Search and replace a string in PowerShell - powershell

I need to search and replace values in a file using the values from another file. For example, A.txt has a string with a value LICENSE_KEY_LOC=test_lic and B.txt contains the string LICENSE_KEY_LOC= or some value in it. Now I need to replace the complete string in B.txt with the value from A.txt. I tried the following but for some reason it does not work.
$filename = "C:\temp\A.txt"
Get-Content $filename | ForEach-Object {
$val = $_
$var = $_.Split("=")[0]
$var1 = Write-Host $var'='
$_ -replace "$var1", "$val"
} | Set-Content C:\temp\B.txt

You may use the following, which assumes LICENSE_KEY_LOC=string is on a line by itself in the file and only exists once:
$filename = Get-Content "c:\temp\A.txt"
$replace = ($filename | Select-String -pattern "(?<=^LICENSE_KEY_LOC=).*$").matches.value
(Get-Content B.txt) -replace "(?<=^LICENSE_KEY_LOC=).*$","$replace" | Set-Content "c:\temp\B.txt"
For updating multiple single keys/fields in a file, you can use an array and loop through each element by updating the $Keys array:
$filename = Get-Content "c:\temp\A.txt"
ForEach ($Key in $Keys) {
$replace = ($filename | Select-String -pattern "(?<=^$Key=).*$").matches.value
(Get-Content "c:\temp\B.txt") -replace "(?<=^$Key=).*$","$replace" | Set-Content "c:\temp\B.txt"
You can put this into a function as well to make it more modular:
Function Update-Fields {
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
$filename = Get-Content $SourcePath
ForEach ($Key in $Fields) {
$replace = ($filename | Select-String -pattern "(?<=^$Key=).*$").matches.value
(Get-Content $DestinationPath) -replace "(?<=^$Key=).*$","$replace" | Set-Content $DestinationPath
Update-Fields -S c:\temp\a.txt -D c:\temp\b.txt -Fields "LICENSE_KEY_LOC","DB_UName","DB_PASSWD"
Explanation - Variables and Regex:
$replace contains the result of a string selection that matches a regex pattern. This is a case-insensitive match, but you can make it case-sensitive using -CaseSensitive parameter in the Select-String command.
(?<=^LICENSE_KEY_LOC=): Performs a positive lookbehind regex (non-capturing) of the string LICENSE_KEY_LOC= at the beginning of a line.
(?<=) is a positive lookbehind mechanism of regex
^ marks the beginning of the string on each line
LICENSE_KEY_LOC= is a string literal of the text
.*$: Matches all characters except newline and carriage return until the end of the string on each line
.* matches zero or more characters except newline and carriage return because we did not specify single line mode.
$ marks the end of the string on each line
-replace "(?<=^LICENSE_KEY_LOC=).*$","$replace" is the replace operator that does a regex match (first set of double quotes) and replaces the contents of that match with other strings or part of the regex capture (second set of double quotes).
"$replace" becomes the value of the $replace variable since we used double quotes. If we had used single quotes around the variable, then the replacement string would be literally $replace.
Get-Content "c:\temp\A.txt" gets the contents of the file A.txt. It reads each line as a [string] and stores each line in an [array] object.
Explanation - Function:
$SourcePath represents the path to the source file that you want to read. I added alias S so that -S switch could be used when running the command. It validates that the path exists ({Test-Path $_}) before executing any changes to the files.
$DestinationPath represents the path to the source file that you want to read. I added alias D so that -D switch could be used when running the command. It validates that the path exists ({Test-Path $_}) before executing any changes to the files.
$Fields is a string array. You can input a single string or multiple strings in an array format (#("string1","string2") or "string1","string2"). You can create a variable that contains the string array and then just use the variable as the parameter value like -Fields $MyArray.


Replace a non-unique line of text under a unique line of text in a text file using powershell

I have the following txt file.
How do I change the Enable=0 to Enable=1 under [CleanWipe] only?
Below is how I plan on using the code with my file.
$Path = C:\temp\file.txt
$File = Get-Content -Path $Path
# Code to update file
$File | Out-File $Path
You can use -replace to update the value if it is 0.
$Path = C:\temp\file.txt
(Get-Content $Path -Raw) -replace "(?<text>\[CleanWipe\]\r?\nEnable=)0",'${text}1' |
Set-Content $Path
Using a module that parses INI files will be the best solution though. I'd recommend trying PsIni.
The -Raw switch reads the file contents as a single string. This makes it easier to work with newline characters.
-replace performs a regex match and then replace. Below is the regex match breakdown.
(?<text>) is a named capture group. Anything matched within that capture group can be recalled in the replace string as '${text}'.
\[CleanWipe\] is a literal match of [CleanWipe] while escaping the [] characters with \.
\r? is optional carriage return
\n is the newline character
Enable= is a literal match
0 is a literal match
The replace string is the capture group contents and 1 when a match exists. Technically, a capture group is not needed if you want to use a positive lookbehind instead. The positive lookbehind assertion is (?<=). That solution would look like the following:
$Path = C:\temp\file.txt
(Get-Content $Path -Raw) -replace "(?<=\[CleanWipe\]\r?\nEnable=)0",'1' |
Set-Content $Path
The problem with the -replace solutions as they written is they will update the file regardless of a change actually being made to the contents. You would need to add an extra comparison to prevent that. Other issues could be extra white space on any of these lines. You can account for that by adding \s* where you think those possibilities may exist.
Alternative With More Steps:
$file = Get-Content $Path
$TargetIndex = $file.IndexOf('[CleanWipe]') + 1
if ($file[$TargetIndex] -match 'Enable=0') {
$file[$TargetIndex] = 'Enable=1'
$file | Set-Content $Path
This solution will only update the file if it meets the match condition. It uses the array method IndexOf() to determine where [CleanWipe] is. Then assumes the line you want to change is in the next index.
IndexOf() is not the only way to find an index. The method requires that your line match the string exactly. You can use Select-String (case-insensitive by default) to return a line number. Since it will be a line number and not an index (indexes start at 0 while line numbers start at 1), it will invariably be the index number you want.
$file = Get-Content $Path
$TargetIndex = ($file | Select-String -Pattern '[CleanWipe]' -SimpleMatch).LineNumber
if ($file[$TargetIndex] -match 'Enable=0') {
$file[$TargetIndex] = 'Enable=1'
$file | Set-Content $Path

Change pipe delimited file to comma delimited in Powershell

I have a pipe delimited .TXT file. I need to change the delimiter to a comma instead but still keep the file extension as .TXT. The file looks like this:
Column 1 |Column 2
I am using Windows Powershell 5.1 version for my script.
I am using the following code:
$file = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -Arg "c:\file.txt"
$outstream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "c:\out.txt"
while ($line = $file.ReadLine()) {
$s = $line -replace '|', ','
Instead of just replacing the pipe with a comma, the output file looks like this:
C,o,l,u,m,n, 1 , |,C,o,l,u,m,n, 2
The only problem with your answer is in how you try to replace the | characters in the input:
$s = $line -replace '|', ',' # WRONG
PowerShell's -replace operator expects a regex (regular expression) as its first RHS operand, and | is a regex metacharacter (has special meaning)[1]; to use it as a literal character, you must \-escape it:
# '\'-escape regex metacharacter '|' to treat it literally.
$s = $line -replace '\|', ','
While PowerShell's -replace operator is very flexible, in simple cases such as this one you can alternatively use the [string] type's .Replace() method, which performs literal string replacements and therefore doesn't require escaping (it's also faster than -replace):
# Use literal string replacement.
# Note: .Replace() is case-*sensitive*, unlike -replace
$s = $line.Replace('|', ',')
[1] | denotes an alternation in a regex, meaning that the subexpressions on either side are matched against the input string and one of them matching is sufficient; if your full regex is just |, it effectively matches the empty string before and after each character in the input, which explains your symptom; e.g., 'foo' -replace '|', '#' yields #f#o#o#
You can use Import-Csv and Export-Csv by specifying the -Delimiter.
Import-Csv -Delimiter '|' -Path "c:\file.txt" | Export-Csv -Delimiter ',' -Path "c:\file.txt" -NoTypeInformation
You will find the -split and -join operators to be of interest.
Get-Content -Path "C:\File.TXT" | ForEach-Object { ($_ -split "\|") -join "," } | Set-Content -Path "C:\Out.TXT"

Using regex in a key/value lookup table in powershell?

I am creating the below script to search through and replace data in a set of files. The problem I'm running into is I need to ONLY match if it's the beginning of the line, and I'm not sure how/where would I use regex in the below example (e.g. ^A, ^B) when doing the comparison? I tried putting the caret in front of the name values in the table, but that didn't work...
$lookupTable = #{
Get-ChildItem 'c:\windows\system32\dns' -Filter *.dns |
Foreach-Object {
$file = $_
Write-Host "$file"
(Get-Content -Path $file -Raw) | ForEach-Object {
$line = $_
$lookupTable.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$line = $line -replace $_.Name, $_.Value
} | Set-Content -Path $file
The -replace operator accepts Regex. Just $line = $line -replace "^$($_.Name)", "$_.Value".
the way that regex works makes getting a proper "start of line" marker into the regex pattern along with the $VarName a tad iffy. so i broke it out into it's own line and used the -f string format operator to build the regex pattern.
then i used the way that -replace works on an array of strings that one usually gets from Get-Content to work on the whole array at each pass.
note that the strings have lower case items where they otta be replaced, and uppercase items where the item should NOT be replaced. [grin]
$LookUpTable = #{
A = 'Wizbang Shadooby'
Z = '666 is the number of the beast'
$LineList = #(
'a sdfq A er Z xcv'
'qwertyuiop A'
'z xcvbnm'
'z A xcvbnm'
'qwertyuiop Z'
$LookUpTable.GetEnumerator() |
ForEach-Object {
$Target = '^{0}' -f $_.Name
$LineList = $LineList -replace $Target, $_.Value
output ...
Wizbang Shadooby sdfq A er Z xcv
qwertyuiop A
666 is the number of the beast xcvbnm
666 is the number of the beast A xcvbnm
qwertyuiop Z
# Here is a complete, working script that beginners can read.
# This thread
# Using regex in a key/value lookup table in powershell?
# User-modifiable variables.
# substitutions
# We need to specify what we're looking for (keys).
# We need to specify our substitutions (values).
# Example: Looking for A and substituting 1 in its place.
# Add as many pairs as you like.
# Here I use an array of objects instead of a Hashtable so that I can specify upper- and lowercase matches.
# Use the regular expression caret (^) to match the beginning of a line.
$substitutions = #(
[PSCustomObject]#{ Key = '^A'; Value = '1' },
[PSCustomObject]#{ Key = '^B'; Value = '2' },
[PSCustomObject]#{ Key = '^Sit'; Value = '[Replaced Text]' }, # Example for my Latin placeholder text.
[PSCustomObject]#{ Key = 'nihil'; Value = '[replaced text 2]' }, # Lowercase example.
[PSCustomObject]#{ Key = 'Nihil'; Value = '[Replaced Text 3]' } # Omit comma for the last array item.
# Folder where we are looking for files.
$inputFolder = 'C:\Users\Michael\PowerShell\Using regex in a key value lookup table in powershell\input'
# Here I've created some sample files using Latin placeholder text from
# Folder where we are saving the modified files.
# This can be the same as the input folder.
# I'm creating this so we can test without corrupting the original files.
$outputFolder = 'C:\Users\Michael\PowerShell\Using regex in a key value lookup table in powershell\output'
#$outputFolder = $inputFolder
# We are only interested in files ending with .dns
$filterString = '*.dns'
# Here is an example for text files.
#$filterString = '*.txt'
# For all files.
#$filterString = '*.*'
# More info.
# Search on the page for -Filter
# You won't need to update any variables after this line.
# ===================================================================
# Generate a list of files to look at.
$fileList = Get-ChildItem $inputFolder -Filter $filterString
# Simple example.
# get-content .\apple.dns | % { $_ -replace "sit", "michael" } | set-content "C:\output\apple.dns"
# input file substitutions output
# Set up loops.
# For each file.
# For each key-value pair.
# "For each key-value pair."
# Create a function.
# Pipe in a string.
# Specify a list of substitutions.
# Make the substitutions.
# Output a modified string.
filter find_and_replace ([object[]] $substitutions)
# The automatic variable $_ will be a line from the file.
# This comes from the pipeline.
# Copy the input string.
# This avoids modifying a pipeline object.
$myString = $_
# Look at each key-value pair passed to the function.
# In practice, these are the ones we defined at the top of the script.
foreach ($pair in $substitutions)
# Modify the strings.
# Update the string after each search.
# case-sensitive -creplace instead of -replace
$myString = $myString -creplace $pair.Key, $pair.Value
# Output the final, modified string.
# "For each file."
# main
# Do something with each file.
foreach ($file in $fileList)
# Where are we saving the output?
$outputFile = Join-Path -Path $outputFolder -ChildPath $file.Name
# Create a pipeline.
# Pipe strings to our function.
# Let the function modify the strings.
# Save the output to the output folder.
# This mirrors our simple example but with dynamic files and substitutions.
# find_and_replace receives strings from the pipeline and we pass $substitutions into it.
Get-Content $file | find_and_replace $substitutions | Set-Content $outputFile
# The problem with piping files into a pipeline is that
# by the time the pipeline gets to Set-Content,
# we only have modified strings
# and we have no information to create the path for an output file.
# ex [System.IO.FileInfo[]] | [String[]] | [String] | Set-Content ?
# Instead, we're in a loop that preserves context.
# And we have the opportunity to create and use the variable $outputFile
# ex foreach ($file in [System.IO.FileInfo[]])
# ex $outputFile = ... $file ...
# ex [String[]] | [String] | Set-Content $outputFile
# Quote
# (Get-Content -Path $file -Raw)
# By omitting -Raw, we get: one string for each line.
# This is instead of getting: one string for the whole file.
# This keeps us from having to use
# the .NET regular expression multiline option (and the subexpression \r?$)
# while matching.
# What it is.
# Multiline Mode
# How you would get started.
# Miscellaneous Constructs in Regular Expressions

Performing A String Operation in a -replace Expression

I'm trying to make using of String.Substring() to replace every string with its substring from a certain position. I'm having a hard time figuring out the right syntax for this.
$dirs = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $path | Format-Table -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders -Property #{n='Mode';e={$_.Mode};width=50}, #{n='LastWriteTime';e={$_.LastWriteTime};width=50}, #{n='Length';e={$_.Length};width=50}, #{n='Name';e={$_.FullName -replace "(.:.*)", "*($(str($($_.FullName)).Substring(4)))*"}} | Out-String -Width 40960
I'm referring to the following expression
e={$_.FullName -replace "(.:.*)", "*($(str($($_.FullName)).Substring(4)))*"}}
The substring from the 4th character isn't replacing the Full Name of the path.
The paths in question are longer than 4 characters.
The output is just empty for the Full Name when I run the script.
Can someone please help me out with the syntax
The unaltered list of strings (as Get-ChildItem recurses) would be
The $_.FullName will therefore take on the value of each of the strings listed above.
Given an input like D:\this\is or D:\this\is\where, then I'm computing the length of this input (including the delimiter \) and then replacing $_.FullName with a substring beginning from the nth position where n is the length of the input.
If input is D:\this\is, then length is 10.
Expected output is
If you want to remove a particular prefix from a string you can do so like this:
$prefix = 'D:\this\is'
$_.FullName -replace ('^' + [regex]::Escape($prefix))
To remove a prefix of a given length you can do something like this:
$len = 4
$_.FullName -replace "^.{$len}"
When having trouble, simplify:
This function will do what you are apparently trying to accomplish:
Function Remove-Parent {
$len = $Parent.length
The following is not the way you likely would use it but does demonstrate that the function returns the expected results:
'# -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { Remove-Parent $_ 'D:\This\Is' }
# Outputs
Just call the function with the current path ($_.fullname) and the "prefix" you are expecting to remove.
The function above is doing this strictly on 'length' but you could easily adapt it to match the actual string with either a string replace or a regex replace.
Function Remove-Parent {
$remove = [regex]::Escape($Parent)
$Path -replace "^$remove"
The output was the same as above.

Find and Replace character only in certain column positions in each line

I'm trying to write a script to find all the periods in the first 11 characters or last 147 characters of each line (lines are fixed width of 193, so I'm attempting to ignore characters 12 through 45).
First I want a script that will just find all the periods from the first or last part of each line, but then if I find them I would like to replace all periods with 0's, but ignore periods on the 12th through 45th line and leaving those in place. It would scan all the *.dat files in the directory and create period free copies in a subfolder. So far I have:
$data = get-content "*.dat"
foreach($line in $data)
Then I run this with > Output.txt then do a select-string Output.txt -pattern ".". As you can see I'm a long ways from my goal as presently my program is mashing all the files together, and I haven't figured out how to do any replacement yet.
Get-Item *.dat |
ForEach-Object {
$file = $_
$_ |
Get-Content |
ForEach-Object {
$beginning = $_.Substring(0,12) -replace '\.','0'
$middle = $_.Substring(12,44)
$end = $_.Substring(45,147) -replace '\.','0'
'{0}{1}{2}' -f $beginning,$middle,$end
} |
Set-Content -Path (Join-Path $OutputDir $file.Name)
You can use the powershell -replace operator to replace the "." with "0". Then use substring as you do to build up the three portions of the string you're interested in to get the updated string. This will output an updated line for each line of your input.
$data = get-content "*.dat"
foreach($line in $data)
($line.SubString(0,12) -replace "\.","0") + $line.SubString(13,34) + ($line.substring(46,147) -replace "\.","0")
Note that the -replace operator performs a regular expression match and the "." is a special regular expression character so you need to escape it with a "\".