Redirect to undefined after login to back office in prestashop - redirect

I have a problem with prestashop (version: after some problems with domains and database, all configurations connected with them were changed to correct ones (PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL in ps_configuration table are set correctly and the cache and compile folders were cleared and of course database config in and the Front Office works fine but after login to Back Office the Back Office's page shows for a second and after that the page is redirect to 404 page - I've noticed that address to which the redirect is set is: admindir/undefined and also I found the source of this redirect: redirect function in js/ajax.js (line 131) (but the real source unfortunately is unknown). Strange thing is that when I moved the system to localhost it works fine.
What do you think, what is the problem?


Friendly URLs - caching wrong route

I am using ASP.NET Friendly URLs with a C# 4.5.1 website on a Windows 2012 Server with IIS implementation.
(this simply and automatically converts aspx pages into nice URLs - eg - into If a page isn't found the site then falls back to looking for routes. My RouteConfig.cs looks like this...
var settings = new FriendlyUrlSettings();
settings.AutoRedirectMode = RedirectMode.Permanent;
// Firstly Friendly URL's are enabled
// Now a regular root is looked for
routes.MapPageRoute("route1", "{myroute}/{myroutename}", "~/routepage.aspx");
I tried accessing mydomain/testpage when testpage.aspx DIDNT exist. It routed to
I then created testpage.aspx - but now if I try and access mydomain/testpage it still goes to the old route like the page doesn't exist. I've tried restarting the website in IIS, reuploading the RouteConfig.cs file - it still routes wrong.
I've tested on multiple browsers (Chrome & FF on Mac) - all fail. I've tried typing mydomain/testpage.aspx - still routes wrong.
I created a new subdomain for testing - and the page works fine in that.
It's like it's cached somewhere. How can I 'force a refresh' - ie get the newly uploaded page to work?
Ensure you are uploading the bin folder - this fixed it.

404 when post submitted; found when directly called

I have a ColdFusion enabled form (for validation) submitting to a separate page. When this form is submitted it is showing me a 404 on the action page, yet when I directly load the action url into the address bar it shows up (errors appear, but that's ok). This is by far one of the most odd issues I have encountered.
Form page:
Action page:
Even if I try passing the form variables via URL it gives me a 404.
My gut is that there is another service on that machine that is trying to take over the request whenever you submit data and binding it to another webserver...which, of course, it can't find the right page based on it's own webroot.
If you click, it loads fine and returns 200 header with IIS as the server, but if you click it throws a 404, as expected, but it's properly handled with a custom 404 and the header response is still IIS. But if you click, it returns an ApacheSling default 404 and header information saying the server is "Day-Servlet-Engine/4.1.12".
Your page is posting to the page contact_action.cfm ... in your question you indicate that the proper page should be "mailaction.cfm".
If the action page is actually mailaction.cfm then you simply need to change the action attribute of your cfform.

How to redirect to an external url with Selenium, and come back?

I am working in perl with Selenium RC, server version 2.19.0-b09 and I cannot figure out whether it is even possible to redirect to an external URL and come back to my application. I am trying to test Facebook OAuth in my application, which means I have to go to Facebook and come back to my app.
use Test::WWW::Selenium::Catalyst 'MyApp', -selenium_args => 'injectProxyMode -trustAllSSLCertificates -debug -log /home/me/browserlog.txt -firefoxProfileTemplate /home/me/.mozilla/firefox/SeleniumUser.default/';
my $selenium = Test::WWW::Selenium::Catalyst->start({
browser => '*chrome',
The reason I think this is possible at all is because a custom Firefox profile and the -injectProxyMode, *chrome browser and -trustAllSSLCertificates options enable me to post to and see all the redirects in my debug log, but my Remote Control window always disappears after the redirects. I can see the PROXY URL to which Facebook is trying to send me back, e.g., a URL on my own base domain. But it looks like there is no window for it to return to. In multiWindow mode I am left with my application in a Firefox window. In singleWindow mode my tests just end and all the windows close.
I have tried both -singleWindow and -multiWindow mode. I have gotten the list of windows after I make my post to and before all the redirects. I see a single window that is never available to select_window, and it always disappears on the second iteration if I run get_all_window_names in in a while loop: a window with a name like "_e_0RWG".
So, how could I conceivably do what I am trying to accomplish with Selenium? It seems so near and yet so far.

IE9 Error SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised after redirect (plus "only secure content" message)

I love it when something is working in other browsers and then ya fire up IE and it all goes poof.
I'm getting the following error:
SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by[an FB user id]
Here's the workflow:
User goes to canvas app on Facebook. Makes choices on form, form submission goes to app's URL on my domain where quick database work is done and redirects back to the app with user id added as a GET variable, which is used to trigger a user-generated request in Request 2.0 fashion.
Works fine in Firefox. In IE9, I get the "only secure content" error message. IE9 F12 debugger console shows the above "SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by http..." message.
Not sure why it's showing "" as the url it's redirecting from is ""
Again... works fine in Firefox. As per some of the other Q's I've seen here, I tried adding FB._https = (window.location.protocol == "https:"); and FB._https = true to the JavaScript but to no avail.
UPDATE: Ok, removing the GET variable clears up the problem. But I NEED to pass that variable. Is there another way to do it?

GWT - gwt.codesvr= tag being removed

I'm working on a GWT application.
I wish to debug the client side Java code.
I start up the application from Eclipse in debug mode.
The app starts in the browser with the gwt.codesvr= set correctly.
I can debug at this stage.
The app then redirects to the a different jsp page.
The gwt.codesvr= parameter in the URL is dropped.
The app uses History.newItem("xx") quite a bit (as described in
The problem is that I can't now debug the client side code.. as the
gwt.codesvr= parameter has been dropped from the URL.
When I attempt to add it back in, the app History handling code runs,
and the parametes is immediately dropped again.
I checked this on another PC and the same behaviour occurs.
I checked in Chrome and IE8 and the same..
What is the solution ?
Thanks A million,
History.newItem() keeps the query string intact (in this case, the ?gwt.codesvr=... part), so these calls shouldn't be the problem here.
You say, that the app redirects to a different jsp page. Find out, how it does that - it may use something like Window.Location.replace(newURL). Make sure, that newURL contains the gwt.codesvr=... part in its query string.
If the server performs a redirect itself (e.g. if it redirects after a POST request), then make sure, that the server adds the query string in the redirect URL. (You will probably have to submit your codeserver URL with the POST parameters in this case - because this is a client-side concept, and the server cannot simply guess it.)