What does memcached "get" return in telnet? - memcached

When I query a key in memcached using telnet, I see something like this:
> get mykeyname
VALUE mykeyname 3 240396
{the key value}
What is the first line? I can see the keyword VALUE and the name of the key but don't understand what the integers mean, and I can't find this documented anywhere. My guess is that the second integer is the length of the data in bytes, but what is the first one?

As specified in the Memcached protocol, the first integer are the flags and the second integer is the size of the value in bytes.


Any way to get orginal data from hashed values in snowflake?

I have a table which uses the snowflake hash function to store values in some columns.
Is there any way to reverse the encrytion from the hash function and get the original values from the table?
As per the documentation, the function is not "not a cryptographic hash function", and will always return the same result for the same input expression.
Example :
select hash(1) always returns -4730168494964875235
select hash('a') always returns -947125324004678632
select hash('1234') always returns -4035663806895772878
I was wondering if there is any way to reverse the hashing and get the original input expression from the hashed values.
I think these disclaimers are for preventing potential legal disputes:
Cryptographic hash functions have a few properties which this function
does not, for example:
The cryptographic hashing of a value cannot be inverted to find the
original value.
It's not possible to reserve a hash value in general. If you consider that when you even send a very long text, and it is represented in a 64-bit value, it's obvious that the data is not preserved. On the other hand, if you use a brute force technique, you may find the actual value producing the hash, and it can be counted as reserving the hash value.
For example, if you store all hash values for the numbers between 0 and 5000 in a table, when I came with hash value '-7875472545445966613', you can look up that value in your table, and say it belongs to 1000 (number).

haproxy stick-table output fields

I currently define a stick table as:
stick-table type string len 56 size 2k expire 10s store gpc0_rate(60s)
When I run,
echo "show table elb_in" | socat unix-connect:/var/run/haproxy.sock stdio
I see:
0x7f74122fdfec: key=Go-http-client/1.1 use=355 exp=9865 gpc0_rate(60000)=6636
Can someone please shed some light on what does the use mean?
I know exp stands for expiry.
The table fields are not very well documented in the API or the HAProxy documentation. But there are references to it being a reference counter for concurrent sessions that are tracking the key.
For example: https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/2.2/configuration.html#7.3.1-table_trackers
If the key is not found in the table, integer value zero
is returned. Otherwise the converter returns the current amount of concurrent
connections tracking the same key as the input sample in the designated
table. It differs from table_conn_cur in that it does not rely on any stored
information but on the table's reference count (the "use" value which is
returned by "show table" on the CLI).
In your example that would mean for the key Go-http-client/1.1 there are 355 concurrent sessions tracking that key via a track-scX statement.

Is there a MAX_INT constant in Postgres?

In Java I can say Integer.MAX_VALUE to get the largest number that the int type can hold.
Is there a similar constant/function in Postgres? I'd like to avoid hard-coding the number.
Edit: the reason I am asking is this. There is a legacy table with an ID of type integer, backed by a sequence. There is a lot of incoming rows into this table. I want to calculate how much time before the integer runs out, so I need to know "how many IDs are left" divided by "how fast we are spending them".
There's no constant for this, but I think it's more reasonable to hard-code the number in Postgres than it is in Java.
In Java, the philosophical goal is for Integer to be an abstract value, so it makes sense that you'd want to behave as if you don't know what the max value is.
In Postgres, you're much closer to the bare metal and the definition of the integer type is that it is a 4-byte signed integer.
There is a legacy table with an ID of type integer, backed by a sequence.
In that case, you can get the max value of the sequence by:
select seqmax from pg_sequence where seqrelid = 'your_sequence_name'::regclass.
This might be better than getting the MAX_INT, because sequence may have been created/altered with a specific max value that is different from MAX_INT.

Swift: Unique Int id from String

I am using Parse which has an preload User table in the database. I want from each user a unique userId (Int). Parse's objectId is unique but not an Int and username is a String. Username is unique for each user , so can I somehow convert each username into a number ?
I tried .toInt() , Int() but I got nothing.
I have an existing table with user's ratings (movies) and I want to extent this table with more ratings. The userId field is a Number value so I must keep it this way.
Swift String has a hash property. It also conforms to the Hashable protocol. Maybe you can use that.
However, hashValue has the following comment:
Axiom:x == y implies x.hashValue == y.hashValue.
Note: The hash value
is not guaranteed to be stable across different invocations of the
same program. Do not persist the hash value across program runs.
so, use carefully...
Note: as stated in the comments, the hashValue is not guaranteed to be unique, but collisions should be rare, so it may be a solution anyway.
Having unique arbitrary String to Int map is not possible. You have to put some constraints on the allowed characters and string length. However, even if you use case-insensitive alpha-numeric user names, with some smart variable-length bit-encoding, then you look at some 5 bits per character on rough average. 64-bit integer can accomodate up to some 12 characters this way. Longer than that, you will inevitably have collisions.
I think you approach the problem from the wrong end. Instead of having a function for String -> Int mapping, what stops you from having a separate table with Int <-> String mapping? Just have some functionality that will check whether a userID exists in that table, and if it does not, then insert a new record for such userID and assign a new unique number to it. This way it will take quite some time and service popularity to deplete 64-bit integer capacity.

How to make a 20-char Id with a 24-char ObjectId

So here is the problem: I'm using MongoDB in my project so there are 24-characters ObjectId, using only hexadecimal alphabet. I'm make http request in my project to a provider, in this request I need to put a unique Id for callbacks purpose, but the provider allows only 20 characters for this id, and I don't know why.
So, my question is, with a 16 characters alphabet (hexa), there are : 16^24 possible mongo Ids, right ?
Supposing I use in the HTTP request an Id based on 64 different characters ([0-9][a-z][A-Z]-_),
correct me if I'm wrong but I think there are 64^20 possible Ids.
So technically, it is possible to encode every possible MongoDB ObjectId with a corresponding Id, isn't it ?
It seems to be a classic Base64 encoding but mysteriously this does not work as I expected, I think I didn't understand how Base64 encoding works because the generated strings are bigger than original strings...
Do you think all of this is even possible or did I totally miss something ?
Thanks in advance!
One of my colleague tried something which seems to work.
Here is the Java code :
byte[] decodedHex = Hex.decodeHex("53884594e4b0695f366f8128".toCharArray());
byte[] encodedHexB64 = Base64.encodeBase64(decodedHex);
System.out.println(new String(encodedHexB64)); // --> U4hFlOSwaV82b4Eo
For a reason that I ignore, doing this is not the same:
String anotherB64 = Base64.encodeBase64String("53884594e4b0695f366f8128".getBytes());
And it prints : NTM4ODQ1OTRlNGIwNjk1ZjM2NmY4MTI4
MongoDB is using ObjectId as a default primary key for the documents because it's fast to generate and very likely to be unique.
But you are not forced to use it as a primary key. You can use any BSON data type in the _id field as long is not an array. That being said, you can use your 20-char Id in _id field.
From your original question I didn't know that you're using an existing DB. The _id field is immutable and it cannot be changed in an existing document.
If you only wanted to convert the existing ObjectId to something else that's 20 chars long the method you posted will work.
The second method produces a long string because you're basically base64 encoding a string which will produce an even longer string.