Calculate a Reference Date in DAX - date

Trying to nail down the syntax for a pretty straightforward problem.
I have a table called Events and a full-feature DATES table with a relationship between the Dates[Date] field.
Using the event name as a slicer, I trying to create a [First Monday] measure that will return the date of the first Monday of the month.
So for example, if my event date was 2/14/19, [First Monday] would return 2/4/19.

Your Date table needs to contain 2 columns:
Year-Month: for example, "2018-01"
Weekday Number: for example, 1 (for Monday); or Weekday Name (i.e, "Monday")
First Monday =
CALCULATE( MIN('Date'[Date]),
'Date'[Weekday Name] = "Monday")
How it works:
First, we need to access all dates in the Date table, so we use ALL()
Second, we need to see only dates for the current context year and month, for which we can use VALUES()
Third, for each month we only want Mondays, hence Date[Weekday] = "Monday"
All this unfiltering/filtering generates a set of Mondays for the Year-Month visible in the current filter context. All we need to do now is to find the earliest of the Mondays using Min(Date).


IsoWeekYear within DAX

Does anyway have a way of creating IsoWeekYear within DAX?
I use the following within excel to create, however am struggling to get this working within PowerBI
You'll need to use the DAX WEEKNUM function. It has an optional parameter for the ISO 8601 week. Option 21 will return the ISO Week
ISO Week Number = WEEKNUM([DateColumn], 21)
To get the ISO Year, you'll need a calendar week and year column as well.
Calendar Week = WEEKNUM([DateColumn])
Year = YEAR([DateColumn])
Year Week = IF([ISO Week Number]<5 && [Calendar Week] > 50,
IF([ISO Week Number] >50 && [Calendar Week]<5,
You can do this all in one column, rather that split them out in this example and concat, year and week number to be 202101, or keep them separate, to whatever type you need.

Named query to show results by date (Year, month, day) in Grails 3.2.10

Given this domain:
class Burger{
String description
Date dateCreated
Currently, I have this namedQuery
queryOnDateCreated {Date dateArgument ->
eq 'dateCreated', dateArgument
I need a query that allows me find all the objects in the domain Burger with a specific dateCreated only taking into accountYear, Month and day (of month), while ignoring hours, minutes, seconds, miliseconds.
After some additional research, I found a solution which I'm going to share in case it helps someone else:
The named query needs to be as follows:
queryOnDateCreated {Date dateArgument ->
def dateArgumentIntervalEnd = DateUtils.addMilliseconds(dateArgument + 1, - 1)
between 'dateCreated', dateArgument, dateArgumentIntervalEnd
The "between" criteria returns every object in the domain whose date is between the interval given.
Since dateArgument is a Date created only with Year, Month and Day, it's time should be 00:00:00:000 (the first moment of the day).
Furthermore, "dateArgument + 1" holds the value of the next day (at the same time), which is why the substraction of 1 millisecond is required, that way "dateArgumentIntervalEnd" will hold the value of the same Year, Month and Day of "dateArgument" but the time will be 23:59:59:999 holding an interval of the whole day.

How to split timestamp field into Year, Month and Day, etc?

I have a timestamp field which has this definition:
Time interval: the beginning of the time interval expressed as the
number of millisecond elapsed from the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970
at UTC. The end of the time interval can be obtained by adding 600000
milliseconds (10 minutes) to this value. TYPE: numeric
I would like to split this field into Year, Month, Day of Month, Day of Week, Week Number.
It appears that I would need to use a Derive field with a Formula. But as a user new to the SPSS world, it isn't clear to me how I would use the derive field to do this.
The equivalent in pandas is:
df['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Time interval'].astype(int))
df['Year'] = df['Datetime'].dt.year
df['Month'] = df['Datetime'].dt.month
df['Day'] = df['Datetime']
df['DayOfWeek'] = df['Datetime'].dt.dayofweek
Do you want to create the 5 variables in separate, right?
For create:
**1) Year - Use a derive node and call the new variable as 'Year' with the syntax: "datetime_year(field)" -> will extract the year in numbers (2012)
2) Month- Use a derive node and call the new variable as 'Month' with the syntax: "datetime_month(field)" -> will extract the month in numbers (1 to 12)
3) Day of Month- Use a derive node and call the new variable as 'DayMonth' with the syntax: "datetime_day(field)" -> will extract the date of the month in numbers (1 to 31)
4) Day of Week - Use a derive node and call the new variable as 'DayWeek' with the syntax: "datetime_weekday(field)" -> will extract the weekday in numbers (1 to 7)
5) Week Number - Use a derive node and call the new variable as 'WeekNumb' with the syntax: "date_iso_week(field)" -> ISO 8601 (it's the only function that I never used in your list).**
Also, you can check others expressions inside the derive node tab, just select all functions and make some tests.
I hope to have been helpful.

How to create a specific date in Google Script

I have a spreadsheet that asks people to enter in a day of the month when we need to send out a bill. What I want to do is create a calendar event based on that. So, essentially what I need is an event that starts at the current month, day from the spreadsheet, and continues to a specified point in time.
var monthlyDate = row[6]; // Seventh column, monthly date of payment
var curDate = new Date();
var curMonth = curDate.getMonth();
var curYear = curDate.getYear();
curDate.setDate(curMonth, monthlyDate, curYear);
Logger.log("Day of month: %s", monthlyDate);
Logger.log("Current Date: %s", curDate);
Logger.log("Current Date: %s", Date());
What I'm seeing is that the monthly date is coming in as a float "6.0" for example, and no matter what I enter in for monthlyDate in the setDate line, it keeps setting the date to 10/9/15 (Today is 10/15/15). I've hard-coded that value to many different numbers, but for some reason it's just not working.
How can I create a date (in any format) that follows the scheme "Current Month / Day from Speadsheet / Current Year" ?
The getMonth() method returns a "zero-indexed" number. So, it returns the number 9 for the 10th month. setDate() doesn't set the date, it sets the "Day of the Month". The name of that method is misleading.
Documentation - setDate()
So, the last two parameters that you are using in setDate() are doing nothing. You are setting the day of the month to 9.
If you want to set multiple date parameters at the same time, you need to use the new Date() method:
var d = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
The month parameter accept values from 0 to 11, 0 is Jan and 11 is Dec
Date Reference

Qlikview Automate past 12 months selection

I have a combo chart which shows the average days it took for a person to pay their bill.
The Dimension of the Chart is = [Pay Month Year last 12 months]
There are no Dimension limits
There is 1 expression which is called Average and its definition is:
avg({< InvoicefromSqlType = {'Invoices'},[Is Invoice Paid] = {'Y'},[Is Positive Amount] = {'Y'},[Is Paid last 12 months] = {'Y'},DueGroups=,[Pay Month Year last 12 months]=>}[Days to Pay])`
Its is sorted by expression, which is [Pay Month Year last 12 months]
Now the above fields are built up like this:
[Pay Month Year last 12 months]
If([Pay Date] >= '$(vPeriodS12)',[Pay Month year]) as [Pay Month Year last 12 months],
Load * Inline [Pay Month Year last 12 months
Now what is happening is every month when it reaches the end, the next month is needing to be manually added and the first month removed (e.g. in the above I would delete the line May-2014 and at the end add the line Jun-2015)
Also if there are months defined which there is no data for yet i.e. you have Jun-2015 hard coded and the current month this May-2015 then Jun-2015 will show data from 2014 and the order of the months will get mixed up.
What I want to do is completely remove the need to hard code the months above and have this done its self.
If there are any more information you need let me know
Instead of using a "sort order" table that you may have to manually update, it may be worth doing the following:
Create a new field derived from [Pay Date] that returns a month and year that you can sort. For example:
dual(date(makedate(year([Pay Date]),num(month([Pay Date]))),'MMM-yyyy'),
year([Pay Date]) * 100 + num(month([Pay Date]))) as PayMonthYear
Here, the dual function allows you to associate a different representation of a field value to its underlying value. For example, here we set the underlying data to be the year of [Pay Date] added to the month, but state that it should be displayed as MMM-yyyy. For example, internally, QV still sees the value 201502, but displays it as Feb-2015. This means you can sort it correctly based on its underlying value.
Using dual is a big topic, please consult the built-in help for QV for more information.
Change your chart dimension from [Pay Month Year last 12 months] to use PayMonthYear and set the sort to ascending. This would then mean that your months would be sorted correctly, even if a new month was added.
Remove table PayLoadOrder from your script.
Alternative Method
An alternative would be to use a calendar table which joins on your Pay Date field. This would achieve the same thing, however, you could also integrate your "year to date" indicator into the calendar as well and remove it from your main table. An example I quickly threw together is shown below:
Max([Pay Date]) AS MaxDate,
Min([Pay Date]) AS MinDate
LET varMinDate = Num(Peek('MinDate',0,'MinMax')); // 0 is first record
LET varMaxDate = Num(Peek('MaxDate',-1,'MinMax')); // -1 is last record
LET varToday = Num(Today());
monthstart([Pay Date]) >= monthstart(AddMonths(Today(),-12)) as PaidInLast12MonthsFlag,
dual(date(makedate(year([Pay Date]),num(month([Pay Date]))),'MMM-yyyy'),year([Pay Date]) * 100 + num(month([Pay Date]))) as PayMonthYear
[Pay Date];
date($(varMinDate) + RecNo() - 1,'DD/MM/YYYY') as [Pay Date]
AUTOGENERATE num($(varMaxDate)) - num($(varMinDate)) + 1;
So, in the above, the field PaidInLast12MonthsFlag is equal to -1 if the value of the [Pay Date] field occurs in the last 12 months, 0 otherwise. You could use this in your set analysis expression as a filter. Furthermore, you can use PayMonthYear as your chart dimension.