Lightpoint following a moving SpriteRenderer whereas it should remain static - unity3d

I'm beginning with Unity3D and I'm having a problem with the lightning.
I made a simple infinite scroller with a road going straight, and I want to add a pointlight in the middle of my screen, in order to have the road at this place enlightened, whereas the remaining is darker.
However, the light seems to follow the middle of my sprite when this one is moving, instead of remaining static.
Here is a gif of what I have:
My SpriteRenderer has the Sprite/Diffuse material and I added some postprocessing on the camera in order to have a bloom effect on the road.
Do you know what could be the problem here?
Thank you.

Pretty sure you have the Light GameObject as a child of the Sprite, so it follows the parent transform


Having one hitbox for Tilemap

I'm trying to make a one way tilemap with platform efector, there is a problem though, because the tilemap collider makes each tile have a collider, the player sticks mid way through the platform if he tries to move because of the colliders, like here OneWayTiles, the player can get through but can't go left or right because he gets stuck, I did figure out that if I take the sprites and make them a prefab they work, I put the box collider and the platform effector on the parent and it works with no problems,
like here, so I do have a solution but it will just take too long drag and drop and change the size if I have to, is there a way I can keep it as a tilemap while not having this problem? thanks in advance.

Can you paint a tile on sprite overlap? Unity

Hi all I'm trying to make a game where I can drive around and as I pass over certain tiles in my tile-map they change colour, dead simple problem in my head. However not sure how to change the painted tile on overlap, my thinking was I could use sprite collision detection but when I put my sprites on the same z-axis height they overlay and are no longer visible. Is there something I have missed or a more efficient way of going about this?
Thanks :)

Player falls halfway throufh the floor till the outer edge of collider. instead of the inner edge

As you can see in the included video the player falls over the floortile till the outer edge of the floor. Instead it should stop at the inner edge of the tile so it looks like its standing ontop of the tile. Can anyone help? I cant find anything on the internet regarding my issue.
Im sorry if this is a easy fix. Im a beginner. This for a school project :)
enter image description here
Photo of sprite standing on the wrong edge of the tile.
Edit: I went back to the tile palette and redrew the level. This time selecting the game object + bitmap again. Now it works. Probably the reason why it didn't work was that when I drew the level I had not added Tilemap Collider 2D and Composite Collider 2D. Now redrawing with those 2 components added it works as it should!
The problem is with your tile map collider. Instead of using this, set empty game objects as children of the objects that make up the . Then, add BoxCollider2Ds to each one, and add scale them to fit the map. If that doesn’t work, then it is either a problem with the rigidbody, or the box collider, make sure that all of the settings are set to default, then slowly change them back, and you will discover what is causing the problem. Then you can comment on this post what variable changed it.
Your issue is the Composite Collider. The docs specify that they
do not define an inherent shape. Instead, it merges the shapes of any
Box Collider 2D or Polygon Collider 2D that you set it up to use
When you attach a BoxCollider2D or PolygonCollider2D, there is a check box on them that specifies Used by Composite. When checking this box, other fields will disappear as they are now controlled by the CompositeCollider.
To use this collider, make a new object that will hold all your other colliders or make a few that hold sections of your map. Give this new parent object a CompositeCollider2D and give all the children BoxCollider2D or PolygonCollider2D. After this, make sure to check the box Used by Composite on the children Colliders.
Edit: Sorry just saw you were using a Tilemap. Just make the CompositeCollider a parent of your Tilemap while keeping the Used by Composite checked.
Edit 2: I am not too familiar with Tilemaps with Composite Colliders, but one other solution you can try before re-childing is changing the Geometry Type field on your CompositeCollider from Polygons to Outlines.

Objects not colliding Unity2D

I am trying to make a Retro Tenis Game in Unity2D but I have some issues with the colliding system.
My controller does not collide with the walls. It goes through them.
It should stop in the wall like pic1 but it goes through it like pic2.
Can anyone help me, please?
UPDATE#1: I added a RigidBody component but it does not fix it. (pic3)
You shouldn't use the colliding system for this purpose. It would be much better that the script in charge of moving your paddle was able to control its maximum and minimum height too (note that the screen size can change, and the paddles should move at different heights depending on the screen size).
Although if you want to do it with the collision system and "walls" that limit the space of the paddles, both the "walls" and the paddles need to have a correctly positioned BoxCollider2D and the paddles an extra kinematic Rigidbody2D too (as they can move).
Also make sure to move the paddles using physics and not modifying its position with transform.position (see Rigidbody2D.MovePosition)
Edit: Unity2D physics system is rather a complicated topic and difficult to get it well on your own. I'd suggest to learn the basics in the Unity Learning Platform. You could start with this project.
You need add RigidBody2D to your "circle"

Capsule Collider not visible in the scene view?

I am trying to hit a ball using a golf club. My golf club has three components (three game objects: handle, shaft and head as shown in the first attached image). Head gameobject's inspector can be seen in the another attached image.
To hit the golf ball, we need a collider. So I put a Capsule Collider at head game object. But I don't see any collider at head gameobject.
The head is shown in the last image.
Why I can't put Capsule Collider at the object?
Thanks for the reply.
I increased the radius but still the same.
I placed a Quad in the scene and put Mesh collider onto it (called AW52Collider). Please see in the
first image. We can see the collider clearly.
But I did the same thing to Club head, as it is also a game object I should be able to put a Mesh collider. But I don't see anything. Why?
Please see in the second image.
One more thing I don't understand is when I put AW52Collider inside Club Head object, I don't see AW52Collider also. Why? Please see in the third image.
Increase the size of your collider, those values do not look like you should see the gizmos at all. Best would be to reset the collider to its default values and then play with them until you are happy.
It is best practice to create a child object with colliders on it. The reason is the placement of the collider. The collider is always centered around the pivot point of a GameObject. But you probably want to move your collider freely or disable a group of colliders manually for testing (or optimization) purposes. Also consider that an object with multiple small colliders as child objects is considered one big collider (rigidbody wise). Source (Compound Colliders)
Just enable Gizmos button and you'll find your capsule collider.
See this picture to know exactly where to find it:
(It's in the toolbar below the Scene tab)