Docker deployment options - deployment

I'm wondering which options are there for docker container deployment in production. Given I have separate APP and DB server containers and data-only containers holding deployables and other holding database files.
I just have one server for now, which I would like to "docker enable", but what is the best way to deploy there(remotely will be the best option)
I just want to hit a button and some tool will take care of stopping, starting, exchanging all needed docker containers.
There is myriad of tools(Fleet, Flocker, Docker Compose etc.), I'm overwhelmed by the choices.
Only thing I'm clear is, I don't want to build images with codes from git repo. I would like to have docker images as wrappers for my releases. Have I grasped the docker ideas from wrong end?

My team recently built a Docker continuous deployment system and I thought I'd share it here since you seem to have the same questions we had. It pretty much does what you asked:
"hit a button and some tool will take care of stopping, starting, exchanging all needed docker containers"
We had the challenge that our Docker deployment scripts were getting too complex. Our containers depend on each other in various ways to make the full system so when we deployed, we'd often have dependency issues crop up.
We built a system called "Skopos" to resolve these issues. Skopos detects the current state of your running system and detects any changes being made and then automatically plans out and deploys the update into production. It creates deployment plans dynamically for each deployment based on a comparison of current state and desired state.
It can help you continuously deploy your application or service to production using tags in your repository to automatically roll out the right version to the right platform while removing the need for manual procedures or scripts.
It's free, check it out:
You can import your system in 3 ways:
1. if you have a Docker Compose, we can suck that in and start working iwth it.
2. If your app is running, we can scan it and then start working with it.
3. If you have neither, you can create a quick descriptor file in YAML and then we can understand your current state.

I think most people start their container journey using tools from Docker Toolbox. Those tools provide a good start and work as promised, but you'll end up wanting more. With these tools, you are missing for example integrated overlay networking, DNS, load balancing, aggregated logging, VPN access and private image repository which are crucial for most container workloads.
To solve these problems we started to develop Kontena - Docker Container Orchestration Platform. While Kontena works great for all types of businesses and may be used to run containerized workloads at any scale, it's best suited for start-ups and small to medium sized business who require worry-free and simple to use platform to run containerized workloads.
Kontena is an open source project and you can view it on GitHub.


Persistence volume change: Restart a service in Kubernetes container

I have an HTTP application (Odoo). This app support install/updating modules(addons) dynamically.
I would like to run this app in a Kubernetes cluster. And I would like to dynamically install/update the modules.
I have 2 solutions for this problem. However, I was wondering if there are other solutions.
Solution 1:
Include the custom modules with the app in the Docker image
Every time I made a change in the custom module and push it to a git repository. Jinkins pull the changes and create a new image and then apply the new changes to the Kubernetes cluster.
Advantages: I can manage the docker image version and restart an image if something happens
Drawbacks: This solution is not bad for production however the list of all custom module repositories should all be included in the docker file. Suppose that I have two custom modules each in its repository a change to one of them will lead to a rebuild of the whole docker image.
Solution 2:
Have a persistent volume that contains only the custom modules.
If a change is made to a custom module it is updated in the persistent volume.
The changes need to apply to each pod running the app (I don't know maybe doing a restart)
Advantages: Small changes don't trigger image build. We don't need to recreate the pods each time.
Drawbacks: Controlling the versions of each update is difficult (I don't know if we have version control for persistent volume in Kubernetes).
Is there another solution to solve this problem?
For both methods, there is a command that should be executed in order to take the module changes into consideration odoo --update "module_name". This command should include the module name. For solution 2, How to execute a command in each pod?
For solution 2 is it better to restart the app service(odoo) instead of restarting all the nodes? Meaning, if we can execute a command on each pod we can just restart the service of the app.
Thank you very much.
You will probably be better off with your first solution. Specially if you already have all the toolchain to rebuild and deploy images. It will be easier for you to rollback to previous versions and also to troubleshoot (since you know exactly which version is running in each pod).
There is an alternative solution that is sometime used to provision static assets on web servers: You can add an emptyDir volume and a sidecar container to the pod. The sidecar pull the changes from your plugins repositories into the emptyDir at fixed interval. Finally your app container, sharing the same emptyDir volume will have access to the plugins.
In any case running the command to update the plugin is going to be complicated. You could do it at fixed interval but your app might not like it.

local development of microservices, methods and tools to work efficiently

I work with teams members to develop a microservices architecture but I have a problem with the way to work. Indeed, I have too many microservices and when I run them during my development, it consumes too memory even with a good workstation. So I use docker compose to build and execute my MSA but it takes a long time. One often hears about how technically build an MSA but never about the way to work efficiently to build it. How do you do in this case ? How do you work ? Do you use tools or any others to improve and facilitate your developments. I've heard about skaffold but I don't see what the difference is with docker compose or with a simple ci/cd in a cluster env for example. Feel free to give tips and your opinion. Thanks
I've had a fair amount of experience with microservices and local development and here's been some approaches I've seen:
Run all the things locally on docker or k8. If using k8, then a tool like skaffolding can make it easier to run and debug a service locally in the IDE but put it into your local k8 so that it can communicate with other k8 services. It works OK but running more than 4 or 5 full services locally in k8 or docker requires dedicating a substantial amount of CPU and memory.
Build mock versions of all your services. Use those locally and for integration tests. The mock services are intentionally much simpler and therefore easier to run lots of them locally. Obvious downside is that you have to build mock version of every service, and you can easily miss bugs that are caused by mock services not behaving like the real service. Record/replay tools like Hoveryfly can help in building mock services.
Give every developer their own Cloud environment. Run most services in the cloud but use a tool like Telepresence to swap locally running services in and out of the cloud cluster. This eliminates the problem of running too many services on a single machine but can be spendy to maintain separate cloud sandboxes for each developer. You also need a DevOps resource to help developers when their cloud sandbox gets out of whack.
Eliminate unnecessary microservice complexity and consolidate all your services into 1 or 2 monoliths. Enjoy being able to run everything locally as a single service. Accept the fact that a microservice architecture is overkill for most companies. Too many people choose a microservice architecture upfront before their needs demand it. Or they do it out of fear that they will need it in the future. Inevitably this leads to guessing how they should decompose the system into many microservices, and getting the boundaries and contracts wrong, which makes it just as hard or harder to fix in the future compared to a monolith. And they incur the costs of microservices years before they need to. Microservices make everything more costly and painful, from local development to deployment. For companies like Netflix and Amazon, it's necessary. For most of us, it's not.
I prefer option 4 if at all possible. Otherwise option 2 or 3 in that order. Option 1 should be avoided in my opinion but it is probably the option everyone tries first.
In GKE and assuming you have a private cluster. You can utilize port forwarding while hooked up to the GKE environment through the CLI. Create a script that forwards your local ports to the GKE environment. I believe on the services tab in your cluster is where you will find the "port-forwarding" button that will give you the CMD command. This way you can work on one microservice with all of its traffic being routed to the actual DEV cluster. This prevents you from having to run multiple projects at the same time.
I would say create a staging environment which will have all services running. This staging environment will specifically be curated for development. E.g. if it's deployed using k8s then you expose some ports using nodeport service if you need them for your specific microservice. And have a DevOps pipeline to always keep this environment up to date with the code.
This environment should always be built from master branch. If you have single repo for app or repo per service, it's fair assumption that the will always have most recent code when you create your dev/feature branch.
Then when you want to develop a feature or fix a bug you checkout your microservice. And if you are following the microservice pattern appropriately, that single microservice should be an executable and have it's own docker file and should be debuggable from your local IDE. Many enterprises follow this pattern, and enforce at the organization level that the master branch is always production ready and high quality.
Let's say, you discover a bug in some other microservice running in k8s cluster. You will very likely get tempted to find a way to debug that remote microservice. However, that should be written as a bug for the team that owns the microservice. If your team owns it then you fix it and then start working on your feature. If you really think you need to debug multiple microservices, then I think you have real tight coupling between the services or you don't really need the microservice architecture.

What are the benefits of building an Android application with Kubernetes/Containers

I will be building an Android application (not a game) soon. I heard of containerized development and Docker/Kubernetes but I'm not well-versed in its functions and use cases.
Why should I build my Android application with Kubernetes?
Your question can be split up into two parts:
1. Why should I containerize my deployment?
I hope by "deployment", you are referring to the backend services that serve your Android application; not the application itself (not sure how one would do that...). Here is a good article.
Containerization is a powerful abstraction that can help you manage both your code and environment. Setting up a container with the correct dependencies, utilities etc., and securing them is a lot of work, as is the case with any server setup. However, once you have packaged everything into a container, you can deploy said container multiple times and build on-top of it. The value of the grunt work that you have done in the past is therefore carried forward in your future deployments; conversely, so are the bugs... Additionally, you can also leverage the Docker ecosystem and build on various community contributions greatly accelerating your workflows.
A possible unintended advantage is also protection against configuration drift. Whenever services fail or your application crashes, you can simply restart your container, and a fresh version of the service will be created again. However, to support these operations, you need to ensure that your containerized service behaves nicely across restarts and fails gracefully. There are many other caveats and advantages that are not listed here; you can find more discussion on Google.
2. Why should I use Kubernetes for my container orchestration?
If you have many containers (think in the order of 100s), then using a single-node solution like Docker/docker-compose to manage them becomes tedious.
If only there was a tool to manage across multiple nodes, implement service discovery between your nodes, have fault tolerance (ie. automatic restarts, backoff policies), do health-checking of your services, manage storage assets, and conveniently expose your containers to the public. That tool is Kubernetes.
Here is a more in-depth intro.
Hope this helps!

Learning to use Kuberentes on one single computer

I'm in the need of learning how to use Kubernetes. I've read the first sentences of a couple of introductory tutorials, and never have found one which explains me, step by step, how to build a simulated real world example on a single computer.
Is Kubernetes by nature so distributed that even the 101-level tutorials can only be performed on clusters?
Or can I learn (execute important examples) the important stuff there is to know by just using my Laptop without needing to use a stack of Raspberry Pi's, AWS or GCP?
The easiest might be minikube.
Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally.
Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your
laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it
For a resource that explains how to use this, try this getting started guide. It runs through an entire example application using a local development environment.
If you are okay with using Google Cloud Platform (I think one gets free credits initially), there is hello-node.
If you want to run the latest and greatest (not necessary stable) and you're using Linux, is also possible to spin up a local cluster on Linux from a cloned copy of the kubernetes sources, using hack/

Should docker image be bundled with code?

We are building a SaaS application. I don't have (for now - for this app) high demands on availability. It's mostly going to be used in a specific time zone and for business purposes only, so scheduled restarting at 3 in the morning shouldn't be a problem at all.
It is an ASP.NET application running in mono with the fastcgi server. Each customer will have - due to security reasons - his own application deployed. This is going to be done using docker containers, with an Nginx server in the front, to distribute the requests based on URL. The possible ways how to deploy it are for me:
Create a docker image with the fcgi server only and run the code from a mount point
Create a docker image with the fcgi server and the code
pros for 1. would seem
It's easier to update the code, since the docker containers can keep running
Configuration can be bundled with the code
I could easily (if I ever wanted to) add minor changes for specific clients
pros for 2. would seem
everything is in an image, no need to mess around with additional files, just pull it and run it
cons for 1.
a lot of folders for a lot of customers additionally to the running containers
cons for 2.
Configuration can't be in the image (or can it? - should i create specific images per customer with their configuration?) => still additional files for each customer
Updating a container is harder since I need to restart it - but not a big deal, as stated in the beginning
For now - the first year - the number of customers will be low and when the demand is low, any solution is good enough. I'm looking rather at - what is going to work with >100 customers.
Also for future I want to set up CI for this project, so we wouldn't need to update all customers instances manually. Docker images can have automated builds but not sure that will be enough.
My concerns are basically - which solution is less messier, maybe easier to automate?
I couldn't find any best practices with docker which cover a similar scenario.
It's likely that your application's dependencies are going to be dependent on the code, so you'll still have to sometimes rebuild the images and restart the containers (whenever you add a new dependency).
This means you would have two upgrade workflows:
One where you update just the code (when there are no dependency changes)
One where you update the images too, and restart the containers (when there are dependency changes)
This is most likely undesirable, because it's difficult to automate.
So, I would recommend bundling the code on the image.
You should definitely make sure that your application's configuration can be stored somewhere else, though (e.g. on a volume, or accessed through through environment variables).
Ultimately, Docker is a platform to package, deploy and run applications, so packaging the application (i.e. bundling the code on the image) seems to be the better way to use it.