Start Kubernetes job with http request - kubernetes

What is most simple way to start Kubernetes job with the http request (webhook)? I need to build docker image after push to github and have to do it inside cluster.

I think you are looking for KNative. Mainly the Build part of it.
KNative is still on early stages, but is pretty much what you need. If the build features does not attend your needs, you can still use the other features like Serving to trigger the container image from http calls and run the tools you need.
Here is the description from the Build Docs:
A Knative Build extends Kubernetes and utilizes existing Kubernetes
primitives to provide you with the ability to run on-cluster container
builds from source. For example, you can write a build that uses
Kubernetes-native resources to obtain your source code from a
repository, build a container image, then run that image.
While Knative builds are optimized for building, testing, and
deploying source code, you are still responsible for developing the
corresponding components that:
Retrieve source code from repositories.
Run multiple sequential jobs against a shared filesystem, for example:
Install dependencies.
Run unit and integration tests.
Build container images.
Push container images to an image registry, or deploy them to a cluster.
The goal of a Knative build is to provide a standard, portable,
reusable, and performance optimized method for defining and running
on-cluster container image builds. By providing the “boring but
difficult” task of running builds on Kubernetes, Knative saves you
from having to independently develop and reproduce these common
Kubernetes-based development processes.


How to run junit system integration tests in kubernetes/service mesh?

We have a service mesh/kubernetes working via the terminal, showing all the different pods with their different name spaces. Inside of each pod, you can console in and see the app.jar.
Recently, boss/client asked how we can run the various SYSTEM INTEGRATION tests for any particular JAR from the service mesh/kubernetes command line. Google says to use 'mvn clean install', 'javac' or 'java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.7.2.jar --class-path target --select-class '. These all fail for various reasons (mvn not present, javac not present, jar says that port is in use. Of course the port is in use, the same aforementioned jar is using it).
When I look at a pod in Gitlab (or Intellij) I see all the tests it has. But how I can run these SYSTEM INTEGRATION tests from the pod console? Ideally a command to run all tests, that would make things a lot easier.
lol at the heat in the comments. I clarified with the boss, she said that we want to run system integration tests from the service mesh, not unit tests. These pods are not isolated, some of them depend on each other.
Generally the comment from the user jonrsharpe could be an answer to the question:
That makes no sense as a request - you run the unit tests on the source code, then build and deploy the container if they pass. They shouldn't even be included in what's in the deployed jar.
If you need to test an application, do so before deploying it. You should have a separate environment where you will test your application, and only use Kubernetes when the application is working properly. You can of course use some CI type solution. Look at this page - Running JUnit tests with GitLab CI for Kubernetes-hosted apps.
If you are looking for a solution to make integration testing with Kubernetes you can read a couple of docs. It all depends on what specifically you want to test. I present several possibilities:
Overcome Kubernetes Application Integration Testing Challenges with Telepresence
How we approached integration testing in Kubernetes, and why we stopped using Helm tests
Testing Kubernetes deployments within CI Pipelines

What are the benefits of building an Android application with Kubernetes/Containers

I will be building an Android application (not a game) soon. I heard of containerized development and Docker/Kubernetes but I'm not well-versed in its functions and use cases.
Why should I build my Android application with Kubernetes?
Your question can be split up into two parts:
1. Why should I containerize my deployment?
I hope by "deployment", you are referring to the backend services that serve your Android application; not the application itself (not sure how one would do that...). Here is a good article.
Containerization is a powerful abstraction that can help you manage both your code and environment. Setting up a container with the correct dependencies, utilities etc., and securing them is a lot of work, as is the case with any server setup. However, once you have packaged everything into a container, you can deploy said container multiple times and build on-top of it. The value of the grunt work that you have done in the past is therefore carried forward in your future deployments; conversely, so are the bugs... Additionally, you can also leverage the Docker ecosystem and build on various community contributions greatly accelerating your workflows.
A possible unintended advantage is also protection against configuration drift. Whenever services fail or your application crashes, you can simply restart your container, and a fresh version of the service will be created again. However, to support these operations, you need to ensure that your containerized service behaves nicely across restarts and fails gracefully. There are many other caveats and advantages that are not listed here; you can find more discussion on Google.
2. Why should I use Kubernetes for my container orchestration?
If you have many containers (think in the order of 100s), then using a single-node solution like Docker/docker-compose to manage them becomes tedious.
If only there was a tool to manage across multiple nodes, implement service discovery between your nodes, have fault tolerance (ie. automatic restarts, backoff policies), do health-checking of your services, manage storage assets, and conveniently expose your containers to the public. That tool is Kubernetes.
Here is a more in-depth intro.
Hope this helps!

Material on Building a REST api from within a docker container

I'm looking to build an api on a application that is going to run its own docker container. It needs to work with some applications via its REST apis. I'm new to development and dont understand the process very well. Can you share the broad steps necessary to build and release the APIs so that my application runs safely within the docker but externally whatever communication needs to happen they work out well.
For context: I'm going to be working on a Google Compute VM instance and the application I'm building is a HyperLedger Fabric program written in GoLang.
Links to reference material and code would also be appreciated.
REST API implementation is very easy in Go. You can use the inbuilt net/http package. Here's a tutorial which will help you understand its usage.
Note : If you are planning on developing a production server, the default HTTP client is not recommended. It will knock down the server on heavy frequency calls. In that case, you have to use a custom HTTP client as described here,
For learning docker I would recommend the docker docs they're very good and cover a handful of stuff. Docker swarm and orchestration are useful things to learn but most people aren't using docker swarm anymore and use things like kubernetes instead. Same principles, but different tech. I would definitely go through this website: and implemented on your own computer. Then just practice by looking at other peoples dockerfiles and building your own. A good understanding a linux will definitely help with installing packages and so on.
I haven't used go myself but I suspect it shouldn't be too hard to deploy into a docker container.
The last production step of deployment will be similar for whatever your using if it's docker or no docker. The VM will need an webserver like apache or nginx to expose the ports you wish to use to the public and then you will run the docker container or the go server independently and then you'll have your system!
Hope this helps!

Creating custom boilerplates in Bluemix

I created an application on Bluemix and I want to create a private Boilerplate from it in order to automatically deploy them when required through a web interface. Is there any possible way to create that boilerplate?
Boilerplates are not public documented, so not possible to create your own in the catalog.
But you can check "Deploy to Bluemix Button" which perhaps covers your requirement of being able to deploy an app and its runtime and required services.
I think that IBM Containers can be used to achieve that goal. A container is basically an application with all its dependencies, that is stored in a portable, platform-independent module (the container). The structure of a container is explained in an image. From a single image you can then instantiate all the containers you want.
So, if you create an image composed by your application and its dependencies and you push it on Bluemix, you can automatically instantiate and deploy new containers (with your application up and running inside) when required through a Web interface as you requested.
IBM Containers are based on Docker containers, that wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in.
Please refer to IBM Containers Docs to understand how to use Docker on Bluemix and Docker training to learn the basics.

Docker deployment options

I'm wondering which options are there for docker container deployment in production. Given I have separate APP and DB server containers and data-only containers holding deployables and other holding database files.
I just have one server for now, which I would like to "docker enable", but what is the best way to deploy there(remotely will be the best option)
I just want to hit a button and some tool will take care of stopping, starting, exchanging all needed docker containers.
There is myriad of tools(Fleet, Flocker, Docker Compose etc.), I'm overwhelmed by the choices.
Only thing I'm clear is, I don't want to build images with codes from git repo. I would like to have docker images as wrappers for my releases. Have I grasped the docker ideas from wrong end?
My team recently built a Docker continuous deployment system and I thought I'd share it here since you seem to have the same questions we had. It pretty much does what you asked:
"hit a button and some tool will take care of stopping, starting, exchanging all needed docker containers"
We had the challenge that our Docker deployment scripts were getting too complex. Our containers depend on each other in various ways to make the full system so when we deployed, we'd often have dependency issues crop up.
We built a system called "Skopos" to resolve these issues. Skopos detects the current state of your running system and detects any changes being made and then automatically plans out and deploys the update into production. It creates deployment plans dynamically for each deployment based on a comparison of current state and desired state.
It can help you continuously deploy your application or service to production using tags in your repository to automatically roll out the right version to the right platform while removing the need for manual procedures or scripts.
It's free, check it out:
You can import your system in 3 ways:
1. if you have a Docker Compose, we can suck that in and start working iwth it.
2. If your app is running, we can scan it and then start working with it.
3. If you have neither, you can create a quick descriptor file in YAML and then we can understand your current state.
I think most people start their container journey using tools from Docker Toolbox. Those tools provide a good start and work as promised, but you'll end up wanting more. With these tools, you are missing for example integrated overlay networking, DNS, load balancing, aggregated logging, VPN access and private image repository which are crucial for most container workloads.
To solve these problems we started to develop Kontena - Docker Container Orchestration Platform. While Kontena works great for all types of businesses and may be used to run containerized workloads at any scale, it's best suited for start-ups and small to medium sized business who require worry-free and simple to use platform to run containerized workloads.
Kontena is an open source project and you can view it on GitHub.