Can't find "hosted" mode in Theia - theia

I built the IDE with instructions in and it worked.
Then I followed the instructions given in I was able to build one of the Sample plugins but when I go to test it, I am not able to find the "hosted" mode in the IDE I built in #1 -- I looked at "Find Command" and searched for "hosted" with no results
Here is the config info from "Help->About"
#theia/core 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/output 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/process 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/filesystem 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/variable-resolver 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/workspace 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/languages 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/editor 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/navigator 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/markers 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/outline-view 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/monaco 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/callhierarchy 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/typescript 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/terminal 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/json 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/userstorage 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/preferences 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/messages 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/git 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/file-search 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/mini-browser 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/preview 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/merge-conflicts 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/search-in-workspace 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
#theia/textmate-grammars 0.5.0-next.8968ac21
Please let me know if I am missing something.

You should add #theia/plugin-ext to enable Theia plugins or #theia/plugin-ext-vscode to enable VS Code extensions.

Try to add #theia/plugin-dev and #theia/plugin-ext to package.json and try to find the command in web page rather than local IDE.
Which means, you should start another Theia application first. Then press F1 key to find >hosted plugin: start Instance command on http://localhost:3000/.
This will let you select the path of "theia-hello-world-plugin" folder and then open another page http://localhost:3030/.


VSCode Synchronize Error With Output Content in the file is not valid

This is the first time for me to sync the VSCode using the GitHub account. But I experienced an error such as these when I try to sync (after login):
[2022-03-07 17:01:16.719] [settingssync] [info] Using settings sync service
[2022-03-07 17:01:16.719] [settingssync] [info] Auto Sync is disabled.
[2022-03-07 17:04:41.983] [settingssync] [info] Did reset the local sync state.
[2022-03-07 17:04:43.688] [settingssync] [error] LocalInvalidContent (UserDataSyncError) syncResource:keybindings operationId:unknown: Unable to sync keybindings because the content in the file is not valid. Please open the file and correct it.
at y.generateSyncPreview (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
at async y.doGenerateSyncResourcePreview (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
[2022-03-07 17:04:43.693] [settingssync] [info] Settings: Stopped synchronizing settings.
[2022-03-07 17:04:43.697] [settingssync] [info] Did reset the local sync state.
Do you have any idea for me what to do? Because the explanation is unclear. I have tried to click while holding CMD on the path and create a new file but it is not working. Thank you
In my case, was a missed ] in ~/.config/Code/User/keybindings.json. I was noticed all the json files in this folder must be reviewed to be correct jsons.
You must have some syntactial error in your settings.json file. If dont find any error or dont understand JSON file, please go to & peste your settings files json text & validate.

AWS CDK not deploying API Gateway change (EDGE to REGIONAL)

I'm experimenting with AWS CDK by converting a console-developed application (just API Gateway and Lambdas for now). All is well--I can hit the API's resources and methods and the appropriate lambdas get executed.
I'm trying to understand what triggers a deployment (and what doesn't). For example, if I try to change the API's endpoint type from the default (EDGE) to REGIONAL:
const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, "cy-max-api", {
restApiName: "CY Max Service",
description: "CDK version of Max AWS demo app.",
endpointConfiguration: [EndpointType.REGIONAL] // <-- add only this line and deploy
and deploy (cdk deploy), nothing is deployed (I checked the logs, console says no stack changes). I even tried forcing the deploy (cdk deploy -f)--no joy.
I suspect this is the expected behavior, but would like to understand why this change doesn't trigger a deploy (and what would be necessary to force one).
Update based on response by #balu-vyamajala (thanks for taking the time to test it).
I am using version 1.82.0 of the CDK. Here's the result of cdk diff when the only change is adding the endpointConfiguration line:
Stack CyMaxStack
[-] AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0186ed2bffe1dbc3004a8457d0ce5eb28 destroy
[+] AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment CyMax/cy-max-api/Deployment CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0cd62c1e6cd1229987f977199cc5906ea
[~] AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi CyMax/cy-max-api CyMaxcymaxapi48ECF39D
└─ [+] EndpointConfiguration
└─ {}
[~] AWS::ApiGateway::Stage CyMax/cy-max-api/ CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentStageprod5291AAF0
└─ [~] DeploymentId
└─ [~] .Ref:
├─ [-] CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0186ed2bffe1dbc3004a8457d0ce5eb28
└─ [+] CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0cd62c1e6cd1229987f977199cc5906ea
and here's what cdk deploy says:
CyMaxStack: deploying...
[0%] start: Publishing 6280a7c7fbc87dd62aeb85e098d6de2f0b644eea442dcbfc67063a56c08ce151:current
[100%] success: Published 6280a7c7fbc87dd62aeb85e098d6de2f0b644eea442dcbfc67063a56c08ce151:current
CyMaxStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
[█████████████████████████████·····························] (5/10)
✅ CyMaxStack
CyMaxStack.CyMaxcymaxapiEndpoint52D905B0 = URL...
Stack ARN: ARN...
When I check the console the API has not been updated to REGIONAL. Also, endpointConfiguration is either missing, or {} in cdk.out/tree.json. I never see {REGIONAL} in that file.
I am guessing you are asking about update to AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment which doesn't automatically happen and cdk generates a hash of methods and resources to append to resource name to force deployment.
But in your case, EndpointConfiguration is a property of AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi which is directly referred in AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment. Irrespective of any other changes, it must trigger a new Deployment.
which version of cdk you are using?
I just tested it with 1.80.0, it did trigger a change in three resources AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment, AWS::ApiGateway::Stage and AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi.
Please try cdk synth and observe generated CloudFormation for resource AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi before and after compiling your change

unable to import sample Data into Apache atlas

I have installed Apache atlas using docker with the help of the below URL
Now while importing sample data into to apache atlas using the below command,
bash-4.4# ./apache-atlas/bin/ http://localhost:21000/
it is throwing the below error
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.atlas.AtlasServiceException: Metadata service API org.apache.atlas.AtlasClientV2$API_V2#30f842ca failed with status 403 (Forbidden) Response Body ({"errorCode":"ATLAS-403-00-001","errorMessage":"bird is not authorized to perform create classification-def Dimension"})
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPIWithResource(
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPIWithResource(
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPI(
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasClientV2.createAtlasTypeDefs(
at org.apache.atlas.examples.QuickStartV2.createTypes(
at org.apache.atlas.examples.QuickStartV2.runQuickstart(
at org.apache.atlas.examples.QuickStartV2.main(
No sample data added to Apache Atlas Server.
below is the total log for your reference.
./bin/apache-atlas/bin/ http://localhost:21000/
log4j:WARN No such property [maxFileSize] in org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout.
log4j:WARN No such property [maxBackupIndex] in org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout.
log4j:WARN No such property [maxFileSize] in org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout.
log4j:WARN No such property [maxBackupIndex] in org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout.
log4j:WARN No such property [maxFileSize] in org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout.
Enter username for atlas :- bird
Enter password for atlas :-
Creating sample types:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.atlas.AtlasServiceException: Metadata service API org.apache.atlas.AtlasClientV2$API_V2#30f842ca failed with status 403 (Forbidden) Response Body ({"errorCode":"ATLAS-403-00-001","errorMessage":"bird is not authorized to perform create classification-def Dimension"})
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPIWithResource(
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPIWithResource(
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasBaseClient.callAPI(
at org.apache.atlas.AtlasClientV2.createAtlasTypeDefs(
at org.apache.atlas.examples.QuickStartV2.createTypes(
at org.apache.atlas.examples.QuickStartV2.runQuickstart(
at org.apache.atlas.examples.QuickStartV2.main(
No sample data added to Apache Atlas Server.
JFI, bird is admin user group user and i have also tried with DATA_STEWARD and DATA_SCIENTIST user groups but the result is same.
The user has to use the existing username and password to import Data into APACHE-ATLAS.
Default Username : admin (case sensitive)
Password : admin
Once you install the Apache Atlas, first check the Zookeeper server status and do not change the any user configurations.
Thanks for your help

ATG:Error while baseline indexing- Unable to process any CSF calls as the Credential Store server is not enabled

I am getting the following error while doing baseline index of my Endeca application in ATG
15:26:47,891 ERROR [] (Thread-201) Unable to process any CSF calls as the Credential Store server i
s not enabled. Please check log for more details
15:26:47,913 INFO [] (Thread-201) Starting bulk load
15:26:47,915 INFO [nucleusNamespace.atg.commerce.endeca.index.CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig] (index-/atg/commerce/endeca/index/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin) Fa
iled to cancel incremental load of /atg/commerce/endeca/index/CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig, probably because no bulk load was running.
15:26:47,916 INFO [nucleusNamespace.atg.endeca.index.ConfigImportDocumentSubmitter] (Thread-203) Opening configuration repository connection for application logistore
15:26:47,917 ERROR [] (Thread-203) Unable to process any CSF calls as the Credential Store server i
s not enabled. Please check log for more details
15:26:47,916 INFO [] (index-/atg/commerce/endeca/index/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin) Failed to can
cel incremental load of /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig, probably because no bulk load was running.
15:26:47,917 INFO [] (index-/atg/commerce/endeca/index/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin) Failed to canc
el incremental load of /atg/commerce/search/StoreLocationOutputConfig, probably because no bulk load was running.
15:26:47,919 INFO [nucleusNamespace.atg.endeca.index.ConfigImportDocumentSubmitter] (Thread-199) Opening configuration repository connection for application logistore
15:26:47,919 ERROR [] (Thread-199) Unable to process any CSF calls as the Credential Store server i
s not enabled. Please check log for more details
15:26:47,919 INFO [nucleusNamespace.atg.commerce.endeca.index.ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin] (Thread-203) Indexing process cancelled, Endeca says: Could not retri
eve workbench credential properties from credential store.
15:26:47,919 INFO [nucleusNamespace.atg.endeca.index.ConfigImportDocumentSubmitter] (Thread-207) Opening configuration repository connection for application logistore
15:26:47,920 ERROR [] (Thread-207) Unable to process any CSF calls as the Credential Store server i
s not enabled. Please check log for more details
15:26:47,921 INFO [nucleusNamespace.atg.commerce.endeca.index.ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin] (Thread-207) Indexing process cancelled, Endeca says: Could not retri
eve workbench credential properties from credential store.
After doing extensive research I found that C:\ATG\ATG11.2\home\servers\atg_production_lockserver\localconfig\atg\dynamo\server\ has path for jps-config.xml ie
This jps-config.xml has some CSF related configuration.
How can I get rid of this error for successful baseline indexing.
I am stuck on this part.
This happens if you change the default workbench password. Simple solution would be, change Endeca experience manager password back to admin and try.
Otherwise, password needs to be changed in multiple places.
Ajay Agrawal
Go to the OPSSInitializer component in dyn admin and check whether the path for jps-config.xml specified is correct there. If not, correct the path.

Supervisord log file is not created in given path

I have the following in my supervisord configuration:
command=node server.js
I don't see log files being created in /logs directory. I see that temporary log files are created in /tmp/nodejs_some_random_string.log. What am I am missing in order to have log files created properly as specified in the configuration?
supervisord has no configuration key with stderr_outfile - check out child-process-logs
use stdout_logfile or stderr_logfile
Try like this:
command=node server.js
see example configuration