SystemVerilog error in multiplexing channels : nonconstant index into instance array - system-verilog

I'm designing a module that accepts multiple channels and outputs one channel.
Each channel consists of valid signal and data of some widths.
If a channel has valid data, the module should output that channel. If multiple channels have valid data, the module should output one of them (in my case, channel with highest index) and rests are dropped.
My simple implementation looks like this:
module test1 #(
parameter NUM_CHANNEL = 8,
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 512
) (
input logic [DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] data_in [NUM_CHANNEL],
input logic valid_in [NUM_CHANNEL],
output logic [DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] data_out,
output logic valid_out
always_comb begin
valid_out = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNEL; ++i) begin
if (valid_in[i]) begin
valid_out = 1;
data_out = data_in[i];
This works perfectly in both simulation and real circuit (FPGA).
However, channel can be complex type so I used interface like this:
interface channel #(
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 512
logic valid;
logic [DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] data;
modport in (
input valid,
input data
modport out (
output valid,
output data
endinterface // sub_csr_if
module test #(
parameter NUM_CHANNEL = 8,
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 512
) ( in[NUM_CHANNEL],
channel.out out
always_comb begin
out.valid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNEL; ++i) begin
if (in[i].valid) begin
out.valid = 1; = in[i].data;
Then, this code gets Nonconstant index into instance array 'sub_port'. error in ModelSim, and i is not a constant error in Quartus.
If I unroll the loop, it works but it becomes non-parametric code. (only works for fixed NUM_CHANNEL)
Why the latter one does not work, while the first one works flawlessly?

An array of instances (module or interface) is not a true array type. As your error message indicates, you cannot select a particular instance with a variable index. With a true array, every element is identical. Because of the way parameterization, defparam, and port connections work, each instance element could have differences. The elaboration process essentially flattens all hierarchy before simulation begins.
What you can do is use a generate construct to select your instance as follows
module test #(
parameter NUM_CHANNEL = 8,
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 512
) ( in[NUM_CHANNEL],
channel.out out
logic _valid[NUM_CHANNEL];
logic [DATA_WIDTH - 1 : 0] _data[NUM_CHANNEL];
for (genvar ii=0;ii<NUM_CHANNEL;ii++) begin
assign _valid[ii] = in[ii].valid;
assign _data[ii] = in[ii].data;
always_comb begin
out.valid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNEL; ++i) begin
if (_valid[i]) begin
out.valid = 1; = _data[i];


2D arrays: A net is not a legal lvalue in this context [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Compilation error: A net is not a legal lvalue in this context
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question last year and left it closed:
Original close reason(s) were not resolved
I am looking to create a FIFO using a 2D array (P_MDIM is the width of each vector, P_NDIM is the depth of the array/memory to store these vectors).
I am having trouble with the above error message on many spots in my code (assigning to out, full, and empty).
I don't know why it occurs. I thought my array ("memory") would be a 2D array of reg (not nets). Below is my full code:
module fifo( signal, enqueue, dequeue, clk, out, full, empty );
//depth of the memory
parameter P_NDIM = 16;
//width of each memory cell(in bits)
parameter P_MDIM = 16;
input [P_MDIM - 1:0] signal;
input enqueue;
input dequeue;
input clk;
output [P_MDIM - 1:0] out;
output full;
output empty;
logic [P_MDIM - 1:0] [P_NDIM - 1:0] memory = 0;
integer enqueue_pos = 0;
integer i = 0;
always #(posedge clk) begin
//enqueue data
if(enqueue) begin
//checking if memory is full
if(enqueue_pos == P_NDIM - 1) begin
$display("data not entered, memory full");
//add signal into memory
else begin
memory[enqueue_pos][P_MDIM-1:0] = signal;
enqueue_pos <= enqueue_pos + 1;
end//if enqueue
//dequeue data
if(dequeue) begin
//checking if memory is empty
if(enqueue_pos == 0) begin
$display("no data to dequeue, memory empty");
out[P_MDIM-1:0] = 0;
//output signal from memory, shift memory
else begin
out = memory[0][P_MDIM - 1:0];
enqueue_pos <= enqueue_pos - 1;
for(i = 0; i <= P_NDIM - 2; i = i + 1) begin
memory[i][P_MDIM-1:0] = memory[i + 1][P_NDIM-1:0];
end//if dequeue
//check full and empty
full = (enqueue_pos == P_NDIM-1 ? 1'b0 : 1'b1);
empty = (enqueue_pos == 0 ? 1'b0 : 1'b1);
You declared out as a net type, but then you assigned to it inside a procedural always block. Signals assigned in a procedural block should be declared as logic:
output [P_MDIM - 1:0] out;
output full;
output empty;
output logic [P_MDIM - 1:0] out;
output logic full;
output logic empty;
Unrelated to the error, in your always block, you are using a mixture of blocking (=) and nonblocking (<=) assignments. They should all be nonblocking.

How do I vary the lower index of a variable assignment?

I want to make an assignment to a variable with a variable lower index. This is what I want to do:
int i;
logic [63:0] data;
i = someCalculatedNumber;
data[63:(i*8)] = 'h0;
I know this won't compile. What is the best method to make this assignment?
If you are looking to zero-out the LSBs, then this should do it for you
data &= '1 << i*8;
or more readable
data = data & ('1 << i*8);
And if that's not exactly what you need, you can still use '1 << i*8 or its complement as a mask to select the portion of data you want to modify.
One way is to use a for loop:
module tb;
int i;
logic [63:0] data;
initial begin
data = '1;
i = 7;
for (int j=63; j>=(i*8); j--) data[j] = 0;
i = 2;
for (int j=63; j>=(i*8); j--) data[j] = 0;
You can wrap the code in a function.

Unpacking a vector into an array of a certain bit width

Suppose I have a vector of bits. I'd like to convert it into an array of n bit values, where n is a variable (not a parameter). Can I achieve this using the streaming operators? I tried this (right now I'm just trying a value of 3, but eventually '3' should be variable):
module tb;
bit [51:0] vector = 'b111_110_101_100_011_010_001_000;
byte vector_byte[];
initial begin
vector_byte = {<<3{vector}};
$display("%0d = %0b", i, vector_byte[i]);
What I was expecting was:
vector_byte = '{'b000, 'b001, 'b010 ... 'b111};
However, the output I got was:
# vsim -voptargs=+acc=npr
# run -all
# 00000000000000000000000000000000111110101100011010001000
# 0 = 101
# 1 = 111001
# 2 = 1110111
# 3 = 0
# 4 = 0
# 5 = 0
# 6 = 0
# exit
Am I just using the streaming operators wrong?
The streaming operators only work with contiguous streams. You need 5'b00000 inserted into each byte.
module tb;
bit [51:0] vector = 'b111_110_101_100_011_010_001_000;
int W = 3;
byte vector_byte[];
initial begin
vector_byte = new[$bits(vector)/3];
foreach(vector_byte[i]) begin
vector_byte[i] = vector[i*W+:8] & (1<<W)-1; // mask W is in range 1-8
$display("%0d = %0b", i, vector_byte[i]);

System Verilog Generate - Unable to access local busses in previous loops using $size

enter image description here
I am trying to implement a OR tree using specific cell type CKOR2 in stages.
The stage is in a generate loop. I need to access the previous loops output bus width in the current loop to determine the width and define the output bus of the current stage.
I get errors on the line using $size
module test ( A, o );
parameter WIDTH = 9 ;
input [WIDTH-1:0] A;
output o;
localparam NUM_OR_STAGES = $clog2(WIDTH) ;
genvar i;
for (i=0; i < NUM_OR_STAGES; i=i+1) begin: OR
localparam j=i-1;
if ( i == 0 ) begin
localparam width = WIDTH;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] stgout;
assign stgout = A;
else begin
localparam width = $size( OR[i-1].stgout ) ;
localparam width_div2 = width/2;
localparam offset = ( width % 2);
wire [width_div2-1:0] stgo;
wire [width_div2+offset-1:0] stgout;
CKOR2 u_ckor[width_div2-1:0] ( .o(stgo), .i0(OR[i-1].stgout[width-1:width-width_div2]), .i1(OR[i-1].stgout[width-width_div2-1:width-2*width_div2]));
if ( offset )
assign stgout = { stgo,OR[i-1].stgout[0] };
assign stgout = stgo;
assign o = OR[NUM_OR_STAGES -1].stgout;
Your problem is stgout[0] is declared inside an unnamed begin/end block, and you can't access it from outside the block. This is also a problem for the CKOR2 port connections. Naming the blocks would not solve your problem because you would have to switch between referencing the i==0 branch when i is 1, and the other branch when i!=1. Better to move the declarations outside the if/else branches. I didn't test the math, but this should get you close:
module test ( A, o );
parameter WIDTH = 9 ;
input [WIDTH-1:0] A;
output o;
localparam NUM_OR_STAGES = $clog2(WIDTH) ;
genvar i;
for (i=0; i < NUM_OR_STAGES; i=i+1) begin: OR
localparam width = WIDTH*2/(i+1);
localparam width_div2 = width/2;
localparam offset = ( width % 2);
wire [width_div2+offset-1:0] stgout;
if ( i == 0 ) begin
assign stgout = A;
end else begin
wire [width_div2-1:0] stgo;
CKOR2 u_ckor[width_div2-1:0] ( .o(stgo), .i0(OR[i-1].stgout[width-1:width-width_div2]), .i1(OR[i-1].stgout[width-width_div2-1:width-2*width_div2]));
if ( offset )
assign stgout = { stgo,OR[i-1].stgout[0] };
assign stgout = stgo;
assign o = OR[NUM_OR_STAGES -1].stgout;

NBA assignment of $urandom

Can $urandom be NBA assigned in a for loop to an unpacked array of variables?
module tb();
logic clk [2];
initial clk[0] = 0;
always clk[0] = #1ns !clk[0];
for (genvar i = 1; i < 2; i++)
assign #(1ns/2) clk[i] = clk[i-1];
int tmp [2] [8];
always # (posedge clk[0]) begin
foreach (tmp[0][i]) begin
/*int m;
m = $urandom(); // SECTION 1 - using this code works (commenting out SECTION 2)
tmp[0][i] <= m;*/
tmp[0][i] <= $urandom(); // SECTION 2
foreach (tmp[0][i]) begin
$display("%1d", tmp[0][i]);
for (genvar i = 1; i < 2; i++) begin
always_ff # (posedge clk[i]) begin
tmp[i] <= tmp[i-1]; // SECTION 3 (just removing this works too)
Using Cadence tools (xrun 17.09-v002), I get all 8 of tmp[0] ints assigned the same value.
Can someone confirm whether this code is legal?
I have spoken to Cadence and been told this:
R&D’s response.
This use model of having $urandom call inside a non-blocking assignment is wrong.
The scheduling semantics of System Verilog dictates that the RHS is calculated and sampled once in the "inactive region" and then in the "NBA region" it's assigned the ALL of the elements of the foreach at the same time!
There is no difference in calling $urandom in a procedural loop versus serially calling $urandom multiple times. Your code gives the desired results in several tools, including Cadence's on Perhaps you are not showing is part of your problem. It always helps to show an MCVE, like
module top;
int tmp [2] [8];
bit clk;
initial begin
#1 clk=1;
#1 $display("%p",
always # (posedge clk) begin
foreach (tmp[,i]) begin
tmp[0][i] <= $urandom();