Is it possible to have editable menu item? - extjs6.5

I am using Extjs 6.5.3. I want to have a menu which will have editable menu items. Is it possible to have editor in menu item and on click of menu item it should start editing? Please help.
Thank you in advance.


how to remove items from right click context menu in Visual Studio Code?

Currently, my right click context menu looks like this
It is too long. Many items I don't ever use. Can I remove some items from the menu?
Thank you.
You can click the menu bar then by right click you will get the option to close the component.

JavaFX MenuBar: Separate mouse click on menu to show corresponding menu items

In JavaFX MenuBar, If we click on any menu then it shows corresponding menu items. Now If we don't move our mouse pointer from the clicked menu and drag it horizontally over other menus, then for each menu it shows corresponding menu items. It is the default functionality. But I don't want that.
I want to configure it in a way such that separate mouse click would be necessary to show corresponding menu items. So here If we click on any menu and drag mouse pointer horizontally over another menu then it should do nothing.
here, by saying mouse click, I meant click & release(not hold the click)
I searched in StackOverflow & google for any related questions or blog posts but found nothing. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Eclipse e4: add commands to context menu

I defined several commands in my Application Model, say like openCommand, saveCommand. And I can add them to the menu bar or tool bar easily. Now I want them to also appear in the context menu of the edit part, how can this be done?
To be short, I want a menu item in main menu, a tool bar item in tool bar and another menu item in context menu. All these three items have the same function and thus should be mapped to the same command. I can do the first two but have no idea about the third.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks a lot!
You define the context menu for a Part in the Menu section of the Part Descriptor in the application model. Add a 'Popup Menu' and give it a unique id. Add menu items to the popup menu in the normal way.
Tell Eclipse the menu is the context menu for a control using the EMenuService:
private EMenuService menuService;
menuService.registerContextMenu(control, "menu id");

How to close this navigation menu on the editor in Eclipse

How can I close this navigation menu on Eclipse?
Please help me. It is annoying and bad for my OCD.
Click the Toggle Breadcrumb button in the toolbar. It's the one in the middle which is currently active.
It is called the breadcumb bar, so you can toggle it with Ctrl+3 > Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb or other ways.

How to access to menu items?

I created a menu of RCP application only in plugin.xml. How to access to items of this menu programicaly to change their texts and images at runtime?
If you are using command framework to contribute those menu items, you can use org.eclipse.ui.commands.IElementUpdater to change the text and image.