Adding a column to sqlite database - android-sqlite

I have been trying to add a column to my sqlite database in android studio using the ALTER query but it is not working. Please guide me on how i can do it
if (newVersion> oldVersion) {
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Animals_calendar ADD COLUMN Deworming TEXT ");


Why does an UPDATE to a column affect the other columns?

Using Dbeaver, I am trying to add a new column using an existing column to update it. However, after an update to the new column, other column values are changed (to NULL). I am unsure what is the issue?
Before the update:
My statements:
ALTER TABLE project1.nhd
ADD "Address" varchar;
UPDATE project1.nhd
SET "Address" = SPLIT_PART("PropertyAddress", ',', 1);
After the update:
I thought the issue was the method of data transfer, so I tried importing the CSV as a database in Dbeaver and then exporting it to the table and using COPY to import the data into the table. However, the result was the same.

MySQL Workbench autocomplete is not showing full sql syntax , table and table column names

MySQL Workbench autocomplete is not showing full sql syntax , table and table column names
when autocompletes triggers.
I am using MySQL workbench on MAC Os & below is mysql workbench version
Already tried solution: but not working deleting the cache folder as per
documentation here but not working
screenshot is attached
Incomplete table name
Incomplete sql syntax
Incomplete table column name

On Google Data Studio, using PostgreSQL data, how do I "SELECT * ..." but for camelCase columns?

On Google Data Studio, I cannot create a chart from Postgres data if table columns are in camelCase. I have data in PostgreSQL where I want to get charts from. Integrating it as a data source works fine. Now, I have a problem when creating a chart.
After creating a chart and selecting a data source, I try to add a column, which results in this error:
Error with SQL statement: ERROR: column "columnname" does not exist Hint: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "table.columnName". Position: 8
It just so happens that all my columns are in camelCase. Is there no way around this? Surely this is a basic question that has been resolved.
When connecting to your data source, try using 'Custom query' instead of selecting a table from your database. Then manually write your SQL query where you cast your camel case column names to lower case using sql alias. Worked for me.
"camelCaseColA" as cola,
"camelCaseColB" as colb,
"camelCaseColC" as colc
tableName as table

PostgreSQL: How to delete dynamically created table using SQL

I am developing a windows application and using Postgres as backend database. At some point in my application i am dynamically creating table e.g Table1, then Table2 and so on. In this way i have many dynamic table in my database. Now i provide a button "Clean Database", so i need to remove all those dynamic tables using SQL query. Should some one guide me how to write SQL Query that automatically delete all such tables?
You should just be able to say
DROP TABLE {tablename}
for each dynamically created table. Try that and see if it works.

SQL Server 2000 - How do I alter a column from text to ntext?

I'm trying to do a ALTER TABLE Signatures ALTER COLUMN HTML ntext; but I get a Cannot alter column 'HTML' because it is 'text'.
How do I go about altering the column?
you can do it in two steps:
-- first alter from text to varchar
ALTER TABLE table_1 ALTER COLUMN [test] [varchar](max) NULL;
-- and finally to ntext
ALTER TABLE table_1 ALTER COLUMN [test] [ntext] NULL;
Or you could rename HTML to HTMLOld and then create a new column HTML that is ntext. Then update the new column with the data from HTML old, then drop the HTMLOld column.
(Incidentally when you move away from SQL Server 2000, you need to start getting rid of these text and ntext columns as they are deprecated and will not be available in the next version of SQL Server.)
1) Create a new column of data type ntext on your table
2) Run an update statement to copy from html to your new ntext column
3) Drop your html column
4) Rename your new column to html (if need be)
You can't. You need to create a new table (including permissions, triggers, etc.), copy the data, and drop the old table.