Term for development interface allowing for immediate execution of cell blocks - interface

I am looking for a term that I heard recently but can't think of at the moment. It's on the tip of my tongue.
What is it called when you are able to execute individual cells / blocks of code, see the output, and the system maintains state between execution of the cells?
For example, this is a feature of Mathematica notebooks, Jupyter notebooks, etc. But the term I'm looking for is more narrow than "notebook interface" or "literate programming", as it doesn't require pretty printing, text cells, etc. The purpose is more for testing syntax or seeing output dynamically than it is for creating a readable document.
I think it was an acronym, possibly four letters...

Read–eval–print loop (REPL) enables interactive mode of development where expressions are evaluated on the fly as opposed to the traditional edit-compile-run-debug cycle. For example, Scala's REPL, or OCaml's REPL:
...permits interactive use of the
OCaml system through a read-eval-print loop (REPL). In this mode, the
system repeatedly reads OCaml phrases from the input, then typechecks,
compile and evaluate them, then prints the inferred type and result
Informally, I have often heard the distinction being referred to as simply interpreter vs. compiler, for example, "Let's quickly try it out in the interpreter".


What is the difference and the relation between the Lisp interpreter and the Lisp image? Can they be used as synonoms?

I noticed some people using the terms as if they were synonoms.
For instance, in the same scenario, I heard "add this function to the lisp image evaluating it" and "eval this function into the Lisp interpreter to use it later".
However, I am not sure the use is technically precise. Thus, the question.
These are two orthogonal concepts. Let’s start from the usually comprehensive Common Lisp Glossary:
Lisp image n. a running instantiation of a Common Lisp implementation. A Lisp image is characterized by a single address space in which any object can directly refer to any another in conformance with this specification, and by a single, common, global environment.
So the key idea is that an image is a set of mutually referring Lisp objects (functions and data) that can be “called” or “accessed” during the execution of a program.
The way in which a Common Lisp program is executed depends instead from the way in which a system is implemented. It could be executed by compilation in machine language, for instance, or through some form of interpretation (or even a mix of the two). So a Lisp interpreter is just a particular way in which an implementation is done (and in the current Common Lisp systems there are many different ways to implement the language).
"Image" is a file on disk.
"Add a function to the image"
means evaluate the function and save the image, so the function if immediately available on the next invocation.
"Interpreter" is (usually) a wrong level of abstraction; one should use
"REPL" instead. E.g., SBCL does not have an interpreter at all (everything is always compiled) but this is not a detail that is relevant to this topic.
"eval this function into the Lisp interpreter to use it later"
means evaluate the function in the current REPL and use it in the same process (i.e., it is available until Lisp is restarted).
An image is a copy of a Lisp heap written to disk (or another secondary storage). The Lisp heap is the memory for data storage in RAM of a computer. To write a Lisp heap to an image, the running Lisp is stopped and the memory is dumped to disk. Then the Lisp is either resumed or quit.
The image can be used to restore the heap upon starting a new Lisp. That's usually faster than starting a fresh Lisp and then loading the corresponding software.
A Lisp interpreter is a program which executes Lisp programs from source. Many Lisp implementations don't use an interpreter, but they execute compiled Lisp code, typically Lisp code compiled to native machine code.

Debugging live stack frames in Common Lisp ( SBCL) .How does the debugger/compiler implement this capability?

Lisp allows one to recompile segments of code during debugging producing live stack frames. I know that lisp is dynamic and that it's easy to rebind a symbol associated to a method. However Lisp also easily allows to redefine single forms inside a function. This is even more powerful and flexible than what C# and Java debuggers can do. Why and how does it work? Why modern languages do not provide the same level of sophisitication? Where I can find some papers or books so to learn more?
It's not magic. I did the same in the old days in assembly. I created a DOS TSR program that pointed the interrupts I could handle to my own location. When you did a division by zero or something like that it jumped into my program and the stack had all the previous programs stack and where it had gone wrong. I just provided a menu with ways to mend it so that it didn't exit with DOS default behaviour.
In CL you have like a default exception handler that calls a function that you can see your options on restarts. Restarts are like code within the scope of where the error originates with ways to mend the situation. It's possible to make something like this in any language that has exceptions and closures. The debugger and restarts become a part of the running program and thus it becomes more safe on the cost of less performance. Here is a JavaScript implementation.
There is a way to turn it off and it might make your programs faster in CL. The standard does not require to do anything so it's optional, but implementations do make unsafe fast code that might end up as a segmentation fault instead of the debugger.

How could I run a single line of code (not script) from command prompt?

Simple question here, just can't seem to pass it google in a way it can understand.
Say I wanted to execute a line of actual programming code (c++ or java or python... etc) like SetCursorPos or printf from the command prompt command line. I vaguely imagine I would have to invoke the compiler and pass the command to it like a parameter, where from it would then be converted into machine language and passed to... where exactly?
Okay so that was kind of two questions.
How to run actual code from the command line and
what exactly is happening when a fully compiled program, or converted line of code (presuming these are essentially binary containers at that point), is executed?
Question one takes priority obviously. Unfortunately, I can not find any documentation on it, just a bunch of stuff vaguely related to it.
How to run actual code from the command line
Without delving into the vast amounts of blurriness between them, there are two major categories of language implementations: interpreters and compilers.
With many interpreters (or implementations with implicit compilation, such as V8 JavaScript's jit compiler, or pretty much anything with a repl), running a single line from the command line should be fairly trivial. CPython (the standard implementation of Python) has the -c command option:
$ python -c 'print("Hello, world!")'
Hello, world!
Language implementations with explicit compilation steps will tend to be decidedly less simple. In particular, the compiler would need to either accept source either from directly out of the argument list, or from standard input (via piping or redirection). On the output side, your compiler would have to support immediately executing that program, or outputting it to standard out, so that an operating system feature (if it exists) can execute it from a pipe.
To my knowledge, most explicit compilers are not designed with such usage in mind. In such cases, your best bet is to see if there is a REPL available for the language in question, preferably one as compatible with your compiler as possible, or to create (or find) a wrapper that makes it look like your language has a REPL. The wrapper would:
Accept input along the lines of CPython above.
Create a temporary source file behind the scenes with the code to be run and any necessary boilerplate.
Pass that file to the compiler.
Automatically run the resulting executable.
Delete the source file and executable. These may be cleaned up by the operating system later instead, if they're in a temp directory.
From the point of view of the user, this should look pretty similar to the CPython example, as they wouldn't have to interact with or see the compiler or temporary files.

LISP 1.5 How lisp is like a machine language?

I wish that John McCarthy was still alive, but...
From LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual :
LISP can interpret and execute programs written in the form of S-
expressions. Thus, like machine language, and unlike most other higher
level languages, it can be used to generate programs for further
I need more clarification about how machine language can used to generate programs and how Lisp can do it?
All that is saying is that machine code can directly write machine instructions to memory and jump to those instructions to execute them; this is the basis of many attack vectors to break into software, in fact.
The point is, when you're writing machine code, it's easy to generate machine code. But when you're writing in a compiled language like C, you can't just generate C code at run time and then execute it - unless your program includes a C compiler.
Lisp - and, these days, many other languages, especially "scripting languages" like Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, Javascript, and command shells - have the ability to execute code that is generated at runtime. In Lisp, since code and data have the same structure, this is usually less work than it is in the other languages, where the code to be evaluated is generally a string that has to be parsed. (Though Perl has the ability to eval a block instead of a string, which lets the compiler do the parsing ahead of time for literal code.)
A machine language can alter itself while running. The last assembly programming i did was for MS DOS and resident program that i used to run before testing other programs. When my program misbehaved, a keystroke switched to the resident program and could peek into the running program and alter it directly before resuming. It was quite handy since I didn't have a debugger.
LISP had this from the very beginning since it was originally interpreted. You could change the definition of a function while you were running and the whole langugage was always available at runtime, even eval and define. When it started getting compiled it wasn't compiled like Algol, but partially, allowing for interpreted and compiled code to intermix at the same time. The fact that its code structure was list structure and that symbols are a data type contributed to this.
Last interview I saw with McCarthy he was asked about what he thought of modern programming languages (Not LISP family but the Algol family language Ruby, that is said to be influenced by LISP), and before answering he asked if they could represent code as data (like list structure). Since it didn't, Ruby is still behind what LISP was in the 60s in his opinion.
Many new programming languages are emerging in the Algol family and some of the most promising ones, like Perl6 and Nemerle, are getting closer to the features LISP had in the 60s.
Machine language programs can fill memory regions with arbitrary bytes. Then they can just jump to the start of such region which will thus get executed right away.
Lisp language programs can easily create arbitrary S-expressions in memory, using cons. Then they can just call eval on these S-expressions to evaluate (interpret) them.
High level languages programs can easily fill memory regions with characters representing new code in the language's syntax. But they can not run such a code.

In Lisp, code is data. What benefit does that provide?

In Lisp, any program's code is actually a valid data structure. For example, this adds one and two together, but it's also a list of three items.
(+ 1 2)
What benefit does that provide? What does that enable you to do that's impossible and/or less elegant in other languages?
To make things a little clearer with respect to code representation, consider that in every language code is data: all you need is strings. (And perhaps a few file operations.) Contemplating how that helps you to mimic the Lisp benefits of having a macro system is a good way for enlightenment. Even better if you try to implement such a macro system. You'll run into the advantages of having a structured representation vs the flatness of strings, the need to run the transformations first and define "syntactic hooks" to tell you where to apply them, etc etc.
But the main thing that you'll see in all of this is that macros are essentially a convenient facility for compiler hooks -- ones that are hooked on newly created keywords. As such, the only thing that is really needed is some way to have user code interact with compiler code. Flat strings are one way to do it, but they provide so little information that the macro writer is left with the task of implementing a parser from scratch. On the other hand, you could expose some internal compiler structure like the pre-parsed AST trees, but those tend to expose too much information to be convenient and it means that the compiler needs to somehow be able to parse the new syntactic extension that you intend to implement. S-expressions are a nice solution to the latter: the compiler can parse anything since the syntax is uniform. They're also a solution to the former, since they're simple structures with rich support by the language for taking them apart and re-combining them in new ways.
But of course that's not the end of the story. For example, it's interesting to compare plain symbolic macros as in CL and hygienic macros as in Scheme implementations: those are usually implemented by adding more information to the represented data, which means that you can do more with those macro system. (You can also do more with CL macros since the extra information is also available, but instead of making it part of the syntax representation, it's passed as an extra environment argument to macros.)
My favorite example... In college some friends of mine were writing a compiler in Lisp. So all their data structures including the parse tree was lisp s-expressions. When it was time to implement their code generation phase, they simply executed their parse tree.
Lisp has been developed for the manipulation of symbolic data of all kinds. It turns out that one can also see any Lisp program as symbolic data. So you can apply the manipulation capabilities of Lisp to itself.
If you want to compute with programs (to create new programs, to compile programs to machine code, to translate programs from Lisp to other languages) one has basically three choices:
use strings. This gets tedious parsing and unparsing strings all the time.
use parse trees. Useful but gets complex.
use symbolic expressions like in Lisp. The programs are preparsed into familiar datastructures (lists, symbols, strings, numbers, ...) and the manipulation routines are written in the usual language provided functionality.
So what you get with Lisp? A relatively simple way to write programs that manipulate other programs. From Macros to Compilers there are many examples of this. You also get that you can embed languages into Lisp easily.
It allows you to write macros that simply transform one tree of lists to another. Simple (Scheme) example:
(define-syntax and
(syntax-rules ()
((and) #t)
((and thing) thing)
((and thing rest ...) (if thing (and rest ...) #f))))
Notice how the macro invocations are simply matched to the (and), (and thing), and (and thing rest ...) clauses (depending on the arity of the invocation), and handled appropriately.
With other languages, macros would have to deal with some kind of internal AST of the code being transformed---there wouldn't otherwise be an easy way to "see" your code in a programmatic format---and that would increase the friction of writing macros.
In Lisp programs, macros are generally used pretty frequently, precisely because of the low friction of writing them.