JWT.
AA service returns this JWT in exchange for credentials.
Client should store this token securely (ex: local storage) and the communication medium should be encrypted(ex: TLS). See ,
After that for every subsequent REST call, client should include the received token, preferably in the Authorization header although it is technically possible to send the token in the message payload as well.
Then it is AA service's responsibility to decrypt the token using its signing key evaluate claims in the JWT and act upon whether to authorize the API call send him HTTP 401,403 responses.

Separate APIs for User Login?

I need to create an API for login for my website.
There can be 3 ways for a user to login:
via Username/Password combination
via Google+ Token and EmailId
via FB Token and EMailId
Should there be a single API for this or should all the above exist as separate APIs? The output for the Login API will always be a token that will be used to make further authenticated requests.
I think it's more a matter of taste. I'd have a generic ProviderAuthentication API endpoint that receives a token id and another Authentication API endpoint that receives username & password. But you can also aim towards REST level 1 and have some generic Login resource (that contains username, password, providerToken & token properties) to work with a generic Login API endpoint.

Looking for some advice on front end/backend user authentication

I'm running a mock expressjs server in the back, and ember (ember-simple-auth) on the front with the ember-simple-auth-token addon. I'm using JWT tokens. I'm trying to decide whats the best way to send my user information. Usually when the user submits their credentials I create a new token, store a copy of it in the database (I'm using mongodb), send it to the frontend and then use the token to fetch information user information. I have a /auth/token (which authenticates and sends the token, makes a copy and stores it in the database) & /current_user route which gets called on the initial login, which uses the token and fetches the user info.
Is it better to simply send the user info in the initial payload of the token over having a separate route? Should I be storing a copy in the database in order to do a comparison and retrieve user information?
Also what are the advantages of a token refresh?
you are using Jwt-Auth for authentication.
-According to my knowledge after sending the user credentials u will respond with the token if credentials are correct otherwise send error.
-why are you saving the token in db ?.
you will send token to client (stateless). If client requests for data then we need to check for token. if it validates then return proper response otherwise return token error.
-why you need token refresh?
for security purpose. After response every time change the token.
TTL your token will be valid for some time (say 60 mins). after that it will be invalid.
This is how JWT works.

Understanding OAuth2 flow

I'm developing an Android app that consumes a REST service that uses OAuth protocol. In the first activity, app shows a login screen. This is the flow:
1) User puts her username and password.
2) App makes a request to REST service, providing username and password.
3) REST service check the credentials and if are correct, ask for an access_token to my OAuth2 provider server.
4) REST service answers to the app providing the access_token and the refresh_token
5) In the next requests to the REST server (to get data like people, articles...) app will provide the access_token and the refresh_token.
6) When REST service process a request, will validate the access_token (using an token info endpoint of my OAuth server).
7) If the access_token is correct and has not expired, REST service will return the data that the app were asking for.
When REST service detects that access_token has expired, asks for another with using the refresh_roken.
Now, my questions:
When REST service retrieve a new access_token after the old one expires, has the REST service send it to the app in that response?
If so, has the app check, in each request/response, if new a new access_token has been sent from the REST service?
I don't know if I'm in the right way, I'm trying to understand the flow.
Assuming there's no browser involved and the app (aka. Client) uses what is called the Resource Owner Password Credentials grant, the flow is:
the User (aka. Resource Owner) provides his/her username and password to the Client
the Client makes a Token Request to the Authorization Server, providing username and password
the Authorization Server checks the credentials and if they are correct, it provides an access token and optionally a refresh token to the Client in the response
in the requests to the REST server (to get data like people, articles...) the Client will provide the access token
when the REST service process a request, it will validate the access token calling the token validation endpoint of the Authorization Server or by validating the token locally (e.g. if the access token is a JWT).
if the access token is correct, has not expired and has the right permissions (aka. "scopes"), the REST service will return the data that the Client was asking for
when the Client detects that access_token has expired (e.g. because the REST server returns an error), it asks the Authorization Server for another access token using the refresh token using the so-called Refresh Token grant/flow
OAuth 2.0 flows:
An application registers with the auth provider e.g. Facebook, Google, etc with app name, website and callback/postback URL
The application receives the client id and secret from the auth provider
The application user accesses the auth provider for authentication and user approves the resource permissions
The auth provider returns the auth token with respect to the user permissions to the application
The application accesses the resource provider using the auth tokens
The resource provider returns the protected resources after validating the auth tokens to the application
Do comment if you need more understanding!