Kafka Consumer Rebalancing and Its Impact - apache-kafka

I'm new to Kafka and I'm trying to design a wrapper library in both Java and Go (uses Confluent/Kafka-Go) for Kafka to be used internally. For my use-case, CommitSync is a crucial step and we should do a read only after properly committing the old one. Repeated processing is not a big issue and our client service is idempotent enough. But data loss is a major issue and should not occur.
I will create X number of consumers initially and will keep on polling from them. Hence I would like to know more about the negative scenario's that could happen here, Impact of them and how to properly handle them.
I would like to know more about:
1) Network issue during consumer processing:
What happens when network goes of for a brief period and comes back? Does Kafka consumer automatically handle this and becomes alive when network comes back or do we have to reinitialise them? If they come back alive do they resume work from where they left of?
Eg: Consumer X read 50 records from Partition Y. Now internally the consumer offset moved to +50. But before committing network issue happens and the comes back alive. Now will the consumer have the metadata about what it read for last poll. Can it go on to commit +50 in offset?
2) Rebalancing in consumer groups. Impact of them on existing consumer process - whether the existing working consumer instance will pause and resume work during a rebalance or do we have to reinitialize them? How long can rebalance occur? If the consumer comes back alive after rebalance, does it have metadata about it last read?
3) What happens when a consumer joins during a rebalancing. Ideally it is again a rebalancing scenario. What will happen now? The existing will be discarded and the new one starts or will wait for the existing rebalance to complete?

What happens when network goes of for a brief period and comes back? Does Kafka consumer automatically handle this and becomes alive when network comes back or do we have to reinitialise them?
The consumer will try to reconnect. If the consumer group coordinator doesn't receive heartbeats or brokers don't respond to brokers, then the group rebalances.
If they come back alive do they resume work from where they left of?
From the last committed offset, yes.
whether the existing working consumer instance will pause and resume work during a rebalance
It will pause and resume. No action needed.
How long can rebalance occur?
Varies on many factors, and can happen indefinitely under certain conditions.
If the consumer comes back alive after rebalance, does it have metadata about it last read?
The last committed offsets are stored on the broker, not by consumers.
The existing will be discarded and the new one starts or will wait for the existing rebalance to complete?
All reblances must complete before any polls continue.


Is Poll call during kafka rebalancing a busy wait?

I am using manual kafka commit by setting property enable.auto.commit as false while initialising the Kafka consumer and calling kafka commit manually after receiving and processing the message.
However since the processing of message in my consumer is time taking, I am getting Exception with message "error": "Broker: Group rebalance in progress"
The reason being that commit after rebalance timeout is rejected with this error. Now the recovery action for this is either I exit and re-instantiate the process which will trigger rebalancing and partition assignment again. Another way is to catch this exception and then continue as usual which will work correctly only if the poll() call is blocked till the rebalancing is complete, otherwise it will fetch the next packet from the batch and might process and commit it successfully leading to loss of the message whose commit got failed while rebalancing.
So, Need to know what is the correct way to handle this case, should I re-instantiate the process or should I catch and ignore the exception?
The best approach is to ignore if it happens occasionally, and if it happens frequently then reduce the max.poll.records or increase the max.poll.interval.ms to ensure it does only happen occasionally. Also, ensure that your code can handle duplicate records (if you can't do that then there is a different answer).
The error you see is, as you probably realise, just because by the time the consumer committed, the group had decided that it had probably gone and so it's partitions were picked up by a different consumer as part of a rebalance - the new consumer would have started from the last committed offset, hence duplicates.
Given that the original consumer is alive and well it will no doubt poll again and so trigger another rebalance. This poll won't block waiting for rebalance to occur - each poll allows for some communication about the current state of the group (within the polling thread) and after a number of polls the new allocation of partitions will be agreed and accepted after which the rebalance is considered compete and that poll will tell the consumer it's partition allocation and return a set of records.

Does kafka partition assignment happen across processes?

I have a topic with 20 partitions and 3 processes with consumers(with the same group_id) consuming messages from the topic.
But I am seeing a discrepancy where unless one of the process commits , the other consumer(in a different process) is not reading any message.
The consumers in other process do cconsume messages when I set auto-commit to true. (which is why I suspect the consumers are being assigned to the first partition in each process)
Can someone please help me out with this issue? And also how to consume messages parallely across processes ?
If it is of any use , I am doing this on a pod(kubernetes) , where the 3 processes are 3 different mules.
Commit shouldn't make any difference because the committed offset is only used when there is a change in group membership. With three processes there would be some rebalancing while they start up but then when all 3 are running they will each have a fair share of the partitions.
Each time they poll, they keep track in memory of which offset they have consumed on each partition and each poll causes them to fetch from that point on. Whether they commit or not doesn't affect that behaviour.
Autocommit also makes little difference - it just means a commit is done synchronously during a subsequent poll rather than your application code doing it. The only real reason to manually commit is if you spawn other threads to process messages and so need to avoid committing messages that have not actually been processed - doing this is generally not advisable - better to add consumers to increase throughput rather than trying to share out processing within a consumer.
One possible explanation is just infrequent polling. You mention that other consumers are picking up partitions, and committing affects behaviour so I think it is safe to say that rebalances must be happening. Rebalances are caused by either a change in partitions at the broker (presumably not the case) or a change in group membership caused by either heartbeat thread dying (a pod being stopped) or a consumer failing to poll for a long time (default 5 minutes, set by max.poll.interval.ms)
After a rebalance, each partition is assigned to a consumer, and if a previous consumer has ever committed an offset for that partition, then the new one will poll from that offset. If not then the new one will poll from either the start of the partition or the high watermark - set by auto.offset.reset - default is latest (high watermark)
So, if you have a consumer, it polls but doesn't commit, and doesn't poll again for 5 minutes then a rebalance happens, a new consumer picks up the partition, starts from the end (so skipping any messages up to that point). Its first poll will return nothing as it is starting from the end. If it doesn't poll for 5 minutes another rebalance happens and the sequence repeats.
That could be the cause - there should be more information about what is going on in your logs - Kafka consumer code puts in plenty of helpful INFO level logging about rebalances.

Kafka Rest Proxy Consumer Creation

Let's say I have a service that that consumes messages through kafka-rest-proxy and always on the same consumer group. Let's also say that it is consuming on a topic that has one partition. When the service is started, it creates a new consumer in kafka-rest-proxy, and uses the generated consumer url until the service is shutdown. When the service comes back up, it will create a new consumer in kafka-rest-proxy, and use the new url (and new consumer) for consuming.
My Questions
Since kafka can only have at most one consumer per partition. What will happen in kafka and kafka-rest-proxy, when the consumer is restarted? i.e. A new consumer is created in kafka-rest-proxy, but the old one didn't have a chance to be destroyed. So now there are 'n' consumers after 'n' restarts of my service in kafka-rest-proxy, but only one of them is actively being consumed. Will I even be able to consume messages on my new consumer since there are more consumers than partitions?
Let's make this more complicated and say that I have 5 instances of my service on the same consumer group and 5 partitions in the topic. After 'n' restarts of all 5 instances of my service, would I even be guranteed to consume all messages without ensuring the proper destruction of the existing consumers. i.e. What does Kafka and kafka-rest-proxy do during consumer creation, when the consumers out number the partitions?
What is considered to be the kafka-rest-proxy best practice, to ensure stale consumers are always cleaned up? Do you suggest persisting the consumer url? Should I force a kafka-rest-proxy restart to ensure existing consumers are destroyed before starting my service?
* EDIT *
I believe part of my question is answered with this configuration, but not all of it.
consumer.instance.timeout.ms - Amount of idle time before a consumer instance is automatically destroyed.
Type: int
Default: 300000
Importance: low
If you cannot cleanly shutdown the consumer, it will stay alive for a period after last request was made to it. The proxy will garbage collect stale consumers for exactly this case -- if it isn't cleanly shutdown, the consumer would hold on to some partitions indefinitely. By automatically garbage collecting the consumers, you don't need some separate durable storage to keep track of your consumer instances. As you discovered, you can control this timeout via the config consumer.instance.timeout.ms.
Since instances will be garbage collected, you are guaranteed to eventually consume all the messages. But during the timeout period, some partitions may still be assigned to the old set of consumers and you will not make any progress on those partitions.
Ideally unclean shutdown of your app is rare, so best practice is just to clean up the consumer when you're app is shutting down. Even in exceptional cases, you can use the finally block of a try/catch/finally to destroy the consumer. If one is left alive, it will eventually recover. Other than that, consider tweaking the consumer.instance.timeout.ms setting to be lower if your application can tolerate that. It just needs to be larger than the longest period between calls that use the consumer (and you should keep in mind possible error cases, e.g. if processing a message requires interacting with another system and that system can become slow/inaccessible, you should account for that when setting this config).
You can persist the URLs, but even that is at some risk for losing track of consumers since you can't atomically create the consumer and save its URL to some other persistent storage. Also, since completely uncontrolled failures where you have no chance to cleanup shouldn't be a common case, it often doesn't benefit you much to do that. If you need really fast recovery from that failure, the consumer instance timeout can probably be reduced significantly for your application anyway.
Re: forcing a restart of the proxy, this would be fairly uncommon since the REST Proxy is often a shared service and doing so would affect all other applications that are using it.

kafka consumer sessions timing out

We have an application that a consumer reads a message and the thread does a number of things, including database accesses before a message is produced to another topic. The time between consuming and producing the message on the thread can take several minutes. Once message is produced to new topic, a commit is done to indicate we are done with work on the consumer queue message. Auto commit is disabled for this reason.
I'm using the high level consumer and what I'm noticing is that zookeeper and kafka sessions timeout because it is taking too long before we do anything on consumer queue so kafka ends up rebalancing every time the thread goes back to read more from consumer queue and it starts to take a long time before a consumer reads a new message after a while.
I can set zookeeper session timeout very high to not make that a problem but then i have to adjust the rebalance parameters accordingly and kafka won't pickup a new consumer for a while among other side effects.
What are my options to solve this problem? Is there a way to heartbeat to kafka and zookeeper to keep both happy? Do i still have these same issues if i were to use a simple consumer?
It sounds like your problems boil down to relying on the high-level consumer to manage the last-read offset. Using a simple consumer would solve that problem since you control the persistence of that offset. Note that all the high-level consumer commit does is store the last read offset in zookeeper. There's no other action taken and the message you just read is still there in the partition and is readable by other consumers.
With the kafka simple consumer, you have much more control over when and how that offset storage takes place. You can even persist that offset somewhere other than Zookeeper (a data base, for example).
The bad news is that while the simple consumer itself is simpler than the high-level consumer, there's a lot more work you have to do code-wise to make it work. You'll also have to write code to access multiple partitions - something the high-level consumer does quite nicely for you.
I think issue is consumer's poll method trigger consumer's heartbeat request. And when you increase session.timeout. Consumer's heartbeat will not reach to coordinator. Because of this heartbeat skipping, coordinator mark consumer dead. And also consumer rejoining is very slow especially in case of single consumer.
I have faced a similar issue and to solve that I have to change following parameter in consumer config properties
request.timeout.ms=more than session timeout
Also you have to add following property in server.properties at kafka broker node.
group.max.session.timeout.ms =
You can see the following link for more detail.

Simple-Kafka-consumer message delivery duplication

I am trying to implement a simple Producer-->Kafka-->Consumer application in Java. I am able to produce as well as consume the messages successfully, but the problem occurs when I restart the consumer, wherein some of the already consumed messages are again getting picked up by consumer from Kafka (not all messages, but a few of the last consumed messages).
I have set autooffset.reset=largest in my consumer and my autocommit.interval.ms property is set to 1000 milliseconds.
Is this 'redelivery of some already consumed messages' a known problem, or is there any other settings that I am missing here?
Basically, is there a way to ensure none of the previously consumed messages are getting picked up/consumed by the consumer?
Kafka uses Zookeeper to store consumer offsets. Since Zookeeper operations are pretty slow, it's not advisable to commit offset after consumption of every message.
It's possible to add shutdown hook to consumer that will manually commit topic offset before exit. However, this won't help in certain situations (like jvm crash or kill -9). To guard againts that situations, I'd advise implementing custom commit logic that will commit offset locally after processing each message (file or local database), and also commit offset to Zookeeper every 1000ms. Upon consumer startup, both these locations should be queried, and maximum of two values should be used as consumption offset.