Eclipse not attaching source automatically - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Oxygen. Everything was working fine until one day I imported a Spring Boot maven project which has problem in pom.xml saying that tools.jar is missing. In the process of trying to remove this error I messed around with build path and many things. Now Eclipse is no longer able to automatically attach sources and I have to manually attach the source. For example, see below image
The source jar file actually exist but eclipse is not able detect it.
I have to manually click the "Attach Source" and locate the source file, and then only the source code is attached. Eclipse should be doing this under the hood. I googled a lot but all solutions given were not working for me. Please help.


Maven fixing broken dependencies

I just checked out maven based java project from svn to local box in eclipse where maven 3.0.2 is available. However while reviewing class path configuration many of dependencies are broken such as org.restlet-2.0.15.jar. Strange part is C:/Users/daeyoung/.m2/repository has that broken jar file but .lastUpdated is appended. After reading many posts from WWW, the way I understood to fix the problem is delete *.lastUpdated file then re-download it from central repo.
But when I reviewed pom.xml file there is no mention of repository (strange...) and as soon as I delete *.lastUpdated file, it comes back (e.g. org.restlet-2.0.15.jar.lastUpdated).
I am new to Maven.
I'd appreciate if someone can guide me to a right direction to fix this problem.
I created following user settings.xml file under /Users/daeyoung/.m2/ directory. I thought at least that would take care of downloading org.restlet package.
However when I ran mvn command (literally mvn) inside of project folder, system was saying..
I don't want to modify pom.xml file but rather via user settings.xml I thought I could connect to maven restlet repo and download specified target package but I am not sure what I am missing in here. I think contents of settings.xml is not correct.
I just want to say thanks to all who have given me advice. First I was not well equipped to understand the advice but more I looked at the problem/read about maven articles. It was clear what needs to be done to fix the problem.
Bottom line is I manually downloaded dependencies to ${user_name}/.m2/repository for missing jars. I configured ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf/settings.xml to point to local repository then I ran mvn validate/clean/package sequentially from eclipse via m2e plugin (or I could have done same thing from command line).

Grails asset-pipeline Shows wrong Build Path in Eclipse

My problem is resolved but I don't understand why it wasn't working.
Using: Grails 2.4.2, Groovy 2.3.7, Java 1.7, Eclipse- Indigo
I set my project up, and in the assets folder under grails-app I placed my static assets. I was also using twitter-bootstrap. The project would run, but nothing would be displayed from the assets folder. I did a Grails clean and got build path errors. in Eclipse right clicking the project name and going to Java Build Path and under the source tab there were links such as:
projectName/.link_to_grails_plugin/asset-pipeline-1.8.11/grails-app/controllers etc
I deleted my target directory, and deleted all the links that were errors inside the Source tab. I restarted eclipse and refreshed, and voila it worked. The links came back, looked exactly the same but were now good apparently. I'm just not 100% sure why it worked though. The assets were in the right place, and never moved. Why did this work?
Eclipse doesn't parse BuildConfig.groovy or infer paths or dependencies - it gets all of that from Grails. You can force it to reconfigure the classpath by right-clicking on the project node in the tree on the left and selecting Grails Tools | Refresh Dependencies. That will cause Eclipse to run grails compile --non-interactive --refresh-dependencies and it gets classpath information from that.
When you restarted it must have determined that enough had been deleted that it needed to refresh itself, or it might just do that each time you restart.

Can anyone help me fix this m2e-jdt/jdt bug?

I have spend a lot of time to fix this bug
In our application we have a lot of generated code by cxf and jaxb which produces tons of warnings. We use the maven-build-helper plugin to add this code to our projects automatically.
By adding this enhancement, eclipse JDT enabled the possibility to set the javac -nowarn flag for specific source folders. Unluckily, by updating the maven project the flag gets lost. There are a few threads on SO where users got bugged by bug.
What I have tried so far
So i came up with a clever solution, javac has a nowarn flag. I set it to my maven-compiler-plugin and specified the directory. My maven build was fine, but my eclipse build wasn't. My research told me, that eclipse jdt does only use the maven-compiler-plugin source and target version. So my next step was to try to configure the EclipseCompiler, but this is not possible, because there is no possibility to add custom compiler Arguments in eclipse JDT.
Next Step. Inside of the .classpath file, eclipse JDT adds an ignore_optional_problems attribute for each ignored path. By updating the maven project inside of eclipse, this entry gets lost. So i started to write a maven "ignore-source-folder" plugin which should add the missing attribute. To run the plugin each time eclipse starts a build, i also created a m2e connector to refresh the .classpath file and everything should be fine.
By testing my plugin with my connector i realized, it works, but only 70% of the repetitions.
What happened?
Every time eclipse m2e/Jdt starts a new build, all classpath entries will be removed and populated again. When my maven plugin gets triggered by eclipse, a race condition starts.
So I started to analyze the code of jdt and m2e jdt. The ignore_optional_problems flag gets only once set manually inside of the patch which was provided to JDT and isn't stored somewhere else. By triggering a new build via m2e-jdt this information gets lost.
How to fix this problem
To fix this problem, some element has to be added or extended in jdt which contains all ignored folders. If a new build gets triggered and the classpath file gets newly generated by m2e-jdt this element should be checked for ignored paths. ClasspathEntryDescriptor seems to be a good place for it.
My problem
I checked out jdt and m2e jdt, but i have tons of errors inside of my IDE and i have no idea how to start. And even if I fix the code, I have no idea how to build and test it. I think my effort will be to high and we talk about 20 or 30 simple lines of code.
I am afraid if I add my results to the filed bug at eclipse, no one will care about it.
So, is there any developer able and willing to help me for this tiny job?
You need to "fix" the M2E's JDT project configurator. Probably somewhere in the m2e-core project. So, your change should obtain some kind of configuration flag from the project pom and create corresponding classpath entries for JDT.

Duplication of resource folders within an Eclipse Project

I am writing an Eclipse Plug-in which requires me to add two new configurations to the ManagedProject upon mouse-click on a menu option. I basically runs on Android projects that has Native Support Added to it. I am trying to achieve this using ManagedBuildManager and Configuration classes from the CDT core plug-in interfaces.(org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.* package).
To complete the task, I create two new Configurations for the project and run the exportArtifactInfo() method to complete the action. In the end, the configuration gets added but the project folder contains duplicate folders of all the original folders in the Project folder.
I looked up if there is a bug in CDT 4.0 and found that it is indeed a resolved bug.
But I cannot figure out what the actual fix is for this bug. If anyone has encountered and fixed it or knows how to fix this, please point me in the right direction.

Referencing a GWT project from another GWT one - Problems

I am already using an open source GWT project (iServe) and I would like to integrate into it another open source GWT project (PetalsBPM), by which I mean being able to call it and reference its methods.
I have imported iServe in Eclipse (it has multiple modules) as separate Maven projects referencing its other and can run it successfully through Runas -> Web application in development mode.
If I do that and run the other project through the console as mvn gwt:run, I call initiate PetalsMBP through iServe. However, that means that the two programs have to run as is, without communication with each other.
I have also imported the second project into eclipse as a java project successfully (converting into a Maven one causes problems - various lifecycle configurations ones), but whenever I try to add to to iServe through Properties -> Java Build Path -> Projects, although it does not cause any errors immediately, I cannot launch iServe anymore. It produces the following error:
"Exception occurred executing command line.
Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe" (in directory "C:...iserve-sal-gwt-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"): CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long"
Are my problems related to the fact that PetalsBPM is not a Maven project in Eclipse (I doubt it)?
Am I doing something wrong, i.e., this is not the way to reference a project from another one? should I add a reference to the first project's (iServe) gwt.xml file?
Is there a way to do what I want without having to wrap the second project as a jar and calling it from iServe? I would prefer not to, since producing a jar every time I make a slight change is not exactly efficient!
P.S: The second project is a regular GWT project with an entrypoint, not just a module. Should I remove this?
UPDATE: Trying to figure out the source of this error, I attempted to simplify the problem, so I performed the following moves:
I created two new simple GWT projects and tried to reference one
from the other. Worked fine
I referenced the project I actually want
to use (PetalsBPM) from the simple one I just created. Also works
I referenced the new simple project from the original one I
want to use (iServe). Also works fine.
Tried doing what I actually
want to do, copying the settings from 2&3. Produces the same error
"CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long" if
I reference PetalsBPM (does not when I remove it from the referenced
So, I tried switching workspaces. I created a new workspace in C:\, and moved the actual projects there. Still it did not work. :(
Any more ideas?
I met the same type of error "Create Process, error=206, path too long etc." a hundred times.
Then, I found a solution/explanation in google-groups, it solved my problem.
I post the content and link as it might help others.
This website (StackOverflow) really helped me a thousand times.
Thanks to you all !
solution/explanation :
(Response from Stephen Johnson)
(...) if you're using eclipse plugin go to Project | Properties, choose
Google \ App Engine \ ORM and only include directories that you have
classes that you want enhanced. By default it does the entire project
so that includes a lot of needless files. (...)
Link :
original post # google-groups
Read the exception message again. Somewhere along the way Maven is generating a path that is too long for (some) Windows API to handle, try moving your workspace to a directory straight below C:\.
I just tried "skolima" reply and it worked for me. In Eclipse I clicked File->Switch Workspace.
Three things to note:
After I created the workspace in "C:\workspace" I had to update my Project->Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add External JARs...
I'm using Windows 7.
I'm using "Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers"
I hope this others.