Can I deploy fulfillment in my own server with Actions SDK? - actions-on-google

I'm a beginner, and I can't understand something about building fulfillment with the Node.js client library (Actions SDK). The development document use the Actions SDK by firebase, but I don't want to deploy fulfillment by firebase.
So I don't know how to deploy fulfillment in my own server with Actions SDK. Please tell me how to do it. Thanks!

Here is one working example with nodeJs library
'use strict';
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var exps = express();
const ApiAiApp = require('actions-on-google').ApiAiApp;
// API.AI actions
const WELCOME_ACTION = 'input.welcome';'/hook', function(request, response) {
const app = new ApiAiApp({request, response});
function greetUser (app) {
app.tell("Hello World!");
let actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set(WELCOME_ACTION, greetUser);
exps.listen((process.env.PORT || 7001), function() {
console.log("App up and running, listening.")
above example will return "Hello World"
You also need to keep in mind that & actions-on-google only accept https fulfillment. Without SSL you won't be able to connect to your webhook.


How to trigger Google Composer Airflow dag using appscript?

I want to trigger a Google Composer airflow dag using Appscript. Is there any way to do it via rest API or another way.
If it is possible please suggest the solution.
Airflow has an endpoint that allows to trigger a DAG through its REST API, however it’s not possible to access it directly, since within the Cloud Composer architecture, the Airflow web server is located under an App Engine flexible environment. By default, the Airflow web server is integrated with Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) and authentication is required.
Based on that, I found an example in the Cloud Composer documentation, that guides you to trigger a DAG using Cloud Functions, although the code is in JavaScript I don’t think it’s possible to execute it by Google App Script.
On the other hand, a workaround is to follow the Triggering DAGs guide changing some settings as follows.
In the creation of the function instead of setting the trigger type as Cloud Storage set it as HTTP, and check the “Allow unauthenticated invocations” for test purpose. An URL will be displayed, the goal is that every time that URL is accessed the DAG is executed.
Modify the first part of the index.js file, since no data would be passed as parameters and also the makeIapPostRequest function to return the response of the API call.
exports.triggerDag = async (req, res) => { // Modification
// Fill in your Composer environment information here.
// The project that holds your function
const PROJECT_ID = 'your-project-id';
// Navigate to your webserver's login page and get this from the URL
const CLIENT_ID = 'your-iap-client-id';
// This should be part of your webserver's URL:
// {tenant-project-id}
const WEBSERVER_ID = 'your-tenant-project-id';
// The name of the DAG you wish to trigger
const DAG_NAME = 'composer_sample_trigger_response_dag';
// Other constants
const WEBSERVER_URL = `https://${WEBSERVER_ID}${DAG_NAME}/dag_runs`;
const USER_AGENT = 'gcf-event-trigger';
const BODY = {conf: ‘’}; // Modification
// Make the request
try {
const iap = await authorizeIap(CLIENT_ID, PROJECT_ID, USER_AGENT);
const apiReponse = await makeIapPostRequest(WEBSERVER_URL, BODY, iap.idToken, USER_AGENT); // Modification
res.status(200).send('DAG_running!'); // Modification
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error authorizing IAP:', err.message);
throw new Error(err);
const makeIapPostRequest = async (url, body, idToken, userAgent) => {
const res = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'User-Agent': userAgent,
Authorization: `Bearer ${idToken}`,
body: JSON.stringify(body),
if (!res.ok) {
const err = await res.text();
console.error('Error making IAP post request:', err.message);
throw new Error(err);
return {
apiRes: res.ok, // Modification
At this point, anything else has to be changed, so in your Script file execute the next instructions in order to trigger the DAG.
function myFunction() {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("Cloud-function-URL");
Finally, verify in the Airflow web interface if the DAG was triggered.

Getting Undefined value for SignIn.status during account linking

I am working on the Account Linking & set google Sign-IN in Linking type in Google.
I have created two intents, one will call the google Sign-In feature and the second one will read the data from google account for. eg. email id, name.
In Intent 1, I have enabled the webhook call for this intent.
In Intent 2, I have set Event to actions_intent_SIGN_IN & enabled the webhook call for this intent.
Though my these functions (Intents results) in Inline Editors are successfully executing, still I am getting Undefined value for SignIn.status, code is given below, please help.
'use strict';
const {dialogflow, SignIn} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = dialogflow({
clientId: "",
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const {Card, Suggestion} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug'; // enables lib debugging statements
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
function accountlinking(agent) {
var signin=new SignIn('To get your account details');
function testsignData(agent) {
console.log("status :"+SignIn.status);
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('Intent1', accountlinking);
intentMap.set('Intent2', testsignData);
1). On my Action calling, it is asking for the Google Account linking first and after linking process only it is moving ahead. But I need to get into the action, have a little conversation and when required only then asking for the Linking. I need to call via my intent. How to do that?
2). Though my these functions (Intents results) are successfully executing, still I am getting Undefined value for SignIn.status
Your testSigninData() function is calling Signin.status, but you don't have any variable called SignIn in this function, so that is why it is undefined. Try changing your function so it accepts a conv, params and signin object that are given during a sign-in.
If you have a look at the account linking documentation you can see which parameters are provided during the accountlinking process.
Example accountlinking setup for Actions on Google
const {dialogflow, SignIn} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = dialogflow({
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
// Intent that starts the account linking flow.
app.intent('Start Signin', (conv) => {
conv.ask(new SignIn('To get your account details'));
// Create a Dialogflow intent with the `actions_intent_SIGN_IN` event.
app.intent('Get Signin', (conv, params, signin) => {
if (signin.status === 'OK') {
const payload = conv.user.profile.payload;
conv.ask(`I got your account details, ${}. What do you want to do next?`);
} else {
conv.ask(`I won't be able to save your data, but what do you want to do next?`);
The above code uses the actions on google dialogflow handler called app. In your code you are using the WebhookClient object to handle dialogflow intents. I'm not sure if you can use the WebhookClient for actions on google accountlinking.
If it still doesn't work after you changed the testSigninDate function parameters, it might be worth trying to remove the webhookclient and see if you can use the app.intent() calls to handle your intents just like the above code example.

Update clientId after initializing Google Actions SDK for NodeJS

I'm using the account linking feature for Actions SDK and following the guide here (
It shows the initialization like this
const app = actionssdk({
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
But for my use case, I'll read the clientId from DB which is stored against the projectId of the project. I can extract the projectId only after the MAIN intent is triggered.
My question is, how can I set the clientId after initializing actionssdk?
This solution uses the new Actions SDK, but the principal is the same for the legacy SDK as well:
const {
} = require('#assistant/conversation');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const wrapper = async (req, res) => {
// You can get any data you need here:
const myAsyncBootstrapData = await getData();
const app = conversation({debug: true, ...myAsyncBootstrapData});
app.handle('welcome', (conv) => {
conv.add('This is a demo.');
return app(req, res);
exports.ActionsOnGoogleFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(wrapper);
functions.https.onRequest accepts any callable, including ones that return promises. If you need to block while loading configuration data asynchronously, you can do so by wrapping your definition in an async function.
I found a simple solution to this. I am adding it here for future references.
// handler.js
async function handleRequest(req, res) {
const clientId = // retrieve the clienId using your business logic
const app = actionssdk({
clientId: clientId
module.exports = handleRequest;
Instead of directly creating an instance of actionssdk, wrap it inside a function like this.
// index.js
const handler = require('./path/to/hander.js');'/webhook', handler);
Then when defining the webhook, use the wrapper function to handle the webhook requests

How to query firestore with the Dialogflow inline editor to get information

I am using the inline editor within Dialogflow with the aim of making queries to the database I have created within Firestore.
In short, the user requests a list of courses, I'd like the chatbot to then grab that information form the db and display that back to the user.
Below I have tried to create a function that will do this, I want to take the user input, say "Art Courses" and have my db return those results.
So far, I have created a function that is triggered when the intent is matched, like so;
function getCourses(agent){
let courseRequest = agent.parameters.courseRequest;
if (getCourses){
console.log('Here is the list you requested for ${getCourses}' + parameters.courseRequest);
return admin.firestore().collection('Course_Information').doc.where('CoureTypes').get();
Are there any notable things I need to add to my function to perform what I wish to achieve?
Thank you.
This code deploys fine, but when I communicate with my bot and trigger the CourseEnquiry intent, cloud Functions shows this error:
admin.collection is not a function
Whilst this seems self explanatory I can't make sure of what it means, I thought declaring const admin = require('firebase-admin');enables me to use admin.collection
// See
// for Dialogflow fulfillment library docs, samples, and to report issues
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const {Card, Suggestion} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug'; // enables lib debugging statements
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
console.log('Dialogflow Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers));
console.log('Dialogflow Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));
function getDate(agent){
var today = new Date();
function welcome(agent) {
agent.add(`Welcome to my agent!`);
function test(agent){
agent.add("The test is successful");
function getCourses(agent){
// Get the database collection and document
const getCourseDoc = admin.collection('Course_Information').doc('Course_Types');
return getCourseDoc.get()
.then(doc => {
if (!doc.exists) {
agent.add('No data found in the database!');
} else {
return Promise.resolve('Here is the information you wanted');
}).catch(() => {
agent.add('Error reading entry from the Firestore database.');
function getSubmissionDateSep(agent){
agent.add('Your next submission date is for coursework 1 is');
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('Default Welcome Intent', welcome);
intentMap.set('Test_Test', test);
intentMap.set('CourseEnquiry', getCourses);
intentMap.set('Submission_Dates - sept', getSubmissionDateSep);
Hey guys, still not got anywhere with this, I have tried adding:
const db = admin.firestore();
According to this document but I get this error when deploying:
The deployment of your Cloud Function failed:
Function load error: Code in file index.js can't be loaded.
Is there a syntax error in your code?
Detailed stack trace: Error: Firebase config variables are not available. Please use the latest version of the Firebase CLI to deploy this function.
You don't show how you're responding to the user with your results, but you'll want to make sure you handle that as part of the then() clause in a Promise. Since the get() in the firestore collection returns a Promise, and you are returning it from your function, you need to make sure that the calling function treats it as a Promise, has a then() clause, and sends back the result as part of something inside this clause.

How do I subscribe to Facebook Realtime API?

I'm developing a desktop application and I want to subscrbe to Facebook Realtime API.
This is my code on the client (WPF app):
After my code is executed, at fb.Post I get the following error: (OAuthException) (#15) This method is not supported for native apps.
I also tried the code from ASP.NET and got the same error, so I don't this the message is very intuitive.
How can I solve this problem and succesfully subscribe to Facebook Realtime API?
var tokenUrl = "" + Constants.Facebook.AppId + "&client_secret=" + Constants.Facebook.AppSecret + "&grant_type=client_credentials";
var requestToken = WebRequest.Create(tokenUrl);
HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)requestToken.GetResponse();
Stream resst = res.GetResponseStream();
var sr = new StreamReader(resst);
string responseToken = sr.ReadToEnd();
var app_access_token = responseToken.Replace("access_token=", "");
var callback_url = "[MY CALLBACK URL]";
var fb = new FacebookClient(app_access_token);
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters.Add("object", "user");
parameters.Add("fields", "feed");
parameters.Add("callback_url", callback_url);
parameters.Add("verify_token", "abc");
parameters.Add("access_token", app_access_token);
var uri = string.Format("{0}/subscriptions?", Constants.Facebook.AppId);
var response = fb.Post(uri, parameters);
Your application configured as "Native Application" in developer app (advanced settings) and as stated in error this type of apps can't use Real-Time updates (sounds like a good reason to me).
Documentation for Real-Time Updates omit this info, you can file a bug and see what officials say...