Using Block class on viewportlayout in devDept.Eyeshot - range

I loaded a cadfile in which a lot of lines are drawn. I want to make a rectangle region, using 4 vertices(X, Y Coordinate value) so that I can click the region not just one point.
I found Block class in devDept.Eyshot but I don't know how to use it. Please give any ideas or c# code example for me.

You don't need block to do that. You used the correct word and that is Region. A Region is a visual entity that has many vertices. It's technically a polygon. If you want you can use the simple method :
var width = 10d;
var height = 10d;
var region = devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region.CreateRectangle(width, height, true);
When you use the method to get the entities under mouse, the whole surface of the region is taken into account. It works perfectly


If I have 4 coordinates making a rectangle, how can I color in that area?

I have 4 coordinates assigned to variables, so I would just like to colour in the rectangle that is created from these variables. I tried the fill function, but I cant gather much information from the example.
When I try to use:
fill(bottom left point, top right point,'g')
the figure it makes only shows a line between those points, and doesn't colour in the entire area.
I'm using MATLAB R2019b, if that helps.
Also, if its possible to fill the rectangle with a pattern instead, please let me know aswell.
Thanks in advance

Where did the drawBackground hook go? Or why is my last point the wrong color

To try and solve this problem, I started looking into writing a plugin for flot to do what I needed. It looked surprisingly straight-forward, but I have run into a minor snag. I First used the draw hook to draw my axis (note: I'm aware this code needs some error checking to make sure the origin isn't off the chart)
function draw(plot, ctx) {
var offset = plot.getPlotOffset();
var origin = plot.pointOffset({ x: 0, y: 0 });
ctx.lineTo(plot.width() + offset.left,;
ctx.lineTo(origin.left, plot.height() +;
And this works, with 2 small snags. The first and most important is that for some reason it makes the very last point of my data series change color! See here:
The point in the upper right-hand corner has turned black. By stepping through the code I can observe that this only happens when the axes are drawn. Before my draw code is called, the point is the correct color. So I think it has something to do with the drawing on the first "stroke". For some reason it seems to then apply the black color to the last point. Any idea on how to fix this?
The second problem is that this code is called only after flot has draw everything else (including the data points) which means that my lines appear on top of points instead of underneath them. This is only a problem for those two points that are very close to the vertical axis. Looking at the flot documentation, it mentions a drawBackground hook, but this doesn't seem to actually exist. I tried using it and it complained the drawBackground was null. So what happened? And is there a better place to hook into and draw my axes? I want to draw after flot has worked out the size of the plot area and before it draws the first series of data points.
What's currently on the website API documentation does not match the newest released version (0.7). In order to use the backgroundDraw hook, you'll need a newer version of flot, directly from their github repository. The newest version is fine, but anything after this commit would be workable.

Determine/Save the position of text in matlab

I plotted few points using scatter and then label them using text. The position of these labels are same as the position of the points + some offset. Some of these text label overlap with each other and hence I moved them interactively (using mouse). I can check the new position of each of these text individually using property editor. However this is very time-consuming. Is there a better way to get the coordinates of all these text-label?
You can use findobj to get handles to text objects that are children of the current axes (or another handle... your choice):
text_handles = findobj('parent',gca,'type','text');
Then you can get the positions of these text objects:
positions = get(text_handles,'position');
You may need to do a bit more work to associate each text object with its data point - I suggest taking advantage of the property system, perhaps via the UserData field, for this, though there are many options.
If you want to do it easily later do this in your plots, for example:
This will put "MyText" at position 2.9, and 7.5.
Then to change the position use:
set(h,'Position',[2.5 7]);
This will change the position to 2.5 and 7.
Later if you need to see tthe position of text again use:
Hope this helps.

Annotating points on line graph with JFreeChart?

I'm using JFreeChart to make a line graph. There are some points that I want to mark, or annotate, with circles of different sizes. I tried ShapeAnnotation, but even after I addAnnotation, it's not visible. I was able to make a pointer annotation, though.
Here's the relevant code:
XYShapeAnnotation annotation = new XYShapeAnnotation(new Ellipse2D.Float(100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f), new BasicStroke(1.0f),;
XYPointerAnnotation pointer = new XYPointerAnnotation("arrow", 0.5,0.5,0.0);
xyDataset.addSeries(series1); //
xyDataset.addSeries(series2); // random lists of numbers
xyDataset.addSeries(series3); //
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart ("XYLine Chart using JFreeChart","Age","Weight",xyDataset,PlotOrientation.VERTICAL,true,true,false);
I think I should have more code to make the ellipse annotation visible because I never specified coordinates like I did with the pointer. I went through the JFreeChart API and couldn't find it. Help?
It's hard to say why your XYShapeAnnotation fails without seeing your data; an sscce would help. As a starting point, you might look at the examples here and here for comparison.

MATLAB: impoint getPosition strange behaviour

I have a question about the values returned by getPosition. Below is my code. It lets the user set 10 points on a given image:
figure ,imshow(im);
pointArray = cell(1,10);
% Construct boundary constraint function
fcn = makeConstrainToRectFcn('impoint',get(gca,'XLim'),get(gca,'YLim'));
for i = 1:10
p = impoint(gca);
% Enforce boundary constraint function using setPositionConstraintFcn
When I start to set points on the image I get results like [675.000 538.000], which means that the x part of the coordinate is 675 and the y part is 538, right? This is what the MATLAB documentation says, but since the image is 576*120 (as displayed in the window) this is not logical.
It seemed to me like, somehow, getPosition returns the y coordinate first. I need some clarification on this.
Thanks for help
I just tried running your code in MATLAB 7.8.0 (R2009a) and had no problems with image sizes of either 576-by-120 or 120-by-576 (I was unsure which orientation you were using). If I left click inside the image, it places a new movable point. It did not allow me to place any points outside the image.
One small bug I found was that if you left-click in the image, then drag the mouse pointer outside the image while still holding the left button down, it will place the movable point outside the image and won't display it, displaying a set of coordinates that are not clipped to the axes rectangle.
I'm not sure of what could be your problem. Perhaps it's a bug with whatever MATLAB version you are using. I would suggest either restarting MATLAB, or clearing all variables from the workspace (except for the image data im).
Might be worth checking to see which renderer you are using (Painter or OpenGL), a colleague showed me some wierd behaviour with point picking when using the OpenGL renderer which went away when using the Painter renderer.
Your code uses the Image Processing Toolbox, which I don't have, so this is speculation. The coordinate system is probably set to the figure window (or maybe even the screen), not the image.
To test this, try clicking points outside the image to see if you can find the origin.