Jasper Server logged out when editing a big domain - jasperserver

So my company is using Jasper Server 6 and we are running into this problem of editing a very big domain (lots of tables). If I choose Edit with Domain Designer…, the designer will open up, but as soon as I click any tab (table, or derived table,...), I get the "The connection was reset" error page. On some of our clients, we got kick out of the session and had to login again.
What is the cause of this and how can I fix it? Thanks.

You will need to change the value of maxPostSize of the Connector element in the conf/server.xml file in the Tomcat home directory. The default value is 2MB and you can either increase it or set to "0" or "-1" depending on your version of Tomcat to disable the POST size limit.
Per Jaspersoft Community forum:
Issue Description
A customer was attempting to edit a huge domain, and when browsing through their loadbalancer or proxy the browser would hang, and when bypassing the proxy (hitting JRS directly) the browser would redirect to the login page. Analysis of the jasperserver.log showed an error from CsrfGuard:
error:required token is missing from the request
The error means that the OWASP_CSRFTOKEN is being lost from the http POST which occurs while browsing from one tab to another in the domain designer. From viewing example POSTS of other domains we can see the OWASP_CSRFTOKEN token is one of the last items added to the http POST body. Since there is no proxy or loadbalancer the primary way for the OWASP_CSRFTOKEN to be lost is due to tomcat truncating the end of the POST body due to it's maxPostSize. In Tomcat's server.xml, edit the Connector element, adding a value larger than the total POST size, for example:
<Connector port="8070"
redirectPort="8443" />


Keycloak registration throws HTTP 500 for duplicate email

I know there's an earlier question with this subject here, but the OP never reported if the one answer resolved the issue. And since
Internal Server Error
is about as user-unfriendly as you can get, I would love to change this to something that feels more like "a message" than "an anvil dropped on your foot".
I have found one other SO post that tangentially relates to this issue (about that disappearing "duplicate emails" switch), but the problem is indeed not about whether or not to allow duplicate emails (or how to revive hidden admin controls) but how a very ordinary issue is communicated to the user - well, like how Keycloak notifies the user when they try and register with an existing username.
We're currently using the Docker version of Keycloak 12.0.4 with some customisations (a custom BCrypt module, some logging changes) running in IBM Cloud, using a Postgresql DB. We also added a custom theme & internationalisation. The same error occurs also when using the default Keycloak theme, though.
Here are our Login settings:
It turned out to be a configuration issue, but so deeply hidden that even the Keycloak developer who looked into the ticket I created had glossed over it.
The perpetrator was in menu Configure > Authentication > tab: Flows > choose dropdown: Registration > Profile validation radio button [o REQUIRED | o DISABLED]
This was set to disabled, which in effect prevents the duplicate email check in the registration form that the Realm settings > tab: Login form suggest are active. But then, of course, the database won't like that, with above-mentioned result.
This combination of settings should at least issue a warning, of course. I hope this will be corrected.

Fiddler session Hidden due to FTS>Path

I'm running Fiddler for .Net 4.6.1 v5.0.20202.18177
In the Fiddler options dialog I have "Caputre HTTPS CONNECTs", and "Decrypt HTTPS traffic" enabled"
I have Postman installed on the same machine, with Fiddler set as its proxy. I make a https call to a cloud web service from Postman. I see a session row in Fiddler with a Host of "Tunnel to" that hits the URL of the web service.
If I select Help\Troubleshoot from Fiddler then it also shows the "real" session with the request and response payloads. If I right-click the "real" (filtered) session and select "Comment" then the following is displayed, repeated many times:
"Hidden due to FTS>Path"
I'm trying to prevent this "real" session being filtered. I've checked the filters at the bottom left of the Fiddler screen and none of them match. I don't have the filters tab enabled.
How can I prevent my "real" session from being filtered?
FTS stands for Filter Troubleshooting and "FTS>Path" means that you have a Path filter (i.e. Hide '/xxxxx/') that is filtering the request.
I suspect there's not a lot of room for error here, there can be a vertical scrollbar and unless there is Unicode or symbol trickery, it seems pretty straightforward.
My bad, I did have a filter set, I just couldn't see it because it was off the bottom of the screen. I didn't see a vertical scrollbar but I discovered that filters can be removed by right-clicking their name. So, I right clicked about 30 times in order to remove all filters - then I could see my traced request again.

Difference between "cloning" a request and "replaying" a request?

I'm new to Fiddler and have run across something that seems strange to me. If I select an entry and then click Replay, I get different behavior from when I drag an entry into the Composer window and click Execute.
Should the different behavior between these two methods of re-making a request be different?
Note: I called the second method "cloning" a request because the Composer window says "You can clone a prior request by dragging and dropping a session from the Web Sessions list)."
What is the "different behavior" specifically?
The two operations you describe should behave the same way unless the server returns a redirect or an authentication challenge, in which case preferences will control whether Fiddler automatically authenticates and/or follows the redirect.
Please feel free to email me (Help > Send Feedback) details and/or screenshots of the difference you see.

Redirect to undefined after login to back office in prestashop

I have a problem with prestashop (version: after some problems with domains and database, all configurations connected with them were changed to correct ones (PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL in ps_configuration table are set correctly and the cache and compile folders were cleared and of course database config in settings.inc.php) and the Front Office works fine but after login to Back Office the Back Office's page shows for a second and after that the page is redirect to 404 page - I've noticed that address to which the redirect is set is: admindir/undefined and also I found the source of this redirect: redirect function in js/ajax.js (line 131) (but the real source unfortunately is unknown). Strange thing is that when I moved the system to localhost it works fine.
What do you think, what is the problem?

GWT - gwt.codesvr= tag being removed

I'm working on a GWT application.
I wish to debug the client side Java code.
I start up the application from Eclipse in debug mode.
The app starts in the browser with the gwt.codesvr= set correctly.
I can debug at this stage.
The app then redirects to the a different jsp page.
The gwt.codesvr= parameter in the URL is dropped.
The app uses History.newItem("xx") quite a bit (as described in http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/articles/mvp-architecture.html#history)
The problem is that I can't now debug the client side code.. as the
gwt.codesvr= parameter has been dropped from the URL.
When I attempt to add it back in, the app History handling code runs,
and the parametes is immediately dropped again.
I checked this on another PC and the same behaviour occurs.
I checked in Chrome and IE8 and the same..
What is the solution ?
Thanks A million,
History.newItem() keeps the query string intact (in this case, the ?gwt.codesvr=... part), so these calls shouldn't be the problem here.
You say, that the app redirects to a different jsp page. Find out, how it does that - it may use something like Window.Location.replace(newURL). Make sure, that newURL contains the gwt.codesvr=... part in its query string.
If the server performs a redirect itself (e.g. if it redirects after a POST request), then make sure, that the server adds the query string in the redirect URL. (You will probably have to submit your codeserver URL with the POST parameters in this case - because this is a client-side concept, and the server cannot simply guess it.)