How Do I install specific version of monit on redhat linux - redhat

"Yum install monit" command by default will install 5.14 version. But Monit has released till 5.20 version
I tried with the below command for available packages
sudo yum --showduplicates list monit | expand
It shows up only one available package
Available Packages
monit.x86_64 5.14-1.el6
Are there any other option apart from manually downloading the tar using wget command and then installing it.

There used to be an RPM on the rpmforge/repoforge repos although these are presently down.
I believe these might resurface (based on this but in the mean time unless you want to build your own RPM for it you could grab this from a mirror.
Such as:
yum install


Timescale not finding pg_config on AMI

I created a machine in AWS Cloud9 and I want to install timescale on that instance. I have previously installed and setup postgres 9.6 using yum.
OS version is:
Amazon Linux AMI release 2018.03
When I run 'which pg_config', it is found here:
Looking at the install instructions on the timescale website, I came up with this:
sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install timescaledb-0.9.2-postgresql-9.6-0.x86_64.rpm
after the last command I get the following error:
Running transaction Installing :
1/1 ERROR: Could not find pg_config, expected it at
/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_config. Please fix and try again.
warning: %post(timescaledb-0.9.2-0.el7.centos.x86_64) scriptlet
failed, exit status 1 Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm
package timescaledb-0.9.2-0.el7.centos.x86_64
Do you have any more details on how you installed PostgreSQL on CentOS? I suspect this may have something to do with a mismatch between your pg_config installation and your PostgreSQL 9.6 installation, similar to the user in this issue.
I'd recommend uninstalling your current postgresql-devel and explicitly installing it for 9.6:
yum install postgresql96-devel
It seems the AMI is setup a bit differently than a normal CentOS install so PostgreSQL is installed in a different place than our installer expected. I've gone ahead and updated the RPMs to use a more robust method of finding the correct place to put the files. If you could re-download the latest RPM and confirm that it works that'd be great.
I've met exactly the same problem.
I solve this by manually linking them together.
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/pgsql96/bin/pg_config /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_config

Completely uninstall Eclipse 4.7 version in RHEL 7.4 Maipo

I'm trying to uninstall the current version of Eclipse IDE in my RHEL machine by simply deleting all the files like:
sudo rm -rf ~/.eclipse
sudo rm -rf ~/eclipse-workspace
I also tried
sudo yum remove 'eclipse*'
However, these didn't seem to solve the purpose.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Applications on Linux systems are most often installed using so-called packages, which are managed by a package management system. In the case of RHEL, packages use the RPM format, and the package manager of choice is a tool called yum.
Both installation and removal of software (packages) should be done using yum, so as to allow the package management system keep track of all installed files and current status. Therefore, you shouldn't try to remove software by simply deleting files from the file system. Instead, use the yum command. See the RHEL System Admin Guide for a detailed explanation of how to use yum to search, install, upgrade, and remove packages: Working with Packages.
You have tried the correct command (yum remove <package-name>), but you need to use the correct package name. On RHEL 7.4, the latest version of Eclipse is available as a part of the DevTools channel, and the package name is rh-eclipse47 (see Enabling the Red Hat Developer Tools Repositories). Note that you may have also installed an older version, which would be, for example, rh-eclipse46.
To find out what is the name of the package you have installed, you can run, for example, the following command:
yum list installed | grep eclipse
There is also the possibility that you installed the software not from an RPM package but manually, e.g. from a .tar.gz file distrubuted from If that's the case, you will need to use the uninstaller program supplied with that distribution of the software.
Write command as:
rpm -qa|grep eclipse
This will give a list of installed packages. Remove all the packages by giving below command:
rpm -e *package-name*

Can't intall chef-manage rpm package

I have CentOS and chef-server. I try to install chef-manage, but something wrong.
When I start install my rpm package
I have this error
You need to install Chef Server (i.e. chef-server-core) first. Then install Manage afterwards via the addons system.

Centos - how do I install a specific version of Erlang?

I'm running Centos 6.7 on my server and am trying to install Erlang/Rabbitmq following these instructions:
Erlang Installation
RabbitMQ Installation
The trouble is that at time of writing these install Erlang 19.0 with RabbitMQ 3.6.3, which leads to a pretty major bug as far as my client who occasionally looks at the management interface to monitor queues is concerned.
The guidance in the error ticket is not to use erlang 19 until RabbitMQ 3.6.4 is released. But how can I install a specific version of Erlang?
These steps worked for me:
Go to the download page here:
Select your appropriate package -- you can copy/peek the link then download it using wget.
Install it using rpm.
# Download erlang 19
$ wget
# Install
rpm -Uvh esl-erlang_19.0~centos~7_amd64.rpm
You can always build install from source.
Go to the Downloads page, pick your version from the right side.
From there you can follow the instructions. Although they are for Ubuntu, the commands are the same except for the dependencies part where you can use the command below to install what you need:
sudo yum install g++ openssl-devel unixodbc-devel autoconf ncurses-devel
Another option would be to use kerl, which is similar to rvm in some sense and very (very!) easy to use. It will let you install different Erlang versions and switch between them any time you want.
I prefer this approach instead of looking up packages myself (with possible incompatibilities in the dependencies required) or downloading and compiling everything myself every time I want to try a new Erlang version.

Location of sphinx-build on CentOS

I have a brand new CentOS 6 box and wanted to install sphinx, in order to compile documents as generated by i.e. rst files.
In a previous ubuntu box I was running
make html
and that would invoke the
command and compile the documentation.
I downloaded the latest version of sphinx and installed it as such:
sudo wget
sudo localinstall sphinx-2.1.9-1.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
Everything seems to be fine but sphinx-build is nowhere to be found.
Any pointers are more than appreciated.
You are mixing up two different tools named Sphinx: the full text search server ( and the documentaton generator ( You need the latter tool in order to compile documents usingsphinx-build.
You can also install rpm package of sphinx (Python documentation generator) with yum at CentOS 6 using:
yum install python-sphinx.noarch
at Fedora 20 using:
yum install python-sphinx-doc.noarch
A short addup, according to offical document, one just need to run
pip install Sphinx to install the python documentation generator, sphinx. Or it can be downloaded from distribution package.