Is there a MAX_INT constant in Postgres? - postgresql

In Java I can say Integer.MAX_VALUE to get the largest number that the int type can hold.
Is there a similar constant/function in Postgres? I'd like to avoid hard-coding the number.
Edit: the reason I am asking is this. There is a legacy table with an ID of type integer, backed by a sequence. There is a lot of incoming rows into this table. I want to calculate how much time before the integer runs out, so I need to know "how many IDs are left" divided by "how fast we are spending them".

There's no constant for this, but I think it's more reasonable to hard-code the number in Postgres than it is in Java.
In Java, the philosophical goal is for Integer to be an abstract value, so it makes sense that you'd want to behave as if you don't know what the max value is.
In Postgres, you're much closer to the bare metal and the definition of the integer type is that it is a 4-byte signed integer.

There is a legacy table with an ID of type integer, backed by a sequence.
In that case, you can get the max value of the sequence by:
select seqmax from pg_sequence where seqrelid = 'your_sequence_name'::regclass.
This might be better than getting the MAX_INT, because sequence may have been created/altered with a specific max value that is different from MAX_INT.


DECIMAL Types in tsql

I have a Table with about 200Mio Rows and multiple Columns of Datatype DECIMAL(p,s) with varying precision/scales.
Now, as far as i understand, DECIMAL(p,s) is a fixed size column, with a size depending on the precision, see:
Now, when altering the table and changing a column from DECIMAL(15,2) to DECIMAL(19,6), for example, i would have expected there to be almost no work to be done on the side of the SQL-Sever as the required bytes to store the value are the same, yet the altering itself does take a long time - so what exactly does the server do when i execute the alter statement?
Also, is there any benefit (other than having constraints on a column) to storing a DECIMAL(15,2) instead of, for example, a DECIMAL(19,2)? It seems to me the storage requirements would be the same, but i could store larger values in the latter.
Thanks in advance!
The precision and scale of a decimal / numeric type matters considerably.
As far as SQL Server is concerned, decimal(15,2) is a different data type to decimal(19,6), and is stored differently. You therefore cannot make the assumption that just because the overall storage requirements do not change, nothing else does.
SQL Server stores decimal data types in byte-reversed (little endian) format with the scale being the first incrementing value therefore changing the definition can require the data to be re-written, SQL Server will use an internal worktable to safely convert the data and update the values on every page.

Right way to use data type 'F' in SELECT-OPTIONS?

I want to have a SELECT-OPTIONS field in ABAP with the data type FLTP, which is basically a float. But this is not possible using SELECT-OPTIONS.
I tried to use PARAMETERS instead which solved this issue. But now of course I get no results when using this parameter value in the WHERE clause when selecting.
So on the one side I can't use data type 'F', but on the other side I get no results. Is there any way out of this dilema?
Checking floating point values for exact equality is a bad idea. It works in some edge-cases (like 0), but often it does not work. The reason is that not every value the user can express in decimal notation can also be expressed as a floating point value. So the values get rounded internally and now you get inequality where you would expect equality. Check the website "What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" for more information on this phenomenon.
So offering a SELECT-OPTION or a single PARAMETER to SELECT floating point values out of a table might be a bad idea.
What I would recommend instead is have the user state a range between two values with both fields obligatory:
SELECT somdata
FROM table
WHERE floatfield >= p_from AND floatfield <= p_to.
But another solution you might want to consider is if float is really the appropriate data-type for your situation. When the table is a Z-table, you might want to consider to change the type of that field to a packed number or one of the decfloat flavors, as those will cause you far fewer surprises.

Practical storage of many (in single-row) boolean values

I wish to have stored many (N ~ about 150) boolean values of web app "environment" variables.
What is the proper way to get them stored?
creating N columns and one (1) row of data,
creating two (2) or three (3) columns (id smallserial, name varchar(255), value boolean) with N rows of data,
by using jsonb data type,
by using area data type,
by using bit string bit varying(n),
by another way (please advise)
Note: name may be too long.
Could you perhaps use a bit string? (Set the nth bit to 1 when the nth attribute would have been "true")
Depends how you wants to access them in normal usage.
Do you need to access one of this value at time, in this case JSONB is a really good way, really easy and quick to find a record, or do you need to get all of them in one call, in this case Bit String Types are the best, but you need to be really careful around, order and transcription for writing and reading..
Any of the options will do, depending on your circumstances. There is little need to optimise storage if you have only 150 values. Unless, of course there can be a very large number of these sets of 150 values or you are working in a very restricted environment like an embedded system (in which case a full-blown database client is probably not what you're looking for).
There is no definite answer here, but I will give you a few guidelines to consider. As from experience:
You don't want to have an anonymous string of values that is interpreted in code. When you change anything later on, your 1101011 or 0x12f08a will be rendered an fascinatingly enigmatic problem.
When the number of your fields starts to grow, you will regret if they are all stored in a single cell on a single row, because you will either be developing some obscure SQL or transforming a larger-than-needed dataset from the server.
When you feel that boolean values are really not enough, you start to wonder if there is a possibility to store something else too.
Settings and environmental properties are seldom subject to processor or data intensive processing, so follow the easiest path.
As my recommendation based on the given information and some educated guessing, you'll probably want to store your information in a table like
string key | integer set_idx | string value
use.the.force | 1899 | 1 | 1899 | /home/dvader
use.the.force | 1900 | 0 | 1900 | /home/yoda
Converting a 1 to boolean true is cheap, and if you have only one set of values, you can ignore the set index.

PostgreSql storing a value as integer vs varchar

I want to store a 15 digit number in a table.
In terms of lookup speed should I use bigint or varchar?
Additionally, if it's populated with millions of records will the different data types have any impact on storage?
In terms of space, a bigint takes 8 bytes while a 15-character string will take up to 19 bytes (a 4 bytes header and up to another 15 bytes for the data), depending on its value. Also, generally speaking, equality checks should be slightly faster for numerical operations. Other than that, it widely depends on what you're intending to do with this data. If you intend to use numerical/mathematical operations or query according to ranges, you should use a bigint.
You can store them as BIGINT as the comparison using the INT are faster when compared with varchar. I would also advise to create an index on the column if you are expecting millions of records to make the data retrieval faster.
You can also check this forum:
Indexing is fastest on integer types. Char types are probably stored
underneath as integers (guessing.) VARCHARs are variable allocation
and when you change the string length it may have to reallocate.
Generally integers are fastest, then single characters then CHAR[x]
types and then VARCHARS.

How to avoid column name conflicts in cassandra

I need to store a list of user names in a Cassandra column family(wide row/dynamic columns).
The columnname/comparator type will be integer, so as to sort the users based on a score.
The score ranges from 0 to 100. The problem is, if two or more users have a same score, how can i store them on different columns?, as cassandra would not allow that...
Is there any way to convert integer to timeuuids? Or any other solution for this problem?
This is a problem I have seen quite often (not scores but preventing column name conflict). In general the solution is a form or another of concatenating a UUID to the column name (Since those are made to never conflict).
If you want to keep on sorting by score then I advice you to use a CompositeType column name.
More specifically:
CompositeType(score: Integer | time: TimeUUID)
The comparator in Cassandra will then first sort by score and then by time (putting the most recent last I believe).
TimeUUID should also take care of "simultaneous" score posting even thought the probabilities to have that with a Long timestamp would be ridiculously low.
You can use build-in list feature, see
Just have column with a value and list of users for that value.