I am trying to install the MATLAB Runtime (see www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/mcr) on Ubuntu.
I think what I did is right before it tell me to set environment variables, others need to set two variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLRESDIR, but when I install MCR , the config information only tell me to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Has anyone out there successfully installed MATLAB Runtime(R2017b (9.3)) on Ubuntu? Any help would be appreciated.
I have downloaded SoPlex, but I don't know how to install it so that I can use it in Matlab. The installation says that CMake can be used to install it (https://soplex.zib.de/doc/html/INSTALL.php), but I don't know how to do it on Windows. I get error of configuration when I use CMake GUI probably because of not knowing which folder to choose. Is there any other way to download and use this software directly on Matlab?
Thanks for any help
I am installing the MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler for use in MATLAB 20176b but there is several errors for that. How can install this compiler with all the necessary adjustments to use in Matlab 2016b?
As the first way directly from Matlab:
Downloaded the MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler for Windows from here:
After running true Matlab and approval for installation and installing the packages, it gives an error as:
There was a problem installing the third-party software. To resolve
this issue, contact Technical Support
The second approach is to install the MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler separately and then adjust to use in Matlab. But After installation Matlab doesn't recognize it.
The details provided on Matlab not recognizing the MinGW installation are a bit vague, but I'll take a shot at it.
When installing MinGW, the default installation directory is one with spaces in the path (Program Files). For some reason, this is not supported by Matlab (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/compiling-c-mex-files-with-mingw.html):
Do not install MinGW in a location with spaces in the path name. For example, do not use: C:\Program Files\TDM-GCC-64
In my situation, I installed MinGW directly on the C drive. As such, my installation directory has the following layout:
Once that is installed, all you need to do is point Matlab to the installation directory, in my case, I need to run the following command:
After that, you should be squared away to run the mex compilation command.
Using 2012b on Centos6 I compiled my code using deploytool.
To be sure I'm doing things correctly, I re-install the MCR to make sure I'm using the exact version matlab wants me to use. Following the instructions after installing the MCR (v83) I append the corresponding paths to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLRESDIR.
When I use the run_myProgram.sh script. It echos out the library paths and I can see that the MCR paths are correct.
However, at the startup of my compiled program, I'm getting this error:
"error while loading shared libraries: libmwmclmcrrt.so.8.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
Anyone out there have a way to fix this? For example, is it a problem with my system configuration or a problem with my deployment?
The plot thickens. I noticed that in the MCR installation, I only have libmwmclmcrrt.so.8.3. How does the deploytool not give me the version I need?
You need to download MCR version 8.0 for r2012b. Please see the table here : MCR Version Table
I am trying to install the MATLAB Runtime (see www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/mcr) on Cent0S 7. I think I have installed MCR correctly because the install finishes through saying it completed after running
sudo ./install -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes
However, I am currently getting a error of:
Fatal error loading library /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v80/bin/glnxa64/libmwmclmcr.so Error: libXmu.so.6: cannot open shared object file
I have searched around on the forums and found a couple of post that indicate this may be an issue with either 32-bit vs. 64-bit libraries and/or X Windows. Also, I am pretty sure I am setting the following environment LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLRESDIR set variables correctly.
Has anyone out there successfully installed MATLAB Runtime on CentOS 7? Any help would be appreciated.
In case anyone else has this issue the following library install fixed the issue for me:
sudo yum install libXmu.x86_64
I am deploying a Java EE project in a server that uses the MCR of Matlab for some image processing functions. I've been trying this for months I can't make it work. The problem is when it is going to uses the MCR it cannot find the .so libraries. I got this error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Failed to find the library libmwmclmcrrt.so.7.13, required by MATLAB builder JA, on java.library.path. This library is typically installed along with MATLAB or the MCR, its absence may indicate an issue with that installation or r the current path configuration. The MCR version that this component is trying to use is 7.13.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Failed to find the library libmwmclmcrrt.so.7.13, required by MATLAB Builder JA, on java.library.path. This library is typically installed along with MATLAB or the MCR, its absence may indicate an issue with that installation or the current path configuration. The MCR version that this component is trying to use is: 7.13.
The servers uses:
Ubutuntu 64 bits.
Netbeans 7.4
java 6 sdk
first it uses MCR 7.13 now it uses MCR 8.1
Things I've already tried:
Setting the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLERSDIR with export:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/runtime/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/bin/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/sys/os/glnxa64:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/server:/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export XAPPLRESDIR=/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v81/X11/app-defaults
Setting the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLERSDIR with setenv:
Command setenv not found
Edit ld.so.conf file and run ldconfig
Add -Djava.library.path=my/path/to/so in glassfish
Add -Djava.library.path=my/path/to/so in Netbeans like says here:
giving 'java.library.path' in netbeans for .dll/.so files
I tried to set environment variables in Netbeans like said in this post: How to set Environment Variable in Netbeans?
But I can't find "Actions"
I tried to set environment variables in Netbeans like said in this post: https://askubuntu.com/questions/267071/ld-library-path-specification
But I can't find "Environment"
I've tried lots of more things that I can't remember and none of them works, it keeps showing the same error (now for version 8.1 instead of 7.13). Please I would I appreciate any help.
I had the same problem working with Linux, Java EE and Matlab. My solution was:
Open a terminal
Log as root $ su and type password
Edit the /etc/enviroment $ gedit /etc/enviroment
Add the needed variables, in our case:
Save the file and reboot.
Start the server as root.
What happened with your other solutions, like the export, was that there was no visibility between the variables that you created and the GlassFish server. Setting variables in the environment will asure you that they are visible from any other program/process.