Ubuntu16.0.4 Postgresql9.4 offline install - postgresql

I search url,they are for Linux centos,I don't know how to offline install it in ubuntu16.0.4 .
Any help will appreciated!
Method1:(no success)
set source.list,read readme( from https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/xenial-pgdg/9.4/)
download deb package
copy them to the target computer
dpkg -i *.deb

Ubuntu 16.04 came with postgresql 9.5, IIRC. So you will need to download the right debian packages (for example from the postgresql APT package repository), and transfer them to the target computer), and install them manually (dpkg -i all-dot-deb-files).
But i'd install some newer version of postgres. 9.4 will be end-of-life in one year.


Is there a problem with having 2 versions of postgres for Apache-Age

I installed the Apache-Age extension for postgres and this extension specifies that it works with postgres-11 or postgres-12. However I have already installed postgres-14 on my system. Am i gonna have a problem with that? And if I am how do i only uninstall the postgres-14 version?
I tried searching the deb packages installed to see if i find postgres-14 but i can't seem to find it
So mainly the apache-age extension works with PostgreSQL versions 11 and 12. It creates problems with different other versions of PostgreSQL.
In order to have a smooth installation follow the below steps:
uninstall PostgreSQL version 14
reinstall PostgreSQL version 11 or 12
Uninstalling PostgreSQL version 14:
For uninstalling the PostgreSQL from ubuntu:
sudo apt remove postgresql postgresql-contrib
The output would look something like this:
After uninstalling PostgreSQL, uninstall the dependencies
sudo apt autoremove
The output of the above command would look like this:
enter Y here and the PostgreSQL will be uninstalled.
Now reinstall the PostgreSQL version 11 or 12 using the below commands:
Download the files in any folder:
wget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v11.18/postgresql-11.18.tar.gz && tar -xvf postgresql-11.18.tar.gz && rm -f postgresql-11.18.tar.gz
The command will download and extract the tar files for Linux users from Source in the working directory.
Installing PG:
Now we will move toward installing PG
cd postgresql-11.18
# configure by setting flags
./configure --enable-debug --enable-cassert --prefix=$(path) CFLAGS="-ggdb -Og
# now install
make install
For more references you can also see:
Apache AGE only supports Postgres-11 and Postgres-12. You can follow the following to install Apache AGE with Postgres:
How to install AGE extension of postgresql from source code in ubuntu?
While Apache Age is designed to work with PostgreSQL 11 and 12, you can have multiple versions of PostgreSQL installed in your computer. However, the installations need to be in "different directories". Each version of PostgreSQL will have its own set of binaries and configuration files.
When you install multiple versions of PostgreSQL, it is important to ensure that each version is installed in a separate directory and that the ports used by each instance do not conflict with each other. Additionally, you may need to specify the correct version of PostgreSQL when running commands, by using the appropriate version-specific binary or setting the PATH environment variable to include the correct directory.

Can't install pgaudit on Ubuntu

Trying to do everything by instruction in git.
Clone the pgAudit extension:
git clone https://github.com/pgaudit/pgaudit.git
Change to pgAudit directory:
cd pgaudit
Checkout REL_13_STABLE branch (note that the stable branch may not exist for unreleased versions of PostgreSQL):
git checkout REL_13_STABLE
Build and install pgAudit:
make install USE_PGXS=1 PG_CONFIG=/usr/pgsql-13/bin/pg_config
BUT make commande doesn't work and shows:
make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
Tried to update postgresql to 13 version, because there is version 12 in Ubuntu by default, but this didn't help.
Depending on the versions of Ubuntu and PostgreSQL you may not need to clone the Git repository of pgAudit and compile it from the sources.
For example, Ubuntu 20.04 has a package named postgresql-12-pgaudit which may be what you need. To install it, open your terminal and type
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-12-pgaudit
into it. The package manager should take care of the rest. This assumes that you are still using PostgreSQL 12 and not version 13. Otherwise you may have to downgrade or check whether there is a corresponding package for your version of PostgreSQL.
The version in the package name may change for earlier or later versions of Ubuntu. For example, Ubuntu 21.04 uses postgresql-13-pgaudit while Ubuntu 18.04 still uses postgresql-10-pgaudit.

Completely uninstall Eclipse 4.7 version in RHEL 7.4 Maipo

I'm trying to uninstall the current version of Eclipse IDE in my RHEL machine by simply deleting all the files like:
sudo rm -rf ~/.eclipse
sudo rm -rf ~/eclipse-workspace
I also tried
sudo yum remove 'eclipse*'
However, these didn't seem to solve the purpose.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Applications on Linux systems are most often installed using so-called packages, which are managed by a package management system. In the case of RHEL, packages use the RPM format, and the package manager of choice is a tool called yum.
Both installation and removal of software (packages) should be done using yum, so as to allow the package management system keep track of all installed files and current status. Therefore, you shouldn't try to remove software by simply deleting files from the file system. Instead, use the yum command. See the RHEL System Admin Guide for a detailed explanation of how to use yum to search, install, upgrade, and remove packages: Working with Packages.
You have tried the correct command (yum remove <package-name>), but you need to use the correct package name. On RHEL 7.4, the latest version of Eclipse is available as a part of the DevTools channel, and the package name is rh-eclipse47 (see Enabling the Red Hat Developer Tools Repositories). Note that you may have also installed an older version, which would be, for example, rh-eclipse46.
To find out what is the name of the package you have installed, you can run, for example, the following command:
yum list installed | grep eclipse
There is also the possibility that you installed the software not from an RPM package but manually, e.g. from a .tar.gz file distrubuted from eclipse.org. If that's the case, you will need to use the uninstaller program supplied with that distribution of the software.
Write command as:
rpm -qa|grep eclipse
This will give a list of installed packages. Remove all the packages by giving below command:
rpm -e *package-name*

How to install uuid-ossp postgresql extension in arch Linux

I need to install uuid-ossp postgresql extension on arch linux. I have postgresql-9.5. On ubuntu its easy to do via sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib but how to do this in arch Linux?
The default postgresql package doesn't provide ossp-uuid-feature. You have to enable it via ./configure before compiling. So you have two ways to get this feature:
compile postgresql yourself with --with-ossp-uuid-flag and install it via make install. (I don't recommend this)
Download the postgresql package specifications via the tool asp. You can install it with sudo pacman -Syu asp and then do: asp checkout postgresql. Then you need to modify the PKGBUILD and insert the --with-ossp-uuid-flag inside of the build()-function. Then you can simply build the package and install it with makepkg -si. It is possible that you need additional dependencies. I haven't tested it, but it should work this way.

How Do I install specific version of monit on redhat linux

"Yum install monit" command by default will install 5.14 version. But Monit has released till 5.20 version
I tried with the below command for available packages
sudo yum --showduplicates list monit | expand
It shows up only one available package
Available Packages
monit.x86_64 5.14-1.el6
Are there any other option apart from manually downloading the tar using wget command and then installing it.
There used to be an RPM on the rpmforge/repoforge repos although these are presently down.
I believe these might resurface (based on this https://github.com/repoforge/rpms/issues/375) but in the mean time unless you want to build your own RPM for it you could grab this from a mirror.
Such as:
yum install https://www.insaneworks.co.jp/pub/el6/RPMS/x86_64/monit-5.20.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm