How to turn off syntax highlighting in Mobaxterm - mobaxterm

Mobaxterm always enables syntax highlighting, like this:
The ip and error message are colored, which I don't want.
I want to turn off syntax highlighting, but I cannot find the way. Setting default syntax highlighting to NONE is not working, and the official documentation is also blank for it.
Any suggestions on how to turn it off?

Found out how.
Changing the settins at a global level is not enough. You also have to edit the session properties itself, under tab "terminal settings", at the bottom, there is a selection for 'Terminal colors scheme', set this to Default and set "Syntax highlighting" to 'None'
The next time the session starts the coloured ip-numbers are gone!

Change it in the settings, then in your session, right click on anywhere on the screen, Select Syntax highlighting, and change to Default. I have to do this for each session though.


VSCode - Disable selection on auto-complete suggestion

Whenever I use autocomplete, VSCode automatically puts whatever I type in a selection, it didn't happen before and it only started happening recently.
Here's what happens:
I type something like this and suggestion comes up:
Then I press enter to auto complete:
All of this is fine, but when I start typing in the quotes:
VSCode automatically puts my text in a selection. This causes multiple problems. Suggestions get disabled in selection and I have to press Esc everytime I want the selection disabled.
Is there any way to fix this?
The question was already answered by #Anton Solomin and #devanil. The issue is VS code auto-suggestion is not working when text is highlighted, because some of your code snippet is preventing quick suggestion by VS code.
So just tell VS code that don't disable quick suggestion if some snippets askes you to do it.
Go to VScode settings page, in settings search bar type editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions
Uncheck Controls whether an active snippet prevents quick suggestion

Turn off all code analyzer warnings in the IDE

Is it possible to turn off all code analyzer warnings highlighting in the Matlab IDE, while keeping the code analyzer errors highlighting?
Looked around in preferences but didn't find any options except removing the underlining of warnings.
(They are still highlighted in code and visible at the right edge of the editor).
Workarounds I've found:
Disable all the warnings one by one, which is ridiculous because there is a list with hundreds of check boxes and no "un-check all".
Set the color of the warning highlighting to the background color of the editor.
You can use the search bar in the Code Analyzer tab in the Preference menu to filter only warnings. Then you can select them all with ctrl+A and right click and select 'Disable'.
Then you can save your new settings as a new mlint config file.

How do I disable brace highlighting in JetBrains RubyMine?

I want to disable brace contents highlighting in RubyMine. It's very distracting. Instead of having the entire string highlighted I only want the braces themselves highlighted and if that is not possible I need it disabled. Is this possible?
Things I've done already to no success:
Enabled/disabled all highlight options under Settings/General to no
effect. I'm running RubyMine v8.0.3.
Read the documentation.
I've also read this document that states how to disable highlighting
of usages by simply pressing escape - it does not work.
current brace highlighting that I need disabled
Your file type seems to be HAML.
In Settings, go to Editor > Colors & Fonts > HAML. In the lower right area, you see demo code in HAML. Look for the right spot in the code and click on it.
You will probably click on the second line because there is some code in braces. In this case, RubyMine will select the entry Injected code in the list. The check box Use inherited attributes tells you that this settings is inherited.
Now you have to choose:
If you want to change the setting for Editor > Colors & Fonts > HAML - Injected code, switch off Use inherited settings, then switch off "Background".
If you want to the settings for injected code in all languages: Click on the link "General" (on the right). RubyMine will switch to Editor > Colors & Fonts > General - Injected language frament. Now switch off "Background"
Before modifing anything, you have to create a new scheme. The default scheme is read only. Click on Save As..., choose a name and press 'OK'.
Open the Settings/Preferences dialog.
In the Editor page of the IDE Settings, select the check box Highlight usages of element at caret to enable automatic usage highlighting.

Powershell CTRL+F Highlighting Color

I like to use a darker background but I cant find the setting to changer the highlighting. Every time I use it its like I'm finding waldo and it defeats the purpose.
I assume you are using the ISE? The command window just inverts the colours so anything other than medium grey is easy to find.
Anyway this is a really unfortunate feature of Windows, the highlight text isn't controlled by the ISE but by Personalisation settings. Go into Control Panel, Personalisation, Window Colour, then "Advanced Appearance Settings..." and you'll get the old options to change window colours.
The "Selected Items" setting will change the colour of highlighted text EVERYWHERE IN WINDOWS. So if you decide to go down this route you're going to need to pick a colour you can easily find on both your ISE and the standard black-on-white theme. I recommend a slightly lighter blue.

Is it possible to make Eclipse's code-folding gutter black?

Is there a way (I'll settle for a hack) to make the code-folding gutter in Eclipse render with a black background? I'm clinging to TextMate as my main editor but would really like to go back to Eclipse for code completion, but I'm stuck with this ugly crap:
After you change the background color of the editor, disable then re-enable code folding and click apply this seems to fix the color problem however keeps that ugly white line separator.
I found a nice work around until this is fixed. First disable folding by default (preferences->C++->Editor->Folding) for new editors.
Then, whenever you open a new editor the folding 'column' wont be available. Now, open a new editor, Right-click on the far left of the text (the line numbers if they're enabled) and select 'enable folding' (or press Ctrl + /).
Then, anything that is to be folded by default will be folded and the folding +'s and -'s will be available on the dark background - no color glitches.
Gargh, doesn't look like it... this guy has the same issue:
EDIT: Looks like this has been filed as a bug with Eclipse already, see: