Is there a way to click on selected object on jubula? - eclipse

I'm using Jubula to automate a JavaFX application. The problem is that, when I selected a tabbed component, I want to click right on this component. However, this component isn't mapped cause I selected it with index.
Is there a way to click on it with the right button?

If the mouse in in the component, Jubula does not change the position for the next action(except it is specified in the action).
This means if you select the tab with the select tab action. You could do another action e.g. "select context menu" at the exact same position.


How to resize component in a specific state Adobe XD

I want to have this component's size to only encapsulate the info button not the whole area. Is there a way to have a component have different sizes depending on components state.
Right now when i hover over that entire green area it changes to hover state, i want it to only activate when the "i" is hovered
If you choose the component state and go to the left menu you can hide layer you dont want
I know this is an old post but hopefully this helps someone. This same problem was driving me insane! But there is a simple solution:
Rather than using the default "Hover State" in the component create a "New State" which will function as your hover state and name it whatever you like and design the default and new states. Then, go to the Prototype tab, select the icon you want to trigger the hover animation, then add a new Interaction on the right panel. Set the Trigger to Hover, and the Destination to your new state. Works perfectly, and now you will only trigger the hover animation when hover over your icon rather than the entire component area.

WicketTester: How to click secondary mouse button?

I want to test a wicket component which shows a context menu on click with the secondary mouse button.
With I can click obviously simulate a click on a component. But how do I simulate a click with the secondary mouse button?
WicketTester does not provide means to test JavaScript!
If the context menu is being shown with Wicket Ajax call to the server to make it visible then you can do tester.executeAjaxBehavior(...).
If the menu is shown via JavaScript in the browser then WicketTester cannot check whether it is visible or not. But in that case you should be able to test selecting a menu item, i.e. sending an Ajax call with the appropriate value for the item.

Is there any event on Click of OK button in Properties Window

I am using this EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified method for tracing the changes in the properties window of an element in EA.
I need to know is there any event on click of “OK/Cancel/Apply” buttons in the properties window of EA.
As shown in the image, i need to know is there any event that will be called particularly on click of "OK/Cancel/Apply" buttons of that window
It's either EA_OnPostNewElement if the element has been created newly or EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified if you have modified an existing element.
Btw. you find both in the help in this chapter and this one.

Contextmenu and DragnDrop on right click using jquery easyUI

I have integrated jQuery easyUI plugin for Treegrid (editable and drag n drop feature). All the features has been successfully implemented. There's one feature of behaving as "When a user right click it should the "Custom Context menu" that is done, but at the same time if user right click and drag the row then it should allow user to drop the same row within treegrid.
In my case it allows when I use left click, but when trying the same with right click and drag - nothing happens, it will just show me the "ContextMenu" of the row which drop into.
If anybody knows the solution then please let me know at the earliest.
jQuery EasyUI 1.4.2
These are the jquery which have been integrated.

Ms access form: field order

can I somehow set in what order the text fields become active after pressing the "Tab" button?
I think it depends on when you added the field and not where it is in the form. So can I change this or I should add the fields in the order I want to switch them with the "Tab" button?
There are at least a couple of ways to change tab order.
With the form in design view, right click on an area of the form without a control. On the context menu that appears, click on Tab Order. A dialog will open that will allow you to change the tab order.
Another method is via the property sheet for each control. On the Other tab there is a property for Tab Order. Just set it to whatever you like.