How to stop local server with Parcel bundler - parceljs

I am using API of Parcel bundler to build and start a local server.
const Bundler = require('parcel-bundler');
let entryFile = ...;
let options = ...;
(async function() {
let bundler = new Bundler(entryFile, options);
let b = await bundler.serve();
I would like to stop the server at some point. I cannot find this in their documentation. Is there a method that allows me to stop the server?

Yes, there is a method close.
let bundler = new Bundler(entryFile, options);
let b = await bundler.serve();


What is the proper way to run fetch calls which use reactive components from a store?

I am getting two reactive variables I need from a store to use for my fetch calls. I need these fetch calls to rerun when the data in these store values change. I am able to make this work however when I reload the page it causes my app to crash because there are no values that are getting from the store. I am able to make it work if I disable ssr on the +page.js file.
I also believe it is relevant to mention that I am using a relative URL (/api) to make the fetch call because I have a proxy server to bypass CORS
What is the proper way to get this data by rerunning the fetch calls using a reactive component from a store without disabling ssr? Or is this the best/only solution?
import { dateStore, shiftStore } from '../../../lib/store';
$: shift = $shiftStore
$: date = $dateStore
* #type {any[]}
export let comments = []
* #type {any[]}
let areas = []
async function getComments() {
const response = await fetch(`/api/${date.toISOString().split('T')[0]}/${shift}/1`)
comments = await response.json()
async function getAreas() {
const response = await fetch(`/api/api/TurnReportArea/1/${date.toISOString().split('T')[0]}/${shift}`)
areas = await response.json()
// both of these call function if date or shift value changes
$: date && shift && getAreas()
$: date , shift , getComments()
I tried to use the +page.js file for my fetch calls, however I cannot use the reactive values in the store in the +page.js file. Below the date variable is set as a 'Writble(Date)' When I try to add the $ in front of the value let dare = $dateStore, I get the error 'Cannot find name '$dateSrote'' If i put the $ in the fetch call I get the error 'Cannot find $date'. Even if I were able to make this work, I do not understand how my page would know to rerender if these fetch calls were ran so I do not think this is the solution. As I mentioned, the only solution I have found is to disable ssr on the +page.js, which I do not think is the best way to fix this issue.
import { dateStore, shiftStore } from "../../../lib/store"
export const load = async ({ }) => {
let shift = shiftStore
let date = dateStore
const getComments = async() => {
const commentRes = await fetch(`/api/${date.toISOString().split('T')[0]}/${shift}/1`)
const comments = await commentRes.json()
const getAreas = async () => {
const areasRes = await fetch(`/api/api/TurnReportArea/1/${date.toISOString().split('T')[0]}/${shift}`)
const areas = await areasRes.json()
return {
comments: getComments(),
areas: getAreas()

AWS Route53 Recovery Controller error when getting or updating the control state using .net

I am trying to get Amazon's Route53 Recovery Controller to update control states from a .net application and I keep getting an error. I see on the documentation that I need to set the region and cluster endpoint, but I can't figure out how to do it.
Here a sample of the code I am using:
AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigConfig configConfig = new AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigConfig();
configConfig.RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.USWest2;
AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigClient configClient = new AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigClient(_awsCredentials, configConfig);
DescribeClusterResponse describeClusterResponse = await configClient.DescribeClusterAsync(new DescribeClusterRequest()
ClusterArn = "arn:aws:route53-recovery-control::Account:cluster/data"
foreach (ClusterEndpoint clusterEndpoint in describeClusterResponse.Cluster.ClusterEndpoints)
AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterConfig clusterConfig = new AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterConfig();
clusterConfig.RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(clusterEndpoint.Region);
AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterClient client = new AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterClient(_awsCredentials, clusterConfig);
GetRoutingControlStateResponse getRoutingControlStateResponseWest = await client.GetRoutingControlStateAsync(new GetRoutingControlStateRequest()
RoutingControlArn = "arn:aws:route53-recovery-control::Account:controlpanel/data/routingcontrol/data"
GetRoutingControlStateResponse getRoutingControlStateResponseEast = await client.GetRoutingControlStateAsync(new GetRoutingControlStateRequest()
RoutingControlArn = "arn:aws:route53-recovery-control::Account:controlpanel/data/routingcontrol/data"
UpdateRoutingControlStatesRequest request = new UpdateRoutingControlStatesRequest();
request.UpdateRoutingControlStateEntries = new List<UpdateRoutingControlStateEntry>()
new UpdateRoutingControlStateEntry()
RoutingControlArn = "arn:aws:route53-recovery-control::Account:controlpanel/data/routingcontrol/data",
RoutingControlState = getRoutingControlStateResponseWest.RoutingControlState == RoutingControlState.On ? RoutingControlState.Off : RoutingControlState.On
new UpdateRoutingControlStateEntry()
RoutingControlArn = "arn:aws:route53-recovery-control::Account:controlpanel/data/routingcontrol/data",
RoutingControlState = getRoutingControlStateResponseEast.RoutingControlState == RoutingControlState.On ? RoutingControlState.Off : RoutingControlState.On
UpdateRoutingControlStatesResponse response = await client.UpdateRoutingControlStatesAsync(request);
if (response.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
When this code executes I get this error when it tries to get the control state: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.
I see in the java example you can set the region and the data plane url endpoint, but I don't see the equivalent in .net.
This works when I use the cli which I can also set the region and url endpoint.
What am I doing wrong here?
There is a solution to this question here:
Essentially use the ServiceURL on the configuration object and add a trailing / to the endpoint url.
AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterConfig clusterRecoveryConfig = new AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterConfig();
clusterRecoveryConfig.ServiceURL = $"{clusterEndpoint.Endpoint}/";
AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterClient client = new AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterClient(_awsCredentials, clusterRecoveryConfig);

Power BI REST API ExportToFileInGroup Not Working

I am able to programmatically log in to the PowerBI Client, gather my Workspaces as well as get a specific Report from a specific Workspace. I need to programmatically render that report to a .pdf or .xlsx file. Allegedly this is possible with the ExportToFileInGroup/ExportToFileInGroupAsync methods. I even created a very simple report without any parameters. I can embed this using the sample app from here. So that at least tells me that I have what I need setup in the backend. But it fails when I try to run the ExportToFileInGroupAsync method (errors below code.)
My Code is:
var accessToken = await tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(new string[] {
var userInfo = await graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();
var userName = userInfo.Mail;
AuthDetails authDetails = new AuthDetails {
UserName = userName,
AccessToken = accessToken,
var credentials = new TokenCredentials($"{accessToken}", "Bearer");
PowerBIClient powerBIClient = new PowerBIClient(credentials);
var groups = await powerBIClient.Groups.GetGroupsAsync();
var theGroup = groups.Value
.Where(x => x.Name == "SWIFT Application Development")
var groupReports = await powerBIClient.Reports.GetReportsAsync(theGroup.Id);
var theReport = groupReports.Value
.Where(x => x.Name == "No Param Test")
var exportRequest = new ExportReportRequest {
Format = FileFormat.PDF,
string result = "";
try {
var response = await powerBIClient.Reports.ExportToFileInGroupAsync(theGroup.Id, theReport.Id, exportRequest);
result = response.ReportId.ToString();
} catch (Exception e) {
result = e.Message;
return result;
It gets to the line in the try block and then throws the following errors:
An error occurred while sending the request.
Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host..
Relating to #AndreyNikolov question, here is our Embedded capacity:
After this was implemented, no change. Same exact error.
Turns out the issue was on our side, more specifically, security/firewall settings. Here is the exact quote from our networking guru.
"After some more investigation we determined that our firewall was causing this issue when it was terminating the SSL connection. We were able to add a bypass for the URL and it is now working as expected."

How do you get a list of all project iterations using the Azure DevOps Services .NET SDK?

I'd like to get a list of all the iterations for a given project in a Azure DevOps repository, using the .NET API.
Is there any example of how to do this? The current documentation ( is pretty thin.
Below is a working example of how to achieve this.
You need to reference Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Work.WebApi.
public async Task<List<TeamSettingsIteration>> GetProjectIterations(string serverUrl, string projectName)
var uri = new Uri(serverUrl);
var creds = new VssClientCredentials(new WindowsCredential(true), new VssFederatedCredential(true), CredentialPromptType.PromptIfNeeded);
var azureDevopsConnection = new VssConnection(uri, creds);
await azureDevopsConnection.ConnectAsync();
WorkHttpClient azureDevOpsWorkHttpClient = azureDevopsConnection.GetClient<WorkHttpClient>();
TeamContext teamContext = new TeamContext(projectName);
List<TeamSettingsIteration> results= await azureDevOpsWorkHttpClient.GetTeamIterationsAsync(teamContext);
return results;

Can I deploy fulfillment in my own server with Actions SDK?

I'm a beginner, and I can't understand something about building fulfillment with the Node.js client library (Actions SDK). The development document use the Actions SDK by firebase, but I don't want to deploy fulfillment by firebase.
So I don't know how to deploy fulfillment in my own server with Actions SDK. Please tell me how to do it. Thanks!
Here is one working example with nodeJs library
'use strict';
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var exps = express();
const ApiAiApp = require('actions-on-google').ApiAiApp;
// API.AI actions
const WELCOME_ACTION = 'input.welcome';'/hook', function(request, response) {
const app = new ApiAiApp({request, response});
function greetUser (app) {
app.tell("Hello World!");
let actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set(WELCOME_ACTION, greetUser);
exps.listen((process.env.PORT || 7001), function() {
console.log("App up and running, listening.")
above example will return "Hello World"
You also need to keep in mind that & actions-on-google only accept https fulfillment. Without SSL you won't be able to connect to your webhook.