Error: "XXX" Requires a provisioning profile - fastlane

so boggling with Fastlane for 1 week now i got nothing but errors.
By opening XCode and setting the Profile manually makes the build succeed. But there isn't much point to automation if there are manual steps.
My Fastfile looks like this:
platform :ios do
desc "Build project"
lane :beta do
plist_path: "./info.plist",
app_identifier: ""
#"" => "" ## nope
"" => " AdHoc" ## also nope
So I've had no luck getting Gym to pick up the provisioningprofile. I suspect the error actually originates from XCode, but gym should have injected it right?
My intention is once this is successful i need to automate pushing to a USB connected iPad.
As a side question: There doesn't happen to be a dedicated tech support somewhere?


ng serve command suddenly stopped working

I've got this angular (12.2.12) app. Everything was working fine until today. When i tried ng serve --live-reload=false the process just failed. Browser application bundle generation completed successfully but right after that i've got this error message:
× 「wdm」: Error: invalid argument
at pathToArray (app_path\node_modules\memory-fs\lib\MemoryFileSystem.js:44:10)
at MemoryFileSystem.readdirSync (app_path\node_modules\memory-fs\lib\MemoryFileSystem.js:122:13)
at MemoryFileSystem.<computed> [as readdir] (app_path\node_modules\memory-fs\lib\MemoryFileSystem.js:279:34)
at app_path\node_modules\webpack\lib\CleanPlugin.js:65:7
at symbolIterator (app_path\node_modules\neo-async\async.js:3482:9)
at timesSync (app_path\node_modules\neo-async\async.js:2297:7)
at Object.eachLimit (app_path\node_modules\neo-async\async.js:3463:5)
at getDiffToFs (app_path\node_modules\webpack\lib\CleanPlugin.js:61:11)
at app_path\node_modules\webpack\lib\CleanPlugin.js:352:6
at Hook.eval [as callAsync] (eval at create (app_path\node_modules\tapable\lib\HookCodeFactory.js:33:10), <anonymous>:12:1)
I didn't change anything beisdes changing value for build / outputPath in angular.json (changing it back to previous value did not help to solve the problem). Any ideas what may be the problem?
One more thing: ng build works without any problems
Ok i apologize even tho i said i changed the outputPath back to it's previous value the opposite was true and i did not save the angular.json after changing it back.
Changing the value back and saving angular.json did actually resolve the issue. The problem happened because i changed the value of outputPath to shared network folder. This change caused ng serve to stop working.
(Not sure wheather to delete the question or keep it up with this answer)

Fastlane Match / Bitrise / Provisioning Profile mismatch

I'm using Fastlane match in a lane on Bitrise.
The lane correctly runs match, with the output under the heading "Installed Provisioning Profile", saying the installed profile is named: "match Development"
When I check that profile in the App Developer Portal (it's the only profile I've got set up), the name matches, and the portal says "Enabled Capabilities: Associated Domains, Game Center, In-App Purchase, Push Notifications").
Yet fastlane gym still reports:
error: "<app name>" requires a provisioning profile with the Associated Domains and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor.
The lane is:
lane :ios_build do
type: "development",
app_identifier: "",
git_url: "https://#{ENV['MATCH_GIT_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['MATCH_GIT_PASSWORD']}<project>/<repo>.git",
storage_mode: "git",
team_id: "<team id>",
app_identifier: "",
readonly: true
disable_automatic_code_signing(path: "/Users/vagrant/git/src-cordova/platforms/ios/xxx.xcodeproj")
scheme: "<scheme name>",
workspace: "/Users/vagrant/git/src-cordova/platforms/ios/xxx.xcworkspace"
enable_automatic_code_signing(path: "/Users/vagrant/git/src-cordova/platforms/ios/xxx.xcodeproj")
Any ideas?

Fastlane plugin app center giving Provided app_name: 'helloworldtest" is not in a valid format

I am having problem with uploading the ipa in app center using fastlane app center plugin.
When I run fastlane test_autocreation --verbose, I am getting this error:
Provided app_name: 'helloworldtest" is not in a valid format.Please ensure no special characters or spaces in the app_name.
Here's the lane that is responsible in doing it:
lane :test_autocreation do
api_token: "******",
owner_type: "organization",
owner_name: "*****",
app_os: "ios",
app_name: "helloworldtest",
ipa: "./build_Dev/helloworldtest.ipa",
destinations: "*"
Is there something that I may have missed?
The error message might be poorly worded (my bad!), as this could be due a problem in the org name too. Please use the org name as seen in the App Center URL. For example for my test app in org "JP Org", I have to use owner_name: "JP-Org":
I hope this helps. If the problem persists, please open an Issue on GitHub.

fastlane existing file at resultBundlePath

When I run my fast lane build it fails with
xcodebuild: error: Existing file at -resultBundlePath "/Users/dude/workspace/testMe/output/testMe.result"
My lane actions are
I know I can just add an action to delete this file specifically, but it seems more likely that I'm doing something wrong.
I had the same problem until I browsed fastlane code and found a workaround. Setting result_bundle to false helped in my case, e.g.
desc "Submit a new build to App Store"
lane :production do
setup_jenkins(result_bundle: false)

Gettng Error WLClient onInvokeProcedureFailure:userInfo in WLClient.m

We are getting below error while calling a simple HTTP Adaptor through iOS Apple Watch OS1. We have mobilefirst 6.3 with WorklightAPI iOS deployed on server.
[WL_CLIENT] -[WLClient onInvokeProcedureFailure:userInfo:] in WLClient.m
Status: 0
InvocationResult: (null)
InvocationContext: (null)
Error code: 3
Error message: Procedure invocation error.
It runs fine when we run it on development server. Only difference we see is on Test server TLSv1.2 is enabled while on development it is not.
We defined ATS --> Allow Arbitrary Loads = YES in info.plist
but we are still getting an error.
Any Advice ?
As mentioned multiple times, Apple Watch is not supported. And in any case, since this is Watch OS 1 it means you invoke the code from the "parent" iOS app, no? In which case this was answered in your other question: