Maven fixing broken dependencies - eclipse

I just checked out maven based java project from svn to local box in eclipse where maven 3.0.2 is available. However while reviewing class path configuration many of dependencies are broken such as org.restlet-2.0.15.jar. Strange part is C:/Users/daeyoung/.m2/repository has that broken jar file but .lastUpdated is appended. After reading many posts from WWW, the way I understood to fix the problem is delete *.lastUpdated file then re-download it from central repo.
But when I reviewed pom.xml file there is no mention of repository (strange...) and as soon as I delete *.lastUpdated file, it comes back (e.g. org.restlet-2.0.15.jar.lastUpdated).
I am new to Maven.
I'd appreciate if someone can guide me to a right direction to fix this problem.
I created following user settings.xml file under /Users/daeyoung/.m2/ directory. I thought at least that would take care of downloading org.restlet package.
However when I ran mvn command (literally mvn) inside of project folder, system was saying..
I don't want to modify pom.xml file but rather via user settings.xml I thought I could connect to maven restlet repo and download specified target package but I am not sure what I am missing in here. I think contents of settings.xml is not correct.

I just want to say thanks to all who have given me advice. First I was not well equipped to understand the advice but more I looked at the problem/read about maven articles. It was clear what needs to be done to fix the problem.
Bottom line is I manually downloaded dependencies to ${user_name}/.m2/repository for missing jars. I configured ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf/settings.xml to point to local repository then I ran mvn validate/clean/package sequentially from eclipse via m2e plugin (or I could have done same thing from command line).


Java Eclipse/Maven, Hanging on Dependency Build for JAXB 4+ Hrs

I've run into a big issue, and it's stalling my project that is due this weekend. Here are the details.
IDE: Eclipse/Maven
API: JAXB, an xml reader/writer API
Issue: Maven is hanging when building the dependency in pom.xml.
More Information: I copy and pasted the jar into a project folder "lib". Then moved the project over to the resource folder. After that, I used maven from eclipse (I think that's the embedded Maven), to add the dependency to the pom.xml. It's been over 4 hours now. I also stopped eclipse through Windows Task Manager. When eclipse started after that, it is continuing with the Maven dependency build, and will not finish.
It is step 5, in this stackoverflow thread. How do I add a Maven dependency in Eclipse?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This has sucked a whole day out of actual coding; and turned into a configuration issue.
I'm posting this as an answer, not that I think it will give you a complete answer, but as a way to try to get more useful information about your situation.
It would help if you provided more details about exactly what you're doing, and what exactly is happening.
Maven does not "build" dependencies, it downloads dependency artifacts from an artifact repository.
When you say that something is "hanging", that means that an operation starts and doesn't complete, as opposed to failing with an error message. If what you're doing is truly "hanging", then it's important to be exactly clear on exactly what operation and point in the process it is hanging.
You then say that you copied the jar into a folder named "lib" and then "moved the project over to the resource folder".
By "the jar", do you mean the Maven artifact that you're trying to download, which you said was "hanging"? What is the significance of this "lib" folder? Is your build somehow referencing jars in that folder as additional dependencies, subverting the typical maven dependency process? If so, how exactly are you doing this?
Next, what do you mean by "moved the project over to the resource folder"?
Consider all of this from an external perspective. You have to give us enough information to understand exactly what problem you're having, and what you've done that isn't working. So far, you haven't done that.

Remote Play framework and Eclipse

I have a play framework project which run on remote server.
I'm trying to configure eclipse to work remotely on the project.
since no build is required my requirements are to be able to edit the project files from eclipse and automatically save on server, auto complete and debug.
I've installed Remote System Explorer on eclipse and setup a remote ftp connection to my server.
The play environment on my server is under
My project path is
In RSE I clicked on /play-2.0.2/test and 'Create Remote Project'
Now in Java perspective I can browse through the project, change files and then automatically save to server.
My problem is auto completion of play framework library doesn't work well since all the reference are to /play-2.0.2/repository/...
any idea how to solve it? I tried to play with the build path but no success
So, I was looking into achieving the same thing myself.
The problem you are experiencing is due to the fact that the .classpath file has absolute values. While for me, besides the symlink that doesn't work between two different kinds of O.S., I thought on another two solutions:
Use sed to rewrite the classpath on the .classpath file after it's generated
Use a "classpathTransformerFactory" for the sbt eclipse command
I haven't had to deal with it (it's more of want to than whatnot) as soon as I do, I will explore the two options and post details. I just leave the answer here in case someone wants to pick up where you left.
Another thing is:
Seen that sbt picks up the libs referenced in build.sbt, downloads the jars and puts them in the ~/.ivy2 directory, if you use any of those methods to change the reference from the remote machine to the local one, you would need to make sure that the same libs are on the local ivy cache. So, just as I wrote this, another idea came to mind:
sbt eclipse or play eclipse or activator eclipse [it should be the same] on a local environment, and on the remote one, then, transfer the .project and .classpath files from the local to the remote, and see what happens (if it doesn't work, scan them for absolute and incorrect paths that might need to be changed)
Sorry for the unproved answer, still I think it's better than no answer.

jar file got extra ".jar" extension in lib folder

I am facing a weird issue. I don't know whether it is an "apache-tomcat-5.5.25 with Openejb" issue or Eclipse.
I have one Maven project. I do maven clean and maven install. After that I add that project into "apache-tomcat-5.5.25 with Openejb" server and then publish the project into the server.
The problems start here. When I check the published lib folder, I find that some of the jar files have an extra extension of ".jar". For example "xyz.jar" becomes "xyz.jar.jar".
Any ideas why this happens?
Follow the problem upstream: What did Maven produce in it's target folder?
If it's there, too, run Maven with -X, write the log into a file and search that file for the broken JAR name.

Trying to include a maven built library in Eclipse, giving missing artifact error

I've seen that there are quite a few questions regarding this problem, but unfortunately none have solved it for me. Here is a screencap of what's going on:
It is dependent on the android-support-v4 jar file which as you can see is added to my build path. It the exact jar file from the maven library directory's libs folder. I've tried the following:
Restarting Eclipse
Cleaning the project
Right-clicking the project and updating dependencies
Updating project configuration Disabling and re-enabling workspace resolution
Nothing has helped. Is there any other tricks to getting this resolved? All of the answer's I've seen suggest doing these things that I have already tried.
Thanks a lot!
Actual root cause:
The OP JMRboosties reports in this instance having to desactivate Proguard (the tool which shrinks, optimizes, and obfuscates your code by removing unused code and renaming classes, fields, and methods with semantically obscure names)
disabling proguard on the line where the error occurred (the <plugin> item) in pom.xml solved the problem
(See "How to use ProGuard with android-maven-plugin ").
Certain side-effects can result from using Proguard: For example, the Proguard page does mention:
The default proguard.cfg file tries to cover general cases, but you might encounter exceptions such as ClassNotFoundException, which happens when ProGuard strips away an entire class that your application calls.
Original answer:
As mentioned in this GitHub post:
you need to use maven Android SDK Deployer to install it:
I'm going to deploy my own android artifacts to my personal repository to avoid having this problem again.
If you're not explicitly using Maven you can just import it as a regular Android project into eclipse and it'll pick up the .jar from the libs/ directory.
(Note your android-support-v4.jar isn't in libs in your project)
declare it in your pom.xml.
You have to install both Android 1.6 and the compat lib using the maven SDK deployer for now.
cd to platforms/platform-4/ and extras/compatibility-v4/ in the deployer and run mvn install in each.
Hopefully the compat lib makes it into maven central soon so I can avoid this step.
Again, the project is set up to be used as a normal Android project in eclipse too completely separate from maven.
File, New, Project, Android, use existing sources, select library/ folder.
Assuming you're using m2e-android behind the scenes, the reason you're getting compile problems is that the m2e-android plug-in strips out all provided scope dependencies from the Eclipse project classpath.
We do this because, due to changes in ADT 16.0.0, any JAR file in the Eclipse classpath will be packaged into distributable APK file.

how to fix Eclipse losing reference to third party jar in project sets

Occasionally I see eclipse lose the reference to the third party jars contained in the a projects. (you get the the build path error stating the jar cannot be found)
Its easy enough to fix as you can remove the jar, save the properties of the project and then go in and re-add the jar that it could not find, eclipse can then see the path to the jar and you can then compile again.
the problem is that if you have a lot of projects in your build you would have to do this task a lot.
Is there anything you can do to force eclipse to recognise that it actually has the jar on its classpath?
I have also faced the similar situation many times with my projects in eclipse. The jar file path is correct in the .classpath file and the jar is present still eclipse do that. To fix it you open the .classpath file and resave it and refresh the probject in eclipse and it builds fine.
That's a weird behaviour...
If that's ok you can use Maven 2 for your projects. This means that you have to follow Maven's project structure, which is quite ok, but it can be a pain if you decide to migrate old projects.
Then you can run mvn eclipse:eclipse whenever you want and that will fix your problem in a few seconds.